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Mazzlefizz 02-06-07 02:28 AM

OLD Add-On and Settings Suggestions OLD
This is a thread to post suggestions for either
  1. New add-ons you that you think should be included
  2. Add-ons that you think should be removed
  3. A change to the settings of add-ons already included.
  4. Add-ons that you think should be reclassified (for example, "I think SuperSlowModX should not be part of the Faster CPU install package")
Please be very specific and make thorough arguments. If you are suggesting a new add-on, thoroughly describe what it does and what you like about it. If you are comparing it to another add-on, try to thoroughly describe the difference and why you prefer one over the other.

If you are suggesting a different setting for an add-on currently in the UI, please describe exactly what the setting will change and why it's a better general setting.

Comments that aren't respectful to other users and dismissive comments like "add-on x is worthless" will probably be ignored and possibly deleted. It's also not useful to tell people "well, you can just install that on your own." I'm sure that they already know that.

TyWizard 02-07-07 07:12 PM

For the Shaman Layout, I strongly think the AddOn TotemTimers needs to be included.

Although the current addons put on the cooldown for totems with it, I haven't found a way to actually see how long my totems have been out for, plus its an easy way to see which ones are out still.

Durzil 02-07-07 07:15 PM

I've been buggin Mazz for a while to include Dotimer into the package (which he says hes gana look into again) if he does this totem timer addon would be redundant, and you could allways just drop one in, most people have a certain one they like anyhow

giuice 02-07-07 08:06 PM

Hey man, first of all i would like to say: Amazzle Job!
Some sugestions:
- Yata - shama totems addon - is a Ace2 addon , it works perfect for me looks like autobar bar group totems by element and when you mouse over you can click other element totems.

-nQuestLog - its Ace2 with much more features than monkey quest, its like a minion some features that a copied from wowace:(but it have much more features, like sound completion, tracks objectives and items in tooltips...)

nQuestLog allows you to track quests in a “minion” allowing you to tailor your questing path and a simple quest detail window.

nQL features:
Highlighting of quests when near the NPC for turn in
Quest detail window allowing you to see information important to the selected quest
You can see what other party members are on the same quest(s) (in a ToolTip)
You can see how many more of the hovered/selected items you need (in a ToolTip)
Sorting by zone with options to show zone level and color it due to difficulty
Minion customizations for the boarder, background, highlighting, font, padding, and window size
A FuBar plugin showing the current number of quests in your log and menu based nQL options

Great job man, i will donate as soon as a can.

Kraki 02-07-07 08:11 PM

I was actually writing to suggest nQuestLog as well when i saw you'd just done it. so I second that.

Lethalweapon 02-07-07 10:12 PM

Not sure if it is a bug or lack of update to the hunter section but aspect of the viper was not added to the hotbars. Once again another way to clean up the hunters bars zhunter. All you have to do is put zhunter in, scale it in size (down), slap it in the extra bar space in an nice way and order up the shoot/melee spells on the left side. I have put a possible suggestion image:

Kamishimi 02-07-07 10:32 PM

I'm not sure how willing Mazzle is going to be to add another solution to replace Bongos 1) when it does the same thing, and 2) after all the work he's put into getting Bongos working right and easy to edit...

Eatha 02-07-07 10:59 PM

Bongos settings suggestion for druids
For druids, I believe it would be helpful to have separate pages in Bongos when stealthed in cat form. Having Ravage and Pounce visible when not stealthed seems like wasted space. :)

coniferous 02-07-07 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Eatha
For druids, I believe it would be helpful to have separate pages in Bongos when stealthed in cat form. Having Ravage and Pounce visible when not stealthed seems like wasted space. :)

I dunno, personally, i think theres more then enough space to have everything visible.

Filarun 02-08-07 01:29 PM

Maybe this is just me being stubborn about adhering to what I learned back at launch, but in bear form, as a druid, not having attack on the 1 key really screwed me up. It's a really minor thing, but that seems like a better default option for 1 to me. Unless, of course, I'm the only idiot who still has 1 as their attack key...

