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JDoubleU00 01-13-15 02:47 PM

Author UIs
Would any of our addon authors be willing to post a screenshot of their UI? I'm sure some go without saying what they use (RealUI, Lui, Leila etc...). Phanx, Torhall, Seerah, others?

Xrystal 01-13-15 02:53 PM

nUI here at the moment. Dabbled with a few of the others to see if they gelled with how I like my set up but soon moved back to nUI. At least until I work out my own UI at some point in the future when I figure things out like secure frames etc.

Petrah 01-13-15 02:58 PM

I've been using ElvUI for the last few years.

10leej 01-14-15 12:04 AM

I used TukUI for a whie because Elv UI was to popular and felt tukz needed some love. Then I developed and used BobUI (of which I swear I'm the only one that uses it I literally never met anyone else that active uses BobUI /sadface) which started as a collection of addons, but eventually grew into it's own thing. Nowadays i no longer play however I do maintain my addons and even BobUI (which is going through a 7.0 rewrite)

Phanx 01-14-15 01:51 AM

Old screenshot from a low-level alt, but it's still mostly the same:

I'll try to remember to get some updated screenshots (incl. in group) later when the servers come back up from maintenance.

Invisible things:
- Bazooka (DataBroker bar) appears on mouseover at the bottom of the screen.
- CoolLine cooldown bar appears below the action bar when I have abilities/items on cooldown.
- Group frames appear on the right.

Addons used:

