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Duneybird 10-15-10 08:36 AM

Carbonite 4.0 is crap
Just loaded new 4.0 version and the wow world went to ****! Getting "you are not in a guild" messages spammed at me, so shut off gatherer portion of Carbonite, which stopped those messages. Still getting frozen screen when changing places and going into BGs, requiring that I unplug computer to get out of it.:mad: So I will not be donating anything until this program is fixed and working properly.:mad::mad::mad:

Paprika 10-15-10 08:39 AM

You know what 'Beta' means do you?

coorsd 10-15-10 08:47 AM

Carbonite is in beta. They have released this product for those that want to try it out, find any errors and nicely report it back to the developers so fixes can be made.

So basically shut the heck up. You are showing your stupidity by saying that a product in Beta is crap.

My advice to you is delete the addon from your game. Then when a stable version is posted, then maybe consider trying it again.

Blanckaert 10-15-10 08:56 AM

Umm... I know people that get the 'not in guild' message with other addons as well, just logout and log back in.... I do not know what addon is causing it, I didnt get the not in guild msg with Carb .01, I just DL'd .03 and will see if I have any problems.....

Freezing on changing screens or to BG or dungeons...

Having Carbonite NOT loaded, I had that problem too yesterday, (I havent logged in today yet) and it just took a few extra mins, and I was fine, have you TIRED to LOWER your video settings? that seems to fix it for me (using DX11), but I also had in an ICC last night, that when I returned from dying or having to log back in, that I was in the ICC BEFORE we started kill trash... I just ran out and back in, and it fixed the problem... So to me that means the 'freezing' is a BLIZZARD issue, NOT an addon issue....

And THIS is a BETA release there will be problems, and the quickest way for the Author to get a stable verison is for Him to push it out, and let us test it in a real application, PLEASE STOP BASHING him... I think it's great that we at least have a ver of Carbonite, that is (kinda) working... but Blizzard still has UI issues they need to fix... seeing double water anyone? ;)

Have a Great Day... and enjoy yourselves....

fixitman333 10-15-10 08:59 AM

Seems that the same people who were crying "I can't live without Carbonite" are now crying "I can't live with Carbonite". I find it quite hilarious....

I presently only use the base addon, with the additionals disabled. So far, no issues to be seen. If I do have issues, I'll go the intelligent route by isolating the associated addon(s) and then posting useful error report(s). Posts like the OP here are totally useless LOL.

smoef 10-15-10 09:03 AM

Screw the retards using this product, whining and not paying. Starting a post named "Carbonite 4.0 is crap" is just flat out rude. It's free, it's great, no one's holding a gun to your head telling you to use it, so shut the hell up.

I just donated my $10 before trying 4.0 just for the fact that they're always nicely updating their product and in the hope that it will still be around for Cataclysm.

I was playing a low level toon yesterday without carbonite. Tried other quest bull**** programs that all suck my nuts, and then found out I actually really miss this addon.

Props to the person or people working on this thing, please keep it up!

smoef 10-15-10 09:13 AM

Only base Carbonite, minimap & quest tracking works PERFECT, thought I'd say it. Now go donate your $10 or $5!!

WallyWest 10-15-10 09:29 AM

Oh STFU. It's been three days and they are working on it. You're damn lucky it works at all right now.

Kladdey 10-15-10 09:34 AM

Even with carbo beta i feel the joy of playing wow guided again :D Seriously, all those people that dont appreciate authors quick response and attempt to tackle the problems in one night, well, grow up kids :D

hummerbum 10-15-10 09:54 AM

THANK YOU, Carbonite!!
Please do not let several "distractors" concern you - 4.0 Beta is FANTASTIC!!....Yes, a few problems, but I am so glad to have a Carbonite Map back - I am sure that as time progresses the bugs will be worked out!!!!
I have sent in a donation - THANK YOU so much fellows!!!!

