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Kaelten 09-01-05 10:19 PM

KC_Items 0.93. Preview and release thread.
2 Attachment(s)
Well I was effected by hurricane Katrina. But now I'm back, and wanted to give people a little insight as to whats up with KC_Items, my current project on deck.

I'm currently in process of a complete rewrite. This should take care of most of the small bugs I hope*.

I'm planning on adding a few more modules in the next few releases.

AuctionHelper: Will do such fun things as remember auction prices, will auto set items to prices based on market trends, identify good deals, allow you to config which tab the auction window opens too by default, and also how long a default auction will be. Maybe more, I've not started writing much of it yet. Will be dependent on the auction module and maybe sellvalue.

iteminfo: Will display craft profession info, stack info, and all that fun stuff that everyone wants.

Some modules also are getting some serious love.

These include, sellvalue, auction, and tooltiphooker, nearly every module is getting some kinda optimization, slight reworking, bug fixes, and/or added features.

If I get done with these revisions before 1.7 comes out then I'll post 0.93 before 1.7 comes out and mess around on the test server till I get a stable 1.7 version and then release it when that comes out.

If 1.7 comes out, hopefully I'll have a version out within a few days after that. .93 is currently about 40% done, and up until the hurricane was progressing quickly. I hope progress picks back up soon.

I've added a few preview screens of some of the tooltip enhancements, with a few different modes in effect.

Devla 09-02-05 01:13 AM

Glad to hear you are doing ok. Just watching the tv coverage makes me sick to my stomach, my prayers are with everyone affected.

Regarding're a tease!! :p


Kaelten 09-04-05 07:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)

also I'd like to add that there are about 7 or 8 different options available at the time of this screenshot to customize the tooltip.

Kaelten 09-10-05 12:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
preview of the new linkview frame, or at least most of it.

Kaelten 09-28-05 10:51 AM

hi guys, sorry I havn't been around to answer questions lately. I've been moving this past weekend.

Today I'm finishing moving, after that I'll start full force in finishing up the new linkview.

At that point I'll probably release a beta copy. .93 has been a 100% complete rewrite.

Every module I've done has been udpate changed or completely reworked.

I also have a few new modules that I want to have released before .93 goes gold. This included AuctionBroker and ItemInfo. Those two modules will provide alot of the functionality that most people have requested.

On a side note for those that are interested, these are some things that have changed.

A completely new module system. Previously each module was a seperate ace application roughly strung togather by some shoestrings. Now each modules ties into the core module in a much tighter fashion. This gives the whole system more stability and a more consistant feel to the users.

I've added vendor sell values to the SellValue module. Now you can see how much a vendor sells something for as well as how much he'll pay for it.

I've redone Auction to provide more intuetive handling of per section scanning, and improved code effeciency.

I've seperated the auto price feature from auciton into aucitonbroker. I've made the auction price creation more robust and configurable. It now remembers previous sell prices as well so if you edit the price, instead of making up a new one you'll just use the old one again. Also AuctionBroker provides one-click auction listing. This one is still a work in progress. I've got alot more options planned for AB. Oh and the 5.3230201666 avg stack bug has been fixed.

TooltipHooker has been made flexable. including seperated tooltips and many other options.

Bank and inventory have some bugs worked out of them.

There is more thats been updated I'm sure. I hope everyone is as excited about this release as I am. I honestly feel that many of the features that people have been looking for will be answered in this release, And the ones that aren't will NOT be ignored. I'll continue until people say "damn man, theres too much here" and I'll just say "so what, delete what you don't want, the rest will still work."

Later guys, off to make my last load of stuff.


P.S. thanks for the compliments Pies, I hope that the above post answers any questions you have.

Jexx 09-28-05 04:35 PM

Quick question/suggestion for Linkview.

I'm very used to sorting my items via Quality...however I have always done so by having the highest quality (purple) at top.

In Linkview, white items are sorted at the top..and the blue/purple items are clear at the bottom.

Is there any option/command to reverse this??

Kaelten 09-28-05 06:46 PM

there will be in .93

dunnar 09-29-05 09:40 AM

Does AuctionBroker include functionality to search for items that are being sold below their average prices? I'm very interested in hearing about this new module and what it's capable of. Thanks.

