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Knight186 01-29-07 08:09 AM

Memory problem
I was using the scan option in Auctioneer. Just when it was about dones there was a message that said the interface memory was full. Is there a way to fix that so I can scan again? Any suggestions?

Cairenn 01-29-07 08:14 AM

Yup. Go out to your character select screen. Open up the "interface options" (button lower left on the screen). In the top right corner you'll see UI Mem Usage. Increase that amount. Start by doubling it. If that isn't enough, double again. Or set it to 0 (zero). That means "unlimited".

Knight186 01-29-07 09:25 AM

At the risk of sounding retarded, I must ask. I have very limited gaming programming experience, but won't that continue to take up memory or is that telling the game that it will only run up to that much memory for the interfaces. I see what you are saying, but I just want to make sure that the memory doesn't continually compile and take up space on my computer.

I may sound stupid, but like I said I have very little experience with the interface and game programming.


PathMaster 01-29-07 09:45 AM

The Zero is a good way of making sure you don't run into problems. If you are worried about running into memory problems, look into a few garbage collection mods. Fubar plugin PerformanceFU has one. I use ace mods and on first load its a little slow and the memory is at near 55, but after I ask it to do a garbage collection, it shrinks down to 35 or so. Much better then my previous amount of 60+.

Fubar plugins can act as Minimap icons if you dont use Fubar.

ReverendD 01-29-07 09:47 AM

I would not suggest '0', as some addons have memory leaks and could continue to use the memory till you crashed, not to mention in the meantime slowing down game performance and causing other issues.

I have mine setup for 60 megs, which with my 40 some odd addons, is more than enough memory for them. I usually sit around 28-33 megs used during normal gameplay, and up to 42 megs during gathering missions.

But I would start with 60, and increase by 12 from there on out. If you have to go beyond 90 megs though, it is probably a good idea to look into your addon settings, and just the addons themselves. Something is hogging up too much memory and should not be. You can use FuBar & PerformanceFu to keep an eye on your memory usage and to force Garbage Collections.

Hope this helps.

Knight186 01-29-07 09:55 AM

Ok thanks. I'll look into the performance mod for garbage collection. I think the problem is with Auctioneer scans. I just think the scan memory is piling up instead of overwriting the old scan. I tried getting rid of Auctioneer.lua and doing a new scan which is what their forum suggested, but it didn't work. I'll try this to see if it works. If it doesn't then oh well I guess I won't be using auctioneer scans.

MentalPower 01-29-07 11:07 AM

That's Normal
Auctioneer is very memory hungry, and it needs to be due to the fact that its profitability calculations require an ample data-set to be reliable. Now I'm not saying that there is no memory leak, but I am saying that in order for us to be able to guarantee that we get all of the data for a particular scan we keep both datasets (old and new) in memory for the duration of the scan.

After the scan has finished we sanitize the new data and merge/overwrite it with the old data. Immediately following we call the 'collectgarbage("collect")' function to force a full garbage collection cycle to purge the old un-merged data from memory. For this reason, Auctioneer routinely requires a large chunk of memory when its scanning, and its object (note that I said object, not garbage) creation hovers from 50-100kb/s depending on the sort of scan being performed.

That being said, setting the memory limit to 0 might be a good idea to get a feel for how much memory Auctioneer will consume during a scan. After you've noted the max memory while the scan is being performed you can set your memory limit to a sane number (Max Memory + 30%).

I should point out that setting your memory limit to 0 does not cause any adverse effects other than the fact that the game will not boot you for exceding an artificially enforced limit.

Knight186 01-29-07 11:26 AM

Wow. I'm glad you were watching this forum. OK that's good I will do that, but (again with being new to interfaces) how do I see how much memory is being used so I can reset it afterward to an appropriate setting?

Janx 01-29-07 11:39 AM

Get FuBaR and Fubar_PerformanceFu. this addon allows you to see how much memory you are using and allows you to collect the garbage and dump it.