Seerah 02-08-07 01:37 PM

Whenever I access the Monkey Quest options, the Monkey Buddy icon/button appears around the minimap. Am I missing an option to turn this off? Or is this a bug (and should be put in the bug forum :P )? Anyway, that's an addon setting that might need tweaked. :)

joypunk 02-08-07 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Filarun
Unless, of course, I'm the only idiot who still has 1 as their attack key...

No comment. =D

In my opinion, the 1 hotkey is very accessible and easy to use... why "restrict" it to an ability that you only press once at the start of a fight (auto-attack)? Personally, I use Alt-1.

joypunk 02-08-07 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah
Whenever I access the Monkey Quest options, the Monkey Buddy icon/button appears around the minimap. Am I missing an option to turn this off? Or is this a bug (and should be put in the bug forum :P )? Anyway, that's an addon setting that might need tweaked. :)

Hmm, this is a bug. I have a feeling this is related to a recent change that made Monkey Buddy a "load on demand" addon.

Please create a post about it in the Bug Reports thread (click here). Be sure to provide everything Mazzle asks for in the first post.


Lethalweapon 02-08-07 03:35 PM

Had some discrepencies so to say with the hunter layout not being updated so took it to my own hands and costumized it a bit hope ya don't mind mazzle. Costomized with zhunter.

AstralWolf 02-08-07 04:34 PM

Here's a couple really nice addons for consideration:

This addon is similar but different than SuperInspect. Basically, it looks at the targets inventory and computes an admittedly arbitrary but nonetheless useful "Inventory On Par score" that serves as a quick and dirty way to tell the caliber of your targets gear (it also can cache outfits it sees similar to SuperInspect, but it's the score and outputting of the score to the chatlog that I find the most useful).

While Baggins is tremendous, there are times when I just want to do a quick search for an item to see if any of my toons have it. Possessions fits that bill in a nice clean lightweight package.

P.S. Thank you so much for all your work on this tremendous interface.

kermitus 02-08-07 05:12 PM

I don't know about anyone else, but I really like the ability to search auctions and what not. I use auctioneer, its seems to work really well for me, and sometimes I make alittle extra money. Maybe I just don't know enough about AHsearch, and AH_ShowBid, but it seems to me there very limited.

Is auctioneer gonna be a possiblility, or is this just too involved, I know your goal is to keep MazzleUI compact, yet versitile with many options and addons. Maybe auctioneer will slow MazzleUI down.

Anyways thats my 2 cents.

Kermit :D

meio 02-08-07 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by kermitus
I don't know about anyone else, but I really like the ability to search auctions and what not. I use auctioneer, its seems to work really well for me, and sometimes I make alittle extra money. Maybe I just don't know enough about AHsearch, and AH_ShowBid, but it seems to me there very limited.

Is auctioneer gonna be a possiblility, or is this just too involved, I know your goal is to keep MazzleUI compact, yet versitile with many options and addons. Maybe auctioneer will slow MazzleUI down.

Anyways thats my 2 cents.

Kermit :D

Previously addressed on the feature request thread

Mazzlefizz 02-08-07 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by kermitus
I don't know about anyone else, but I really like the ability to search auctions and what not. I use auctioneer, its seems to work really well for me, and sometimes I make alittle extra money. Maybe I just don't know enough about AHsearch, and AH_ShowBid, but it seems to me there very limited.

Is auctioneer gonna be a possiblility, or is this just too involved, I know your goal is to keep MazzleUI compact, yet versitile with many options and addons. Maybe auctioneer will slow MazzleUI down.

Anyways thats my 2 cents.

Kermit :D

You're not missing anything. The auction items in the UI are very limited right now. There used to be several other add-ons included, but each was removed at some point for a different reason. The main one we used to use was KCItems before. I'm hoping that will get updated. We'll see.

I've never personally used Auctioneer. I hear it's really useful but very demanding, memory-wise. If nothing else ever pans out, I'll probably look at it again.

Mazzlefizz 02-08-07 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Lethalweapon
Had some discrepencies so to say with the hunter layout not being updated so took it to my own hands and costumized it a bit hope ya don't mind mazzle. Costomized with zhunter.

Do whatever works for you.