Kaelten 09-29-05 07:30 PM

its on the todo list if not for the initial release than soon after.

Peis 09-30-05 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelten
also I'd like to add that there are about 7 or 8 different options available at the time of this screenshot to customize the tooltip.

What are the different options available to display and not display?

*edit* whoops haha! nevermind! i re-read what was in the latest update and saw that you added support for it lol.

rimster 10-07-05 08:58 AM

Hey KC,

just wanted to check if there's any progress on the development of version .93... Hope Rita didn't do damange in your area again, well let us know, can't wait for the new version...

Kasheen 10-07-05 10:48 AM

Hello Kaelten, I was wondering if you might be able to tell me if the following public methods will exist after the mod is restructured, it would help me make changes to my mod which has an optional dep on your mod. Thanks, list follows :):



Thanks very much :)


Kaelten 10-07-05 11:48 AM


function KC_ItemsClass:GetName(id, trunc)
        if (self._cId == id and not trunc) then
                return self._cName;
        elseif (self._cId ~= id) then

        local name = self._cName;
        if (trunc and name) then
                local l = string.len(name);
                if (l > trunc) then
                        name = strsub(name, 1, trunc - 4) .. " ...";
        return name;               



function KC_ItemsClass:GetTextLink(id)
        if (self._cId ~= id) then
        local color        = self:GetColorCode(id);
        local link        = self:GetHyperlink(id);
        local name        = self:GetName(id);
        if (not        color or not link or not name) then
                return nil;
        local textLink = color .. "|H" .. link        .. "|h[" ..        name.. "]|h|r";

        return textLink;

there are the definitions for the two functions.

Both of them should be available through KC_Items class.

the db is still there as well.

Although if you don't mind me asking, what information are you looking for that you need to use db:get()?

If I need to provide an api to access that information I can.

Kasheen 10-07-05 01:00 PM


Although if you don't mind me asking, what information are you looking for that you need to use db:get()?
Of course, you may even know a better solution.

I wrote the mod called "Compact Loot Frames" which is basically a loot roll frame replacement. As far as I know the roll frames never recieve anything that it usable through the link system, only a name and an RollID number which doesnt appear to be anything to do with the loot system (ie it seems to start as a small integer).

My mod has the ability to display the name of the loot either on the roll window or in the chat, if it is displayed in the chat and the user runs LootLink or KC_Items then instead of getting some coloured text you actually get the link, the thing is I must look up the items database by name only and KC_Items seems to be sorted by ID.

Unfortunately when you try to search the whole database (or search until you find the item) there seems to be a noticable stutter so instead I have gone through the KC_Items database in order to create a table which looks like name = id. This database is only loaded when the client enters the world though for the first time which means if new items are added to KC_Items they wont be in my database but if the user is running masterDB this should hopefully not matter too much. With this I can do a much faster hash table look up with the item name, get the id and feed that back into one of the other two functions i mentioned. I've also added an "accuracy" mode in my mod which will search the name = id database first and then search the main KC_Items one incase it misses the odd item, but this mode is not default as sometimes it would cause a stutter and would stutter lots if the user didnt have a large items database already.

I guess the other downfall is that the name = id table will take up a bit of memory. Perhaps there is a better way you can suggest of doing this? I had thought of faster ways of searching the KC_Items db such as a binary search but that of course will not work unless you had the list sorted, which takes time :P, I found it odd how the game made a noticable stutter though in searching the list, perhaps there was some other problem in my code i could not see.

Phew, man, you ask a simple question and i give you a book :P. Hope I've not obscured what I was trying to do.

Thanks if you have any suggestions that may help :)

Amadar 10-11-05 05:34 PM

Will .93 have fixed for the 1.8 patch?
Just wondering, I LOVE your Items tool. You got a paypal link for donations??

Kaelten 10-11-05 05:54 PM

I don't ask for donations, but if you feel inclined to give them, here is a link.

