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Haleth 03-24-12 05:49 PM

Beta API discussion
Important API changes:

GitHub fork of Blizzard interface files:

New macro conditions [petbattle], [possessbar], [overridebar], [extrabar]:

New artwork (lots and lots of images):

Nibelheim 03-24-12 06:03 PM

Edit: Since the thread got made, time to post some useful info.

Taken from Cairenn's Press Tour thread.

UI Changes
  • Addition of scenarios windows
  • Addition of challenges windows
  • Addition of per-player loot windows
  • Addition of bonus loot roll windows
  • Addition of black market windows
    • Auctions by NPCs of rare items for players to bid on.
  • Addition of pet battles windows
  • Updated talents windows
  • Updated specializations windows
  • Updated class mechanics windows
  • Updated consolidated buffs display
    • The basic display of buffs and debuffs will not change, but the consolidated buffs window is completely different. It will only show in groups (party/raid) and will just show the 8 group buff types you should have
  • Updated loot roll box
  • Updated character create windows
  • Updated auction house windows

Cairenn 03-24-12 07:33 PM

You guys have the choice. You can do everything in a single thread, or make multiple threads, however it seems to make the most sense ...

p3lim 03-24-12 08:17 PM

I'll try and keep it updated

p3lim 03-24-12 09:51 PM

In addition to OP post, I found this:

New API:
AbbreviateLargeNumbers(num) (defined in Lua, see UIParent.lua)
BreakUpLargeNumbers(num) (defined in Lua, see UIParent.lua)
GetSpecializationInfo(masteryIndex) returns id, name, description, icon, background
GetVoidUnlockCost() (in copper)
BeginActionBarTransition(frame, ???)
GetActionCharges(action) returns charges, maxCharges, chargeStart, chargeDuration
GetRaidBuffTrayAuraInfo(index) returns name, rank, texture, duration, expiration, spellID, slot
NeutralPlayerSelectFaction(id) 1 = Horde, 2 = Alliance
UpdateFrameLock(frame) used for pet battles, locking UI elements
IsInGroup() used for party I'd guess
IsBlizzCon() used in beta to disable social functions like friendlist, replacing the previously used CVar with the same name
GetFriendshipReputation() returns id, reputation, maxRep, text, texture
GetLootSlotType(slot) returns id (0 = none, 1 = item, 2 = money, 3 = currency)
GetWorldElapsedTime(timerID) returns ??, elapsed, isChallengeModeTimer

:RegisterUnitEvent(event, unit1, unit2)

Changed API:
GetActiveTalentGroup() > GetActiveSpecGroup()
GetNumPartyMembers() > GetNumSubgroupMembers()
UnitIsPartyLeader() > UnitIsGroupLeader()
GetTalentTabInfo() > GetSpecializationInfo() (some returns removed)
GetNumTalentGroups() > GetNumSpecGroups()
UnitIsRaidOfficer() > UnitIsGroupAssistant()
GetPartyMember() > GetGroupMember()
GetNumUnspentTalentPoints() > GetNumUnspentTalents()
GetExpertisePercent() > GetExpertise()

GetGuildFactionInfo() changed (no longer returns experience caps as they are removed, last two returns).
GameTooltip:SetTalent() changed arguments.
LootSlotHasItem() changed (works for currencies and money aswell)

PetMoveTo(target) new argument.
GetDefaultLanguage() new return: languageID
GetGuildRosterInfo() new return: reputationStanding
GetMapInfo() new returns: isMicroDungeon, microDungeonMapName
GetNumDungeonMapLevels() new return: isFirstFloor

New events:

Misc stuff:
- Pets seem to have lost their talents, unsure.
- Lots of new events and functions for the pet battle window, not going to list them (functions are unfinished, using temporary names)
- A pet journal has been added, not going to list them (unfinished aswell)
- BonusActionBar file has been split up into multiple files.
- BonusActionBar itself has been replaced with OverrideActionBar
- Monk class color: 0/255/150
- Death Knight talent levels: 56, 57, 58, 60, 75, 90
- Total glyph slots: 6 (3 major, 3 minor)
- New frame: DestinyFrame (used for Pandaren faction selection)
- New graphics setting: SSAO (no idea what it is)
- New frame: PVEFrame (shows LFG, LFR and Challenges)
- Paladins get a total of 5 holy power?
- Default unitframes gets smooth transition on statusbars

Nibelheim 03-24-12 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by p3lim (Post 254382)
- Paladins get a total of 5 holy power?

