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Daveo77 11-29-11 11:49 AM

nUI & Patch 4.3

I know that Patch 4.3 is going live on the EU servers tomorrow, and has gone live on the US servers today.

Will nUI work with 4.3 (once I have re-ticked 'Load out of date addons'), or do I need to wait for a fix or update. I'm using nUI 5.07.21.

awesomsauce 11-29-11 01:18 PM

I have been able to log in with only up to date addons. It keeps timing out on me trying to load out of date addons.

Nonxistent 11-29-11 01:22 PM

at this point myself neither nUI Pro or nUI6 Alpha seem to work with the 4.3 patch. IF you are able to get past the load screen while having nUI loaded, it will not be functional when you get into the game, blizzards default UI loads instead. Haven't heard much from nUI lately so I think the author has been pretty busy. Not sure when we can expect a fix to this.

whereswaldo 11-29-11 01:33 PM

Not sure what is causing your problem, but I just logged into 3 of my toons and the latest nUI loaded fine on all 3. The only errors that shoed up in buggrabber were Carbonite and Smartbuff.

Seer 11-29-11 02:19 PM

Haven't played for some weeks myself, but you may find a fix in this thread

That is however a fix that worked during the early 4.3 ptr so may not be relevant at all for the release version or whatever might be causing problems.

If that fix doesn't work then posting the lua errors would help immensely. Try to install bug grabbing addons for that.

Belechannas 11-29-11 03:04 PM

I manually applied the fix to divide by zero in UnitPower.

Not getting lua errors, but the cooldown indicators on buttons don't seem to be working correctly in nUI5.

For example, if I cast Healing Rain, the button grays out, and the cooldown pie wedge sweeps around the button as it should, but the text c/d timer overlay on the button doesn't appear until there are only 0.2 seconds left on the c/d.

This could well be another divide by zero issue. Investigating...

Xrystal 11-29-11 03:19 PM

I still have the old 4.3 patch fix code I had working on the test center but when I was testing it back then I wasn't looking at anything other than specific errors so will have a look at that sort of stuff .. Healing Rain is shammy right ? Just got mine to 85 so should have that spell somewhere if not on the tool bar rofl .. will jump on a few toons tonight and check things out.

Some things I won't be able to test out properly as I don't play wow as intensively as I used to so if you can get any error messages that would be a boost to me trying to resolve the problem sooner rather than later.

Belechannas 11-29-11 03:52 PM

Healing Rain is shammy, but I suspect it is a problem with any cooldown timer. I just used HR because it doesn't require a target and has a moderate cooldown (10 seconds) which is long enough to see the timer, but short enough that I can use it at will.

Xrystal 11-29-11 03:53 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Okay, here goes.... :

For those that aren't comfortable making code changes themselves here are the files that I have had to change while playing on the 4.3 beta a whiles back. There may be more errors when hitting live but I will try and catch what I can see.

nUI 5 only problem ( so far ) - divide by zero when mousing over other players/npcs (possibly). Scott looks to have thought ahead and sensibly included a check for zero values in nUI 6.

Copy the nUI_UnitPower.lua file attached to \Interface\AddOns\nUI\Units\ folder.

nUI 6 only problem ( so far ) - attempt to index global 'LFDSearchStatus' (a nil value) error when searching for a group due to their changing the name. If nUI 5 has this somewhere it is not in the same file so it will take a while for me to identify it unless someone finds it by jumping into a dungeon and getting the error rofl.

Copy the Minimap.lua file attached to \Interface\AddOns\nUI6\Integration\ folder.

The french have also pointed out that, if my translation is right, the heroic flag isn't showing. This might also be resolved by the above if it is the same object. If someone could confirm that that is what they meant it would be great otherwise it would be another thing to look into over the next few days.

Be warned that I am usually not around Friday through to Monday for in game stuff but may be able to incorporate some blind fixes to keep people going.

Please note that unless you change the TOC value to 40300 I believe then you will need to tick the load out of date addons box.

I would also suggest that you try the game without any other addons initially to make sure that they aren't bringing up errors that aren't necessarily nUI's fault, although it may be a compatibility problem new to the patch, but lets get nUI working on its own before we start worrying about that stuff :D

Belechannas 11-29-11 04:10 PM

Still investigating the c/d timer weirdness.

The cooldown is shown correctly on the c/d bar in the HuD. So I don't think it's related to not knowing the correct values.

I went to the test dummy and tested the Enh Shammy ability Lava Lash.

