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Rythal 10-14-12 05:32 PM

Apology for no update yet
The Battlegrounds are driving me crazy ... I have them enabled, and when you enter one of the new ones it is working, but it's not displaying the map just a green window (with the carts drawn overtop).

They have nothing anywhere calling the battleground maps so I'm not sure where things are going wrong yet... but it's taking forever to figure out since I can't join a BG then just sit there and work on code, else they'll report me for afk.

Why is nothing ever easy... LOL

Rythal 10-14-12 05:35 PM

Temple of Kotmogu is working now... so it's just silvershard mine doing it

Goranth 10-14-12 06:24 PM

LOL enough people get away with it as it is, just run a BG bot ;)

JK I hate those things :P could you not join a skirmish match with volunteers?

myrroddin 10-14-12 08:43 PM

I might not use Carbonite, but honestly Rythal, chill, relax, take a deep breath or a few hundred. Carbonite is huge, and your plans for its evolution are difficult, to say the least.

Break it down into steps. Set milestone dates, and you know what, if you don't make them, so what? Little steps. If you keep looking at what is broken or needs changing, it will seem overwhelming. Sit back, and enjoy the little things. The users can and will wait.

crazzzzi 10-14-12 11:09 PM

yup, what you've done so far is phenomenal, everyone knows the code was a train wreck when you took this on, so focus on one area at a time, it'll come together

LostinTime 10-15-12 03:53 AM

Rythal your doing great. Relax. Every addon has hiccups. :banana:

MarineMa6 10-15-12 06:54 AM

Rythal no need to apologize. Seriously you are the man. Keep up the good work. We all praise you.

DHubert 10-15-12 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by myrroddin (Post 266747)
I might not use Carbonite, but honestly Rythal, chill, relax, take a deep breath or a few hundred. Carbonite is huge, and your plans for its evolution are difficult, to say the least.

Break it down into steps. Set milestone dates, and you know what, if you don't make them, so what? Little steps. If you keep looking at what is broken or needs changing, it will seem overwhelming. Sit back, and enjoy the little things. The users can and will wait.

I agree whole heartedly. We all know Carbonite has had issues for a very long time yet we *make do* for now because what does work is awesome. The old saying of how does one eat an elephant comes to mind... The answer is one bite at a time. As your work goes forward, it might come to *breaking* some features to recode others.... I can be patient as Carbonite goes through renovations... knowing the end result holds such promise.

You have nothing to apologize for.

Zoltar118 10-15-12 11:10 AM

I am new on this forum, but have been using carbonite since burning crusade I believe. I love it and can't wait till its back up and running smoothly again. Patiently slumming through quests using the default blizz quest tracker and maps. Ugh lol. That being said, the features I hope you work on, is the quest color blobs on the map, waypoints and waypoint routing for gather feature. I depend HEAVILY on the gather feature and I'm slumped on my gathering professions without this lol. Rythal, don't get too stressed with updating this, cause we all love the addon, and will wait without flaming you when we know you are working to provide us with quality work. :) just keep up the good work!

timmarc18 10-15-12 01:39 PM

Keep up the great work bud!!! Good things come to those who wait. Been using it since i've been playing not bound to give up on it now.

Rythal 10-15-12 01:47 PM

oh good things do definately come... like... well, you know those tiny instance maps that really did you no good unless you zoom zoom zoom in on them, then when you leave you gotta zoom zoom zoom out....

I know it's always annoyed me... so.. I did something about it :P

Next version auto-zooms in on an instance, and remembers your old zoom level for when you leave.

timmarc18 10-15-12 02:33 PM

Awesome! That was really annoying.

Cairenn 10-15-12 02:57 PM

Rythal, take it from a seasoned hand at this: communication is the key, and you are doing a fantastic job of that.

[Most] People are happy to wait, as long as they know what is going on. For example, that's the reason why I posted the update about the prizes from our 10th anniversary stuff. There's no obligation on my part to post anything. But it's just common courtesy and makes all the difference in the world. People generally only get bitchy when they don't know what is going on, when there is no communication. Even if there is going to be a delay for whatever reason, just saying that "hey, something is going on in my [personal/work/whatever] life and this has to take a back burner for awhile" will have most people going "oh, okay, thanks for the update."

You are doing fine. Just continue on as you have been and no one will have any (valid or reasonable) complaints.

jeffy162 10-15-12 04:45 PM

^ Agreed....

mjumnito 10-15-12 05:28 PM

I dont think anybody could have said it better than Cairenn.