Boundless Conviction (a Prot ability). Allows them to gain 2 additional Holy Power.

Dridzt 03-24-12 10:09 PM

It means Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO).
It has to do with lighting and is probably another way to kill our framerate for marginal visual benefit :P

p3lim 03-24-12 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dridzt (Post 254384)
It means Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO).
It has to do with lighting and is probably another way to kill our framerate for marginal visual benefit :P

According to the code, it seems to be set to a lower value the higher your settings are (low = 2, high = 1).

Gello 03-27-12 09:13 AM

Have the secure templates/handlers changed at all in 5.0? I keep expecting snippets nerfed due to their ability to easily /castrandom. But at the same time it seems absolutely important (more important!) for a snippet to choose a spell based on the last one loaded or on a variable, so we can do toggle abilities and stuff.

Curious if item:id format has changed also? It's changed every expansion so far (gems in BC, level in WotLK, reforge in cata). Did they put tinker into the item id in MoP?

Also I gave a guildmate a macro to test COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED results and it appears they've changed. Anyone played with them at all?

You don't need addons enabled to test any of this, and only so much can be gleaned from looking at the extracted UI.

zork 03-28-12 03:56 AM

Macro interfaces :)

berrybear 03-29-12 09:09 AM

Curious, anyone with beta access able to test this new binding?

<ModifiedClick action="CASTAOEONTARGET" default="CTRL"/>

Wonder if this skips the targeting reticule step for AoE spells if you have something targeted.

p3lim 03-29-12 09:42 AM

Updated the list to the new build:

Ketho 03-29-12 03:57 PM

33 Attachment(s)
Here is my github fork. You can extract it yourself with ExportInterfaceFiles
Attached diffs (up until build 16048) by kd3:

Gello 03-30-12 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by berrybear (Post 254596)
Curious, anyone with beta access able to test this new binding?

<ModifiedClick action="CASTAOEONTARGET" default="CTRL"/>

Wonder if this skips the targeting reticule step for AoE spells if you have something targeted.

I tried a few ways to use it with hurricane on my copied druid and it had no effect. Did a /dump IsModifiedClick("CASTAOEONTARGET") in the cast and it was 1. Maybe NYI? It'd be a very handy feature.

To my previous questions, if anyone else curious, I was able to create a secure button that toggled its spell successfully so no apparent nerf there. No change to item:id's. And no readily apparent change to COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED.

TSquared 03-30-12 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gello (Post 254634)
I tried a few ways to use it with hurricane on my copied druid and it had no effect. Did a /dump IsModifiedClick("CASTAOEONTARGET") in the cast and it was 1. Maybe NYI? It'd be a very handy feature.

Whoops, that's part of a dev-only system. It will be removed to avoid confusion.

CobraA1 04-02-12 03:00 PM

Humm, it appears they may be adding vendor filters to mists. Anybody know where I can find that code? It may potentially affect my addon.

(link below because adding the link via the UI seems broken?)

p3lim 04-02-12 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by CobraA1 (Post 254885)
Humm, it appears they may be adding vendor filters to mists. Anybody know where I can find that code? It may potentially affect my addon.

(link below because adding the link via the UI seems broken?)



Do mind they take a little time to load, huge diff :)

Aftermathhqt 04-03-12 07:41 AM

Any date, confirmed that they will enable AddOns on Beta?

p3lim 04-03-12 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Game92 (Post 254915)
Any date, confirmed that they will enable AddOns on Beta?