It sounds like you're making a pitch for zhunter. I'm not clear what it does. It looks like you're just replacing the buttons that are there with another set of nearly identical buttons. I'd be a lot more specific, if I were you.

kermitus 02-08-07 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
You're not missing anything. The auction items in the UI are very limited right now. There used to be several other add-ons included, but each was removed at some point for a different reason. The main one we used to use was KCItems before. I'm hoping that will get updated. We'll see.

I've never personally used Auctioneer. I hear it's really useful but very demanding, memory-wise. If nothing else ever pans out, I'll probably look at it again.

Well I think you are right, I went ahead and removed AH and just installed Auctioneer and its dependancys. It works fine, but goes from 42 MB's to 50 MB's but other than that it seems to work ok... my intent is not to change your Interface but its nice haveing auctioneer. So if its ok with you Mazzle I would like to use auctioneer with your interface.

Let me know,


Mazzlefizz 02-08-07 05:54 PM

Hehe, you don't need my permission to use whatever add-ons you want. It's your computer.

kermitus 02-08-07 06:05 PM

Thanks, and yeah I know its my computer. Just wanted to make sure I respected the creators wish's is all. :)


TigerHeart 02-08-07 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by kermitus
Well I think you are right, I went ahead and removed AH and just installed Auctioneer and its dependancys. It works fine, but goes from 42 MB's to 50 MB's but other than that it seems to work ok... my intent is not to change your Interface but its nice haveing auctioneer. So if its ok with you Mazzle I would like to use auctioneer with your interface.

Let me know,


Here's an interesting one for you kermitus, it goes up 8mb just from installing it :). About 3 or 4 months from now when you finally get a 'comprehensive' AH listing for a good deal of items in the game, do not be surprised when it is up around 90mb or more. Every time you do a scan, it saves each and every item it finds. Over time you store up a *LOT* of items. I guess the question here you must ask yourself, is this: Is doubling or tripling my UI memory, and thus decreasing my overall performance actually worth just having an AH price in the unlikely event a guildy asks me "How much is this worth?" or in the even less likely event I get an item and ask myself the same thing? Also, keep in mind, Auctioneer, while nice for a baseline, never can compete with actually looking items up on your own :).

This is coming from a long time Auctioneer fan. I used to have that on my *required* list. I've found out over time though, that it's really not as good as it may seem at first. Try playing without it for awhile, soon, you won't even miss it :).


kermitus 02-08-07 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by TigerHeart

Here's an interesting one for you kermitus, it goes up 8mb just from installing it :). About 3 or 4 months from now when you finally get a 'comprehensive' AH listing for a good deal of items in the game, do not be surprised when it is up around 90mb or more. Every time you do a scan, it saves each and every item it finds. Over time you store up a *LOT* of items. I guess the question here you must ask yourself, is this: Is doubling or tripling my UI memory, and thus decreasing my overall performance actually worth just having an AH price in the unlikely event a guildy asks me "How much is this worth?" or in the even less likely event I get an item and ask myself the same thing? Also, keep in mind, Auctioneer, while nice for a baseline, never can compete with actually looking items up on your own :).

This is coming from a long time Auctioneer fan. I used to have that on my *required* list. I've found out over time though, that it's really not as good as it may seem at first. Try playing without it for awhile, soon, you won't even miss it :).


Thanks for the info, i didn't even think about the long run... it will take up alot of add-on memory. I only use it to price my items that I sell... with most items I don't worry about makeing a profit, however auctioneer prices things the way I like them. So if I can find an alternative just for that reason I would ditch Auctioneer pretty quick. I have MANY WoW books too look up items and such, so its not for that...

If anyone knows of a good add-on that will keep track of prices and suggest a price when I auction an item, and thats it. Please let me know, I would much rather use something like that. Then I can run daily scans for prices and just clear the data at the end of the day. That way I don't have a build up of too much data in the long run.

Thanks TigerHeart,
Kermit :D

Seerah 02-08-07 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by joypunk
Hmm, this is a bug. I have a feeling this is related to a recent change that made Monkey Buddy a "load on demand" addon.

Please create a post about it in the Bug Reports thread (click here). Be sure to provide everything Mazzle asks for in the first post.


I will, thank you. I was wondering if the Load on Demand caused it. I guess I was just wondering if there was a way to get rid of the minimap button in the settings that I didn't see.

