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krolow 05-08-09 07:02 AM

Beta testing
Hiya, can't w8 until Minion is all finished and perfect. U'r doing a fantastic work doing this all and it looks good to.

Wondering tho if anyone can be a part of the beta or how it will be done cus I would be very interested in getting to try it out and help find bugs (think we all probly are :))

Slakah 05-08-09 07:04 AM

iirc It's going to be an open beta, so anyone can join for the fun.

Zyonin 05-08-09 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Slakah (Post 134393)
iirc It's going to be an open beta, so anyone can join for the fun.

aka we can all be "Lab Rats"! :D

Where's my cheese?

Kofetek 05-08-09 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Lykofos (Post 134396)
aka we can all be "Lab Rats"! :D

Where's my cheese?

You'll get it at the end of the labyrinth.

Bluspacecow 05-08-09 07:52 AM

I can offer up my OS X 10.5.6 PPC beta testing ....

But I probably won't end up using it . No offence intended here Mr Shirik but I don't think it meets my needs.

I update only every week or so off email updates in a folder in my email. I prefer to examine every change log to see if it's a major update , minor update or if it's an update i'm either interested in or need.

This whole process only takes me 15 mins or so.

I guess my perfect updater program solution would be one that gets these emails out of my email box , examines them for specificed tags then downloads and installs them automatically , giving me a report.

Not really feasible but I'm happy with my current updating method. :D

TwN 05-08-09 09:47 AM

I volunteer to alpha/beta test on my iMac, intel based.

Cairenn 05-08-09 11:50 AM

From our FAQ about Minion:


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 130563)
13. Will the beta test for it be public?
Yes, the beta test will be public.


KiwiiDawn 05-08-09 01:10 PM

I am so glad it will work on linux, i have the new ubuntu going and playing wow so will be more the happy to be a lab bunny :)

Bouvi 05-09-09 04:05 PM

Can't wait can test on XP, and two intel Macs running 10.5.whatever.

Tearstar 05-10-09 12:15 AM

Can't wait
Being a past and current supporter of WM I am excited to try this, I currently have Vista Home Premium on my main box, and XP Pro SP3 on my alt box. Looking forward to trying it and comparing it to WM, forgive me guys if I seem critical of it at first, but Im hoping Minion will be all Im expecting, If so I will be sold and once again loyal to WoWI for other than manual updates.

Looking good so far and I love the module building idea . . .

Verrrrrryyyyyy Innnnteresting!!!!

Lord Rappian 05-10-09 09:55 AM

Looking forward to giving this a try. I am mostly interested in the possibility of grabbing my add-ons from the two sites I use at the same time as opposed to grabbing from one and manually doing the other. Any idea if the module for Curse is being worked on?

Cairenn 05-10-09 10:03 AM

You would need to ask them. Whether they (any other site, not just Curse) choose to support this way of making one application work for everywhere, or not, is entirely up to them. We will certainly be willing to help them write a module to plug in to it if they wish, and we will be more than happy to host any official modules that are made for other sites, but we won't be writing them ourselves (unless they specifically and officially ask us to), for very obvious reasons.

Yhor 05-10-09 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Lord Rappian (Post 134981)
<snip> Any idea if the module for Curse is being worked on?



Originally Posted by Spectro (Post 134005)
Yeah, something is buggy with this thread. I see what Ackis is saying. Page 60 goes to page 58. o_o

Kaelten: Is Curse actually going to let a module for Curse to exist for MMOUI Minion?


Originally Posted by Kaelten (Post 134019)
Don't have an answer for that one yet.

It appears as though they're putting some thought into it, at least.

Kimmik 05-11-09 01:08 AM

oooooooooo pretty... much thanks to those working on this... cant wait to beta it. It looks interesting and I volunteer me and the hubby....:banana:

llothos 05-21-09 02:14 AM

i'll be testing it with my windows 7 rc1 and Vista Home premium. Can't wait, I use the curse client and have only recently got into this website, i think i have been here in the past but never paid close attention to it. Then I discovered carbonite :) (great addon, already got most of my freinds converted) and this site!