The first time I use Lava Lash after logging in, the cooldown timer is displayed correctly on the button. After that, no c/d timer text at all. And reloading the UI doesn't fix the problem, only logging out of the game and back in (in which case it again works once and then never again).

Xrystal 11-29-11 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Belechannas (Post 248046)
Healing Rain is shammy, but I suspect it is a problem with any cooldown timer. I just used HR because it doesn't require a target and has a moderate cooldown (10 seconds) which is long enough to see the timer, but short enough that I can use it at will.

Okay, I think I'll be toon jumping a bit as I am sure some cooldowns were working fine on the buttons but I can definitely see at least 3 cooldowns for shammy not showing. Healing Rain, Riptide and the flame spell ( grr forgot its name already haha). They appear in the nUI cooldown hud section but not on the buttons .. could be a button secure problem but not sure.

Seer 11-29-11 04:35 PM

For those in the Eu, the 4.3 PTR is still up. You might want to try and see what addons work or not before raid time tomorrow.

/edit.. then again, I just got thrown off :-s

Belechannas 11-29-11 06:16 PM

Re: cooldown problem

It looks like the hook to CooldownFrame_SetTimer in nUI_Button is only getting called the first time Lava Lash is used. After that, it never gets called again (even though the default UI c/d spinner on Lava Lash seems to be working), and hence the c/d timer code for Lava Lash never gets called after that.

Another example of oddness is Shamanistic Rage. This has a 15 second duration and a 60 second c/d. CooldownFrame_SetTimer is not called until the 15s duration is over. But the cooldown shadow on the button starts immediately.

It looks like Blizz may have changed the way they call CooldownFrame_SetTimer, or they may be calling something else, or the same function with a different signature, at some times.

Xrystal 11-29-11 06:30 PM

Yeah I'm finding some inconsistencies ..

Testing on my Mage for example after a minor change to see if it helps ( which it did somewhat) :

Invisibility: 3 min cooldown, text ( with my slight change almost immediately otherwise delayed )
Summon Water Elemental : 3 min cooldown .. same as invisibility
Ring of Frost : 2 min cooldown .. same as invisibility
Blink : 15 sec cooldown .. same as invisibility
Evocation : 4 min cooldown .. same as Invisibility
Every Man for Himself : 2 min cooldown .. same as invisibility

Ones not working:
Mage Ward : 30 sec cooldown, no text
Frostfire Orb : 1 min cooldown .. same as Mage Ward
Portals and Teleports : 1 min cooldown .. same as Mage Ward
Ice Barrier : 24 sec cooldown .. same as Mage Ward

Checked GCD status as that stops text displaying ... hmm interesting...
Duration for Ice Barrier is showing as 1.372 despite the tooltip showing it was at 23 sec exactly the same with Mage Ward ..

Now to check the ones that work ...
Ah, they have the same GCD test but then it triggers another test and passes ..

Belechannas 11-29-11 06:57 PM

Found this, it seems to be related:

Still digesting what it means.

Edit: It looks like they've basically invalidated the logic nUI uses for dealing with cooldowns, because the lua function nUI is hooking is sometimes bypassed by the C-code.

If I understand the above link (especially post #5), nUI will need to register for and handle the event ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN, rather than hooking CooldownFrame_SetTimer.

Xrystal 11-29-11 07:05 PM

Hmm sounds like either a new button system for cooldowns ...

My mageportals addon works for cooldowns so the actual function to return duration etc works fine .. just can't find where scott gets his values from in nUI.

Edit: well looks like somewhere in nUI Scott will need to set up

SetActionUIButton(checkboxframe, actionSlot, cooldownframe);

Will have to hunt down source code for the api so I can make sense of it but too late now .. already 1am here.

Belechannas 11-29-11 07:24 PM

OmniCC is bitten by this change much like nUI, and the author seems to have figured out how to make it work:

Xrystal 11-29-11 07:35 PM

Thanks, I'll look at it tomorrow after work ..

Thankfully I never relied on blizz to update my cooldowns on the mage portal addon so it works like normal rofl .. how lucky is that :D So instead of having to fix my addon and nUI I only have to figure out nUI ..

Nothing worse than trying to fathom out someone elses code rofl... It may take a while haha

gingles 11-29-11 07:44 PM

So, is there a fix so I can play WoW with 4.3? I log in and it says nui is out of date. im runing the latest of nui5, or i think it is the latest...5.07.21....i just want to kill some horde please

Xrystal 11-29-11 08:47 PM

Have you read this thread yet ?

Until Scott comes back all we can do is patch it through the forums like I have been doing as I do not have permission to upload a fix patch to the addon page itself.

