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Shirik 05-27-09 08:45 PM

Incorrect Addon Detections
I realize the heuristics are having some problems with addons that aren't on WoWI, and in rare cases ones that are on WoWI as well. Here's what I need from anyone experiencing an issue:

Name of addon that is installed
Name of addon that is detected
WoWInterface ID of the addons, or "N/A" if not available or not detected

Tearstar 05-27-09 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 138967)
Name of addon that is installed
Name of addon that is detected

Name of addon that is installed - a custom modified version of Mini-Me as well as Mini-Targ
Name of addon that is detected - recognizes it correctly under interface but in status it says version 1.3 available, right click more info takes me to MiniTrinketsMenu

plus I remember reading another post where "addon control panel" connects to AfterLife Crowd Control

AllStats connects to Battle Stats 2

Bang! FeignDeath is connecting to Bang! PvP
yet Bang! PvP connects to nothing and says waiting for Bang! Feign Death

Baggins goes to Baggins Scrap

Battleground Defender goes to Battleground General

Cartographer 3 is connecting to Cartographer 2.5

Dr Damage -Ace2- connected straight to Ace2 - seems like moany of the addons with Ace2 in it is connecting straight to Ace2
after updating Ace2, Ace 3 now tries to update by connecting to Am Dead

PocketStable connects to Stable

Recount connects to Broker: Recount

AtlasLootFu goes right to AtlasLoot Enhanced

All the DeadlyBossMod plugins want to update to DeadlyBossMod:Burning Crusade

Enhanced Flight Map goes to EnhancedToolTip

This is after a long day and first shot at the client, overall I think it looks good, updates quickly and the ads aren't obtrusive, not bad . . . just can't use Update All yet, but it's still beta

Upon loading my client and looking at my addon list, everything seems ok except it's telling me Ace2 is incompatable

Sepioth 05-27-09 09:40 PM

Whats interesting is every one of the addons that is incorrectly linked are ones that do not exist here on WoWI. At least that's what i looks like anyway.

It's like instead of linking an addon by exact name only it goes for any addon with a similar name if it can not find it here on WoWI instead of just saying it can not find it.

Tearstar 05-27-09 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sepioth (Post 138983)
Whats interesting is every one of the addons that is incorrectly linked are ones that do not exist here on WoWI. At least that's what i looks like anyway.

It's like instead of linking an addon by exact name only it goes for any addon with a similar name if it can not find it here on WoWI instead of just saying it can not find it.

Not everyone of them, My Mini-Targ is hosted here on WoWI and it's not linking right, but I do think you have the right idea, it's like if the name is not exact, it will find a close match . . . perhapse in that situation, a flag should show up, "not an exact match' then you know to do more info and check it

Asuhrie 05-27-09 10:40 PM

Sorry if this is not the right place for this but..

EPGP (DKP Reloaded) connects to the WoWI version of the correct mod, but it is only updated on Curse.

lordkarthas 05-28-09 01:42 AM

Already posted some of these on the tracker, but I'll post all of mine here for completeness' sake.

BindPad links to BindPad PTR instead of BindPad - GUI to set keybindings for spell/item/macro
Broker: Currency links to Broker CT instead of being unavailable
FuBar - BankItemsFu, FuBar - CalendarFu and FuBar - MailFu all link to FuBar 3.6 instead of being unavailable
FuBar - VolumeFu links to FuBar - FarmerFu instead of being unavailable
Mail Expiry links to Express Mail instead of being unavailable
Reagent Restocker links to Reagent Broker instead of being unavailable
Send Self links to Annoying Self Rebuff Reminder instead of being unavailable
Tradeskill HD links to Tradeskill Advice instead of being unavailable
Eeshards -Ace2- links to Ace2 instead of being unavailable


Originally Posted by Tearstar (Post 138970)
AtlasLootFu goes right to AtlasLoot Enhanced

AtlasLootFu is included in the ZIP file for AtlasLoot Enhanced.

syrupk 05-28-09 05:26 AM

I'll add this one here because I'm not sure yet what the other ones are linking to. I'll trying to figure out why the other ones are today.

Pitbull 4 gives you Ace2 AND Stuff Unitframes.

Gimbli 05-28-09 05:31 AM

Installed AddOn: Pitbull 4.0 - N/A on WoWI, downloaded from WoWAce/Curse
Detected AddOn: Kollektiv Unit Frames - ID 11171 (?) (Also linked for your convenience) Properly displayed Pitbull 4.0 but installed kUnits when updated.