Amadar 10-11-05 06:38 PM

Cool, Will .93 fix the WoW 1.8 patch issues?
I dropped ya a little. I like to support those that develope good tools I use. Will .93 fix the WoW 1.8 patch issues? As of now it does not download the current auctions anymore or suggest buyout prices when creating auctions. The scan button is completely gone.

Kaelten 10-12-05 12:42 PM

Thanks much bro. First time anyone has actually donated or anything of the sort. Much appriciated.

rimster 10-12-05 12:49 PM

Dibs on second then :)

Any update on .93 btw?

Peis 10-12-05 01:23 PM

I am getting anxious...
Man, KC, you must be doing some hardcore re-programming. B/c we've been waiting for a while for .93 to come out. >.< I hope it comes out soon b/c I'm getting really anxious for it to come out.

And do you think you will be updating the master database b/c of the new items that have just come out?

Hervard 10-15-05 01:00 AM

This looks like it will be a nice, clean mod when it's shaped up a bit. I quite like the idea of using less memory, and the use of different modules is a good idea, too.

A couple of annoyances, though:

After having scanned the selected page(s) in the Auction House, the "Scan" button still says "Stop Scan" even though the scan has been completed.

You probably should mention that both Ace and AceGUI are required. I downloaded AceGUI with the link provided, looked at the loaded AddOns and noticed that Ace was required for AceGUI...

Having an item's sell value be shown on its tooltip is very useful. However, it would appear that this sell value data is only collected for items in your bags when you visit a vendor. This is not useful at all.

I'd like to be able to hover over equipped items and see their sell value without having to unequip them and talk to a vendor, just to have their sell values appear.

I'd also like to see sell values of items that I don't even have. When an item is linked through the chat, or when I'm viewing an item through KC Linkview, I'd like to see the sell value right there.

I won't be using this mod until I can see the sell values for every item instantly.

Kaelten 10-15-05 06:35 AM

hehe, I've been requiring ace forever so I forget that some people don't know it.

To get that database of items your talking about go here.


install merge it with KC_Items and then optionally delete it.

Gives you ~16k sell values.

Hervard 10-15-05 08:11 AM

Ahh sweet, thank you! I'll give that a try.

rberry88 10-15-05 08:43 AM

I am unable to scan the auction house. When I open the Auction House and press the scan button it displays a message in the auction house window: KC_Items: You must have at least one category selected to perform a scan

I even tried selecting Weapon->Bows and it still gives me this message and won't scan. I then tried the chatline function '/kci auction scan' and it gives me the same error. Any idea?

Amadar 10-15-05 10:56 AM

That URL Doesn't go anywhere, how do you "merge" the database? Sorry if i am a NOOB!... but I will learn :)


Originally Posted by Kaelten
hehe, I've been requiring ace forever so I forget that some people don't know it.

To get that database of items your talking about go here.


install merge it with KC_Items and then optionally delete it.

Gives you ~16k sell values.

Amadar 10-15-05 11:08 AM

Valid /KCI command line options
I tried to do a /kci scan and it says its and invalid option, what are the valid command line options?

Devla 10-15-05 11:38 AM



DSanai 10-15-05 04:20 PM

Two things I noticed, Kael:

(1) You're spelling tier "teir" -- might want to change that. ;)

(2) For some odd reason, many of my items in the linkview are duplicated. Not all of them are, but a great majority. There's only ever 2 though, that I could see (not 3 or 4 duplicates).

Gazmik 10-16-05 08:57 PM

I'm in the middle of updating ShoppingList to support KC_Items as an alternative to Auctioneer now that the snapshot can be persistent. Unfortunately, I still can't get equivalent functionality to Auctioneer, as KCI's snapshot data doesn't tell me all the information I'd like to present to the user.

Currently, the snapshot contains observed stack sizes and observed prices in separate tables, each of them sorted. Since they're sorted separately, this dissociates the observed prices from the stack sizes (and from each other, but for my purposes I'm only looking at buyout). So, I can tell the player what the best observed price (per each) for an item is, but not how many items are stacked in whichever auction that price was observed in.

