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AlleyKat 04-26-13 04:48 PM

Celestia [User Interface][WiP]
Thread of my new interface, which currently in progress =P



Haleth 04-26-13 05:00 PM

This is way too cool.

So many shiny things. You make me jealous.

Phanx 04-26-13 06:56 PM

The cropped icons are kind of neat. The transparent blue gradient panels don't really seem right for a WoW UI, though they'd fit right in in StarCraft or something.

MiRai 04-27-13 08:20 PM

Well, now... that is pretty sexy. Is this just a show off or will you eventually release it to the public?

semlar 05-01-13 11:48 AM

I really like that status bar at the bottom, it's a huge improvement over the error frame.

Kendian 05-01-13 02:56 PM

I see multiple ideas here that are just plain sexy. Good job~

Unkn 05-01-13 06:58 PM

Wow that is just smexy looking.

Dawn 05-03-13 05:58 PM

Those buff frames ... <3

JDoubleU00 05-15-13 02:56 PM

What addons are you using?

ravagernl 05-15-13 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by rocnroll (Post 278103)
What addons are you using?

I'm not sure about the actionbar, but it's possible that at least edited version of RedRange/tullaRange is used?
Buff frames could be Aura Frames. I can tell by the way the sorting behaves.

Other then that, I suspect at least kgPanels or a custom addon for textures. WeakAura's as well, probably.

AlleyKat 05-16-13 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by rocnroll (Post 278103)
What addons are you using?

Celestia and Interface Usage to monitor some stuff, and ofc oQueue (but you can`t see it here)
Celestia - is not compilation, it is stand-alone addon, that used only blizzard stuff right now.

AlleyKat 05-16-13 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by ravagernl (Post 278108)
I'm not sure about the actionbar, but it's possible that at least edited version of RedRange/tullaRange is used?
Buff frames could be Aura Frames. I can tell by the way the sorting behaves.

Other then that, I suspect at least kgPanels or a custom addon for textures. WeakAura's as well, probably.

red range - not edited version of something, buffs provided by blizzard default, why make new, when blizzard already made fine stuff.

10leej 05-16-13 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by AlleyKat (Post 278145)
why make new, when blizzard already made fine stuff.

That's an argument I've been making for some time now.

Tonyleila 05-17-13 07:34 PM

Hey AlleyKat nice to see you back! Love the ideas in your new UI especially the geographic direction at the minimap and the info bars next to the buttons also the nicely floating out action bars at the side (I loved them inside DerpyUI)! However the transperent blue gardient it not my style ;)

BTW: Dose this mean that you are going to fix DerpyStuffing ? Please! The author has given everyone free use of his code
In an old post I remember you saying this:

In next version if my UI (Pandaria), DerpyMedia will be replaced with DerpyMeta, and it will be less agressive. To make Stuffing stand alone, move req functions from DerpyMedia inside Stuffing.
DerpyMeta is like my own UI lib, like ACE and etc.
So here are the problems with DerpyStuffing ATM:
1. Since patch 5.2 (or 5.1?) I relay often get this "DerpyStuffing was blocked" popup and I have to reload to klick icons indside my bag again :( :(
2. Sort option gets stucked sometimes (it trys to sort items forever untill you reload UI). If you need an exampe how to reproduce: always stucks if you have 2 items with same name but different item ID in your bag (such as "Magisches Leckerli" (only works in german) or use bags with realy different bagslots (like one bag with only 6 slots and 1 bag with 18 bagslots.
3. Mabye woud be better to make a plugin for BankStack so that a klick on the stuffing butons triggers bankstacks sort options wich work perfectly and also sorts profession bags
4. A highlight color for profession bagslots woud be very useful (this was supportet in the original stuffing addon but you removed it in your version)

Stanzilla 05-17-13 07:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Kinda reminds me of my old UI from BC :P

Manastrider 06-20-13 01:27 PM

As a fan of DerpyUI, is there any chance we could get a WiP release of this? :3

AlleyKat 06-20-13 03:46 PM

soon i guess

Mashugana 06-27-13 10:39 AM

This may be a stupid question, but how do you play with your unit frames stuffed up in the upper left corner? How do you know your health, focus, and target status in combat?

I've tried this to be minimal but find I need the unit frames center screen - what tricks do you have?

Beautiful UI.

Seerah 06-27-13 11:55 AM

It's just wherever your eyes are trained to look.

Mashugana 06-27-13 12:17 PM

Hmmm. I think I'll try and see if my eyes learn over time. Thank you.

If I wipe my heroic I'll just blame Seerah....


Thanks again.

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