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carboniteaddon 09-09-12 03:42 PM

Carbonite 5.0
FYI: I am working on a 5.0 version of Carbonite. Three bugs have been fixed. I'm working on another I just found. It looks like I need to add info for new maps. I hope to have something out tonight.

mccompunerd 09-09-12 04:39 PM

Thanks for the update. Look forward to seeing your updated version. :)

Hanter 09-09-12 04:42 PM

Yes! Yes! Yes!


milz2 09-09-12 05:00 PM

awesome that nearly 2 weeks after a patch comes out that the original addon writer has finally had the nerve to say something after the hundreds of posts asking where he has been.

Animalm4st3r 09-09-12 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by milz2 (Post 263038)
awesome that nearly 2 weeks after a patch comes out that the original addon writer has finally had the nerve to say something after the hundreds of posts asking where he has been.

go crawl back under your stone and come back, after you've gotten the knowledge of how hard it is to code a addon even a simple one is more work then doing it in one day so go and shut up

lindawing 09-09-12 05:22 PM

Goodness, yes! Agreeing with Animalm4st3r!

This is the best add-on I've ever used, and I'm just happy that this team has chosen to keep up with it. I've been very happy, in the meantime, for the fan update that has been provided to fill in the gap, because I was NOT having fun finding several different programs to do just half of what Carbonite does for the game!

Thank you, development team, for a wonderful add-on, and thank you over and over again for going on with it, now!

arvins 09-09-12 06:19 PM

sigh.. you people do not understand
First of all, Faatal, thank you for getting this done for us. It is very much appreciated as carbonite is one of my favorite addons. Second of all. You people may not realize that Faatal really does not play wow anymore. at least the last time i heard. It was his son that made him aware. In other words, This gentleman is taking the time to support an addon that he does not really use anymore. Correct me if i am wrong though, Faatal. Though there are some of us that have donated to support him in the past, there is nothing that says that he should take the kind of grief that some of you people are giving him. He does not have to update anything. This is a free addon. I feel that some of you have unrealistic expectations..


WeaveDiva 09-09-12 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Animalm4st3r (Post 263040)
go crawl back under your stone and come back, after you've gotten the knowledge of how hard it is to code a addon even a simple one is more work then doing it in one day so go and shut up

no one said it was easy to code...what isn't hard is to take a few minutes of time to come on this site and answer one simple question which needs a Y or N answer. that is all everyone here wanted, including the fan who was helping out everyone else in the meantime.

go find your own stone and some manners, because a lot of people made every effort to contact the owners/authors...they couldn't have been unaware. i work more than one job, and i'm busy as heck, but i still check my email and answer my phone. that part isn't hard.

with that being said, i'm glad the authors are back to work on this...hoping we have a great version to guide our travels by the time MoP goes live...i'm sure we're all eager to test the updates! :cool:

schizophrena 09-09-12 10:40 PM


Thank you very much for your attention and attempt to quickly fix this for all of us. If you're still reading, I think the community definitely wants to put a word in for Rythal, if you and Havok would be interested in opening up your code and workings for this fan to help update and enhance your work.

Also, if you do read most of the forum, please don't let them get you down with their doubts. I (and I assume most people) really appreciate your time and understand that life brings many challenges and busy schedules that are much more important than this game!

bigsleepy121 09-09-12 10:45 PM

Ty for the update :) :banana:

Violentdlite 09-09-12 11:14 PM

so i cant wait for the update i have been so lost without carbonite . :)
ahhh hurry hurry hurry hurry lol jk jk .take your time we want it done right

carboniteaddon 09-09-12 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by WeaveDiva (Post 263045)
...what isn't hard is to take a few minutes of time to come on this site and answer one simple question which needs a Y or N answer. that is all everyone here wanted, including the fan who was helping out everyone else in the meantime.

There was no answer, since nothing was decided until yesterday.


Originally Posted by WeaveDiva (Post 263045)
because a lot of people made every effort to contact the owners/authors...they couldn't have been unaware. i work more than one job, and i'm busy as heck, but i still check my email and answer my phone. that part isn't hard.