I doubth we will see it before all the zones are open, at the very least.

Ketho 06-14-12 01:27 PM

UPDATE_EXPANSION_LEVEL this must be the least firing event, ever

TSquared 06-14-12 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ketho (Post 256857)
UPDATE_EXPANSION_LEVEL this must be the least firing event, ever

It's kind of like the death/rebirth of the pheonix. It happens once in a very long time, but when it appears it's glorious!

Phanx 06-14-12 05:26 PM

Doesn't Blizzard make you log out of the game before you can make any changes to your account like that anyway?

Fizzlemizz 06-14-12 08:08 PM

It may be a mechanism to hype pre-expansion experience to get more people connected waiting for release a event which may actually be an event rather than just a message to start downloading. A bit like a timed easter egg.

I wouldn't be surprised to see it make it into a 4.x patch

Smashbolt 06-15-12 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 256866)
Doesn't Blizzard make you log out of the game before you can make any changes to your account like that anyway?

Well, the comment in the linked LFDFrame.lua says it can change while logged in now.

Did Cata have a "live" release with no server reset? If so, my random guess is that it's there so they can try a seamless MoP release. Assuming we can buy and download the game data beforehand, maybe they plan to push some message at the moment of release that enables MoP content for the server and fires off that event on applicable accounts so you can stay logged in as the release occurs and go straight to new content without logging out and in?

That seems like a lot of trouble to go to though...

Torhal 06-15-12 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Smashbolt (Post 256887)
That seems like a lot of trouble to go to though...

It would be for something like Cataclysm, yes - people hanging out in Orgrimmar would suddenly see the entire city completely transform before their eyes (or be teleported because there is suddenly a building where they were standing). For MoP, however, it would simply be a matter of bringing those servers online and telling the existing servers "I'm here. Spawn this set of mobs and run this scripted event."

Talyrius 06-16-12 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 256888)
... It would be for something like Cataclysm, yes - people hanging out in Orgrimmar would suddenly see the entire city completely transform before their eyes (or be teleported because there is suddenly a building where they were standing).

Well, that theoretical situation would never happen because they always roll-out major terrain and building changes in a patch a couple weeks prior to the release of an expansion.

Cataclysm had a live release as well; I didn't have to logout and login after the midnight release before I could start leveling up. This event is just giving us the information that's already been available on the server side all along.

Ketho 06-29-12 07:13 PM

Now AddOns have been enabled on Beta there is a Wowpedia page with API changes (mainly updated by Foxlit)

I also updated my GitHub fork to build 15799

WowAce thread: Addons are now enabled on MoP

Edit: Just noticed Cairenn's mailing :|

Nimhfree 06-30-12 08:42 AM

QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.

jeffy162 06-30-12 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 257360)
QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.

My guess would be that it is not implemented yet simply because it just isn't necessary to allow it at this point. I would imagine it will be put in at some point right before MoP release so it can be tested by addon authors (although, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever if there is any empirical evidence, at all, to support my theory :o).

On a slight side-track (sorry): Could someone please tell me where I can find the class color for the new Monk class (that's the only new class, right)? I apologize, but I really have absolutely no clue.

Ketho 06-30-12 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 257362)
On a slight side-track (sorry): Could someone please tell me where I can find the class color for the new Monk class (that's the only new class, right)? I apologize, but I really have absolutely no clue.

0, 255, 150
r = 0.00, g = 1.00, b = 0.59

p3lim 06-30-12 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 257362)
On a slight side-track (sorry): Could someone please tell me where I can find the class color for the new Monk class (that's the only new class, right)? I apologize, but I really have absolutely no clue.

I listed it in my post.

Seerah 06-30-12 12:14 PM

How to check talents of other players
Here is some additional information about checking talents that I found last night while fixing up TipTop.

As mentioned on some of the functions have had their names changed. Also, some of these have changed usage.

GetPrimaryTalentTree() has changed to GetSpecialization(). In addition, if you are inspecting someone, you need to use GetInspectSpecialization("unit"). This will return a number (not sure what it really represents or how it is determined...) which you can then pass to GetSpecializationInfoByID().