  1. !!AceDB-DefaultMod [*] [UNRELEASED] makes AceDB default to Default instead of character-specific when addons don't specify
  2. !!Sandbox [*] [PRIVATE] reusable space for playing with new/temporary code
  3. !!Warmup
  4. !BlizzBugsSuck
  5. !BugGrabber
  6. !ClassColors [*]
  7. AchieveIt
  8. AnyFavoriteMount [*]
  9. AuctionLite
 10. AuctionLite_AdvSearch
 11. Badapples [*]
 12. Bagnon
 13. Bartender4
 14. BattlePetBinds
 15. Bazooka
 16. BetterBattlePetTooltip [*]
 17. BetterBlizzOptions
 18. BetterMacroFrame [*] [WORK IN PROGRESS]
 19. Bibliophile [*] [UNRELEASED]
 20. BonusRollPreview
 21. Broker_Garrison
 22. Broker_InstanceDifficulty [*]
 23. Broker_LFG [*]
 24. Broker_MicroMenu
 25. Broker_PlayedTime [*]
 26. Broker_Reincarnation [*]
 27. Broker_System [*] [UNRELEASED]
 28. Broker_TicketStatus [*]
 29. Broker_Time [*] [UNRELEASED]
 30. Bugger [*]
 31. BulkOrder
 32. Butsu
 33. BuyEmAll
 34. CancelMyBuffs [*]
 35. ChatLoot
 36. CleanCompare [*] [UNRELEASED]
 37. Clique
 38. CodeRunner [*] [UNRELEASED]
 39. ColorTools [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
 40. Commended [*]
 41. CoolLine [*]
 43. DamnAchievementSpam
 44. DamnCraftSpam
 45. DamnDungeonWindow [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
 46. Diplomancer [*]
 47. DoubleWideTradeSkills
 48. Dresser
 49. DropTheCheapestThing [MODIFIED] to support dropping zero-value items
 50. Examiner
 51. Exonumist [*]
 52. ExtraQuestButton
 53. Fane
 54. GatherMate2
 55. GatherMate2_Data
 56. GlobalIgnoreList
 57. GoFish [*]
 58. Grid [*]
 59. GridStatusHealingReduced [*]
 60. GridStatusHealTrace [*]
 61. HandyNotes
 62. HandyNotes_HigherLearning [*]
 63. HandyNotes_Lorewalkers
 64. HandyNotes_LostAndFound
 65. HandyNotes_TimelessTreasures
 66. HandyNotes_TreasureHunter
 67. HandyNotes_WellRead [*]
 68. HaveIDoneThat
 69. HelmSaver
 70. Hydra [*]
 71. idTip
 72. ItemTooltipCleaner [*]
 73. Kui_Media
 74. Kui_Nameplates
 75. Kui_Nameplates_Auras
 76. Kui_Nameplates_Custom [*]
 77. Kui_SpellList_Config
 78. LearningAid
 79. LegacyQuest
 80. LevelFlight [MODIFIED]
 81. LibRealmInfo [*]
 82. LibResInfo-1.0 [*]
 83. LoseControlFix
 84. LuaBrowser
 85. MacroTooltip [*]
 86. MacroTranslator [*]
 87. Mapster
 88. Masque
 89. Masque_Cainyx
 90. Masque_SimpleSquare [*]
 91. MasterPlan [MODIFIED]
 92. Mine-O-Matic
 93. MogIt
 94. MogIt_Boutique
 95. MogIt_Highlighter
 96. Molinari
 97. MountMe [*]
 98. NoGuild [*]
 99. Notebook [*]
100. NoTitle [*]
101. Numeration
102. OmniCC
103. OmniCC_Config
104. OPie
105. OPieMasque [*]
106. OptionHouse [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
107. Otis
108. oUF_Phanx [*]
109. PetBattleAutoForfeit [*]
110. PetBattleTeams
111. PetJournalEnhanced
112. PetMarket
113. PetTracker
114. PetTracker_Broker
115. PhanxBind [*]
116. PhanxBorder [*] [UNRELEASED]
117. PhanxBot [*] [UNRELEASED]
118. PhanxBuffs [*]
119. PhanxChat [*]
120. PhanxConfigWidgets [*] [UNRELEASED]
121. PhanxFlightTimer [*] [UNRELEASED]
122. PhanxFont [*] [UNRELEASED]
123. PhanxMedia [*] [UNRELEASED]
124. PhanxMinimap [*] [UNRELEASED]
125. PhanxMod [*] [PRIVATE]
126. PhanxTooltip
127. PhanxUI [*] [UNRELEASED]
128. PhanxXP [*] [UNRELEASED]
129. Pinlight
130. PokeBandage [*]
131. Postal
132. PostmasterGeneral
133. Progress [*]
134. Redprints
135. RoleMeAway [*] [UNRELEASED]
136. SavedInstances
137. SetCollector
138. SharedMedia_NoAsianFonts [*]
139. ShieldsUp [*]
140. SilverDragon
141. SilverDragon_Data
142. SortedCurrencyTab
143. SpamageMeters
144. SpamAway [*] [UNRELEASED]
145. SpellAlertFilter [*] [UNRELEASED]
146. teksLoot
147. TomTom
148. TomTom_Chamberlain [*] [UNRELEASED], automatically sets waypoints for possible locations of needed chamberlain parts on the Isle of Thunder
149. TomTom_Lorewalkers [*] [UNRELEASED], sets waypoints in a good order for undiscovered Pandaria lore objects
150. Touhin
151. ToyBoxFilterFixer
152. TradeChatCleaner [*]
153. TradeSkill Bookmarks
154. TradeSkillClearButton
155. TradeTabs
156. TypoHistory
157. Velluminous
158. VendorBait
159. WhereAmI [*] [UNRELEASED]
160. WhisperColor [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
161. Who Framed Watcher Wabbit
162. Wholly
163. xMerchant
164. yClassColors
165. ZoneAchievementTracker [*]
166. ZoneLevelInfo

Some addons are only enabled on some characters. Several are currently disabled on all characters, since I've been getting disconnected frequently when reloading the UI and have linked it to high CPU use during loading, but haven't had time to narrow it down any further.

Label key:
  • [ * ] I wrote it, or I am the current primary author/maintainer.
  • [UNRELEASED] It's on GitHub, but it's not supported, and may require finding libraries etc. elsewhere.
  • [PRIVATE] It's not available, don't ask, go away.
  • [MODIFIED] I've made changes from the official version.
  • [UPDATED] The release version is years out of date and doesn't work, but I've updated it myself.

semlar 01-14-15 01:59 AM

zork 01-14-15 02:11 AM

I'm still using my Diablo UI.

I had intentions in the last weeks to get back to a stripped down UI. Basically just simple font. Simple statusbars and a small backdrop shadow.

Experimenting with a pixelated UI would be interesting aswell.

I'm not raiding any more so...

PumpkinToys 02-20-15 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Petrah (Post 304810)
I've been using ElvUI for the last few years.

Could you make your elv ui downloadable? It looks awesome! :p

Petrah 02-20-15 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by PumpkinToys (Post 306655)
Could you make your elv ui downloadable? It looks awesome! :p

Google for ElvUI (it is hosted at the TukUI website) and you will find a forum dedicated to the addon, it's download, and lots of amazing plugins.

