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Kreelor 01-12-15 04:41 AM

An old saying...
Modified to reflect Carbonite's slow progression...

"The less things change, the more they stay the same!" :rolleyes:

ircdirk 01-12-15 04:49 AM


Excluding merges, 13 authors have pushed 189 commits to master and 226 commits to all branches. On master, 171 files have changed and there have been 47,006 additions and 76,230 deletions.

Only this month.

atl77 01-12-15 10:01 AM

Actually, Carbonite progresses rather fast. What is nice and slow are official releases, but Rythal has been firm that he wants to take the time to make things run smooth before releasing, since he'll be offroads a few weeks without the chance to fix things.

Petrah 01-12-15 05:28 PM

An even better saying; When you learn to accept instead of expect, you'll have fewer disappointments.

crazzzzi 01-12-15 08:00 PM

preach on sister

Kreelor 01-13-15 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by atl77 (Post 304741)
Actually, Carbonite progresses rather fast. What is nice and slow are official releases, but Rythal has been firm that he wants to take the time to make things run smooth before releasing, since he'll be offroads a few weeks without the chance to fix things.

It's precisely the reason that you and the other volunteer developers have accomplished so much valuable work on the GitHub, that I thought of my rather cryptic comment. However, all that work is in vain unless users get to use it. Why can't the "Live" version have updates to it, just like normal Beta software has? Why do we users have to wait until another full New Release is ready to download? That means users (not developers) have to wait nearly a month, or maybe longer, before Rythal returns from Europe. Personally, I'd prefer (not expect) to have those tested sections of code (which are sitting uselessly in the GitHub) patched into the current Live version so that Carbonite works at least somewhat better until Rythal returns.

(incorrect) You said this earlier, and it's what got me thinking about 'update patches'.

EDITED: changed the above comment "You said this earlier..." to read "ircdirk said this earlier..."

ircdirk said this earlier, and it's what got me thinking about 'update patches'.
"Rythal when are u plannig next release? Many fixes have been made in GitHub. Users are still reporting issues that are already fixed."

atl77 01-13-15 09:10 AM

Wonderful how you put ircdirk's question out of context. But don't you fret, I have already proposed a more transparent and open release process to improve that issue.

PsychoCircus 01-13-15 10:08 AM

*Chuckles* Actually, not to be nit picky, but the saying in question goes, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

But its true that Carbonite, under the auspices of Rythal and the other developers is moving much faster than the alerts and messages concerning them. You have to consider, too, that they're dealing with hundreds, possibly even thousands, of lines of code (I've never looked at the source to see which), and believe me, after a while, hundreds or thousands of lines of code start to run together, and everything can look like a jumbled mess. Do this every day, and almost everything looks like it has code, from kids messing around in the kitchen, to morning traffic.

The bottom line is they know you want Carbonite up and functional, and they're trying to achieve that for you. Such things, unfortunately, take time. Its not pretty, its not pleasant, but it is, unfortunately, the way the universe works. Being impatient only makes the wait seem that much longer, and exercising that impatience only impedes what success is already being accomplished, because they're having to reassure you that success is, in fact, being achieved, just not according to the schedules of those impatient hordes that insist on demanding an update or badgering the developers, or some other such nonsense (I'm not saying this is you, just a general statement).

Anyway, that's my two cents' worth

Kreelor 01-13-15 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by atl77 (Post 304786)
Wonderful how you put ircdirk's question out of context. But don't you fret, I have already proposed a more transparent and open release process to improve that issue.

You are right. I was wrong. It was ircdirk's comment, not yours. So, I edited that post.

I don't how my comment was out of context. I'm looking at the Live version from a user's point of view, not from a developer's view point. If the Live version doesn't get even partially updated, athough there is "some" already-corrected code available, then the Live version remains the same. Hence, my statement "The less things change, the more they stay the same!" was meant to say that the Live version still remains the same. Not the working GitHub code. You folks are doing great with that. I guess it's only my sense of humor that is being misunderstood. I did not intend to open this can of worms! Sorry. I wish Cairenn would delete this entire thread! I was only hoping that the finished, good code in the GitHub could be added to the Live version as in interim 'patch' before Rythal left town.

EDITED: clarification... HOPING -- not demanding, insisting, etc.

atl77 01-13-15 12:01 PM

You have put his question out of context by referencing it alone instead of its position within the thread, thus removing Rythal's answer.

nelegalno2 01-13-15 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kreelor (Post 304792)
You are right. I was wrong. It was ircdirk's comment, not yours. So, I edited that post.