So... when inspecting someone for their talents... You call NotifyInspect("unit") and register for "INSPECT_READY" just as before. When the event fires, call GetInspectSpecialization("unit") to get that ID number and then, if the ID exists and is greater than 0 (cause, sometimes it's 0 for some reason), pass that ID to GetSpecializationInfoByID().

One additional reminder: it is sill a good idea to save the UnitGUID of the unit you are inspecting so that you can check that GUID with what is returned with "NOTIFY_INSPECT".

jeffy162 06-30-12 06:36 PM

Thank you very much, Ketho. That was exactly what I needed.

I apologize for asking for the information, but when I try to read through code (if I can even get a clue where to look to begin with) my eyes glaze over, I start babbling gibberish and drooling in about 30 seconds. That's pretty "normal" for me, but I try to keep that kind of thing to a bare minimum.

Thank you, again.

yoshimo 07-01-12 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 257360)
QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.


a lot weaker, but it seems to return 1 if completed and nil if not completed.

Talyrius 07-01-12 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 257360)
QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.

I'm curious as to why. Hopefully, they aren't planning to completely remove it. This would make me very sad. :(


Originally Posted by yoshimo (Post 257405)

a lot weaker, but it seems to return 1 if completed and nil if not completed.

I hope this isn't excessively throttled if it's intended to be used in place of QueryQuestsCompleted().

Nimhfree 07-01-12 08:54 AM

So for Grail I now check the runtime to see if QueryQuestsCompleted and GetQuestsCompleted exist. If not, I create an implementation that calls my "quest from server" updating routine. In it the call to GetQuestsCompleted is implemented to cycle through the quests and call IsQuestFlaggedCompleted for each one. On beta this seems to work and not cause the dreaded "your LUA code is taking too long" so I am leaving the code in place for now. Of course if Blizzard implements either of these two routines in the future, the old mechanism for either will still work (tested to still work in live).

Silvanas 07-01-12 12:17 PM

did some testing, while the functions have been renamed
GetNumPartyMembers() > GetNumSubgroupMembers()
GetNumRaidMembers() > GetNumGroupMembers()

the targeting still works on
UnitName("party".. i)
UnitName("raid".. i)

p3lim 07-01-12 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Silvanas (Post 257437)
did some testing, while the functions have been renamed
GetNumPartyMembers() > GetNumSubgroupMembers()
GetNumRaidMembers() > GetNumGroupMembers()

the targeting still works on
UnitName("party".. i)
UnitName("raid".. i)

If anything behaves like it is supposed to, you don't need to report that.
However, if it doesn't behave like it should, please do!

Seerah 07-01-12 04:57 PM

I don't think he's "reporting" it, just documenting it for everyone else to use the correct function.

p3lim 07-02-12 07:09 AM

Anything printed in the chat doesnt show until someone actually says something (say, channels, /dump, emote, etc).
Happens with print() and DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage()

Also, you cannot compare items previouly slotted in ranged with stuff previously slotted in mainhand (wand vs dagger compare).
Sheating ranged weapons is a bit bugged aswell, having a wand + offhand atleast.

Meorawr 07-02-12 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by p3lim (Post 257483)
Anything printed in the chat doesnt show until someone actually says something (say, channels, /dump, emote, etc).
Happens with print() and DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage()

I'm not having this issue at all, tested both of those directly via the chatbox with a /script, from WowLua (only the latter) and from a function within an addon.

No other chat messages appeared in either my chat box or the combat log at those times and they still printed just fine.

Jarod24 07-02-12 01:48 PM

GetLFGMode() now requires an input argument. Anyone worked out the details yet?

  • Returns either true,false or the inputted name, if you input "bob" and he does not exist in your group then the string "bob" will be returned.
  • Seems that if you call UnitIsGroupLeader with "party1", "raid2" etc and you are the leader yourself then it will still return false, "player" works tho.