Before you use it, I recommend moving all of your current addons and only installing ElvUI. That way you can slowly add addons that you want... ElvUI can pretty much be used all by itself. All you really need with it is DBM and Skada.

syncrow 02-20-15 12:21 PM

I'm usin' my own UI since about half a year.

Fizzlemizz 02-20-15 12:21 PM

I use my remake of an oldie but a goody here.

Coote 02-20-15 01:30 PM

I've just been rolling with RealUI since my own UI broke when 6.0 released. I couldn't be bothered fixing it, since it was such a hacked together turd it would have required a complete rewrite to begin with.

SDPhantom 02-20-15 01:30 PM

I'm probably the only one that still uses the default UI, but I've added a bit more functionality to it.
I'll eventually start replacing pieces with my own code from scratch when I have time to do it.

For now, my biggest project is a combination flight and combat HUD I've rewritten 3 or 4 times already.

PumpkinToys 02-20-15 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Petrah (Post 306656)
Google for ElvUI (it is hosted at the TukUI website) and you will find a forum dedicated to the addon, it's download, and lots of amazing plugins.

Before you use it, I recommend moving all of your current addons and only installing ElvUI. That way you can slowly add addons that you want... ElvUI can pretty much be used all by itself. All you really need with it is DBM and Skada.

I more meant your options to make it look exactly like that, and if theres any addons more then elvui, dbm, skada. Or even screenshots of ur options if u have spare time. Certanly not a must. Ill try to replecate it i guess if not. :)

lightspark 02-20-15 02:57 PM

I'm using oUF LS, I guess it's v1.3.4 on this screenshot, was quite long ago...

I'm currently working on v2.0 though, changes are coming :banana:

Seerah 02-20-15 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's mine.

p3lim 02-20-15 04:52 PM

Probably one of the last screenshots I took before I quit the game, although it hasn't changed much for years:

Petrah 02-20-15 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by PumpkinToys (Post 306662)
I more meant your options to make it look exactly like that, and if theres any addons more then elvui, dbm, skada. Or even screenshots of ur options if u have spare time. Certanly not a must. Ill try to replecate it i guess if not. :)

Let's see. Just for the overall look;
  • Ubuntu font throughout. Due to having Progressive Presbyopia I have to have all of the fonts large, otherwise I cannot see any text.
  • The UnitFrames are using the class health option; media used is X-Pearl
  • The top three bars surrounding the Microbar are created with Chocolatebar so that I can have quick access to my broker addons (and to keep my minimap free of icons). The broker addon on the left Chocolatebar is Ara Guild & Friends, and the one on the right is Broker Volumetric... so I can have fast access to my sound options. There's options in Chocolatebar to make it match ElvUI if you fiddle with it.
  • The buffs up top get their look from ElvUI Visual Aura Timers.
  • Skada: using AddOnSkins to take advantage of the Dual Embed System (two skada windows attached to the right chat window, which both can be hidden or unhidden by having Skada set to the Left Minimap DataText in ElvUI).
  • The cardinal points on the minimap is my addon ElvUI Cardinal Points. You can find it on Curse.
If there's something else more specific you wish to know, just holler.

JDoubleU00 02-20-15 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 306669)
Here's mine.

I love your design (no, I am not going to ask you to post it as a download :) ). How do you make the chat work? Does it expand? How did you make the artwork around the action bars?

Seerah 02-20-15 08:09 PM

The chat expands/collapses by clicking the arrow next to it. That arrow is a kgPanel, and it turns orange when there's been certain action in the chat frame.

The art around the action bar is in the default UI, used in kgPanels via my SharedMedia_Blizzard. The other art along the bottom is oooold, from Firedancer UI.

syncrow 02-20-15 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by lightspark (Post 306664)
I'm currently working on v2.0 though, changes are coming :banana:

quite nice, i prefer stylistic UI's like that, but the statusbar texture seems to plastic imo.

lightspark 02-21-15 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 306679)
quite nice, i prefer stylistic UI's like that, but the statusbar texture seems to plastic imo.

