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chester 06-18-05 02:23 AM

TipBuddy - Advanced configurable tooltips
Hi everyone, I'm chester the author of TipBuddy. I wanted to create this thread so everyone has a single place to post comments about TipBuddy. Feel free to post opinions, bugs, gripes, annoyances, praises or whatever you like so I can address them. I'm all ears!


Cairenn 06-18-05 02:26 AM

*Grabs Chester by one of those so-prominent ears*

You had us all completely stumped today!

*Threatens Chester with a trout*


Glad you are hosting here now as well Chester, thanks. :)

chester 06-18-05 02:37 AM

the power of the internet
!! Man you guys are quick, I just uploaded that thing! Devla is the man though, he's on top of it all. I hope everyone grabs the new version quick because that chat thing was annoying. :-( I was sweating all day at work today knowing I couldn't fix it until I got home.

Cairenn 06-18-05 10:45 AM

You're forgiven ... this time ... ;)

tralkar 06-18-05 02:30 PM

use it
I use it and love it, that chat thing was driving me mad. Not know what it was but glad you fixed it..

chester 06-21-05 02:18 AM

TipBuddy Updated - 6/21/05 - v1.73
6/21/05 - v1.73
-fixed line doubling if you had any other mod installed which modified the tooltip's name
-fixed fade not working if you had another mod installed that did the same

Cairenn 06-21-05 01:09 PM

Request: Is there some way to have a text label stating faction standing, ie Friendly, Neutral, Hostile and another label stating PvP enabled or not PvP enabled? For those that have vision problems, whether colour blindness, eye degeneration for whatever reason, etc. Sometimes having the text label is easier than trying to decide if that is a red or green background, etc.

chester 06-21-05 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn
Request: Is there some way to have a text label stating faction standing, ie Friendly, Neutral, Hostile and another label stating PvP enabled or not PvP enabled? For those that have vision problems, whether colour blindness, eye degeneration for whatever reason, etc. Sometimes having the text label is easier than trying to decide if that is a red or green background, etc.

Cairenn, the faction icon that shows to the right indicated whether the PvP flag is set or not. I'll rename the option because I don't think that is clear.

As for the friendly/hostile stuff: I can add an option to append (friendly) text, etc to the name if you like. Or what do you think would work best?

Cairenn 06-21-05 05:29 PM

Aye, I knew that's what the little icon is for, but again, for folks with eye problems, it somehow needs to be more distinct, I think. For both it and the "friendly/hostile", I figured you could just give a toggle to either have them display or not. Placement ... /shrug ...

tankknat 06-21-05 11:17 PM

Chester, I have one thing to say about TipBuddy... and that is... This is the BEST tooltip mod i have used since wow came out... I have been using customtoolyip, but this one just hits the spot for me... keep up the great work...

Cairenn 06-25-05 07:56 PM

Chester, I've run into an error the last couple of days. I am not even positive what it is that I am targetting or attempting to do when the error message shows up, I haven't seen a pattern as of yet, although I am trying to watch for it. The error message is:

chester 06-26-05 11:57 AM

Cairenn, are you running v1.74 of TipBuddy?

Cairenn 06-26-05 12:05 PM

I am running the most recent one that you have upload here (WoWI).

chester 06-26-05 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn
I am running the most recent one that you have upload here (WoWI).

Is that an old screenshot of an error? One from a previous version, maybe? Sorry, I know the error, but in v1.74, line 2228 is blank.

Thanks Cairenn.

chester 06-26-05 12:22 PM

AH! well let me upgrade WoWI to v1.74. The latest version here was 1.73. Just give me a sec...

Cairenn 06-26-05 12:30 PM

Thanks Chester

chester 06-26-05 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn
Thanks Chester

Cairenn, let me know if that error shows up for you again with the newest version.

Cairenn 06-26-05 07:06 PM

I will, no fear. ;)

greggerojr 07-07-05 11:50 AM

Interface question - Tool Tip Text
1 Attachment(s)
I'm having a hard time isolating this little quirk. Notice in the picture that the text box for the bank items is cut off by the screen edge? I have deleted the layout and chat files from the WTF directory and just cant seem to straighten it out. Any ideas?