This seems like it's the trend with the newer functions; that they are returning true/false instead of 1/nil.

IsInRaid() --true/false
IsInGroup() --true/false, will return true if you are in a raid as well as a party

p3lim 07-02-12 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Meorawr (Post 257489)
I'm not having this issue at all, tested both of those directly via the chatbox with a /script, from WowLua (only the latter) and from a function within an addon.

No other chat messages appeared in either my chat box or the combat log at those times and they still printed just fine.

Works fine ingame, but from an addon it halts for me.

p3lim 07-02-12 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jarod24 (Post 257507)
GetLFGMode() now requires an input argument. Anyone worked out the details yet?


1 (LookingForDungeon)
2 (LookingForRaid)
3 (RaidFinder)

Phanx 07-02-12 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by p3lim (Post 257483)
Anything printed in the chat doesnt show until someone actually says something (say, channels, /dump, emote, etc).
Happens with print() and DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage()

I'm not seeing this problem either, and I have multiple addons using both print() and DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage().


Originally Posted by Jarod24 (Post 257507)
GetLFGMode() now requires an input argument. Anyone worked out the details yet?

The values correspond to the indices in this table:


Defined here:

I'm not actually sure what the difference between 2 and 4 is (Raid Finder vs Looking For Raid), since the Group Finder UI only shows 1-3. Possibly 4 is not used.

endx7 07-02-12 09:53 PM

It appears that GetAddOnMetadata() is no longer returning data for X- prefixed TOC metadata fields.

Phanx 07-03-12 02:18 AM

That and a couple of other issues are listed here:

Also updated my GlobalStrings repository with all locales (including the new itIT) to build 15799, here:

Haleth 07-03-12 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 257531)
I'm not actually sure what the difference between 2 and 4 is (Raid Finder vs Looking For Raid), since the Group Finder UI only shows 1-3. Possibly 4 is not used.

Looking for Raid still exists, it's the manual raid queueing thing that has existed for a long while. It's well hidden in the Raid tab of social frame though ('Other Raids' button).

Jarod24 07-03-12 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by p3lim (Post 257520)


1 (LookingForDungeon)
2 (LookingForRaid)
3 (RaidFinder)

Thanks. I did some digging around in _G[] and found the argument for Scenarios aswell...




local mode, submode = GetLFGMode(LE_LFG_CATEGORY_SCENARIO);

Haleth 07-03-12 06:56 PM

Is GetTexture() bugged? I've been struggling for ages with a buff reminder script which works on live but doesn't on beta. It behaves extremely strangely: GetTexture() (in this case at least) returns nil, while a valid texture is set. This code, for instance:


texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(buff))



The texture is set, though. Similarly, when I do it directly:


self.icon:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(buff)))
The texture is set, but GetTexture() returns nil.

Brusalk 07-03-12 08:39 PM

Does anyone know of an easy way to determine the player's active specialization? I've been digging through the interface code and I haven't found anything beyond maybe trying to manually set the talent frame to the active spec and checking PlayerTalentFrameSpecializationSpecButton(1-3).selected

(which is true if it is, the only problem being that it's only for the tab that's currently selected on the talent screen)

I must be missing something >.>

Voyager 07-03-12 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Brusalk (Post 257590)
Does anyone know of an easy way to determine the player's active specialization? I've been digging through the interface code and I haven't found anything beyond maybe trying to manually set the talent frame to the active spec and checking PlayerTalentFrameSpecializationSpecButton(1-3).selected

(which is true if it is, the only problem being that it's only for the tab that's currently selected on the talent screen)

I must be missing something >.>


It seems like the world's map size has become very inconsistent. Depending on where I measure it from, it gives me different results.

World's width and height in yards as measured from
Kalimdor: 59547.144977691 39698.085269174
Eastern: 59325.077732756 39550.030762135
Northrend: 56143.874550054 37429.26435188
Pandaria: 51274.202252344 34182.772393128
Maelstrom: ? ? (doesn't seem to be part of the world at all, like Outland)

Coordinates are completely broken in Dalaran, no player arrow appears on its map.