OldHarry 05-21-09 10:36 AM

I am actually looking forward to giving minion a try when it comes out to test. I am not sure about how my imac running Leopard will feel but I have definitely seen enough here to know I want to participate. And I also know that people here are willing to help work through any problems that might arise. Just remember explaining real technical stuff to me these days is going to be like explaining them to your Grandma.

Cairenn 05-21-09 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by OldHarry (Post 137648)
Just remember explaining real technical stuff to me these days is going to be like explaining them to your Grandma.

I'm taking screenshots of abso-frigging-lutely every little step for the Installation and Usage FAQ. :)

Kofetek 05-21-09 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 137657)
I'm taking screenshots of abso-frigging-lutely every little step for the Installation and Usage FAQ. :)

Including how to click the forward button?

Cairenn 05-21-09 02:09 PM

Well, maybe not quite to that degree. ;)

voodoodad 05-21-09 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Kofetek (Post 137670)
Including how to click the forward button?

Forward button? Whats that?

/duck and cover

Zaydok 05-21-09 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by honem (Post 134401)
I can offer up my OS X 10.5.6 PPC beta testing ....

But I probably won't end up using it . No offence intended here Mr Shirik but I don't think it meets my needs.

I update only every week or so off email updates in a folder in my email. I prefer to examine every change log to see if it's a major update , minor update or if it's an update i'm either interested in or need.

This whole process only takes me 15 mins or so.

I guess my perfect updater program solution would be one that gets these emails out of my email box , examines them for specificed tags then downloads and installs them automatically , giving me a report.

Not really feasible but I'm happy with my current updating method. :D

I read this and your LJ post and I think that it is fine that you found your own way of doing things. I can't knock you for doing things the way you want to do them. However, both of your posts have a preachy feel to them (as if to say shame on your for using automatic updaters) and I think you should realize that to the average person that your system is... well imho... off the beaten path. I get that emails about updates could be rather handy if left with no other option, but you say that out of 22 updates you download 4. I for one am a raider and I have seen the chaos that can arise of other people in the raid not having the latest version of addons. Omen for one can be way off, DBM and BigWigs can be way off to name a few good examples.

To me I think that when an addon author releases an addon, they have released something that they thought was worth updating for. I know it isn't a perfect world an that sometimes it is only a localization update, but for the most part who better to say "Okay guys time to update" then the people who are intimate with the coding of the addon. Do you know something that they don't? Are you in a better position than they are to judge whether something is worth it? Like I said I can't and won't push you to change your system, just providing some food for thought here.

I for one am greatful that Minion is soon to be released. With it the updating process should take 1-3 minutes, and I'll let the addon authors tell me whether to update by whether they release an update or not. Not to mention that I will be recommending Minion to all of my raiders for the quick updates on raid day. I've seen 30 minutes on raid day lost to an important update being released same day and everyone scurrying to find where to download it. With Minion they'll know right where to go to grab it.

Thanks to everyone behind Minion! Can't wait for the beta release! :)

Bluspacecow 05-23-09 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137681)
I read this and your LJ post and I think that it is
fine that you found your own way of doing things.

Reply posted to :

My reply got too long and I don't wanna derail this thread :eek:


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137681)
I've seen 30 minutes on raid day lost to an important update being released same day and everyone scurrying to find where to download it. With Minion they'll know right where to go to grab it.

A better idea would be to pay attention to the change logs of the addon updates and scan for any mention of it being updated for the new patch ahead of time. Then you can have all your addons updated before the patch hits and you don't have to waste 30 mins of raiding time scurrying to find updates. The majority of addon updates for 3.1 were TOC updates which are relatively minor on the "must update" scale.

Personally and I'm not trying to make a personal dig here but I prefer to know _exactly_ where to find updates for any of my addons. Makes things much easier when I need to go yell at the author for missing something out :p

DonCorneo 05-25-09 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 137657)
I'm taking screenshots of abso-frigging-lutely every little step for the Installation and Usage FAQ. :)

Could you make sure to catch the ones to spell my login name correctly pretty please??:D

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