Remelio 07-07-05 01:09 PM

Not sure why deleting your layout files isn't fixing this for you, but to have the best control over it, I'd recommend using a mod for your tooltips like tipbuddy or something. You can grab tipbuddy here, or just look through the downloads section for tooltip mods.

greggerojr 07-07-05 01:36 PM

I'm using Insomniax's Recompilation 1.6 Beta 2 with a few additions. I'm already using Tip Buddy and disabled the Custom Tooltip option. Sorry I didn't provide these details to begin with. This issue only happens with the bank "bags". Does Tip Buddy affect these text boxes as well? Thank you for the continued help and patience.

Cairenn 07-07-05 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by greggerojr
I'm already using Tip Buddy and disabled the Custom Tooltip option.

I'm not sure what would be causing the problem. You might want to try posting this info (or I can merge the threads, if you would prefer) in the thread Chester has going for TipBuddy, here. It's not a problem for me to just merge this into that, but I didn't want to do it without warning you first, didn't want you wondering what had happened to your thread.

Remelio 07-07-05 01:40 PM

Should do all of your tooltips... grab the latest version and overwrite the current tipbuddy folder you have and see if that fixes you up... if not I'll see if I can dig up some alternate solutions. Might also try re-enabling the "custom tooltip" option and see if that helps.

greggerojr 07-07-05 04:08 PM

Any help is greatly appreciated. :)

chester 07-13-05 06:53 PM

I'm not sure of the "Custom Tooltip Option" you guys are talking about. Is that in a mod included in the Insomniax Comp?

I did notice however that there is a tooltip mod included with Insomniax already: "Insomniax CustomTooltip v1.2 a modified version of Verona's original by LedMirage"

EDIT: Ok, I didn't put the two together and realize what I was interpreting as a "Custom Tooltip Option" was actually the name of the mod you were referring to. :D

My first guess is that this mod is conflicting or taking away some of the functionality that TipBuddy provides. First try disabling this mod (if you haven't already) and see if that changes anything. I would also go into the TipBuddy options and set the Anchor Non-Unit Tips dropdown to "Smart" which should always make sure your button tips stay within your screenspace.

Let me know if any of this helps!

Firedancer 07-13-05 10:44 PM

I installed the new TipBuddy (1.77) and it loaded up fine (was ingame at the time, so it was a UI reload). I changed some of the colors and options and such, applied it, then logged out for a little bit. When I relogged into the game, I got the following error:

[string "Interface\AddOns\TipBuddy\TipBuddy.lua"]:1456:Attempt to concatenate field 'gtt_name' (a nil value)

According to the line numbers in my text editor, that line of code is:

TipBuddy.unitname = (TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor..TipBuddy.gtt_name);

Not sure what the problem is (or if was just some weird anomaly), but I thought I'd mention it.

chester 09-15-05 05:48 AM

New version is up!
9/15/05 - v1.79
-fixed 2112 error in new patch (by Frosty)

Thanks so much to Frosty for taking it upon himself to fix this error that showed up with the new patch. I am currently without a great connection, so I don't even have a new patch yet to work these problems out. Next version (as soon as I get my connection stuff sorted out) will have some great new features so keep checking back! Thanks again to Frosty!

Reikas.Antaean 09-15-05 07:17 AM

Anyone else getting the unauthorized to view message?

ronlancaster23 09-15-05 07:32 AM

I'm getting the unauthorized to view error as well :mad:

guice 09-15-05 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by chester
9/15/05 - v1.79
-fixed 2112 error in new patch (by Frosty)

Thanks so much to Frosty for taking it upon himself to fix this error that showed up with the new patch. I am currently without a great connection, so I don't even have a new patch yet to work these problems out. Next version (as soon as I get my connection stuff sorted out) will have some great new features so keep checking back! Thanks again to Frosty!

Does this fix also fix everything else wrong? I was able to work around the 2112 error by commenting out the find. call, but in conjunction with that, none of the added features to TipBuddy worked (didn't show the advanced tool tip info; only the generic tooltip and it floated with the mouse).

Just wanted to clerify it before I start telling everybody that TipBuddy is fixed.

Remelio 09-15-05 03:58 PM

As far as I can tell tipbuddy is doing everything its supposed to be doing... mmm colored backgrounds.


mimregi 09-27-05 11:21 AM

Flag Status Coloring?
I have been struggling looking for a good tooltip mod for ages (I am very anal about my tooltips), and TB is by far the best I have seen. Well done, and thanks!

There is one thing I can't figure out how to do -- I don't seem to be able to color tips for opposing faction players sensitive to their current PvP state. Flagged and unflagged are the same color. They have the marker or text, and the names color differently (which is a nice touch), but I find I would very much like the obviousness of changing the background color to red for PvP live enemies and yellow for enemies that are not currently flagged.