I was in 4.3 for hours tonight without it crashing out. The two fixes I mentioned in this thread will stop it from crashing on both nUI5 and nUI6. 1 fixed file each. You will still have to check the load outdated addons unless you change the nUI.toc file to say 40300 instead of 40200.

If you are still having problems and are using other addons you will have to turn off the other addons and try nUI on its own. Whether there are any dungeon/instance/raid related problems I won't know until people report it as I don't run those at the moment.

Perhaps you can turn on error reporting in wow and post a copy of the error message you have. It may well have been fixed already in this thread.

Belechannas 11-29-11 08:59 PM

Possible fix for cooldown timer problems (nui5 ONLY)
1 Attachment(s)
OK, here is a first stab at fixing the cooldown timer issue.

This is a replacement for Interface/AddOns/nUI/Bars/nUI_Button.lua

It is for nUI5 ONLY.

Use at your own risk, and I would recommend making a copy of the old version of the file and saving it somewhere in case this turns out to give lua errors (have tested for a while on combat dummies with no problems, but better safe than sorry).

Fortunately, the only change needed is at the very front end of nUI's handling of cooldowns (notification by the Blizz UI). All the internal code for managing things is unchanged.

Xrystal 11-29-11 09:11 PM

Thanks Bele,

I'll have a play with it tomorrow. Hopefully things will be playable now. Will have to see the extent of instance etc problems at some point I guess.

Xrystal 11-30-11 04:18 PM

Hmm, had a try with your code changes and mine back to what Scott had but no joy .. Ice Barrier and FrostFire Orb still not showing a cooldown...

Will see what I can see shortly..

*whistles* erm .. oh look it works .. I'm sure it had nothing to do with adding that extra line where you actually told it to look for the event being called .. of course I wouldn't do something as silly as that rofl.

palamm 11-30-11 05:31 PM

Just want to thank you all for your hard work keeping us playing ... Would hate to give up NUI and you are the glue keeping it together ...


Xrystal 11-30-11 06:15 PM

Rofl, I just hope Scott comes back soon .. because there is nothing worse than trying to work with someone else's code :D

Metalgod74 12-01-11 07:34 AM

Hello, i have a problem since the launch of patch 4.3, my Hots and buffs are not showing on the player and group unit frames, which makes things difficult as a Druid...

Edit : after some time playing, i see that some debuffs are shown, no Hots, no buffs, and the global cooldown bar doesn't show. Buffs, debuffs and Hots are showing correctly on Hud and on the mouseover tooltip.

Devate 12-01-11 03:12 PM

Just a thought
Not specifically a 4.3 issue, but all the same...Was wondering, if it wouldn't be too much extra work, if in the process of fixing the timers if we might get it so aura debuffs are viewable on mouse over?

Xrystal 12-01-11 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Metalgod74 (Post 248279)
Hello, i have a problem since the launch of patch 4.3, my Hots and buffs are not showing on the player and group unit frames, which makes things difficult as a Druid...

Edit : after some time playing, i see that some debuffs are shown, no Hots, no buffs, and the global cooldown bar doesn't show. Buffs, debuffs and Hots are showing correctly on Hud and on the mouseover tooltip.

Hmm, can you post a screenshot of this as I have had my cooldown bar appearing in the hud fine, which was how we were testing the timer problem on the buttons. As to the others, do the show on yourself when you are in player mode ? Would be simpler for me to test this, but a screenshot of what you are seeing would be good as well.

Xrystal 12-01-11 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Devate (Post 248333)
Not specifically a 4.3 issue, but all the same...Was wondering, if it wouldn't be too much extra work, if in the process of fixing the timers if we might get it so aura debuffs are viewable on mouse over?

Can you explain a bit better. I am not sure you can get aura information on a mouseover target but I could be wrong. As to how easy/hard it would be to implement I am not sure. Scott's idea is to keep version 5 ticking over while version 6 gets all the new sweet features added. So hopefully when he gets back he will add this to his list of wants if it is of course possible as I mentioned above.

Devate 12-01-11 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 248336)
Can you explain a bit better. I am not sure you can get aura information on a mouseover target but I could be wrong. As to how easy/hard it would be to implement I am not sure. Scott's idea is to keep version 5 ticking over while version 6 gets all the new sweet features added. So hopefully when he gets back he will add this to his list of wants if it is of course possible as I mentioned above.

I may be using the wrong term which might be causing confusion. What I'm referring to are the buffs/debuffs that only display along side the health bar in the HUD. I remember that in a past version you used to be able to mouse over those and see what exactly they were doing, but in one of the updates that went away. In some cases it is really helpful to be able to tell what exactly those buffs / debuffs are doing.