I don't how my comment was out of context. I'm looking at the Live version from a user's point of view, not from a developer's view point. If the Live version doesn't get even partially updated, athough there is "some" already-corrected code available, then the Live version remains the same. Hence, my statement "The less things change, the more they stay the same!" was meant to say that the Live version still remains the same. Not the working GitHub code. You folks are doing great with that. I guess it's only my sense of humor that is being misunderstood. I did not intend to open this can of worms! Sorry. I wish Cairenn would delete this entire thread! I was only hoping that the finished, good code in the GitHub could be added to the Live version as in interim 'patch' before Rythal left town.

EDITED: clarification... HOPING -- not demanding, insisting, etc.

I might be wrong here but I was under the impression that Rythal's idea was to update the Live version (if possible) before going to FR & BG. Do note that there are currently 3 pull requests waiting for approval and a few problems he is still working on. Plus there are still a few addons that have to update there code to work with the new version of Carbonite (NPCScan, WoWPro, Zygor, ...).

Kreelor 01-13-15 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by nelegalno2 (Post 304799)
Plus there are still a few addons that have to update there code to work with the new version of Carbonite (NPCScan, WoWPro, Zygor, ...).

Personally, I'm not going to hold my breath for Zygor Guides to do anything related to Carbonite. They have so many problems with their own guides not working that Carbonite may be far down in their list of things -- or even if it's on a list at all!

I've seen no mention as to when Rythal will actually be leaving. It doesn't matter anyway. I'll be happy to get any fixes to Carbonite whenever they are available. I'm happy with what has been done so far. :)

Nimhfree 01-13-15 01:47 PM

Hey, I am just happy that Rythal integrated changes into Carbonite so the Wholly map pins work properly. :)

nelegalno2 01-13-15 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kreelor (Post 304802)
Personally, I'm not going to hold my breath for Zygor Guides to do anything related to Carbonite. They have so many problems with their own guides not working that Carbonite may be far down in their list of things -- or even if it's on a list at all!

Me nether, they don't even fix errors when you provide them with the fix let alone fix compatibility or add load on demand (>150MB RAM compared to less than 15MB for Carbonite) ... so I have made myself a partially working mod but there is still an error i can't track (not much free time lately).

If they don't do something soon and there is interest I might upload the files I changed (should see there terms first tough).

ircdirk 01-14-15 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 304639)
I'm still reviewing everything.

Since I'll be out of reach, and unable to do anything while i'm over in Europe I am trying to make sure that everything is in the best place it can be.

Last post from Rythal about releasing new live version.

atl77 01-14-15 07:54 AM

Btw., Rythals last activity was "Yesterday 09:45 PM" (citated from his forum profile). So he's very probably not yet abroad.

ircdirk 01-14-15 08:19 AM

He is "the boss" we cant do much with out him...

atl77 01-14-15 08:55 AM least we can't put up new releases on curse and WoWInterface.

Kreelor 01-14-15 07:41 PM

An attempt to add a little humor...

Here's a link to a sound file which might be appropriate right now. :cool:
It's from the 1967 movie "Cool Hand Luke."

Note: I found the following link on

And additional longer version of the same audio clip:

Seerah 01-14-15 07:53 PM

Also remember that you need only click the link in ircdirk's signature to get the very lastest version of Carbonite from github. ;)

Kreelor 01-14-15 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah
Also remember that you need only click the link in ircdirk's signature to get the very lastest version of Carbonite from github. ;)

Hi, Seerah. I had the understanding that the GitHub files (which are always in a constant state of change), were there for the developers and not for normal users to use. It would seem to me that if users found issues with those files, they'd then be posting errors all over the place, which is happening now--almost daily! Maybe it's just me, but I feel a little safer downloading and using files which have already been 'approved,' such as the Live version offers. I'm just waiting and hoping that some of the Live version (sub-categories like Warehouse) will be updated, and not necessarily a completely new Live version. I can wait for the "complete" overhaul to be done. I hope I explained this clearly enough.

ircdirk 01-15-15 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kreelor (Post 304904)
Hi, Seerah. I had the understanding that the GitHub files (which are always in a constant state of change), were there for the developers and not for normal users to use. It would seem to me that if users found issues with those files, they'd then be posting errors all over the place, which is happening now--almost daily! Maybe it's just me, but I feel a little safer downloading and using files which have already been 'approved,' such as the Live version offers. I'm just waiting and hoping that some of the Live version (sub-categories like Warehouse) will be updated, and not necessarily a completely new Live version. I can wait for the "complete" overhaul to be done. I hope I explained this clearly enough.

In one way u want to have Live Releases fast in other u want them to be 'approved' and tested. Its hard to join those two.