Is there a way to do this I havent figured out yet?

chester 10-27-05 02:34 AM


10/27/05 - v1.83
-quick fix for MobInfo2 health not updating properly
-updated toc
-TipBuddy 2.0 coming soon

H0PE 11-16-05 03:05 AM

I would like to thank you making this "a must" addon. Withouth it I would loose important seconds checking out the lame vanilla tooltip (and even other addon's tooltip looks crap compared to ours). I didn't really change anything on the default setup, it's soo cool. I just put the tt on mouse and thats it. :)

Feature request: Could you please give us (ME! :D) an option as anchor unit tips just in the other way around? I like to see unitinfo under mouse, but anything else could go onto the anchor. May I have this really smart request please? Hope you like it and implement quickly (as your time allows it of course, no rush, really... Maybe for tonight? Joking, dont hit me! :D)

Thank you!!!

chester 01-10-06 12:32 AM

Gooberosity :

now that the tooltip (with MobInfo) can be much larger than before, is there a way to have the ToolTip Anchor attach to the TOP of the tooltip, so that it will expand DOWN from the anchor?
Right Click on the TipBuddyAnchor and it will bring up a dropdown menu that will let you select how you would like it to anchor.

kknostman :

The "anchor" when hidden should be hidden 100%.
Just Left click the little close button (Looks like an X) that is on the right of the TipBuddyAnchor. That will hide it until you are ready to show it again.

willgk 01-10-06 11:52 PM

Don't know if this has been reported yet, but with the latest version (dunno if mobinfo2 has anything to do with it) but when you hover over a corpse, the tooltip is green (Background) no matter what you do to change it. Also can we PLEASE get a reset tooltip anchor button that resets the tipbuddy anchor to the center of the screen. So often when changing resolutions, loading different settings my anchor gets lost in the nether.

Gaal 01-11-06 10:08 AM

Okay, we're having issues now. Last release, apparently people had problems that I didn't experience in the slightest. Now, however, when setting compact mode I can't seem to get my custom colors to appear (mainly the background of the simple mode tooltip). It insists on coloring it green in custom mode, even if I set it to a blue tint. If I put it on difficulty mode, it gets brighter green. and finally, if I use reaction I get a VERY bright green. The other tooltips appear to work okay if you don't count the lack of opacity control (they're all solid).

Also, when you mentioned having a border in simple mode, I guess I was rathered disappointed by what it turned out to be. I thought we were going to get border color choices and an option to have the border or not when using Simple mode. As it is, the border is always black and shows on about half of the tooltips total.

None of these cause errors though, which is the only thing keeping me from reverting.

Also, unrelated to problems....
I've developed my own way of viewing "level out of range" numbers and Elite, etc. tags. Instead of the "??" and the "+", "++", etc. I modified it to take my level (local varhilevel), add 10 and output the result as (varhilevel.."+") so it's easy to say "the annoying undercooked-burger that just killed me is 48+ (since I'm 38 now, that works perfectly cause anywhere above that and it would should "??"). Then instead of plus signs, I have it output the complete word "Elite", "RareElite", "WorldBoss", etc etc.

This is where the issue resides for me when installing your updates, that I have to open up the main lua file and make sure you haven't reworked how these things are found, then make my adjustment again. I'm trying to find a way for me to either replace your texts in a separate addon (a local custom addon that just tweaks things for myself) or should I be asking you for a solution? I haven't looked at the custom variables mode for tipbuddy yet. Would it be possible to make these changes persist between addon updates by doing it there (thus using savedvariables instead of lua modifications) or would it be easier for me to just continue doing what I'm doing?

hmm...wonder if I could write a batch file or something to search out the place in the lua file and add my adjustments...--brainstorms--.

willgk 01-13-06 08:51 AM

Chester, You are the man! Thanks for that resetting position feature add :cool: :D

Gooberosity 01-13-06 09:20 AM

Modifying Tip behavior at anchor

Right Click on the TipBuddyAnchor and it will bring up a dropdown menu that will let you select how you would like it to anchor.
omg that is awesome. I didn't think of checking that.


chester 01-13-06 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by willgk
Chester, You are the man! Thanks for that resetting position feature add :cool: :D

hehe, it's been there for months and months. Before the button, you had to type /tip resetanchor (which was exaplined in the readme.txt). No one ever reads the readme.txt though, which is why I made it a button.