Xrystal 12-01-11 04:03 PM

Ah, yeah, Blizz changed auras to be secure so some things changed. I believe there is a thread somewhere where I posted what you can change to get it to work ...


Okay, heres the thread where I explain how to change it .

Devate 12-01-11 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 248345)
Ah, yeah, Blizz changed auras to be secure so some things changed. I believe there is a thread somewhere where I posted what you can change to get it to work ...


Okay, heres the thread where I explain how to change it .

Awesome. Thanks for the info. :)

whereswaldo 12-01-11 07:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay. Got a new one. The rested XP indicator is not wrapping around correctly for me. I've seen this problem before, but don't remember how it was fixed or what caused it. (see the little red half circle on the bottom edge)

Xrystal 12-01-11 07:56 PM

ah, I'm seeing that on my girls .. was wondering what that was .. kept trying to move it haha.

I probably won't be playing wow for the next few days so won't be able to do any debugging to track it down but its been there awhile so I guess it can wait a few more days rofl

whereswaldo 12-01-11 08:09 PM

Maybe I'll take a look at it myself once I get my girls to bed.

Edit: Here is a previous post concerning the rested XP marker

Xrystal 12-02-11 02:09 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Well my level 11 that I haven't played in what is likely to be years is showing it fine.

And my 85 warlock isn't showing the tick at all .. might be a temporamental thing whereby it doesn't go through its update routine properly at random moments....

Devate 12-02-11 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 248345)
Ah, yeah, Blizz changed auras to be secure so some things changed. I believe there is a thread somewhere where I posted what you can change to get it to work ...


Okay, heres the thread where I explain how to change it .

Urgh....Followed the instructions in the other thread and still no luck.. Guess I'll just have to live with it as is. /headdesk

twizt3dkitty 12-05-11 01:58 PM

When logging into 4.3 using nUI 5+ after applying all patches in this thread, I get this message in my chat box, no errors seen thereafter, and everything seems to work other than this mass of white text

nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_NoBars_Player to
nUI_HUDLayout_NoBarsFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_NoBars_Focus to
nUI_HUDLayout_NoBarsFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_NoBars_Target to
nUI_HUDLayout_NoBarsFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_NoBars_Casting to nUI_HUDLayout_NoBars --
anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_PlayerTarget_Focus to
nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTargetFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_PlayerTarget_Player to
nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTargetFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_PlayerTarget_Target to
nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTargetFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_PlayerTarget_Castbar to
nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTargetFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_PlayerTarget_FocusTarget to
nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTargetFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_PlayerTarget_Pet to
nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTargetFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_PlayerTarget_ToT to
nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTargetFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_HealthPower_FocusTarget to
nUI_HUDLayout_HealthPowerFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_HealthPower_Target to
nUI_HUDLayout_HealthPowerFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_HealthPower_Player to
nUI_HUDLayout_HealthPowerFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_HealthPower_Focus to
nUI_HUDLayout_HealthPowerFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_HealthPower_Pet to
nUI_HUDLayout_HealthPowerFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_HealthPower_Castbar to
nUI_HUDLayout_HealthPowerFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.
nUI: Warning.. anchoring nUI_HUDUnit_HealthPower_ToT to
nUI_HUDLayout_HealthPowerFader -- anchor point has a <nil> value.

Coasty 12-05-11 03:12 PM

I just saw this thread today, and after reading it all _finally_ realized that some WoW problems that lately have been driving me nuts, primarily screen lockups and/or disconnects and screen stuttering in certain zones, were nUI related!!!

Applying the patches from this thread, so far anyway, has fixed things for me. I've been so used to nUI working like a charm for me over the last four years that I never even thought of looking at nUI as the culprit!!!

So, lots of kudos to you guys here that put in the time and effort to provide the fixes for the rest of us. Thank you...

Xrystal 12-05-11 04:23 PM

Glad its helped you Coasty ..