Latests GitHub version is really Release Candidate so it probably be the next Live version. As to GitHub versions of Carb, normal users could use it too, we cant test all. The thing is that bugs/issues/errors sould be reported to GitHub interface ( not here.

Kreelor 01-15-15 05:29 AM

Hi ircdirk,

You said:

In one way u want to have Live Releases fast in other u want them to be 'approved' and tested. Its hard to join those two.
Some of that is true -- everybody would like to have faster Live Releases (even you), but I never requested that. The part where you said "It's hard to join those two," is not what I said, and it is not something I suggested.

ircdirk, you posted this earlier, and it was also in my own post #6 in this thread.
"Rythal when are u plannig next release? Many fixes have been made in GitHub. Users are still reporting issues that are already fixed."

There is no actual (announced) BETA Version of Carbonite. If some users begin using the GitHub versions instead of the Live version, they would have to register with GitHub and learn how to use it merely to report bugs, questions, comments, etc. That would interfere terribly with the actual Developer's efforts. In my opinion, normal users should not be posting in the GitHub.

You said:

Latests GitHub version is really Release Candidate so it probably be the next Live version.
Why can't the "Release Candidate" be offered eventually as a BETA version instead of calling it a Live version? That way, it would no longer be in the GitHub and could be posted in a new sub-forum named:
["Carbonite: BETA Version -- Post comments or errors here ONLY if you are using the BETA!"].
Users wouldn't need to join GitHub and maybe the "double-posting" of errors could be avoiding? As it is now, the Live version is being used as a BETA version, or at least it appears that way to me. The naming scheme is confusing. Is the "Live" version actually meant to be called a "Release" version, or is an actual Release version something which will be posted in the future?

My apologies if I wrote too much. It's now 3:00am my time, so I'm a little tired. Sorry.

ircdirk 01-15-15 06:46 AM


Some of that is true -- everybody would like to have faster Live Releases (even you), but I never requested that. The part where you said "It's hard to join those two," is not what I said, and it is not something I suggested.
U didnt wrote that. But u are not writing about faster releases and "approved" at the same time? Make up your mind.


Originally Posted by Kreelor (Post 304918)
Hi ircdirk,
There is no actual (announced) BETA Version of Carbonite. If some users begin using the GitHub versions instead of the Live version, they would have to register with GitHub and learn how to use it merely to report bugs, questions, comments, etc. That would interfere terribly with the actual Developer's efforts. In my opinion, normal users should not be posting in the GitHub.

For downloading u dont have to register on Github.

As for Beta version of Carbonite: BETA = GitHub now and users who USES GitHub version SOULD and i will write it twice SOULD post issues on Github. As there is special interface for that (more simple than this forum). Posting issues helps developers, as on github everything is connected with each other.

As for Release Candidates, they will be on GitHub, i dont think we will post them twice here and on GitHub. Every one can download those when they want.

Kreelor 01-15-15 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 304921)
U didnt wrote that. But u are not writing about faster releases and "approved" at the same time? Make up your mind.

For downloading u dont have to register on Github.

As for Beta version of Carbonite: BETA = GitHub now and users who USES GitHub version SOULD and i will write it twice SOULD post issues on Github. As there is special interface for that (more simple than this forum). Posting issues helps developers, as on github everything is connected with each other.

As for Release Candidates, they will be on GitHub, i dont think we will post them twice here and on GitHub. Every one can download those when they want.

Sounds like a convoluted mess to me.

If the GitHub version is the most current version (even though it's a Development version), then why is the forum and its Carbonite-Live version-Sub-forums being used to post errors? There is even a Sub-forum for Development (which means GitHub)! Isn't that making it 2 or 3 different places to report the same errors? [GitHub version, Live version, and Developer's Sub-forum]? The only place I ever saw the word "BETA" is in your signature (in your posts), but I thought that was a typo. -- I just don't understand, but that's nothing new. :)

atl77 01-15-15 09:48 AM

Actually, it is rather simple. You don't need to register on github to download the developer version (or beta), but you do to submit issues there. Since not everyone wants to create such an account, they post the bugs on here, where they are already registered, which regularly leads to the question which version is used.

Kreelor 01-15-15 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by atl77 (Post 304928)
Actually, it is rather simple. You don't need to register on github to download the developer version (or beta), but you do to submit issues there. Since not everyone wants to create such an account, they post the bugs on here, where they are already registered, which regularly leads to the question which version is used.

Thank you!

ircdirk 01-15-15 10:11 AM

Word BETA is used for development versions of some program/addon etc. and development version of Carbonite is maintained in GitHub, simple.

p.s. my english is not so good so thats might be confusing

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