I only use two AddOns that aren't on WoWI, and I manually updated the second. It seems (from what's already been posted), that Pitbull 4.0 is pulling multiple different AddOns from WoWI.

Bomyne 05-28-09 06:29 AM

According to minion... this is what Ace 3 is:

clayton6870 05-28-09 06:39 AM

I was having problems so I deleted all my addons and search through Minion for them again. Figured this would help with the multiple source problem people were having. So far I found out this:

Fubar Plugins not found with minion but are on WoWI:

Fubar Plugins not on WoWI:

Closed and Reran Minion and the following Addons were not present in the MInion list but are availible on WowI:
Auctioneer Suite
Cartographer (core)
Gatherer (core)

Darkwolfie 05-28-09 06:58 AM

"Addon Control Panel by Sylvanaar" is being detected as "Afterlife Crowd Control"
"Addon Control Panel" is n/a @ wowinterface

"Recount by Cryect, ported to 2.4 by Elsia" is being detected as "Broker Recount"
"Recount" is n/a @ wowinterface

Long one (sub folders of underhood)
Underhood 2 - Auras by Anadale -> Power auras classic
Underhood 2 - Bars by Anadale -> Extra bars
Underhood 2 - Combopoints by Anadale -> UIM:Combopoints
Underhood 2 - Hide Blizzard Frames by Anadale -> SSarena Frames
Underhood 2 - Icons by Anadale -> Class Icons
Underhood 2 - Portraits by Anadale -> Adapt - Almost-Default Animated Portraits
Underhood 2 - Runes by Anadale -> RDX Runes
Underhood 2 - Text Frames by Anadale -> Dreagar's Text Unit Frames

Underhood 2 is N/A @ wowinterface

Pyrophoric 05-28-09 09:08 AM

Well, I guess I will repost here ... since my thread (which was made before this one) was closed ... :/

EQCompare linking to this:

That is first one I noticed last night. There were three others but I have to wait till I get home because I dont remember what in the world they were linking to.

I am having the problems exactly as stated in the original post. Multiple addons finding things that arent on WoWI, finding the wrong thing when the right thing IS on WoWI, not finding anything at all when it is on WoWI and at times not even recognizing that I have certain plugins installed.

Also, when installing new addons it adds them to the list until I close Minion and restart it.

The last issue I have, when using my login info it seems to pull from my favorites list instead of what I have installed. This is a problem because even after I went back to anonymous, it still used my favorites list or some variation of it. I had to remove the plugin and every file it installed to revert back to seeing my installed addons.

Edit: Forgot about one other issue. It is breaking up certain mods as separate updates when it is really one suite. The first I can think of off the top of my head was Auctioneer. It wanted to download the suite for the core update (which the Suite includes everything). It also wanted to download the entire suite again for Enchantrix and then again for Swatter.

algritz 05-28-09 09:33 AM

My list of missinterpreted add-ons
Add-on : Source --> Links to

Auc:Database : CC -->
Bagsort : CC -->
BulkMail Inbox : CC -->
Fubar - CharmsFu : CC -->
Fubar - CraftTimer : CC -->

(pretty much every "Fubar - " points towatds fubar)

markuznw 05-28-09 10:31 AM

Chatter should be blocked, it's pretty outdated on wowi and overwrites the newer one from curse

Bomyne 05-28-09 10:36 AM

I have nUI+ and Minion is trying to install nUI lite.

Pyrophoric 05-28-09 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by markuznw (Post 139100)
Chatter should be blocked, it's pretty outdated on wowi and overwrites the newer one from curse

Actually, I would love an option to not update an mod that isn't WotLK updated.

thumpabash 05-28-09 11:03 AM

Characterinfo is outdated here and i update it from curse. The minion identified it as Character map

Venificus 05-28-09 12:11 PM

On a related note I think it would be nice if there were a "sanity check" column in the UI that would have the title of the remote mod that the local mod is heuristically matched with.

That way we could see at a glance if there's a problem without having to drill down into More Info for each addon.

Bomyne 05-28-09 05:17 PM

Can I make a suggestion? and no, I'm not going to use that bug tracker thing... but I would like to see the ability to over ride Minion's detection of whiich file is which.

I have looked over the list and have probably 10 to 15 mismatches that I can't correct cause I can't find anyway to proform an override.