PathMaster 01-29-07 12:00 PM

I am currently using Fence (ace addon) for my AH needs. Smaller memory footprint but is not as full featured as Auctioneer, nor was it meant to be.

Knight186 01-30-07 09:27 AM

Well I redid my addons to the following

Fubar 2.0 with Clock, rest, xp/hr, performance, gold, bags, durability, locations, coords, mail and I think that was it.
Also I did Cartographer with Mining and Herb (awesome by the way, really helpful to my mining chars) and I may add vendors to it as well.

Ag_unitframes, which by the way is awesome thought I need to mess aroud with the options a little more

Recipe Radar
Recipe Book
Advanced Tradeskill Window
I also kept Aucitoneer to test it with PerformanceFu

When I was running the scan my MiB ran up to around 95-100 at times and as low as 35. Is that normal? If so that's fine I just want to make sure.

Also, any other suggestions on addons are welcome, all the suggestions people have made so far are great! I'm still a noob I guess since I've only been playing since Sept. 06.

ReverendD 01-30-07 09:42 AM

Ok, unless they have done something different with Auctioneer, I have never had memory usage go up that high during a scan, and thats with a 20,000 item scan in Khadgar. Kind of curious how many items it scanned. As it is, I dont use Auctioneer anymore, I just use their Enhanced Tool Tips. I find I usually do better @ AH when I research manually and set my prices. But thats me. 8-)

Anyways, here is my list of Addons which run me @ 25megs on startup, and highest it has gone is 45megs.

-----Edit: Added info links for the addons if there was one. Any Ace2 files should be d/l from this location - WoW Ace .

!Swatter - Informant Package (Part of Auctioneer, but not the Auction portion)
ag_UnitFrames - Ace2 - Link
Align - Not Ace - Link (Out of date - but still usable if you are _picky_ about alignment of elements on your page.
Bartender3 - Ace2 - Link
Cartographer - Ace2 - Link
ChatLog - Ace2 - Link
ClearFont2 - Ace2 - Link
cyCircled - Ace2 - Link
eCastingBar - Ace2 - Link
ElkBuffBar - Ace2 - Link
EnhTooltip - Informant Package (Part of Auctioneer, but not the Auction portion)
FuBar - Ace2 - Link
Informant - Informant Package (Part of Auctioneer, but not the Auction portion)
LitheTooltipDoctor - Ace2 - Link
MobHealth - Ace2 - Link
OneBag - Ace2 - Link
OneBank - Ace2 - Link
OneView - Ace2 - Link
Outfitter - Not Ace - Link
Prat - Ace2 - Link
SimpleCombatLog - Ace2 - Link
simpleMinimap - Ace2 - Link
Skinner - Ace2 - Link
SorrenTimers - Ace2 - Link
Stubby - Informant Package (Part of Auctioneer, but not the Auction portion)
SW_FixLogStrings - Not Sure about Ace - SW Stats Package
SW_Stats - not Sure about Ace - I always have trouble finding this d/l. Its a damage meter.
ZomgBox - Not Ace - Link

For the Align and ZomgBox addons, you may have to change the TOC manually to get it to work with 2.0.

Knight186 01-30-07 10:08 AM

Only 230 pages (give or take) so about 11,500 items (50 per page) so really a lot less. And it only happened when I ran Auctioneer (maybe it's because its still in Gamma testing, maybe the release will fix it). I agree about the manual search for price setting, but sometimes when I have a lot to post I'd rather just scan and post.

I may take a look at the set-up you have. Are all of the Ace addons? I'll have to see what some of them do since I don't group ( slows me down too much) and I don't raid (yet) and I rarely do pvp/battlegrounds.

Seerah 01-30-07 11:34 AM

It could possibly be Bottom Scanner, which is part of the Auctioneer Pack (new mod as of 2.0). I've been having memory issues as well, running up to my limit of 130- which then freezes the game for about 5-10 secs until it comes back down.

Yesterday, I switched from Titan to FuBar, since (while probably not much) it will use less memory. I also turned off Bottom Scanner, since I don't really use it anyway. I'm running a ton of mods, so I need to go through and either evaluate if I really want them ;) or tone down some of their functions. But I haven't played much to test whether turning off Bottom Scanner made a difference yet.

