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tinyu 01-06-11 10:36 AM

nUI and Archy
Would anyone like to create a infopanel for the mod Archy that way i can see the Artifact and Dig Site frames in nUI instead of cluttering up my screen?

Xrystal 01-06-11 12:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Working on it as we speak :D


Okay, wrote this code blinded from how the addon visually works and is untested. I'll try and play around with it myself before uploading it but here is a copy if you wanna try a quick test out with it being a user of the addon already.

I can't guarantee no errors but if there are it will probably be due to how archy works which I don't know myself as yet. I think I grabbed the right frame to re-parent so if you do try this out before I've tested it myself prior to uploading then let me know what errors you come across.


Bugs noticed so far:
1. If you do not have Archy you still get an Archy Infopanel which means the Archy addon still loads. Possibly do a check an unload it or display a message in the InfoPanel that this character toesn't have the Archaeology skill.

Xrystal 01-06-11 05:36 PM

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Okay found another problem that they have multiple frames set up and I picked the wrong frame to parent of course rofl.

Now seems to be grabbing the right parent but for the life of me I can't turn the border off so the addon must be overriding nUIs infopanel settings afterwards.

Here's a screenshot so far anyway and a fresh new download.

tinyu 01-06-11 10:11 PM

the frame isnt moving to the infopanel and when the info panel is on it appears where i set it before using the nUI plugin but when the info panel is on something else it hides.

Xrystal 01-06-11 10:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
yeah Ive not done alchy yet so I dont know all the different windows that there are and which one you're talking about .. perhaps a screenshot of what it all looks like when you dont use the plugin and a pointer to the one you want docked may help me :D

On my hunter I haven't done a single thing and that screenshot shows what it puts in the panel for me and looks like it hides it as I can switch to my quest tracker and I dont see the alchy one.

But on my pally I have done one or two digs and the following screenshot is what I see. The one I have docked which I thought was the one you meant and the one that is undocked.

tinyu 01-06-11 11:20 PM

2 Attachment(s)
the first pic is what i see when the info panel is on archy the second is what i see when the info panel is on anything else.

as you can see the frame stays where i put it before i had the infopanel it dosnt snap to the info panel and yes its unlocked :D

Xrystal 01-07-11 02:44 AM

Hmm, okay, guess archy is using its addon data after ADDON_LOADED and thus overwriting the changes I make on ADDON_LOADED.

I'll try and spend some time over the weekend on it depending on what we're doing.

Xrystal 01-07-11 11:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I think I found the problem.

Archy is hard coding the position relative point to the UIParent regardless of what you parent the frame to. Understandable if you assume it isn't going to be hooked into an interface but it means that there is no way that I can see to override it without rewriting the Archy function itself which seems to work so far.

So far, making a copy of the SetFramePosition function of the original Archy addon and replacing the digsite positioning code seems to be enough for now but being at a low stage in the profession perhaps you can see how it works as the list grows as even now it hooks just over the bottom of the frame.

Anyway, here's the latest copy of the code with the above change implemented so that you can see how it works for you. Where it may possibly override your original archy settings I would suggest at least during testing that you make a copy of your existing Archy wtf files so as to keep the current positioning data intact so that you can fall back to it at a later date as needed.

If it does indeed seem to work for you okay in its current state then I will see if I can hook the saving position data function and implant an nUI specific version so that it never overrides the data so that the user can remove the plugin and not notice the difference :D

tinyu 01-07-11 12:08 PM

i got this error on login


Date: 2011-01-08 04:37:37
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...e\AddOns\nUI_InfoPanel_Archy\nUI_InfoPanel_Archy.lua line 99:
  attempt to call global 'IsTaintable' (a nil value)
  (tail call): ?
  (tail call): ?
  ...e\AddOns\nUI_InfoPanel_Archy\nUI_InfoPanel_Archy.lua:99: SetFramePosition()
  Archy\Archy.lua:2810: UpdateFramePositions()
  (tail call): ?
  [C]: ?
  [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:9:
      [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5
  (tail call): ?

Xrystal 01-07-11 02:37 PM

Grrrrrr, I think this one is not gonna be an easy one to do tinyu.

Thanks for testing though. I'll keep trying though and see how things work out. When I think I have it working again I'll post up another version.

