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pvs723 12-04-16 01:45 PM

Quest module causing system freeze-up
I have 10 characters on one server and my level 100 priest cannot use the quest module. System locks up and have to log out and restart to get computer to respond again. Works fine with all other characters. tried emptying the addons folder and only have Carbonite and the quest module installed. Plays fine unitl I enable the quest module. Tried a clean installation of WoW also. Driving me crazy.....any sugestions would be great...

ircdirk 12-04-16 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by pvs723 (Post 321196)
I have 10 characters on one server and my level 100 priest cannot use the quest module. System locks up and have to log out and restart to get computer to respond again. Works fine with all other characters. tried emptying the addons folder and only have Carbonite and the quest module installed. Plays fine unitl I enable the quest module. Tried a clean installation of WoW also. Driving me crazy.....any sugestions would be great...

Are u using version latest from github? (link in my signature).

Sarge_554 12-10-16 08:36 AM

Having the same problem Went to github and downloaded the latest version, plugged it in, checked it off in WoW's AddOn pane for the one character that is having the problem, and it froze up again. Everything loads fine until it gets to the point where Carbonite takes over and starts to replace WoW's quest tracker. It freezes right after the WoW quest tracker disappears and the Carbonite quest tracker appears.

This just started yesterday evening (approx. 1800 EST). Did a complete uninstall of WoW and downloaded/installed everything anew. Is there any other info I can provide that might help track this down? It's a bit whacked that it only affects one character on one account on one realm ... Duskwood. Characters on both accounts on Eonar, Feathermoon, and Terokkar have no problems. (I have about two dozen characters spread across four realms on two accounts). The only difference in their configurations is that, depending on the professions, they have different AckisRecipe modules loaded. Right now I have all of those turned off because the WoW Addons frame is show Ackis out-of-date.

pvs723 12-10-16 08:28 PM

Wow someone else having the same issue....I even tried installing WoW on a different hard drive. Only happens on one character. Hopefully someone out there can help....I tried every combination of addons. My main character runs fine with 52 addons running but as soon as I enable the quest module it freezes everything. Tried all addons disabled except carbinite core and it works fine. Enable quest module and no good, just on one character.

Thrumbar 12-11-16 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by pvs723 (Post 321267)
Wow someone else having the same issue....I even tried installing WoW on a different hard drive. Only happens on one character. Hopefully someone out there can help....I tried every combination of addons. My main character runs fine with 52 addons running but as soon as I enable the quest module it freezes everything. Tried all addons disabled except carbinite core and it works fine. Enable quest module and no good, just on one character.

Could you try disabling all addons except Carbonite and the enableing some at a time untill you lock up again to help isolate a possible conflict.. Also what is the character class, race and the tradeskills said character has...


Edit: I installed Ackis (Main addon and all mods) from curse. Disableing all addons but Ackis and opening my alchemy ( pressing k and selecting alchemy). I then hit scan and opened the window. While scrolling the warcraft client would pause and appear to lockup for a time even to the point that windows would pop a frame to ask if I wanted to close the program.

With that I think it is an Ackis issue with some sort of memory leak and will have to update when the author has time irl to update it to current release of warcraft...

Sarge_554 12-11-16 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Thrumbar (Post 321270)
Could you try disabling all addons except Carbonite and the enableing some at a time untill you lock up again to help isolate a possible conflict.. Also what is the character class, race and the tradeskills said character has...


Edit: I installed Ackis (Main addon and all mods) from curse. Disableing all addons but Ackis and opening my alchemy ( pressing k and selecting alchemy). I then hit scan and opened the window. While scrolling the warcraft client would pause and appear to lockup for a time even to the point that windows would pop a frame to ask if I wanted to close the program.

With that I think it is an Ackis issue with some sort of memory leak and will have to update when the author has time irl to update it to current release of warcraft...

Did all of that. Took all addons out, reloaded just Carbonite and loaded each module one at a time. As soon as I enabled the quest module ... freeze up. And it's not just a temporary freeze. My last test last night (Saturday night) did the same thing. I walked away from the computer and left the frozen screen up all night long in case it was an extended delay in response. That was at 2200 local (EST); when I came back this morning (0700 local EST), the screen was still frozen.