LittleWhiteDove 02-21-06 11:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Possible problem or perhaps I just don't know what I am doing - which is even more possible.

When the trageted mob is "in-my'face" and I mouse over I get the name/character of the mob and [YOU] in the information box.

See attatched screen shot for better explanation of what I am trying to say.

aastarius 02-21-06 12:32 PM

the [You] is simply showing you your targets target.

Get a friend to target you and then cursor over them, you'll see the same thing again ;)

LittleWhiteDove 02-21-06 02:46 PM

Thank You - that was it.

Kaaihn 02-24-06 08:51 PM

Targets target problem
I love the targets target function of Tipbuddy, but it seems to be in conflict with flagrsp. If I have flagrsp enabled, I cannot see the targets target displayed in the tooltip.

Would it be possible to make these two mods compatible with each other please?

Thank you.

Gooberosity 03-10-06 05:33 PM

TipBuddy and Necrosis?
Installed the latest version and I seem to have a conflict with Necrosis LDC (which admittedly is old), the error is "stack overflow" in TipBuddy. Anyone else getting this? I reverted back to the January release of TipBuddy and all is well again.

Kudane 03-10-06 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gooberosity
Installed the latest version and I seem to have a conflict with Necrosis LDC (which admittedly is old), the error is "stack overflow" in TipBuddy. Anyone else getting this? I reverted back to the January release of TipBuddy and all is well again.

Having same trouble. and not using LCD.. seems to be something with mod itself.

Update 2.03 seems to be working ok. But there is an offset of NPCs (neutral) to the right of the tooltop anchor that I can not figure out why it is moving. (will get screenshot)

Update 2: 2.06 works... good job on a quick fix


Insaniac 03-11-06 06:59 AM

Non-Unit Tooltips
Having an issue with Non-Unit Tooltips and Anchoring. I am currently using BibMod, so I do not know if this affects the problem. But currently I can not get my buttons to anchor to the TipBuddy Anchor. It does not matter what I select from the drop down list, all buttons will be anchored to the cursor. I am using v2.06 of the mod.

Update: Ok......I figured it out. If you turn off the Enhanced Tooltip, under Interface Options/Display, the tipbuddy anchoring for Non-Units will revert back to the default blizzard setting and will ignore the settings you selected within Tipbuddy. This has nothing to do with BibMod. This is more ignoring than it is a bug, but other than that everything is working as should.

Aileen 03-11-06 08:06 AM

I am still missing linebreaks in my tooltips over the Menu Bar buttons (Character, Quest, Talents, etc) and the MonkeyQuest tooltips. All other tooltips have their line breaks back.

Edit: Also the Chat window tabs

janin 03-11-06 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Aileen
I am still missing linebreaks in my tooltips over the Menu Bar buttons (Character, Quest, Talents, etc) and the MonkeyQuest tooltips. All other tooltips have their line breaks back.

Edit: Also the Chat window tabs

I'm getting the one line tooltips again after this new version.

I believe an Addon called Battlefield Commander, is causing some conflictions somewhere.

It's fine, until I click for the onscreen Battle Ground map, then it 'breaks' the tooltip.

Amarao 03-11-06 04:26 PM

I just upgraded from an old version (pre-2.0, not sure which) to 2.06 (also tried 2.03 and 2.0, same problems with all of them), and I'm getting four errors. On load, I get:

[string "TipBuddy_Header_FrameDropDown:OnLoad"]:2: attempt to call global 'TipBuddy_AnchorDropDown_OnLoad' (a nil value)

Any time I mouse over something that would spawn a tooltip, both of these spawn:

Interface\Addons\TipBuddy\TipBuddy.lua:1780: Usage: SetPoint("Point" [, Frame] [, "RelativePoint"] [, offsetX, offsetY])

Interface\Addons\TipBuddy\TipBuddy.lua:2352: Attempt to perform arithmatic on feild 'uiscale' (a nil value)

And whenever I do /tipbuddy to pull up the options menu, this one spawns:

Interface\Addons\TipBuddy\TipBuddy.lua:207: Attempt to call global 'TipBuddy_ToggleOptionsFrame' (a nil value)

I love the mod, and I've been using it for a few months, but these make the game completely unplayable with it. For the moment, I'm uninstalling it, as even dropping back versions (tried 1.83) isn't helping. Also, here's a screenshot of all the addons I use, dunno if anything's causing a conflict (blacked out ones are addons that are currently disabled):

Thanks a ton for any help you can give.