Xrystal 01-07-11 03:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, found another function to copy over and a variable to utilise and logged into both characters I have at least picked up arch with and haven't got any errors and frame is sitting in infopanel. So try this version out and see how it works for you.

tinyu 01-07-11 04:25 PM

works perfectly :D well done /bow

Xrystal 01-07-11 06:18 PM

whew .. I'll tidy it up and make it release worthy and stuff :D

Thanks for the testing tinyu :D

Xrystal 01-07-11 08:10 PM

Okay, for those that were looking for this as well but were waiting for the official release it should be available shortly under the nUI Info Panel pages.

tinyu 01-08-11 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 225982)
whew .. I'll tidy it up and make it release worthy and stuff :D

Thanks for the testing tinyu :D

anytime PM me if you require any other info panel testings :D

whereswaldo 01-08-11 05:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This doesn't seem to be scaling correctly for me. I use a resolution of 1280x1024.

Xrystal 01-08-11 07:25 AM

Hmm, it looks like it isn't doing something right there Waldo as it isn't in its own info panel but floating over it.

That aside, it could possibly be the case which was why in the thread linked in the description page I mentioned the possibility of building it into a scrolling frame as even on my 1440x900 setup it is hanging slightly over the edge due to the way that Archy grows its frames.

It probably needs more tweaking to get things at least livable with but like carbonite there are some things the original addon does that simply doesn't work with nUI and all we can do is our best with what we got.

Edit: Oops, thought this was posted in the addon comments rofl. But the same applies.

todd0168 01-26-11 10:58 PM

Has anyone tried Archy with nUI6? I'm having issues being able to get the Archy panels to show up at all and I'm not sure if it's a nUI issue, an Archy issue, or something else entirely.

Any help would be superfantabulous! xD

Xrystal 01-27-11 02:59 AM

None of the infopanel plugins will work with nUI6 yet as the panel system hasn't been integrated yet until Scott has added them in the last update.

todd0168 01-27-11 10:27 AM

Yeah, I'm not talking about the infopanel plugin. I'm talking about the add-on itself. I did not install your archy plugin, just the add-on itself and when I 'open' Archy, instead of the neat little windows, all I get is the info that would be in that window stuck in the upper left corner of the screen over the top of the blizz char frame that is up there. I will post screens as soon as I get a chance to take some so you can see what I'm dealing with.

spiel2001 01-27-11 11:00 AM

nUI6 should not interfere with Archy at all.

You might try renaming your WTF to WTF.saved then log in and see what happens.

Xrystal 01-27-11 11:06 AM

Ah gotcha, I've not tried it with 6 yet myself. I just used it enough to see what windows existed to pick one to put in the infopanel :D

todd0168 01-27-11 12:13 PM

Yeah I can try messing with it when I go home for lunch and see if I can't isolate what might be happening, as well as post screens. :D

todd0168 01-27-11 02:58 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Ok. Did the rename thing and issue was still there. So then I decided to disable all addons except Archy (still with the brand new WTF folder) and still I get the same issue. Screenshots are included this time. First one is before I did anything. Second one is with nothing but Archy loaded and with the new WTF folder.

-edit- on a side the main action bar supposed to have larger sized slots/icons then all the other bars? I don't remember this being the case in nUI5.

Chmee 01-27-11 07:30 PM

I wonder if archy hasn't put its window up there and locked it somehow. I'll have to look through the options to see if it can do that.

todd0168 01-28-11 10:42 AM

I've posted something over on Curse on the Archy page to see if I can get anything from them on the issue. The basic functions still seem to work. I can use the map integration to show me where my next site is, and while I'm there digging, I can get the little stoplight coloring feature to show me how far I've traveled from the survey point. I just can't really do anything with the windows.

Also, on my friends' setups, they have the little red/yellow/green coloring up in a circle in the upper left corner of one of their windows. Mine was just showing up as a small square right in the middle of my screen basically. Can anyone show screen shots of what their windows look like (without the nUI plugin being used)?

todd0168 01-31-11 03:53 PM

Ok, just an update. Finally figured out that the curse installer is installing an older version of Archy as the newest version (which it's obviously not). So, once I manually forced it to install the newer version, all is well. *sigh*

Mainster 02-24-11 12:51 PM

You have to unlock within Archy setting. Its locked by default.

Xrystal 03-06-11 03:27 PM

Yeah, whilst looking at Archy Bugfix for the infopanel plugin I noticed alot of positioning defaults to TOPLEFT so I suspect that is the default positioning until you opt to move it and it lets you :D

marioinfinity 03-20-11 04:48 AM

Archy hasn't been updated by the official author for quite some time; their are bug fix versions wandering around on WoWinterface.

You might start with using those.

>havn't posted here for a long time but saw "archy" while i was redoing my addons folder (just copied it from my external and curse proggie wouldnt grab em lol)

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