As for Auctioneer- I, too, once had it on my MUST HAVES list, but ditched it and several others when my memory usage would freeze my game as it reached its limit of 130MB. Yep, that's right. Had it all the way up to 130.

I switched to KCItems after that, and have decided to re-add it into MazzleUI. I will update it myself when one is released if Mazzle doesn't add it in. I don't remember the specifics of why it was removed, can anyone enlighten me? I did have a couple tooltip issues with it before switching to MazzleUI, but I never narrowed it down to whether KCItems was causing it or something else. I haven't had any issues with it yet with MazzleUI, but it's just been since last night.

TigerHeart 02-08-07 07:59 PM


If anyone knows of a good add-on that will keep track of prices and suggest a price when I auction an item, and thats it. Please let me know, I would much rather use something like that. Then I can run daily scans for prices and just clear the data at the end of the day. That way I don't have a build up of too much data in the long run.

Here's the problem: Prices change day to day, and the item you are listing may not always even be on the AH on any particular day, therefore for a 'good' estimate, you need at a minimum a months worth of data to 'calculate' a good price. In addition, there's no way to simply determine exactly what to track. Because of this, the only way to get a 'decent' guess that's even within a few hundred to thousand gold of an 'average', is to collect such data for every item on the auction house. There's no definitive guide to say "if such and such drops, it will be worth this much to you on your server."

If you were to clear it out every day, it would actually be roughly the same as, if you get an item to sell, shift-click it with the AH window open, and click search. There is a mod in MazzleUI to auto-paste the items name into the search box if you do this. Why is it worse then that? Well, because if you did your scan at the beginning of the day, the item may not be up then... in addition you are using megs upon megs of memory, in the off chance you possibly get a drop that is listed on the AH already. At least when you do a shift-click search, it shows you what is on the auction house *now*. If nothing is listed, then my best recommendation is to look on allakhazam to get a base of whether the item is worth a lot or not. Generally they are more comprehensive then you could ever be with nothing but a simple mod :). Their scans go across all servers, thus show a better baseline. It may not be 100% accurate, nothing ever will be, but at least it gives you the best possible guestimate you can get. Just always remember: Auctioneer, as well as *any* 'price tracker' that averages prices in any way can and will be cheated. To give an example I read about somewhere:

Lets say you have an item worth 10g, and you happen to have half a dozen of them. You place them on the auction house for 1000g each for a month. Now, your auctioneer is going to pick up this price, and raise it's bottom line from the 10g price to say, 500g, especially as it always sees them up at that price. After the month is over, they place it on there for 300g. You have one, and you place it for 200g thinking it'll sell, but in reality? Nobody would *ever* pay more then 10g for that item. You just wasted your gold listing it, and if you list it more then once, you lose even more!

Looking at the other half of it... if you use that nice feature in auctioneer to find 'good deals', you will see this item listed at 300g that's worth 500g, and perhaps even buy it. You list it up for say, 400g, and again, nobody is going to buy it at that price... you just got screwed out of 300g!

This is one reason I stopped using Auctioneer. The prices were very rarely accurate, and even when they were, the price of using it was extremely high... this is true of *any* mod like it, simply because of the massive amount of information it must keep track of at all times. I highly recommend against using a mod to track prices, aside from perhaps vendor prices.


kermitus 02-08-07 08:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
WOW TigerHeart you really did your homework. I will take your word for it. I don't want to track prices for a month and make a bunch of mistakes. Although it was a lazys mans tool, I know beacuse I am lazy :rolleyes:

Moveing on...

I have this box thats on my UI when I load, there is a screenshot attached so you can see what I am talking about. I was woundering what add-on managed this? when I use something in that box, like prospecting or something the box just goes away, how do i get it back? This has puzzled me for quite some time now..

SUGGESTION - Identify this box :D


mfrnka 02-08-07 08:56 PM

It's the context menu mentioned in the FAQ. You can set your options to not have it show when you first log in. By default, it's bound to shift-mouse4 and there's a hotspot for it.

Arkive 02-08-07 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by kermitus
WOW TigerHeart you really did your homework. I will take your word for it. I don't want to track prices for a month and make a bunch of mistakes. Although it was a lazys mans tool, I know beacuse I am lazy :rolleyes:

Moveing on...