For example... In my latest scan there are three auctions for Naga Scale: one scale for 5s, another single scale for 6s, and a stack of three for 10s. The snapshot for Naga Scale thus looks like:

{ buy={333, 500, 500}, stacks={1,1,3} }
As you can see, there's no way to recognize that the 333 buyout corresponds to the stack size of 3. (And even if there were, we'd still be inaccurate in reporting a total price for the stack of 9s99c.)

I imagine you're probably running into this issue yourself if you're looking to implement equivalents to Auctioneer's broker/bidbroker commands, but figured I should drop a heads-up anyway. :)

Kaelten 10-16-05 10:20 PM

hmm... I didn't considered this when I setup the snapshot system up. I may look at redoing it.

One question Gazmik, has anyone reported a tooltip issue with your mods and mine?

Theondry 10-16-05 10:36 PM


There are very subtle tickboxes in the auction frame. You need to check the tickbox for each section you want to scan.

Amadar 10-17-05 03:29 AM

KC_Items and Auctioneer
I have found that both mods run well at the same time and the data windows do not over lap. I look at both and try to come up with the price I want. Maby your mod can look and all the tables and come up with the calculated price you want. Of course the disadvantage is running 3 mods and have to scan atleast twice.. but I am the patient sort.

Gazmik 10-17-05 04:12 PM


hmm... I didn't considered this when I setup the snapshot system up. I may look at redoing it.
A suggestion for a simple workaround: it doesn't look like there's anything that relies on the "stacks", "buys", "mins", etc. tables being sorted... they just end up that way as a result of getBellCurve() sorting its input. If you altered getBellCurve() to work from a copy of the table passed in (or from a variable-length arguments list instead of a single table argument), the "buys", "mins", "stacks", etc. tables would be left as-is, and I could reasonably assume that buys[n] corresponds with stacks[n].


One question Gazmik, has anyone reported a tooltip issue with your mods and mine?
I've had a few reports of tooltip-related errors since I dropped EnhTooltip in favor of maintaining my own tooltip hook library several weeks ago, and most of them have been eliminated in my current releases (save for a couple of reports I can't seem to reproduce), but nobody's mentioned KC_Items.

Firedancer 10-17-05 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by DSanai
(2) For some odd reason, many of my items in the linkview are duplicated. Not all of them are, but a great majority. There's only ever 2 though, that I could see (not 3 or 4 duplicates).

I noticed this as well today, though I saw 3 of the same item. I clicked on all three links and noticed that the stats varied slightly. One version was +6int +6sta, one was +5int +6sta, and the other was +6int +5sta. All three items exist (as I have noticed this when looking for things in the auction house), but I don't think that the previous versions of KCI saved each probably overwrote it with the most recent item seen with that name.

DSanai 10-17-05 06:31 PM

Okay, now that makes sense.

I'm perfectly happy with duplicates of that type, as that would allow me to browse them and determine what variations exist. I don't strictly need them though, so do as you see fit, Kael. :)

Kaelten 10-17-05 08:29 PM

@Gazmik: I had thought about that I'll look at doing that and we can see if the results will match up.

@DSanai: I'm going to try to do something to optimize the storage as sell values are always the same, however, I'm going to leave it as is for the most part.

Let me explain a quick thing regarding the way item links work.

you have the four set of numbers in the item link, 1234:56:789:0000000

the first set is the base item. second number is an 'echantment modifier' that corresponds to a player enchant. the third number is what stat modifier(s) are on an item.

So you may have 15 different 1234's in your sv list, but each of them have a different third set. Ignoring the third set (as I used to do) leads to big problems with the Database, especially for auction prices. I accidently did that one time, it helped save on storage, but wasn't worth the issues.

If you don't want a variation you can shift-right click I think to remove an item from the list (and database)

DSanai 10-19-05 04:01 AM

I'm really not worried, bud. :)

I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a data corruption or storage problem. I'm happy knowing it's intended.

When one runs 151 active addons, including the big hogs, one isn't all that concerned, so long as there's a reason. :rolleyes:

I would love to see KCI incorporate the command-line search and typeable-item-links features that TypeLinks has, by the way. Currently I have KCI and TypeLinks BOTH storing items they see, and I only keep the latter around so I can type, in the chatbox, [?Item Name?] to do searches/partial-searches and have it display (up to a maximum I've set) item links in my chatbox, or be able to type a message and just include [*Item Name*] and have it turn that into a link before sending -- without any GUI manipulation.