Quaunaut 05-28-09 10:48 PM

Note: Continuously updating this post as I find more. On Edit 3.
Okay, I've some myself:

Addon Control Panel(ACP)-> Afterlife Crowd Control
Edit1: ButtonFacade_Darion -> ButtonFacade_Pas
Edit2: Pitbull 4.0 -> Satrina Unit Frames 3
Edit2: Recount -> Broker_Recount
Edit2: ShadedMedia -> Healbot Continued
Edit2: ShockAndAwe(formerly Disqodice) -> Inquest
Edit2: Wowhead Looter -> GathererDB WoWHead
Edit2: Yet Another Totem addon(YATA) -> Addon Loader

Edit2: Also, anything with the word "Fu" in it goes to Fubar.

Also there are lots of others that I'm trying to figure out where the mistake is, but it's more difficult than that. Those are:
Bagnon(and Bagnon_Options)

Edit3: Went through the entire list, no idea what installed Bagnon.

Shirik 05-28-09 11:59 PM

Just thought I'd let you guys know, I do have a plan to deal with a lot of this. We'll see how good that plan is in action probably tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm working 10-11 hour days this week so I have very little time to progress on this problem, but I hope to have something available very soon.

Morax 05-29-09 01:43 AM

Here are some more..
--- fixed in 2.3.1 - marked addon not avail --------------------------------------------------------------
battlefield commander
--- became ---
--- 2.3.1 gets this wrong --------------------------------------------------------------
AutoBar beta
--- became ---
AutoBar beta

And my absolute favorite so far..
--- fixed in 2.3.1 --------------------------------------------------------------
Loggerhead (ver
--- became ---
Loggerhead (ver 3)

break19 05-29-09 05:52 AM

Shirik, It'd be a LOT easier to determine which addons are incorrect, if it showed the addon it's intending to DOWNLOAD, rather than the name of the actual addon.

For example:

InLine Aura
InLine Aura Configuration

Both of those show correctly in the list of addons, however, upon updating them, I get Aura Unit Frames..

Another Example:

Auctioneer Suite: after downloading, and installing, it's now showing up as Auc:Util:FixAH (which happens to be a module of auctioneer) but its downloading and installing properly.

Minion, should, in my opinion, show the addon(s) it detects, as the exact addon title on WowI. This would make it MUCH MUCH easier to see incorrect detections -before- they screw things up.


solynar 05-29-09 09:46 AM

Installled: WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance and WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde


Installs TourGuide as update.

ID: N/A not on wowinterface.

Tearstar 05-29-09 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by break19 (Post 139310)
Shirik, It'd be a LOT easier to determine which addons are incorrect, if it showed the addon it's intending to DOWNLOAD, rather than the name of the actual addon.

For example:

InLine Aura
InLine Aura Configuration

Both of those show correctly in the list of addons, however, upon updating them, I get Aura Unit Frames..

Another Example:

Auctioneer Suite: after downloading, and installing, it's now showing up as Auc:Util:FixAH (which happens to be a module of auctioneer) but its downloading and installing properly.

Minion, should, in my opinion, show the addon(s) it detects, as the exact addon title on WowI. This would make it MUCH MUCH easier to see incorrect detections -before- they screw things up.


This is knd of my thought, instead of just having the version number of the proposed update, maybe the addon name with version name that it is linking to, then we should be able to see the comparison of addon installed to proposed update by name rather than just ver number

Sekrin 05-29-09 03:21 PM

I've just gone through my entire list of addons and found the following issues:

Buggrabber leads to Bugsack. Buggrabber doesn't appear to be on WoWI.

SharedMedia leads to Healbot continued. SharedMedia isn't available on WoWI.

Shock and Awe leads to Inquest (as does the Inquest addon itself). There is an outdated version of Shock and Awe here, but it's in the outdated mods section. Current version is on Curse.

Minion seems to get very confused with ZOMGBuffs. It lists the core addon as not available, but it doesn't recognise the modules as children of the core. Instead, ZOMGBuffs [Blessings], ZOMGBuffs [Log], and ZOMGBuffs [Portalz] are listed as also unavailable whilst ZOMGBuffs [Blessings Manager] leads to WoW Manager 2.2, ZOMGBuffs [PallyPower Comms] is recognised as Pallypower, ZOMGBuffs [Raid Buffer] is recognised as Broker Paladin Buffer, and ZOMGBuffs [Self Buffs] is recognised as O-Wheely!