On live servers I always get around 47714 and 31809, regardless of which continent I derive it from.

Phanx 07-04-12 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Haleth (Post 257583)
Is GetTexture() bugged?

I don't know the answer to that specifically, but there is definitely some kind of issue going on with textures. In Grid, the NormalTexture on each unit button is hidden by setting its opacity to 0 with button:SetNormalTexture(1, 1, 1, 0). As far as I know, this is Pastamancer's original code that's been there since 2006. On the MoP beta servers, however, every frame's NormalTexture was set to a hideous neon green color, and button:GetNormalTexture():GetTexture() returned the number 0 instead of a string. The only way I could get rid of the awful green was to do button:SetNormalTexture("") to remove the texture entirely. Between there being no code in Grid or anywhere else that I could find that should be applying a neon green color to the NormalTexture of anything, and :GetTexture() returning a 0, I'd say there's definitely at least one bug they're (hopefully) working out.

Barjack 07-04-12 03:22 AM

I noticed Skada's border texture when set to "none" is also that lime green colour in MoP beta, so it seems that issue is affecting other addons as well.

p3lim 07-04-12 03:55 AM

I've been having major issues with textures aswell, mainly them not existing for the client after or before some event has fired, havent tested it too much.

Meorawr 07-04-12 03:59 AM

Only change I've noticed with textures is I get green squares if the texture path is invalid, can't remember if that's also present on live though. Not having any other issues thus far, but I'm not creating any frames/textures until after ADDON_LOADED has fired at the very earliest.

Animations are still very jumpy though if you combine them, for instance a Scale and Rotation animation both playing at the same time on a single frame will often make it vanish or jump in size for a frame or two pretty frequently.

zork 07-04-12 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 257603)
green texture thingy

That neon green texture error was in Cataclysm beta aswell. It had sth to do with texture loading and addon folders. (Sth like that...)
By the time the texture was set it was unknown to the system and resulted in a bright green texture instead.


Like p3lim wrote. If the texture is unknown to the client for whatever reason you get a bright green texture.

I'm currently having no texture errors but I'm still at the beginning.

What happens if you do this:
Lua Code:
  1. frame:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_InnerFire")
Lua Code:
  1. frame:SetTexture([[Interface\Icons\Spell_Holy_InnerFire]])

Afaik double backslashes are needed if the texture name is used directly. There is an alternative way to write it without the leading backslash. Phanx or p3lim should know it. Sth like [[TEXTUREPATH]] or [=[TEXTUREPATH]=]

Phanx 07-04-12 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 257610)
Afaik double backslashes are needed if the texture name is used directly. There is an alternative way to write it without the leading backslash. Phanx or p3lim should know it. Sth like [[TEXTUREPATH]] or [=[TEXTUREPATH]=]


"All \"special\" characters like \\ must be escaped."

[[All "special" characters like \ are fine as-is.
Also, line breaks work.

Even double line breaks!]]


[=[For when you want literal [[double brackets]] in your
"double bracketed string" with \backslashes and line breaks.]=]


[=======[For when you really like lots of equals signs,
or for some reason want a literal [=[ or [====[ in your string.
As long as there are the same number on both sides,
it doesn't matter how many there are.]=======]

Xrystal 07-04-12 06:05 AM

nUI's button bag icons have that problem as well. Will have to investigate how their images are being set if it looks like there is some sort of validation that has been enforced this time.

Also, while I am typing this, can anyone recall whether it was getglobal being phased out to _G or the other way round. I'm sure the _G were being forced to getglobal at some point but for the life of me I can't remember 100%.

Meorawr 07-04-12 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 257614)
Also, while I am typing this, can anyone recall whether it was getglobal being phased out to _G or the other way round. I'm sure the _G were being forced to getglobal at some point but for the life of me I can't remember 100%.

getglobal is deprecated in favour of _G, however the function still exists.

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