Thanks! I know :( but unitframe revamp is coming anyway, but need to decide on design first, the more I draw the more I dislike my current UFs, to tell the truth I've never liked anything but player and pet frames :D

I will probably turn power and class power bars on the orb into vertical statusbars with pipelike textures. Easier to maintain and much cleaner code :D But easier said than done, I have to draw something decent first, for now I'm updating/adding anything else but unitframes..

syncrow 02-21-15 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by lightspark (Post 306688)
Thanks! I know :( but unitframe revamp is coming anyway, but need to decide on design first, the more I draw the more I dislike my current UFs, to tell the truth I've never liked anything but player and pet frames :D

I will probably turn power and class power bars on the orb into vertical statusbars with pipelike textures. Easier to maintain and much cleaner code :D But easier said than done, I have to draw something decent first, for now I'm updating/adding anything else but unitframes..

I know exactly what do you mean...same goes for me. texture decision and drawing are some of the cruelest parts..

Firedancer 02-25-15 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 306675)
The art around the action bar is in the default UI, used in kgPanels via my SharedMedia_Blizzard. The other art along the bottom is oooold, from Firedancer UI.

I thought I recognized that panel! I'm glad someone still finds it useful. :)

Seerah 02-25-15 05:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've had it saved on my hard drive for years. I pull it out every now and then. :) Here it is in a different UI from way back in BC. ;)

Gethe 02-26-15 12:35 PM

Prior to RealUI, I had just cobbled together my own out of PitBull, Bartender, Satrina's Buff Frames, PowerAuras, and a few others. Unfortunately I don't think I have any screenshots of it, though if i happen to find any ill post them.

Munglunch 03-16-15 11:44 AM

This might come as a surprise....
Here is mine

However, every once in awhile I like to use RothUI or RealUI simply because they are beautiful. ;)

Tonyleila 03-16-15 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Munglunch (Post 307545)

However, every once in awhile I like to use RothUI or RealUI simply because they are beautiful. ;)

Love your UI, have used it for a while on PTR. There shoud be more UIs like this - feels like the UI got much love.

JDoubleU00 03-16-15 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Munglunch (Post 307545)

However, every once in awhile I like to use RothUI or RealUI simply because they are beautiful. ;)

Very cool. I have Attention Deficit UI, so I may try yours.

Resike 03-16-15 02:07 PM

Here is mine!

Munglunch 03-16-15 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 307552)
Love your UI, have used it for a while on PTR. There shoud be more UIs like this - feels like the UI got much love.

Thank you!
It definitely seems like there are more and more people giving it a shot these days.

JDoubleU00 03-16-15 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 307556)
Here is mine!

I guess this proves any race can look ridiculous.

jeffy162 03-16-15 07:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, here's mine.
Attachment 8550
Hold the snigger's, please. I know it isn't very neat or nice, but it works for me.

JDoubleU00 03-16-15 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 307570)
Well, here's mine.
Attachment 8550
Hold the snigger's, please. I know it isn't very neat or nice, but it works for me.

What unit frame and minimap are you using?

Tonyleila 03-17-15 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by rocnroll (Post 307571)
What unit frame and minimap are you using?

I bet with your: Carbonit and oUF (Phanx?)

jeffy162 03-17-15 08:46 AM

Unit frames are PitBull 4 and the minimap you see is the Carbonite minimized map. I've messed around and changed the skin color on it, though, that's why it doesn't look like Carbonite.
(Hey, Tonyleila, one out of two ain't bad, for guessing!)

Tonyleila 03-17-15 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 307580)
Unit frames are PitBull 4 and the minimap you see is the Carbonite minimized map. I've messed around and changed the skin color on it, though, that's why it doesn't look like Carbonite.
(Hey, Tonyleila, one out of two ain't bad, for guessing!)

Unfair I did not know PitBull is still alive! Come on oUF looks almost 95% same I guessed it was an edit :)

jeffy162 03-17-15 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 307594)
Unfair I did not know PitBull is still alive! Come on oUF looks almost 95% same I guessed it was an edit :)

PitBull is very much alive. I didn't know, but figured, you could get a unit frame like I use with just about anything out there that is highly configurable. I know I messed around with SUF for about half an hour and came pretty close. I just did it to see if I could. About five more minutes and it would've been done, but I got tired or reloading the UI every time I made a change. THAT'S a real drag. And if I was any good with Lua I might be using oUF.

Tonyleila 03-17-15 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 307596)
PitBull is very much alive. I didn't know, but figured, you could get a unit frame like I use with just about anything out there that is highly configurable. I know I messed around with SUF for about half an hour and came pretty close. I just did it to see if I could. About five more minutes and it would've been done, but I got tired or reloading the UI every time I made a change. THAT'S a real drag. And if I was any good with Lua I might be using oUF.