Dargo 05-30-09 12:39 AM

Totem Timers, current installed version of Totem Timers 9.1i , Minion wants to update to a Beta version 5. Unsure what the WoWI ID is.

Bluspacecow 05-30-09 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sekrin (Post 139398)
Buggrabber leads to Bugsack. Buggrabber doesn't appear to be on WoWI.

Bug Grabber is included in the Bugsack download zip

Sekrin 05-30-09 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by honem (Post 139489)
Bug Grabber is included in the Bugsack download zip

Ah...I didn't know that - they used to be two seperate addons (maintained by two different authors IIRC).

eternalphear 05-30-09 11:28 AM

SharedMedia is installing Healbot.

Maul 05-30-09 12:39 PM

I have two unpublished "Macaroon" addons called -

MacaroonMinimap and MacaroonUnits

Minion seems to think both of these are Macaroon itself

Here are the tocs -

MacaroonMinimap -

## Interface: 30000
## Title: Macaroon: Minimap
## Author: Maul
## Version: preview.3
## Notes: Minimap managed by Macaroon!
## DefaultState: enabled
## Dependencies: Macaroon
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: MacaroonMinimapSavedState

MacaroonUnits -

## Interface: 30000
## Title: Macaroon: Unit Frames
## Author: Maul
## Version: preview.3
## Notes: Unit frames to complement the addon Macaroon
## DefaultState: enabled
## Dependencies: Macaroon
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: MacaroonUnitsSavedState

Astryne 05-30-09 02:28 PM

Ari's Mod Pack
Its amazing how many of the individual parts of Ari's Mod Pack are linked back to it. Free Refills is another one and by updating it, it added all of the stuff from this compilation that I never had before. I would suspect that there are others out there that are pointing to compilations as well.

Bluspacecow 05-31-09 07:59 PM

Ok guys :banana:

Version 2.3.1 core 2.21 wowinterface module has been released.

Can everyone who posted in this thread about incorrect addon detections retest this ?

For each addon that was detected :

Make a back up of both your WTF and Interface folders

Attempt to update just that one addon through Minion (onion ?)

Watch the addons folder for changes.

If it's doing its job correctly it should install the latest version of that addon avaliable on Wowinterface. if not you'll see extra folders that aren't meant to be there !

Report back on your findings :D :p

GravityDK 06-01-09 02:19 AM

GEM3 and Quartz and TankPoints are all detecting the right addon, but WowInterface has an older version than is actually current (it might be on Curse, for example).

New version otherwise improved accuracy a lot.

Ne0nguy 06-01-09 07:04 AM

Name of addon that is installed: Fishing Buddy (0.9.7f from curse)
Name of addon that is detected: Fishing Buddy (0.9.6p EBA)
WoWInterface ID of the addons: 4239

Granted, its hosted on curse. However, the 'update' it wants to install is an older version and actually includes a few other addons with it.


Name of addon that is installed: Stubby (5.6.4279 from
Name of addon that is detected: Stubby (
WoWInterface ID of the addons: 4889

Ditto for this, but I should also mention it is trying to install an addon not tagged as 3.1 compatible.


Also a note of minor annoyance:
I have two addons with a similar name installed (BadBoy, and BadPlayer).
They are two completely different and unrelated addons from each other, however BadPlayer will not even look to see if an update is available until BadBoy has been updated.


Other than that, It's runnin great! I'm lovin' the minion.

thebadmf 06-02-09 05:50 AM

Mods tagged Beta or Release
Since I don't mind submitting bugreports, I tend to download Beta and sometimes Alpha versions using Curse Updater.

I'm noticing a trend where Minion is saying that a current, up to date version from curse is flagged as an upgrade via minion, when infact the installed version is the same.

If I look at the version naming conventions minion omits any hyphen in the version number or the preceding r.

Example - Castdonut. Curse lists as Version r4-release. Minion lists 4release

This happens for others, Fishermans Friend r92-release vs 92release. Friends with Benefits, Gnomish Yellow Pages, Locksmith and many others.

How about splitting the status column, so we have a listing of what minion thinks is there and what it wants to install?

Shirik 06-02-09 08:40 AM

The omission of dashes is interesting.

The dropping of "r" or "v" from the front is intentional. This is because there are people that like to put "r123" on the TOC file and "123" on the site (or vice-versa), and this corrects that problem.

You've confirmed that the dashes are in fact in the file/on the site?

thebadmf 06-02-09 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 140423)
The omission of dashes is interesting.