Since KCI seems to be turning into an all-in-wonder, maybe something to consider? :)

pdaddy 10-20-05 01:57 PM

I appologize in advance for being so stupid. Pre 1.8 KC_items was so easy to use but I have yet to be successful in it's use since the patch.

I click on scan and it tells me I have to choose a category. (So I can't scan the entier AH now? Me no likey that)

So when I do select weapons, it still says I need to choose a category. (EDIT* I see from some screenshots that there is supposed to be some checkboxes. I get none of that.)

If I do a search first, then click Scan, the search results disappear, and no scan ever seems to take place.

Lastly, kc used to autofill auction prices for me. Not it doesn't.

Is there any documentation anywhere on the mod? I don't see it, but then again, my wife says I am blind. LOL

thanks for doing this mod, but I did like the old version least until I figure this one out.

Kaelten 10-20-05 03:41 PM

Do you have AceGUI Installed? its availalbe in the Ace download section here.

pdaddy 10-20-05 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelten
Do you have AceGUI Installed? its availalbe in the Ace download section here.

I'm good now. A reboot solved my problem. Either that or I just totally missed the tick boxes earlier. DOn't tell the wife

Amadar 10-20-05 05:09 PM

I think I found a bug
When I am in IF and I click on an item from the chat box ( I.E some says "WTS [ x item ] and i click on it, the information about the item comes up, but when I click the "x" to close the info windows, if i mouse over ANYTHING that would have an info box associated with it, that last item pops up again. The only way I have been able to get it to stop is log out and back in. Has anyone else had the expierence??

Rags 10-20-05 08:02 PM

that sticky window? it's not that stubborn for me, I just randomly click some things and hit Esc a couple times and it vanishes.

And it's not all the time that it happens. i haven't narrowed it down to one or two things just yet :mad:

strikehere 10-22-05 07:07 AM

I'm having the same issue, but it happens on any item that I select the info on no matter where I am and it keeps popping up. I haven't figured out how to eliminate the error

azzlack 10-22-05 05:24 PM

When I try to link Legendary quality items like "Sulfaras, Hand of Ragnaros" and "Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker", I always get disconnected from the game. This never happens when linking epic quality items or items of lower quality.

Is this a known bug in 0.93 Beta 1a?

Kaelten 10-22-05 05:27 PM

To everyone who is experiancing a 'sticky' bug, I'm not sure what is causing that, I do not have that error on my local machine. This leads me to believe that there is another addon that's interfering with my tooltip funcitons.

And in regards to the legendary items, for some reason it seems to do this for pretty much everyone, not a KC_Items bug, just blizzard, I'm thinking that Legendary and up have stricter Caching rules.

guice 10-23-05 07:08 PM

I don't know if this was posted yet. Too many pages to read. :(

Anyway, the command line change is a bit much. We really need a way to open the link window with a simple command. /kci linkview was a bit much in 0.92 and prior but now with 0.93 it's /kci linkview open .. too long. Is there anyway to get a short command line option added? Something like /kicll or /kcilv? Something for just opening the window that's short and sweet.

Kaelten 10-23-05 09:49 PM

I'll look into it, but you know that there is a key binding available as well? I use ` to open mine.

Barabas 10-23-05 10:20 PM


just to add a note regarding linking legendary Items.
If i link them from KC_Items Linkview I get disconnected. Everytime.Reproducable.

If I link the same Item from Link Wrangler i don't get disconnected.
To be precise...
1. Open LinkView.
2. Search e.g. Sulfuras
3. Left-Click to get a sticky-Tooltip from Link Wrangler.
4. Relink the Item to every Channel including Guild and whisper
Result: No disconnect.

Linking the Item from LinkView to a chat, it doesn't matter which one leads to a disconnect.

Hope to help you with this issue..



guice 10-23-05 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelten
I'll look into it, but you know that there is a key binding available as well? I use ` to open mine.