Nobody777 10-15-10 10:13 AM

Thanks Carbonite Devs!!!
Just wanted to say thanks to whomever it is that is developing and updating Carbonite now! The guy who's complaining about the Beta is an idiot. I am so happy that the project has not been dumped and that it is being updated. So, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the Carbonite team!!! I will donate toward the effort!!!! You guys rock!!! :banana: :D :) :cool:

Ivernicous 10-15-10 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Duneybird (Post 210659)
Just loaded new (Beta) 4.0 version and the wow world went to ****! Getting "you are not in a guild" messages spammed at me, so shut off gatherer portion of Carbonite, which stopped those messages. Still getting frozen screen when changing places and going into BGs, requiring that I unplug computer to get out of it.:mad: So I will not be donating anything until this program is fixed and working properly.:mad::mad::mad:

IMO Carbonite 4.0 should be labeled Alpha instead of Beta. But even with that said, it is apparent that you can't appreciate the concept of testing a product or the fact that it is free.

The only advice I can give is to uninstall Carbonite and stop the" spoiled 12 year old I am going to take my marbles and go home" complaining. :rolleyes:

As far as Carbonite goes, it is one of the best AddOns out there in my opinion. The only thing I wish it could do in addition to everything else would be to mix my drinks for me while playing WoW. :banana:

Keep up the good work and "The check is in the mail".:p

joasilva998 10-15-10 12:31 PM

Unbelievable. This guy is really an idiot. Beta programs are never a final version. It is bound to have issues and if reported they will get fixed.

I used others add-ons with similar features and carbonite beats them big, big time.

The guy that started this thread needs to STFU.

WoWaddict86 10-15-10 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Duneybird (Post 210659)
Just loaded new 4.0 version and the wow world went to ****! Getting "you are not in a guild" messages spammed at me, so shut off gatherer portion of Carbonite, which stopped those messages. Still getting frozen screen when changing places and going into BGs, requiring that I unplug computer to get out of it.:mad: So I will not be donating anything until this program is fixed and working properly.:mad::mad::mad:

Your frozen screens is a glitch from the Blizz patch so you might wanna cry to them about that.

Panerdar 10-15-10 01:47 PM

Working quite well.
My install of the .03 beta is working quite well. A couple minor things but nothing that really hinders game play.

DLA2010 10-15-10 01:49 PM

Seriously waiting to see what Duneybird is going to create then

Originally Posted by Duneybird (Post 210659)
Just loaded new 4.0 version and the wow world went to ****! Getting "you are not in a guild" messages spammed at me, so shut off gatherer portion of Carbonite, which stopped those messages. Still getting frozen screen when changing places and going into BGs, requiring that I unplug computer to get out of it.:mad: So I will not be donating anything until this program is fixed and working properly.:mad::mad::mad:

Dude just go away from here and stop using this addon. This has been one of the most reliable addons I have used for a very long time. So just chillout and post something usable or just go away. :banana:

Finner666 10-15-10 02:04 PM

Are you effing Kidding me? after all the threads iv been reading, "im quiting wow because no more carb" "my life is nothing without carb", and now you go and start a thread saying its crap!!! be happy if up and running your ungrateful peice of junk. Im glad its up and running! thanks for all your hard work!

JoeSchmuck 10-15-10 02:30 PM

You do realize that all the hate being directed his way was probably his initial intent...more so than telling the developer that his project is crap.

BTW i love this add and can not live without...i feel like an idiot trying to navigate around without. I dont memorize all the locations of things because...well its a game I have more important things to remember in RL (like my wife's birthday) and 2 because I have carbonite to lead me to the things I want, need, etc.

Anyway. Very nice ADD and I cant wait for a final version :) till then cheers

globulas 10-15-10 02:39 PM

help with carbonite install
I unzipped the 3 files and put them in the addons folder just like we always did with the patches. When i go to addons in the log in it says carbonite now with no 4.0 or any numbers beside it. When I go in game its just like I dont have carbonite at all. What am I doing wrong:(

Simulo 10-15-10 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Duneybird (Post 210659)
Just loaded new 4.0 version and the wow world went to ****! Getting "you are not in a guild" messages spammed at me, so shut off gatherer portion of Carbonite, which stopped those messages. Still getting frozen screen when changing places and going into BGs, requiring that I unplug computer to get out of it.:mad: So I will not be donating anything until this program is fixed and working properly.:mad::mad::mad:

ROFL, here be a ****tard when it comes to computers...lawl...unplugging the system.

Windowed (Maximized) duuuuur. :rolleyes:

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