Rythal, your doing a fantastic job thanks for the updates

antiquada 10-15-12 05:30 PM

What do they say all the time in Pandaria when I turn in a quest? "Slow down, take your time"
Thank you for everything.

crazzzzi 10-15-12 07:03 PM

yes sir, we just like to see you show your face in the forum every now and again, the boss lady hit the nail on the head

clipper 10-16-12 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 266804)
oh good things do definately come... like... well, you know those tiny instance maps that really did you no good unless you zoom zoom zoom in on them, then when you leave you gotta zoom zoom zoom out....

I know it's always annoyed me... so.. I did something about it :P

Next version auto-zooms in on an instance, and remembers your old zoom level for when you leave.



clipper 10-16-12 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 266804)
oh good things do definately come... like... well, you know those tiny instance maps that really did you no good unless you zoom zoom zoom in on them, then when you leave you gotta zoom zoom zoom out....

I know it's always annoyed me... so.. I did something about it :P

Next version auto-zooms in on an instance, and remembers your old zoom level for when you leave.

It almost seems rude to ask when you're working on so many things right now, but when you were investigating this, did you by any chance find the bug that causes it to sometimes not display your party members on the instance maps?

clipper 10-16-12 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 266738)
The Battlegrounds are driving me crazy ... I have them enabled, and when you enter one of the new ones it is working, but it's not displaying the map just a green window (with the carts drawn overtop).

They have nothing anywhere calling the battleground maps so I'm not sure where things are going wrong yet... but it's taking forever to figure out since I can't join a BG then just sit there and work on code, else they'll report me for afk.

Why is nothing ever easy... LOL

Does the map work the same in War Games as it does in "real" BGs? I'm sure some guild would be happy to take you into a War Game to let you work on it. You have fans.

Michaelgal 10-16-12 06:03 PM

Rythal you are the best, take your time.

S@thi 10-16-12 07:10 PM

No need to put more pressure on yourself.
take a deep breath...
I think milestones would be a great way to track progression.

Rythal 10-18-12 12:29 AM

Here's what's done so far.... (still can't figure out silvershard mines damnit)

- Small bug fixes in questing from lua errors sent in
- Native Archeology Blobs on carbonite map
- Option under "Show" right click menu for enabling or disabling them
- Transparency Option for the blobs under "Transparency" right click menu
- Native Quest Blobs on carbonite map instead of the temporary fix minimap blobs
- Same options as archeology above
- Checked and fixed any problems with instances that were not showing (I actually flew to every one and zoned in to verify they worked now)
- Auto-zooming to instance maps scale (works in every instance i've tried EXCEPT Scarlet monastary, for some reason it does not trigger a zone change when you first enter it.. will work on trying to fix that later)
- if tomtom emulation is enabled, now supports the /way command
- every file is now utf-8 instead of ascii so hopefully localization works out of the box

still to do:
- fix wandering isle map
- figure out the silvershard mine map
- have quest blobs test if they are known internally before drawing to avoid overlapping duplicates in old world zones that carbonite already drew it's own blobs for

timmarc18 10-18-12 04:51 AM

Wow nice progress so far. Keep it up bud.

Xcari 10-18-12 02:57 PM

../cheers for Rythal. Thank you!

huntedknight 10-18-12 04:31 PM

Awesome Job Rythal !! Thank you!

Baltharus 10-18-12 09:30 PM

I haven't used Carbonite since BC (as I absolutely hate leveling so only do one character) but from the effort you have put in and the quality of you communication and frankly the response of the community, I think its fair to say you are doing a great job Rythal.

It is great to see addon authors that care about the users and the community, but don't let it stress you out. Like it has been said before: we can wait. And as Cairenn said, communication goes a long way!

So cheers to you brother! I will down a glass in your name!

hexda3m0n5 10-20-12 01:04 PM

IMO i am not worried about the maps for BGs i just want the quest tracker to work like it once did. I want to be able to do my quests without having to tab out for the ones that are not in the database. also with the rep the way it is i do have one real request. a quest line tracker. I want to be able to open the trackers and set it to find the closest quest so that i can finish the areas out. this would also be good for anyone who wants to finish every single quest in the game.

Kathan 10-21-12 04:22 PM

That's a mighty nice list of upgrades!

I'm looking forward to quest blobs on the main map instead of the mini-map.

(tbh, you should just use the blizzard POIs instead of Carbonites old ones, but that's just me. Having one tiny blob out in the middle of nowhere for one quest mob that happened to be placed there out of some masochist feeling from a quest designer was just odd...)

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