ReverendD 01-30-07 01:18 PM

Bottom Scanner _should_ no longer be part of the package since it does not comply with Blizzards EULA. The people who make Auctionner willingly took it out of the package, even though it is still available for download. Not sure who keeps it updated though. I may be wrong on it not being in the package anymore though.

As for my addons Knight, I edited my earlier post to show which are ace and I also added links to each of them so you can see what they do.

Seerah 01-30-07 02:54 PM

Ah, I was not aware of that, Reverend. :)

doc309 01-30-07 03:04 PM

i thought bottom scanner was "ok but frowned upon..."
and bottom feeder, ( with it's auto-buy, no user input to perform transactions) was bad...
sorry if this hijack the thread....


Knight186 01-30-07 03:48 PM

Nah I don't consider it a hijack. I'm looking for feedback on this stuff, so I know what to get rid of. By the way ReverendD, thanks I will put the links to good use. I'll disable bottom scanner and see what that does and run a san of AH tonight. If it still goes through the roof on PerformanceFU I'm going to disable until the release version is out. If that doesan't work is there an addon that allows you to see at least vendor prices so I can dump vendor garbage that isn't worth as much. (Note: I don't want the one that autodumps because I don't want to lose a cheap green by accident, unless it can be set to dump only grey items.)

Kaomie 01-30-07 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by doc309
i thought bottom scanner was "ok but frowned upon..."
and bottom feeder, ( with it's auto-buy, no user input to perform transactions) was bad...

I think you are right and what ReverendD was mentioning was about Bottom Feeder. Here is the thread about it: BottomFeeder Removed. Now that auto-click funtcions have been protected it's not a problem anyway I guess.

Now Bottom Scanner (or btmscan) is still currently maintained and included in the AuctioneerComplete distribution. It would be interesting to have an official confirmation of the status on this "frowned upon" ;)

ReverendD 01-30-07 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by doc309
i thought bottom scanner was "ok but frowned upon..."
and bottom feeder, ( with it's auto-buy, no user input to perform transactions) was bad...
sorry if this hijack the thread....

I am sorry, I had my names mixed up. Bottom Feeder is the one that was removed, not Bottom Scanner. Thanx for that Doc. :)

Knight, if you decide to do away with Auctioneer, I suggest leaving EnhToolTip, Stubby, !Swatter, and Informant. These will give you the extra information about items in the tooltip that is worth keeping (what its used for skill wise, the buy/sell value to vedors, etc) (!Swatter is actually just an error catcher, but you need it as a dependincy to run the rest). As for autoselling grey stuff, I think its called AutoProfit, but there are a couple addons that do that for you and are configurable to sell only greys.

PathMaster 01-30-07 04:22 PM

AutoProfit or Junk auto sell greys and other items. You can add items to their respective auto-sell lists.

Colalight, VendorValues are two great item price mods.

Seerah 01-30-07 08:31 PM

Thank you, Doc, for clearing that up. :) I thought Bottom Scanner had been recently updated, but I don't really use its functions anyway. :)

As for something to auto sell gray items.... Since you're using FuBar now, check out GarbageFu.

Knight186 02-02-07 08:51 AM

Well I've diabled Bottom Scanner, and it seemed to help a bit, but it's still running about 70-80 at some times, very rare though now, so I'm going to post the memory at 100 and hope it does fine. Also using PerformanceFu and dumping the garbage I think helped.

I used some but not all of the addons you suggested ReverendD, and I must say I really like the set up. Although I may get rid of MailFu becuase if you aren't listening for the little sound bit you don't know if you have mail.

ReverendD 02-02-07 06:59 PM

On MailFu your icon on FuBar will turn green or red when you get mail as well (normal male vs AH mail). But its a personal preferance. Glad I was able to help out with some of your UI selection.

Still seems odd that your memory usage is so high, but if it runs w/o problems, then its all good. Happy gaming.

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