No, I did not know. lol
I'll have to look into that. Not sure what the fark I'm going to use, but I'll look around
(WAY too many keybindings in WoW... I need a 208 key keyboard).

dunnar 10-27-05 01:21 PM

AuctionBroker Module
Did the last beta update include any bidbroker functionality for the AuctionBroker module? I can't wait for that feature! :)

Foosh 10-27-05 03:42 PM

Sticky Bug
Not sure if this will help anyone,.. I had a similar problem, where any item link I clicked on in my chat window would keep popping up, no matter what I did. Turned out Enhanced Tooltip was causing it for me. If you have it, and don't need it, remove it, see if it helps.

Sanwatchu 11-04-05 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Barabas
If I link the same Item from Link Wrangler i don't get disconnected.
To be precise...
1. Open LinkView.
2. Search e.g. Sulfuras
3. Left-Click to get a sticky-Tooltip from Link Wrangler.
4. Relink the Item to every Channel including Guild and whisper
Result: No disconnect.

I'm nevertheless disconnected! :(

Quokka 11-12-05 07:18 PM

I have used Auctioneer in the past, but swaped to KCI_Items because it offers more than just that.

I'm missing one small feature. I'd like to see "stacks in lot off x" in the tool tip.
I loved this


jotek 11-28-05 08:44 AM

Hey, sorry to ask a question that may have been already (and SUPER sweet mod by the way. I used to use lootlink and my interface slowed down to a crawl after a while), but is there a way to change the money reporting in the tooltip from letters (c,s,g) to the pictures of it? Not a big deal, just would be cooler for me :D
Thanks a lot for this!

Kaelten 11-28-05 10:13 AM

The issue with the picture symbols is that there is only one of those on the tooltip by default so I could have 1 thing have that but the rest would have to be different. I could try to do a dirty hack to get around this, and I do eventually plan to but its not on the top of my todo list yet.

Zorle 12-22-05 02:18 AM

Master DB update?
Just wondering when the database will be upadated with the new loot.

Kaelten 12-22-05 09:01 AM

Soon (TM) ;)

svartalfimposter 02-25-06 07:23 PM

KCItems or (ItemSync & Mobinfo)?

I love your work, and I'd like your advice/opinion on my circumstance. I use KC_Items mainly because I use KCET, but I also use linkview database to look up items. I also use Mobinfo and am intruiged by the soon-to-be item database support they are implementing for ItemSync. I'm wondering if I should get rid of KC_Items and take up ItemSync instead, in the interests of economising my addons.

What do you think?

Kaelten 02-25-06 09:06 PM

5 Attachment(s)
well to be honest, I don't know. I would be curious to ask what info he could be getting from Itemsync in regards to mob health.

I also would wonder if he could add the same support for KC_Items.

On the side note, if you wished to use ItemSync instead of the linkview KCI all you'd really have to do is delete the linknet and linkview folders. That would remove the linkview window and also the active search gathering. That would keep the funcitonality you like to use in KCI without bloating your system with redundent parts.

KC_Items was designed in the mind frame that flexability is a Good Thing and I won't force functionality that you don't want on you.

now on a side note, I think KCI is a better mod than IS, but then again, I'm biased. If I didn't think that way I probably wouldn't spend my time working on .94 (which will be coming soon its 95% ready for release). KCI is going to ship with a master db with almost 42k items. more than 25k of those have sell values added in. The amazing thing is this database takes less than 400kb in your savedvariables file and only ~1MB in memory. Of course you don't have to use that db, but it is there if you want it.

Here is a couple of teaser shots for KC_Items.

svartalfimposter 02-26-06 11:13 AM

Interesting features you have there, now I'm really going to have to think about which I want.

It seems that Mobhealth is storing loot info;


Quality - the quality of items that are dropped by the mob
Cloth drops - the number of times cloth has dropped on the mob
Avg Coin Drop - average amount of money dropped by the mob
Avg Item Value - average vendor value of items dropped by mob
Total Mob Value - total sum of avg coin drop and avg item value
Loot Items - all loot items dropped by a Mob can be recorded
Check it out for yourself :

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