I have this box thats on my UI when I load, there is a screenshot attached so you can see what I am talking about. I was woundering what add-on managed this? when I use something in that box, like prospecting or something the box just goes away, how do i get it back? This has puzzled me for quite some time now..

SUGGESTION - Identify this box :D


That question is answered in the FAQ. Also, this post isn't meant to be snarky, it's just a reminder to folks that for all of the hard work that Mazzle has put into this UI, the only thing he/she has asked from us is that we read the documentation that accompanied it.

Lethalweapon 02-08-07 10:29 PM

Mazzle Posted

Do whatever works for you.

It sounds like you're making a pitch for zhunter. I'm not clear what it does. It looks like you're just replacing the buttons that are there with another set of nearly identical buttons. I'd be a lot more specific, if I were you.
To be specific, the keybindings for the hunter were not updated. Zhunter compiles into ztrack, ztraps, zaspect, zpet, and some other nifty things. You can scale them and set to mouse over or show always, I figured why bother messing with bongos creating new bars when I can DL zhunter with all the keybindings updated and take the shots/melee attackes and put them on the other side. IMO: works out better heh less work as I see it but thats just an opinion.. Now back to the game.

kermitus 02-09-07 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Arkive
That question is answered in the FAQ. Also, this post isn't meant to be snarky, it's just a reminder to folks that for all of the hard work that Mazzle has put into this UI, the only thing he/she has asked from us is that we read the documentation that accompanied it.

right on thanks for the reminder, I did read the faq, maybe I just did not understand that part. Thanks though,

wow Mazzle talk about loyal followers, you got it good! :D


Plubb 02-09-07 09:10 AM

Magnify option.... ??
Ok... first off.... WOW Nice interface... Love it.... Everything you could ever want with 2 exceptions.... Auctioneer, and a Magnify option...Perhaps it could be done as a mouse over on the Discord frames? or hotkey or something? The writing is rather small, for us that have poor eyesight and tends to tire out eyes easy....I havent found an option to scale the whole interface perhaps even 10%? Other than that..... man..... NICE WORK!!! ;) :rolleyes:

cycu 02-09-07 11:58 AM

I have 1 suggestion maybe beter addon for lock wil be necrosis this addon have few good options for example when you gain "Nightfall" then you hear voise when target cant be feared you see icon and few more :D

Sorry for my english :P

VincentSDSH 02-09-07 01:11 PM

cycu, there's a small mod called 'TNE_Nightfall' that will play a sound and provide a nice visual notice when you have nightfall or gain a shoulshard -- it compliments shardace nicely.

MacDude 02-09-07 03:38 PM

Try adding it...

Originally Posted by cycu
I have 1 suggestion maybe beter addon for lock wil be necrosis this addon have few good options for example when you gain "Nightfall" then you hear voise when target cant be feared you see icon and few more :D

Sorry for my english :P

Try adding it. I added Cryolysis for my mage and it fit quite nicely in the dock (after a nudged a bar...)

Alaerio 02-09-07 03:38 PM

personally i replaced baggins with the very nice TBag as i feel it has more features and is easier to manage, just have to make sure to turn off your "open all bags when at vendor/mail" in the mazzleui general options

so i think including would be cool and hasn't caused any issues for me yet

also TrainerFu I find an invaluable resource for levelling tradeskills away from the trainer

Grizelda 02-09-07 04:20 PM

I have a few ideas for addons you could include. Caveat: I don't know if these addons are lean 'n' mean or memory hogs. I'm judging only on what they do, so please do let me know if I've suggested something you've already considered but discarded for memory reasons.

May I suggest Fizzwidget's Feed-o-Matic as a replacement to the KingOfTheJungle hunter addon? It's true that they both do basically the same thing, but the main reason I like the Feed-o-Matic better is that it features the option of an audible warning when your pet gets hungry. I'll admit, I got very used to hearing the sound of my boar squealing to signal it was hungry...and I let my poor kitty on my other hunter go hungry a few times last night because I didn't notice the little food icon pop up. It also features an "auto feed" button that's very convenient...I had it mapped to my comma key, so anytime I heard the warning, I'd just hit the key and go on my merry way with a happy pet.