I did get a few personal emails the last few weeks and I answered them. I said nothing was decided. I told a person last week I would be looking at it this weekend and I am. I did not know a patch was released, since no one actually said that in the emails. I don't play WoW anymore except for testing the addon.

Violentdlite 09-09-12 11:38 PM

faatal u are awesome for still doing what you do with the addon. Carbonite makes things in game so much easier. and again i cant wait for the update things will be back to normal as soon as it is done :p:banana:

lindawing 09-09-12 11:38 PM

I am new to these forums (not all forums, just these for Carbonite). I would like to know if you still can use monetary support/donations, or if it really doesn't matter (for instance, if you're not sure you will keep on from one patch to the next).

If you could still use donations, I will make one...can't be much, but I would like to support this add-on, if it will help. I wish I was a programmer--I'd offer to help in that way. However, since that isn't the case, I will donate at least a little something.

I, by the way, am nearly 63 years old--the mother of six grown children who have presented me with 16 grandchildren (17 coming up in November). I started playing WoW only 5 years ago, but only began using Carbonite after Cata came out. I love it, and depend on it.

Thank you again.

Hanter 09-09-12 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by carboniteaddon (Post 263068)
I did not know a patch was released, since no one actually said that in the emails. I don't play WoW anymore except for testing the addon.

Well brace for the fact that there will be another patch on the release of MoP just to clean up from the massive change the world will get.

Also considering that i play wow quite often you could send me your email and i will let you know when a major patch is out or at lease when carbonite is not working for wow.

carboniteaddon 09-10-12 12:19 AM

5.041 is released.

Ashamam 09-10-12 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by carboniteaddon (Post 263068)
There was no answer, since nothing was decided until yesterday.

I did get a few personal emails the last few weeks and I answered them. I said nothing was decided. I told a person last week I would be looking at it this weekend and I am. I did not know a patch was released, since no one actually said that in the emails. I don't play WoW anymore except for testing the addon.

If you have moved on from WoW any thoughts on donating the addon to the community? I would hope there would be a number of authors capable and willing of upholding its standards.
I know this is your baby and frankly its epic work as demonstrated by the complete lack of anything even similar in scope within the map category. Any decision is obviously entirely yours to make but it is a bit sad to those of us who love it that the best we can hope for is maintenance updates. Who knows what an infusion of new energy could progress the project to.

Darkmalux 09-10-12 12:28 AM

Umm yea
I've been following this since 5.04. And I for one am extremely happy with what Rythal did for you. Which was fix YOUR addon and I read this entire thread and not once did you thank him. Not once did you thank the people here for their support of you. Honestly your answers seem smug and condescending. If you no longer play wow, or you cannot keep up with supporting this addon, or you cannot even pay enough attention to the fact there is a LONG AWAITED patch and xpack (which you should have known about), THEN DON'T DEVELOP THE ADD ON. Give it to somebody else to continue to work on. There are several people who were more then happy to step up and continue the work on the addon. I wonder how much money you made from us while you were not even knowing there was a patch? This is not a troll I am not attempting to flame etc I'm just stating how I feel. It's time we stop making excuses for these people who could care less about the people who use their products. If you have a Job, and you are too busy or if you don't play anymore THEN DON'T PUBLISH AN ADDON. Thank You.

Kreelor 09-10-12 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by carboniteaddon (Post 263081)
5.041 is released.

Where has it been released to?

The website has two locations referencing latest updates, and one of them is:

It doesn't mention version

EDITED: Never mind my post here. I found the link to the new download in a "Sticky" which wasn't mentioned in the Topic post. Sorry!:o

By the way, Faatal, thank you!

carboniteaddon 09-10-12 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kreelor (Post 263084)
Where has it been released to?

The website has two locations referencing latest updates, and one of them is:

It doesn't mention version

EDITED: Never mind my post here. I found the link to the new download in a "Sticky" which wasn't mentioned in the Topic post. Sorry!:o

By the way, Faatal, thank you!

Sorry, I totally forgot about the website. Just updated it. Thx.

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