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Bluspacecow 10-14-09 07:07 PM

3.3 PTR : We can now get a list of completed quests
I am wanting to bring more notice to a change that come in a recent build of the 3.3 PTR.

You know how almost every week someone's asking about an addon that gives them a history of quests they've completed and our answer is always "No that information isn't available via the api therefore can't be done in an addon"


You can now query for a list of completed quests with “QueryQuestsCompleted()” then wait for the “QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE” event, and call “GetQuestsCompleted(<luatable>)”.

* NEW - QueryQuestsCompleted() requests that the server send the client a list of completed quest ids. Once the list is received the QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE event is fired. (There is a limit on how frequently this can be called)
* NEW - tbl = GetQuestsCompleted([tbl]) populates a table (creating one if necessary) with the ids of completed quests. (The format of this table may change before release)
I did post this yesterday in my 3.3 thread but no one answered to say OMG! OMG :eek:

There was a severe lack of dancing bananas too :(

Front243 also posted something to the Carbonite forums too but he went unloved too :(

<----------------- adopts kicked puppy look

Not feeling the love here people :)

Bluspacecow 10-14-09 07:08 PM

Some addon authors here are picking it apart :

Apparently it returns a table of quest IDs that you have finished :)

Sepioth 10-14-09 08:56 PM

Great news. Finally one of the most requested features/complaints is fixed :)

And now a little love for Bluspacecow ....


:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana::banana::banana:


Bluspacecow 10-15-09 04:32 AM


Thank you Sepioth

<-------- feels loved again

Eas 10-15-09 06:17 AM

This is awesome. Since I just started working on Loremaster, having an addon that gives me this kidna info will make it much easier!


p3lim 10-15-09 08:56 AM

Wrote a testing addon that took usage of this new API.

In chat you could do this:
/completed [questlink]
It would return if that quest you are linking is completed or not.

Seemed to work when I tested it, though it might not be the best feature made out of the API.

Ross 10-21-09 08:00 PM


zero-kill 10-21-09 08:52 PM

^^ that rocks ^^

This just goes to show that all the aimless posts we players post on patch days, don't justify for the rest of the community!

Bluspacecow 10-21-09 09:02 PM


Giant banana is GIANT !

wurmfood 10-21-09 11:08 PM

Some notes about the returned values from the API:

In some cases (not all, it seems), the data returned is in an inconsistent format.

Some portion of the data will take the form (when viewing the saved info):


while the rest will appear as:

[12345] = true,
[12857] = true,
[2345] = true,
[87432] = true,

In the first, you will have both "true" and "nil" as values and the keys (questids) are sequential. In the second, the keys are random and the value will always be true. It's easy to handle, but it helps to know it's there.

BWarner 10-22-09 12:18 AM

You silly people and your silly Loremaster. By which I mean, you're insane. <3! (I don't even have the willpower to do a single AT daily, much less start in on Loremaster! UGH I hate questing!)

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