[EDIT] I just saw from the warnings MazzleUI gives that apparently it used to be part of the compilation, but isn't anymore. If I disable KotJ and enable Feed-o-Matic, am I going to have an addon conflict?[/EDIT]

As a brand-new addition to the collection, I heartily endorse FishingBuddy. It has such great features for folks who like to fish! You can set up a fishing outfit and switch to the fishing outfit at the click of a button. It can automatically apply a lure to your line if you have one. When you switch, it can also automatically adjust your sound settings so that the bobber splash is greatly amplified (and other sounds are muted down). It keeps track of how many of each type of fish you catch in each location. The author claims to have fixed autocast again, though I hadn't gotten it to work before switching over to your compilation. It displays your fishing skill level and fish you catch in each fishing session on the left side of the screen .

(I'll be adding FishingBuddy back to my addons anyway, my first non-Mazzle addon to go back in, but it'd be nice if it was part of the collection :) )

Thanks again for a great addon compilation!

Tempestas 02-09-07 05:15 PM


1) At lleast considder adding ElkBuffBAR as there have been many compliants about being able to read the time left on the buffs and I like to graphically see the length left. (Buffs/debuffs listed on the side of the screen with bars that graphically represent how much longer they have left.) More obtrusive, but important for me as a class (druid) with multiple buffs and decurses.

2) SpeedFu - Although last time I checked, this addon had not been updated recently; it works perfectly even in outland. Very nice to notice at a glance that I am not moving at full speed in travel form/mounted due to wearing the wrong items. You might look at adding this.

Vint 02-09-07 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Grizelda

[EDIT] I just saw from the warnings MazzleUI gives that apparently it used to be part of the compilation, but isn't anymore. If I disable KotJ and enable Feed-o-Matic, am I going to have an addon conflict?[/EDIT]

Currently, yes. FOM was removed because of a conflict with Rating Buster. It'd cause errors and you wouldn't see the "X loves this food" type tooltip information. The Rating Buster author says he's reviewed the FOM code, and is pointing the finger at Fizzwidget. I haven't seen anything on the Fizzwidget site about it, and the most recent update to FOM did not address it.

Durzil 02-09-07 07:25 PM


I have 1 suggestion maybe beter addon for lock wil be necrosis this addon have few good options for example when you gain "Nightfall" then you hear voise when target cant be feared you see icon and few more

Sorry for my english :P
cycu is offline Report Bad Post

Originally Posted by VincentSDSH
cycu, there's a small mod called 'TNE_Nightfall' that will play a sound and provide a nice visual notice when you have nightfall or gain a shoulshard -- it compliments shardace nicely.

Instabolt is what I use and can be found here on this site

As far as necrosis goes we use to use it but shard ace its much more memory efficent and doens't have the large bulky interface so mazz went with shardace, if you want necrosis your welcome to install it, but shardace with instantbolt installed gets the job done, takes up less space and is more memory efficent so I'd recomend that route.

Grizelda 02-09-07 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Vint
Currently, yes. FOM was removed because of a conflict with Rating Buster. It'd cause errors and you wouldn't see the "X loves this food" type tooltip information. The Rating Buster author says he's reviewed the FOM code, and is pointing the finger at Fizzwidget. I haven't seen anything on the Fizzwidget site about it, and the most recent update to FOM did not address it.

Aw, nuts. Well, I guess I'll go with KotJ for now, but I really hope that Rating Buster and Fizzwidget work out the problem. Thanks for letting me know!

Spennig 02-10-07 12:17 PM

Two addons I wondered about, and I'm still learning this, given I've only had it a day... One I've seen suggested is FuBar's QuestFu. I love that it not only tracks your quest progress on the tracker, but also the progress of those in your party if they have it. It does the color coding and is flexible as to changes between zones. If MonkeyQuest does that, someoneis welcome to drop a rock on me ^_^;;

The other question I had, and this is just wondering.. I have seen a lot of comments about bars switching for prowl on druids, etc.. does bongos not do the page switching, or is it just not set in the mazzifyer options? If bongos can't manage it, how hard would it be for me to pull bongos out and replace it with Bartender3 , which I'm used to & does the tabbing with form shifts? I've got 3-4 different bars for all my druid forms, different attacks, etc. Bartender3 is an Ace2 addon, very clean, and lets you set a bar for the auto-switch when you adjust forms.