I've also defragged all hard drives, cleaned up the registry, did a thorough scan for virii, malware, etc., all negative. At the onset of the problem, also did a scan/repair on WoW; no change. I know we're asking for help from the Carbonite folks, but I'm confused how an addon ... and just one module in particular ... could affect only one specific toon on one specific realm on one specific account, and all other characters on all other realms on both accounts are error-free. Something just doesn't sound right ..... (Not trying to let Carbonite off the hook, mind you .... but the whole situation just makes no sense from a logic standpoint.)

Thrumbar 12-11-16 11:38 AM

Have you updated to the latest version which is on Curse ??? The ones on WoWinterface are old versions and the maintainer has not pushed and update to it yet...

ircdirk 12-11-16 11:43 AM

Maybe this is class specific issue maybe one class specific quest. Can u write what class do u use when this isse happens @Sarge_554 and @pvs723?

pvs723 12-11-16 06:58 PM

Level 100 shadow priest. Removed all addons excpet carbonite and the quest module. Runs fine without the quests loaded. As soon as I enable the quest module it freezes. I have another 100 priest that also works fine. Its a holy priest. I am going to try to respec both and see if the problem follows the shadow spec or if it remains with the originl character.

pvs723 12-11-16 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by pvs723 (Post 321291)
Level 100 shadow priest. Removed all addons excpet carbonite and the quest module. Runs fine without the quests loaded. As soon as I enable the quest module it freezes. I have another 100 priest that also works fine. Its a holy priest. I am going to try to respec both and see if the problem follows the shadow spec or if it remains with the originl character.

I tried to respec both priests and the problem remained with the original character. The other priest still plays fine with the shadow spec.

Thrumbar 12-11-16 08:10 PM

What are the shills that the affected character have. Sorry if I missed it but am posting this on my mobile at work...

ircdirk 12-12-16 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by pvs723 (Post 321293)
I tried to respec both priests and the problem remained with the original character. The other priest still plays fine with the shadow spec.

Try abandon all quests. Then see if this persists.

Before abandoning make a screenshot of your quest list, this will help me to find buggy quest.

Sarge_554 12-12-16 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 321279)
Maybe this is class specific issue maybe one class specific quest. Can u write what class do u use when this isse happens @Sarge_554 and @pvs723?

Human Warrior, lvl 100, Prot spec. Will try the "abandon all quests" thing this afternoon. Really appreciate your effort ....

Sarge_554 12-13-16 11:04 AM

Evidently my suspicions were correct. After this morning's "maintenance" and reset, Carbonite's quest module is working as intended on my warrior. When I logged in on him, just out of curiosity, I re-enabled the module and prepared myself for a freeze. It didn't happen. I've completed quests, hearthed, flown, ran, rode, swapped gear, ate, drank, interacted with NPCs, and fought. No freeze. I'm thinking something was corrupted on the server and this morning's activities fixed it.

ircdirk 12-13-16 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sarge_554 (Post 321318)
Evidently my suspicions were correct. After this morning's "maintenance" and reset, Carbonite's quest module is working as intended on my warrior. When I logged in on him, just out of curiosity, I re-enabled the module and prepared myself for a freeze. It didn't happen. I've completed quests, hearthed, flown, ran, rode, swapped gear, ate, drank, interacted with NPCs, and fought. No freeze. I'm thinking something was corrupted on the server and this morning's activities fixed it.

Great to hear that... so this was Blizz bug ;) again...

Catitude 01-30-17 09:12 PM

My sister has 1 toon she hasn't been able to use the Quest Module on since he dinged 100 2 weeks ago.
No error message at all just locks the game up completely... Not her computer, just the game so she can window out & then rt-click close the WoW window. rather than having to do a reboot.
So far I have (not all done in the order written) deleted Cache files, round filed the WTF & Interface folders, repaired the game, uninstalled the game as well as Curse & ALL of the addons, deleted the saved variables. reinstalled & enabled each add-on individually starting with Carbonite & the only time the Worgen Hunter is locked & unplayable is with Carbonite Quest enabled.
There is no a single setting that I can find that would account for this.