PitBull has always been TOO highly configurable for me - when I last looked into it it was PitBull 3 and had to watch youtube guids to understand how to set it up. Are you shure you are talking about SUF with reload? Or Stuf?

10leej 03-18-15 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 307597)
PitBull has always been TOO highly configurable for me - when I last looked into it it was PitBull 3 and had to watch youtube guids to understand how to set it up. Are you shure you are talking about SUF with reload? Or Stuf?

It's much simpler nowadays. however still complex if you don't know what your looking at.

jeffy162 03-18-15 07:48 AM

My apologies. It was StUF, not SUF that I was setting up. DOH! I always get those two mixed up. :o

JDoubleU00 03-18-15 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 307597)
PitBull has always been TOO highly configurable for me - when I last looked into it it was PitBull 3 and had to watch youtube guids to understand how to set it up. Are you shure you are talking about SUF with reload? Or Stuf?


Originally Posted by 10leej (Post 307600)
It's much simpler nowadays. however still complex if you don't know what your looking at.

I like SUF, but it like the others can be too complicated and I find myself wasting time. Someday, I will sit down and focus on learning oUF and being better with LUA. Right now, I am trying different oUF layouts.

Thubz 04-09-15 07:53 AM

i change my UI alot of times, but this is what im working on right now, the UI changed color on mainbars and minimap.

Example; Combat=Red, Idle=Yellow, Stealth=Blue.

its still in his early phase tho no raid frames and lot of otherthings still need a tweak like my buffs and such if i would emblem this as a version it would be v0.2b so ye dont judge to hard :banana:

trancelolz 04-09-15 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 304837)
I'm still using my Diablo UI.

I had intentions in the last weeks to get back to a stripped down UI. Basically just simple font. Simple statusbars and a small backdrop shadow.

Experimenting with a pixelated UI would be interesting aswell.

I'm not raiding any more so...

Those party frames? What texture is that? And do you mind sharing?! :D

gmarco 04-13-15 02:09 AM

Here is mine.

It is a working progress while I am studying OUF framework to make my layout.

I have tried Phanx, p3lim and others and now I am using Skaarj which is working so great that I have lost will to build mine :-)

Btw here is the interface of my little mage vs training dummy ... the usual epic fail :-)


Most of the interface is WTF free with a lot of Zork addons:

- rActionBarStyler
- rActionButtonStyler
- rBuffFrameStyler
- rChat
- rFilter3
- rMinimap
- rPlayerPowerBarAlt
- rTooltip
- rVignette

just a little bit customized to share the same textures and fonts (removing the ugly outline effects from everywhere :) I hope zork don't read it :-)

- tullaCC
- tullaRange

- InfinityPlate
- Xloot
- Bugger
- Gofish

- Bazooka

- Some addons of mine, like HideToolTip and others (only to demo that someone uses them :-)
- Others here and there :-)

A special mention to a couple of addons I use since so long time :

- SimpleSelfRebuff
- LitePanels

SimpleSelfRebuff is so usefull.

LitePanels is the addon that make the background around zork's rActionBarStyler and it has this layout based on the fact you show (from blizzard menu) 2 or 3 rows of action bars.

Lua Code:
  1. lpanels:CreateLayout("Back3r", {
  2. {   name = "P1", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", x_off = 0, y_off = 2,
  3.     bg_alpha = 0.7, width = 420, height = 108,
  4.     border = "SOLID", border_color = "CLASS",
  5. },
  7. } )
  10. lpanels:CreateLayout("Back2r", {
  11. {   name = "P1", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", x_off = 0, y_off = 2,
  12.     bg_alpha = 0.7, width = 420, height = 76,
  13.     border = "SOLID", border_color = "CLASS",
  14. },
  16. } )
  19. if MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() == true or MultiBarBottomRight:IsVisible() == true then   
  21.         lpanels:ApplyLayout(nil, "Back3r")
  23.     else
  25.         lpanels:ApplyLayout(nil, "Back2r")
  26. end
  29. -- lpanels:ApplyLayout("n:axilea", "Back3r")

Ehm the above code, after a better check don't seems to works so good so the best thing for me now is to add the name of pg in the statements:

lpanels:ApplyLayout("n:frostanzo", "Back2r")

and removing the if conditions. I really don't know why ... but I am investigating :-)

I have found the problem, but ... I'll post an help request in XML/LUA Help forum searching for some clues/tips because I don't know how to fix (if possible) it :-)

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