[EDIT] Given comments elsewhere on the extensive Bongos modification, you're welcome to ignore my second suggestion there...[/EDIT]

Feel free to squish me, but I'm trying to sort out the new setup, and seeing what works better or not than what i was used to... I love the friend who suggested I look at this, but wow.. re-doing UI settings as an alt-a-holic is crazy.

Mazzlefizz 02-10-07 01:46 PM

I fully encourage you guys to give lots of these kinds of suggestions, especially ones where you make structured comparisons like some of you have.

Anyway, how does questfu know how far your groupmates are in a quest?

Spennig 02-10-07 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
I fully encourage you guys to give lots of these kinds of suggestions, especially ones where you make structured comparisons like some of you have.

Anyway, how does questfu know how far your groupmates are in a quest?

I'm not sure exactly -how-, though I'm assuming the same way the Blizz UI tells who else is on one, it tracks when they get a quest kill or item & then updates the information from the quest logs across to list the comparison.. it makes it very nice to not have to ask every few minues "how many more, dear" oh 3.. oh 2, etc.

I'm not what you'd call the best coder, tho, so I can't tell you what makes it work, just that it's lovely.

Rayyl 02-10-07 07:04 PM

TalentPlanner is a lot easier to use than Talented IMO. No configuration needed. Very simple to use.

Mazzlefizz 02-10-07 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rayyl
TalentPlanner is a lot easier to use than Talented IMO. No configuration needed. Very simple to use.

Yeah, I've looked at that in the past. It seems far less flexible (no templates) and doesn't allow you to see all three talent trees at once. I do like that it updates tooltips using a database extracted from blizzard's web page.

viva 02-10-07 07:32 PM

I'm a priest, my UI is my and my party's life. I don't change UI's on a whim, but yours was too tasty to pass up. I've been playing with it for just a short time, but I believe I have read the FAQ thoroughly and have not been able to find the answer I'm looking for.

The group frames exhibit health as a percentage. I need to see health as a number deficit. This allows me to choose the appropriate spell to cast to remove that deficit. Any way to display health in this manner? Also is there a way to have the health bar change color when a certain deficit (say 2k hps) has been reached?

Thanks, and kudos for all your hard work, this is a polished and impressive piece of work.

Mazzlefizz 02-10-07 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by viva
I'm a priest, my UI is my and my party's life. I don't change UI's on a whim, but yours was too tasty to pass up. I've been playing with it for just a short time, but I believe I have read the FAQ thoroughly and have not been able to find the answer I'm looking for.

The group frames exhibit health as a percentage. I need to see health as a number deficit. This allows me to choose the appropriate spell to cast to remove that deficit. Any way to display health in this manner? Also is there a way to have the health bar change color when a certain deficit (say 2k hps) has been reached?

Thanks, and kudos for all your hard work, this is a polished and impressive piece of work.

The unit frames are done via Discord Unit Frames. You can change how the unit frames look via it's options.

If you don't know how to use DUF, I suggest visiting the discord site at

Mechrior 02-11-07 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Alaerio
personally i replaced baggins with the very nice TBag as i feel it has more features and is easier to manage, just have to make sure to turn off your "open all bags when at vendor/mail" in the mazzleui general options

so i think including would be cool and hasn't caused any issues for me yet

also TrainerFu I find an invaluable resource for levelling tradeskills away from the trainer

I can agree that Tbag is one of the best bag mod i have ever used with WOW..... everyone i have shown it has changed so far...... yes it lags slightly each time you update your bag by resorting it...... but apart from that it works wonderfully......

Mazzlefizz 02-11-07 07:37 AM

A list of differences would be a lot more informative than "is the best." :)

Slimcea 02-11-07 10:32 AM

Hi Mazzle, first off I'd like to say thanks for all the hard work on the pack.

Couple of suggestions - currently, ItemSync is responsible for reporting tooltip prices. I would like to suggest that this functionality be replaced with ColaLight instead. ColaLight is more configurable (different display formats), comes with a decent pre-built DB, and most importantly, integrates with GarbageFu out of the bag.