I was trying to find a command line or button to reset the Blizzard UI on just this toon but not finding it & the GM's seem to be useless & keep telling her the same steps that haven't worked the last 50x.
I really believe this is a Blizzard mess but they aren't dealing with it & she lives across the hall :confused:

Edit: I do keep up with the latest version from Github

ircdirk 01-31-17 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Catitude (Post 321843)
My sister has 1 toon she hasn't been able to use the Quest Module on since he dinged 100 2 weeks ago.
No error message at all just locks the game up completely... Not her computer, just the game so she can window out & then rt-click close the WoW window. rather than having to do a reboot.
So far I have (not all done in the order written) deleted Cache files, round filed the WTF & Interface folders, repaired the game, uninstalled the game as well as Curse & ALL of the addons, deleted the saved variables. reinstalled & enabled each add-on individually starting with Carbonite & the only time the Worgen Hunter is locked & unplayable is with Carbonite Quest enabled.
There is no a single setting that I can find that would account for this.

I was trying to find a command line or button to reset the Blizzard UI on just this toon but not finding it & the GM's seem to be useless & keep telling her the same steps that haven't worked the last 50x.
I really believe this is a Blizzard mess but they aren't dealing with it & she lives across the hall :confused:

Edit: I do keep up with the latest version from Github

Are u playing with english locale?

Quests my be the problem... drop one by one and find out which is the couse, then report back the name of this quest which hangs WoW. I need the name to try to find out whats wrong.

Catitude 02-05-17 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 321846)
Are u playing with english locale?

Quests my be the problem... drop one by one and find out which is the couse, then report back the name of this quest which hangs WoW. I need the name to try to find out whats wrong.

Sorry for the delayed reply.
Yes we are playing English locale.
We initially thought it was because the toon had just dinged 100 & had King Varian Wrynn in the Garrison with the quest chain for the shipyard even though in Legion he is dead. So with Carbonite Quest turned off she completed ALL of her outstanding Draenor Garrison quests, Took the toon to Legion Dalaran turned in/ completed all remaining quests in the toon's quest log.
She had zero quests in her log & no other addons except Carbonite Maps when she next attempted to enable Carbonite Quest, as soon as Carbonite Quests attempts to load with a completely empty quest log the game locks up & will not unfreeze. If she is playing fullscreen she is forced to reboot the computer because once frozen Wow won't minimize with either the windows key, or AltTab at that point.
Most of the time she plays WoW Windowed instead of Fullscreen & she can shut frozen WoW down by right clicking the Icon in her taskbar & closing the window from there, but either way until she disables Carbonite Quests module on just that single toon it freezes on logging in.
I also tried logging in with the Quests Module disabled & a completely empty quest log, & then enabled the addon after logging into the toon from the Menu, this once again froze the game. :(

Also when Worgens were first released there were some odd glitches that sprouted because of the Human Form vs Worgen Form but I had already tested the odd possibilities such as on or off of a mount, in Worgen or Human form, Hunter Pet Active or dismissed, Artifact equipped or not, checked all 3 specs, in Stormwind City or New Dalaran or Class Hall, as well as a variety of other zones, indoors or outdoors, Battle Pet up or not...
I had 1 toon with a similar problem following the 1st Draenor patch & it resolved itself during a subsequent hotfix, but I never did find out what the trigger was.

If at any point we do figure out what is triggering it or if it resolves itself I will let you know
& Thank you. I really do appreciate any and all attempts to find a solution, even when the suggestions don't work. At least I know I'll get something other than Blizz's Classic cookie cutter response telling us to repair game installation, delete Cache, WTF, Addons... Zero addons, brand new full install of the game, empty WTF & Blizzard insists it had nothing to do with the 7.1.5 Patch that went live just before her toon hit lvl 100 & the quest log fubared & getting downright rude & nasty about my wasting their time because the issue involves an addon.

Edit: Also she has a Nelf Hunter as her main on the same server, ALL of the UI & Carbonite settings, action bars etc are identical on both toons but the Worgen Hunter has the issue & the Nelf Hunter does not.

ircdirk 02-06-17 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Catitude (Post 321886)
Edit: Also she has a Nelf Hunter as her main on the same server, ALL of the UI & Carbonite settings, action bars etc are identical on both toons but the Worgen Hunter has the issue & the Nelf Hunter does not.

So ill have to make worgen alt to check what the problem might be.

ircdirk 02-06-17 03:23 AM

I did pushed little fix to github, maybe this will help. Please download, try and report back.

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