The dropping of "r" or "v" from the front is intentional. This is because there are people that like to put "r123" on the TOC file and "123" on the site (or vice-versa), and this corrects that problem.

You've confirmed that the dashes are in fact in the file/on the site?

I was looking through Tekkub's stuff at the time so I can pick a few from there.
C: = on Curse Updater (showing alpha versions)
W: = the version listed on WoWI addon page
M: = on Minion



C: 3.0.2-8
W: 3.0.2-8
M: 3.0.28

I hope this helps clarify my observation. On a side note, is there any way for minion to tell if installed Beta's are actually newer and not suggest older release versions as updates? An example would be Bartender 4.

IndigoDreams 06-02-09 10:57 AM

Necrosis LdC v3.0 r221 ---> Necrosis LdC V3.0 RC1 (very old version not updated in 6+ months)

Kill Emote has a file which you put in to the character folder, this is being downloaded in to the addons folder

todd3835 06-02-09 03:36 PM

New version installed (2.3.1).

WebDKP Helper
Not availible on WoWI, but recieved from curse.
Minion detects it as WebDKP, which I also have installed =]

Also: GuildFu (fubar plugin) detects as Ari's Mod pack which does include GuildFu.

On a more general note, I just had a thought. Because "Mod Packs" are just a package of mods put together (and sometimes tend to have out of date mods), maybe not offer said modpacks through Minion. I don't use Mod Packs, because I always had the problem of out of date mods every time i "upgraded". I know it seems silly since in reality that people using minion are more likely to be notified of said upgrades to mods from mod packs, but it was just a thought.....

Edit: Another thought is to maybe have minion completely refresh after installing a modpack, to make sure it's not missing outdated mods!

Arctos 06-02-09 06:13 PM

Name of addon that is installed - nUI+ Development (12940)
Name of addon that is detected - nUI Lite (9108)

The issue here is that the Lite version is publicly available and doesn't contain the raid frame coding. nUI+ contains the raid frames but is available only to supporters and is accessed via group membership invitation. I could update nUI+ without issue from within the old WoWI Manager.

I'm trying to get Minion to search and possibly install nUI+, but I'm having issues with the search function not working within Minion.

Edit - correction, the search function is working but not detecting nUI as a keyword. This is odd since doing a search for Carbonite lists two integration mods with nUI in the title.:confused:

Oakayam 06-02-09 11:03 PM

TinyMeleeStats update is "dependent" on TinyPad. I don't believe the two mods have anything in common beside the 'Tiny' is the name :).

GravityDK 06-03-09 03:35 AM

Installed addon 'SlideBar (lib)' which I got from the addon Mappy.
However, it was originally developed and bundled with Gatherer or Auctioneer.
I do not have Gatherer or Auctioneer installed.

From MMO Minion, right-click SlideBar 'more info' takes me to the Gatherer addon page on WoWI.

Robsato 06-03-09 10:37 AM

Broker: Recount points to "", but I have this one installed from the Recount author. I got no clue on how this can be resolved since both have the same name, but just reporting it ;)


This seems to be more like a version conflict, but reporting it anyway.

Doublewide ( keeps getting marked as having an update, but I have the latest version installed (I just installed it manually again just to be sure I had the latest).

Minion detects it as: "DoubleWide (v0.7) by Iriel & Kudane"
and it says "Version 0.730000 available".


Also Titanpanel gives an update message, but I have the latest installed from WoWI (but it was installed manually)

Minion detects it as: "Titanpanel by Titan Development Team"
and it says "Version available".

Mikord 06-03-09 03:43 PM

MSBT is also not being completely detected correctly. There are two folders contained in the distribution zip file:


The core mod is MikScrollingBattleText and MSBTOptions is the options module. The toc file for MSBTOptions is marked as Load-on-Demand and also has MikScrollingBattleText marked as a dependency.

Minion is showing MSBT [Options] as the mod name (even though it's marked LoD and has the core mod as a dependency) instead of the core mod. For reference, it does seem to load both folders correctly when performing the update, but the display is incorrect.

MSBT's ID here on WoWI is 5153.

utahcarol 06-03-09 06:25 PM

Does this generate a log? I'll be honest, I can't tell which mods it replaced with what.