Also, GarbageFu's sell-all icon on the vendor frame looks kinda out of place (it's a Windows XP Recycle Bin icon!). Perhaps replacing it with one of the default Blizzard bags or a treasure icon (like AutoProfit) would be more in line with the rest of the interface.

Imanelf 02-11-07 11:26 AM

I prefer Fizzwidget's Feed-o-matic (FOM) over King of the Jungle for easy Hunter pet feeding.

1. FOM will use up the smallest stack in your inventory helping to optimize bag space.
2. FOM can put up a text message and/or play a sound to let you know the pet needs feeding.
3. No per item configuration is necessary. FOM has a few sensible options and then makes the right choice.
4. Fizzwidget is a silly gnome like Mazzle.

Imanelf 02-11-07 11:37 AM

Quest-I-On has one feature that made me choose it over MonkeyQuest in my old UI. It has an auto expand/minimize on mouseover and nice fade in/out options. I don't want my quest log up all the time because it takes up space. But I do need to check it often and clicking it open and close gets annoying. I liked just swinging my mouse over into the space and having it expand or fade in and then going away when I move my mouse away.

Imanelf 02-11-07 11:57 AM

I haven't yet delved into the Baggins configuration to see if this is possible but I would like my unequipped BOE gear to be separated from my soulbound gear.

Ringleron 02-11-07 11:58 AM

I must say, it is a great UI. Excellent work, Mazzle. :)

What about adding SuperMacros into the UI?

The add-on extends the functionality of Blizzard's macro system. Plus it allows you to go beyond the 255 character limit. Actually, right now, it is the only Non-Mazzle add-on I'm using.

I'm going to suggest to my brothers to look into this UI. :)

Vint 02-11-07 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Slimcea
Hi Mazzle, first off I'd like to say thanks for all the hard work on the pack.

Also, GarbageFu's sell-all icon on the vendor frame looks kinda out of place (it's a Windows XP Recycle Bin icon!). Perhaps replacing it with one of the default Blizzard bags or a treasure icon (like AutoProfit) would be more in line with the rest of the interface.

This would be a better suggestion to give GarbageFu's author. For what its worth, I do agree that it looks kinda silly.

Vint 02-11-07 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Imanelf
I prefer Fizzwidget's Feed-o-matic (FOM) over King of the Jungle for easy Hunter pet feeding.

1. FOM will use up the smallest stack in your inventory helping to optimize bag space.
2. FOM can put up a text message and/or play a sound to let you know the pet needs feeding.
3. No per item configuration is necessary. FOM has a few sensible options and then makes the right choice.
4. Fizzwidget is a silly gnome like Mazzle.

FOM currently conflicts with Rating Buster (its been mentioned in one of these threads..possibly this one)

Laurana 02-11-07 12:52 PM

Wow, glad I read this thread else I wouldn't have learned about the perils of Auctioneer. I was using it quite a bit (updated it frequently) and after a period of playing time I would notice my hard drive would start thrashing and WoW would stutter or slow down to a crawl. I loaded Auctioneer after playing with Mazzle's for a day, but I'll go ahead and pull it off now. It's easy enough to alt-tab out to Alla's anyway.

Other mods I've added in: Excuses and Smack Talk. I imagine there's little reason for Mazzle to implement chatty mods like these, but I do love 'em. I also like the "chattiness" features of Cryolysis, Necrosis, and Serenity (yay, it's back!) - how easy is it to implement that kind of feature into the UI, short of adding macros?

Regardless, I love this compilation as it does nearly everything I want it to do and more. If I discover something else I'd like to see implemented I'll add it in later, for now - off to explore the UI some more!

Khameleon 02-11-07 01:07 PM

Bongos is terrible IMO. It resets everything when you try to add more action bars or take some away with the slider. You can lose hours of work with it too easily.

I recommend Bartender3 it is easier to understand and you will not lose your settings by just sliding a bar.....

Khameleon 02-11-07 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Imanelf
I haven't yet delved into the Baggins configuration to see if this is possible but I would like my unequipped BOE gear to be separated from my soulbound gear.

I also was trying to do this but could not find it.

ArkInventory is a similar ace2 addon and it lets you seperate your bags into sections like this, but it seems to have more options including soulbound/not soulbound.

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