And twizt3dkitty, I've not seen that error message stream at all. You started with nUI5+ and just added the version 5 changes only ? Theres a version 6 change in that thread that might cause a problem if it happens to have the same name as a nUI5 file.

brian90 12-06-11 11:48 AM

call me blind :)
i know somewhere in the forrest of threads here there is a fix on the "extrabutton1" issue so u can actualy move it to not be over ur cast bars with /nui movers command but i can't find it! and also will it it work for the new HoT instances like the hour glass being on top of ur cast bars aswell.



whereswaldo 12-06-11 12:13 PM

If you have the "nUI : Plugin [Custom Movers]" addon installed, just re-install it and it will pick up the new frame. If not, install it. And yes, that will take care of the new hourglass frame that covers your action bars. It will show up as a square mover.

brian90 12-06-11 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by whereswaldo (Post 248837)
If you have the "nUI : Plugin [Custom Movers]" addon installed, just re-install it and it will pick up the new frame. If not, install it. And yes, that will take care of the new hourglass frame that covers your action bars. It will show up as a square mover.

i don't have it, neighther can i find it in the plugin section

chris.m.wilson 12-06-11 01:32 PM

Is there a fix for the latency readout? it has shown my latency at 0 since patch.. additionally im a Mac user and have no idea how to apply any of the fixes located here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

Figured out how to apply the fixes. I'm a NEW Mac user, and still learning the querks.. Still have the problem with the latency meter, though. It's annoying when I know I'm lagging, but cant tell how bad it is, cause it says 0 MS. Thanks for any help!! Love this UI, been using it for a while, and don't think i could go back to Blizz UI, or any other for that matter!!

Talyrius 12-06-11 02:38 PM


Is there a fix for the latency readout? it has shown my latency at 0 since patch.. additionally im a Mac user ...
You'll have to wait until Blizzard fixes it. They broke the function that returns latency on Mac clients.

chris.m.wilson 12-06-11 03:22 PM

well, poo.. Thanks for the info. Hope Blizz fixes it soon.

Xrystal 12-06-11 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by brian90 (Post 248840)
i don't have it, neighther can i find it in the plugin section

twizt3dkitty 12-06-11 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 248761)
Glad its helped you Coasty ..

And twizt3dkitty, I've not seen that error message stream at all. You started with nUI5+ and just added the version 5 changes only ? Theres a version 6 change in that thread that might cause a problem if it happens to have the same name as a nUI5 file.

i am aware of this, and the nui6 change is not included.

Xrystal 12-06-11 07:28 PM

Oki doki, just checking .. Just took a look at the nUI code and can't find any reference to Warning text coming from nUI. Of course windows search isn't exactly the best thing in the world ..

The only thing I could suggest, that I'm sure Scott would throw out there when he is similarly stumped and that is to see if it is a data corruption somewhere that isn't damaging enough to play but enough to make your time less fun, is to rename the wtf folder ( or the nUI specific wtf files ) and redownload a fresh copy of nUI 5.07.21 ( applying those emergency fixes ) and see if the error messages go away.

mowzzia 12-07-11 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Belechannas (Post 248109)
OK, here is a first stab at fixing the cooldown timer issue.

This is a replacement for Interface/AddOns/nUI/Bars/nUI_Button.lua

It is for nUI5 ONLY.

this mean i cant use it with nui5+?

brian90 12-07-11 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 248848)

THX! :banana:

Driller 12-07-11 11:25 AM

NUI5 and NUI5+ are one in the same it just with NUI you only get 10man raid groups and with NUI5+ you 15,20,25,40 raid groups so this fix will work with NUI5+

Xrystal 12-07-11 03:41 PM

Yes, the fixes do not touch the extra files used for the plus version. If any fix that has to be implemented before Scott gets back occurs in those files I will make relevant plus and lite versions of the fix.

ced_1973 12-07-11 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 248909)
Yes, the fixes do not touch the extra files used for the plus version. If any fix that has to be implemented before Scott gets back occurs in those files I will make relevant plus and lite versions of the fix.

Could You start a thread that is just the fixes that you have made thus far.

Hard to sort thru these posts.

Xrystal 12-08-11 02:14 AM

I did. This thread was for any fixes/problems that are found in nUI with the new patch so its all in one place. Or it might be in the other nUI and Patch 4.3 thread, I've lost track which thread I created .. I'll make a link to the fix post I have in place on my signature so hopefully that will help you.

spiel2001 12-10-11 06:00 PM

Xrystal --

Thanks for having gotten those patches together. /hugs

Thanks to both of you for running down the cooldown issue, as well.

Xrystal 12-10-11 06:04 PM

:banana:yaaay youre back :D:banana:

spiel2001 12-10-11 06:11 PM

Heh... I'll even throw in a dancing banana of my own



Xrystal 12-11-11 03:35 AM

Let me know if/when you add those 2 new bars to nUI's mover system and I'll remove them from my plugin.

spiel2001 12-11-11 08:45 AM

I'm going to try to include your plugin into this patch so you don't have to worry with continuing to update it. I'll let you know.

And thanks for holding the fort down Xrystal... you're awesome... truly.

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