DawnSeven 06-04-09 05:01 PM

I read in the bug tracker that most of these issues (incorrect addon detections) were dealt with in revision 260, but I don't seem to be able to get that? When I download Minion from the link I got 231 the other day but my husband just tried and can only get 230. Are the higher versions (with some of the fixes) just not out yet? Or am I not looking in the right place? I wouldn't mind doing more beta testing, but there isn't a point in messing with 230/231 anymore ;)

Shirik 06-04-09 07:24 PM

260 is an internal revision number. It was before the release of 2.3.1

Namtar 06-05-09 11:03 AM

I'm not quite sure which addons were replaced by what, but I actually liked some of the "new" ones and decided to keep them ;) Concerning replacements, I'll keep an eye on it and update this post when I notice something unusual.

astalavista 06-06-09 10:50 AM

I just noticed that Minion doesn't detect TipTop at all for me. It did detect Titan[Healbot] which I don't use, so I set to ignore it. I think that might be what it recognizes TipTop as.

Recluse 06-07-09 03:42 AM

Installed: Lib: Dewdrop-2.0 @

Detected: Paparazzi2 @

Recluse 06-08-09 10:18 PM

I have a self-created addon called NeedBuff, which is not hosted on WoWInterface. I also have an addon called NeedToKnow (link below) which is dependant upon NeedBuff (and will not even check for an update). These are completely unrelated addons, aside from the Need____ portion of the name.

Hexe 06-09-09 02:29 PM

The minion seems to think that the Pawn I have installed is the french version. Is there a way to get it to figure out which one I have?

DonCorneo 06-10-09 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 139274)
Just thought I'd let you guys know, I do have a plan to deal with a lot of this. We'll see how good that plan is in action probably tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm working 10-11 hour days this week so I have very little time to progress on this problem, but I hope to have something available very soon.

I've posted bug reports for the 5 mismatches out of some 150 addons I have found, I think you have done an awesome job.
Minion works and that what counts. It'll take time to work all the bugs out, but I for one will wait until you can get to it.
For now I will use the ignore feature for the 5. It is a small price to pay for having an updater that is not neutered and covers a large number of my addons (which hopefully will increase as authors realize this is the site to use).

It can not be said enough: Great Job Shirik, and thank you for your hard work!:banana:

Drehmini 06-11-09 05:19 AM

Tellmewhen Fun update
Tellmewhen Fan update is detected as the original tellmewhen.

Pyrophoric 06-15-09 08:51 AM

Have some or all of these issues been resolved or being addressed?

ScytheBlade1 06-15-09 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pyrophoric (Post 143147)
Have some or all of these issues been resolved or being addressed?

This is an ongoing issue which will take some time to resolve.

"being addressed" is the phrase I'd use.

Quintin 06-16-09 06:04 PM

Detected: Ackis Recipe List (1.0 RC10)
Wants to Install: Ackis Recipe List (1.0 RC9)

Detected: ArcHUD -Ace2- by Uruloke
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Baggins -Ace2- by Nargiddley
Wants to Install: Baggins Scrap

Detected: Cartographer 3.0 v0.11.0 by ckknight
Wants to Install: Cartographer version 2.5.3

Detected: DeuceCommander -Ace2- by Neronix
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: DrDamage -Ace2- by Gagorian
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: DynRepBar -Ace2- by oers
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Guild Mail List by Paul Barbeau (oedi)
Wants to Install: Guild Organizer

Detected: Guild Organizer by Deerah
*** Waiting on Guild Mail List **** (see above)

Detected: Incubator -Ace2- by shieldb
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Lexan -Ace2- by Neronix
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Memento Mori -Ace2- by Saroz
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: RP Helper 2 -Ace2- by Duerma
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: SmartyCat -Ace2- by Darravis
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: eePanels2 -Ace2- by Evil Elvis
Wants to Install: Ace2

Namtar 06-17-09 07:31 AM

AutoLootToogle (ID: 11486 on WoWI) and AutoTabard (German version, ID: 12498) seem to be dependant on AutoBar (I think it's ID: 5502).

ItemSetChecker (only available on Curse) seems to be dependant on ItemDataCache (ID: 12306).

TinyCasterStats (ID: 13615) seems to be dependant on TinyMeleeStats (ID: 13604)

Wintergrasp+ (ID: 13813) ist stated as "Not available".

Recluse 06-25-09 11:49 AM

I hate these parenting issues. A simple fix would be another option in the right-click menu to "Unparent this addon", that way it does not think it is a child addon. Seems simple enough to me :p

As for my only current incorrect detection... As you can see it is obviously not an update. :(

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