Edit: I just fixed it by deleting the TipBuddy.lua files in the SavedVariables folder, but I figure I'll leave this up here anyway. I'm betting it was a problem of upgrading and variable conflicts or something, but figure you should be aware of it. Still love the mod.

Leviathan 03-23-06 09:42 AM

TipBuddy lua error

I'm using TipBuddy 2.1 and sometimes getting this error message:
Interface\AddOns\TipBuddy\TipBuddy.lua:1039: attempt to concatenate local 'textR' (a nil value)
I'm not sure how to reproduce, but the steps that I tried that mostly able to reproduce is then I right click on a vendor while keeping my pointer at the vendor.

I'm using TipBuddy compact mode with MobInfo2 in compact mode also.

Anyway.... great add-on!

jeur 03-27-06 12:31 AM

Tipbuddy is one of the best mods out there. 5 stars

Ratheri 03-27-06 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Leviathan

I'm using TipBuddy 2.1 and sometimes getting this error message:
Interface\AddOns\TipBuddy\TipBuddy.lua:1039: attempt to concatenate local 'textR' (a nil value)
I'm not sure how to reproduce, but the steps that I tried that mostly able to reproduce is then I right click on a vendor while keeping my pointer at the vendor.

I'm using TipBuddy compact mode with MobInfo2 in compact mode also.

Anyway.... great add-on!

I've had a similar experience with those two in tandem, only without the lua error. Instead, the tooltip freaks out for a second and spams a bunch of item info, then clears up a second later. I think it might be related to the item linking in MI2... I run KCI, so maybe that's why I don't get the lua error...

Hope that's a bit of help

Leviathan 03-27-06 06:31 AM

For this time being, I commented that line in the lua file and it's working fine till now.

jeur 04-05-06 06:37 AM

Does any1 know if chester is working on this addon for 1.10?

sed1000 04-09-06 07:06 AM

My tooltip placement periodically moves to the bottom of the screen and stays there. I'm used to it anchoring next to my cursor. I have CTmod, and I can get go into the misc options to get it to anchor at the top of the screen after it messes up. I tried to reset the placement in the Tipbuddy menu, doesn't work. Only way I can get it to work properly again is to reinstall TipBuddy. Any way around this? Thanks.

Vertigo 04-09-06 08:44 AM

I sure hope Chester updates this wonderful addon soon, its one of my favourites! :(

d00dz 04-13-06 12:28 AM

I'm having an issue with Tipbuddy where information like Target of Target, Guild, Rank Icon, and Buffs/Debuffs are no longer being shown. The problem has persisted despite checking/unchecking the items several times and clicking apply and Okay.

I've also tried removing the mod and the associated savedvariables file but to no avail.

The problem only started when I made a new alt and clicked Reset All in the Tipbuddy options menu.

Edit: I also can't switch between compact mode and normal mode now. Seems like it now persists in using the Blizzard default tooltips.

strifus 05-08-06 12:56 AM

if im reading d00dz post correctly, i seem to be experiencing the same problem. since the last dot patch a couple of weeks ago, tipbuddy seems to have reset itself. now in the addons section, it sez its out of date but it hasnt been a problem. ive downloaded ver2.1 and it doesnt seem to want to load at all. the tipbuddy button isnt there and doesnt want to load no matter what i do.

ive also recently added titan bar to my addon list.

is there a workaround for this or is there an update on the way that might fix this.

thanks in advance.

chester 05-09-06 02:29 AM

Hey, everyone!

Sorry for the extended leave of absence there. Real Life took hold of me for quite a while and would just not let go. Scheduling time to update my mods is harder for me now, but is still a big priority for me. I'm hoping I don't have to leave for that long again.

TipBuddy new version:
5/09/06 - v2.2
-rewrote most of the visibility code to work better with Bliz's new tooltip rules and with other mods
-default tooltip will now fade following the same rules as the compact fade (delay + fade time)
-city faction coloring now works
-other info will show up properly again in compact mode
-fixed buff issues
-compatibility with other mods should be much better now
-fixed the $tp (tapped) code producing an error
-reorganized options panel a bit
-fixed a few typos in options tooltip text
-updated toc

As always, if you find bugs or have suggestions, feel free to email me directly or post them on my portal site here. Thanks everyone.

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