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Solgath 11-18-09 01:26 AM

might not be the place, but i'm gonna ask
i wanna know, what goes on in the minds of ppl who go out of there way to hurt others, Spiel our wise and powerful creator of nUI went out on a limb and asked for help for someone who is close to him, and for some stupid reason, instead of helping him, u go and throw it in his face.... i mean come on, thats just low and down right dishonorable, i would have quite easy have voted but being in a different part of the world i didn't get the mail till it was to late. but i mean, are your maturity lvls that low that u have to hurt everyone u come into contact with? or was it that u felt i was simply funny to ruin someone else dream? i mean DAMN, i really can't put into words how ashamed of some of the ppl here. spiel goes out his way to create something for us to use and majority go and kick him while he is down, well done, tbh if it was me, i would just close nUI and tell to all go screw urselves, but again, spiel shows he has a good heart and will continue on with nUI regardless of the jerks, and i applaud him for that, to the rest of the asshat (scuse the language) i think u should take a good long look in the mirror and maybe rethink a few life choices or something, cause ur seriously messed up.

anyway, thats my rant done, i felt it needed to be said.

Seer 11-18-09 06:45 AM

I can only guess that some people do get annoyed by a mail like that, even tho Spiel apologized in the mail allready if that was the case. It is offcourse not something you expect to get when you signed on for the mailing list. (Tho other mailing lists seem to do it as well, sending mails that have nothing to do with the original use of that list)

But even then I fail to see why you would then do the exact opposite of what is asked, certainly since you're not doing Spiel a disfavour but also the friend who he is doing it for.

When I voted I noticed the + and - were allready around 52 / 48 or so with only around 30 votes.

As a side note, I also think the website was laid out horrible, imho everything a site should not look like. I have no idea what that site purpose is really, and no incentive to find out by looking around that site.

Bluspacecow 11-18-09 06:57 AM

I have no earthly clue what you guys are talking about.

I see none of this supposed animosity towards Mr Works way too hard and needs a beer Spiel 2001

Petrah 11-18-09 08:17 AM

If I'm not mistaken the thread(s) regarding this issue were deleted, and in my opinion with good reason. To prevent anymore tension, lets let this thread die as well. Please.

Alpha Dog 11-18-09 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Solgath (Post 166278)
i wanna know, what goes on in the minds of ppl who go out of there way to hurt others, Spiel our wise and powerful creator of nUI went out on a limb and asked for help for someone who is close to him, and for some stupid reason, instead of helping him, u go and throw it in his face.... i mean come on, thats just low and down right dishonorable, i would have quite easy have voted but being in a different part of the world i didn't get the mail till it was to late. but i mean, are your maturity lvls that low that u have to hurt everyone u come into contact with? or was it that u felt i was simply funny to ruin someone else dream? i mean DAMN, i really can't put into words how ashamed of some of the ppl here. spiel goes out his way to create something for us to use and majority go and kick him while he is down, well done, tbh if it was me, i would just close nUI and tell to all go screw urselves, but again, spiel shows he has a good heart and will continue on with nUI regardless of the jerks, and i applaud him for that, to the rest of the asshat (scuse the language) i think u should take a good long look in the mirror and maybe rethink a few life choices or something, cause ur seriously messed up.

anyway, thats my rant done, i felt it needed to be said.

I totally agree with this, if you took the time to go to the site what was the point in doing something negitive & hurtful?

On contests & sites like this one - I would never vote for anything I didn't like, use or believe in. This really came down to a popularity contest, they who have the most friends win. Winning by spam is not a real win imho. & really, who's to say that another contestant didn't spam their friends asking for your friend to get voted down.

Dontcha just love the internet & all the wonderful opportunities it affords us......

P.S. Petrah posted while I was typing so I will add that deleting threads is not a preventative action to future discord but a form of censorship plain & simple. Open discussion is the way to open minds

Bluspacecow 11-18-09 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Petrah (Post 166298)
If I'm not mistaken the thread(s) regarding this issue were deleted, and in my opinion with good reason. To prevent anymore tension, lets let this thread die as well. Please.

Well I'm afraid this is making me worried.

I talk to the admins every few days so I like to think I get on well with them. They don't seem to be of the crowd that would "cover up" or censor something going on. Lock it ? yes maybe. Delete ? no.

I also take a squint through all the new topics everyone now and then. I've missed a major drama coming up I would prefer to know about and know where all threads are so I can see both sides of the story.

And the thing is ?

You've already got 4 people talking about it. The cat's out of the bag.

Please someone come clean with an unbiased side of the story.

spiel2001 11-18-09 09:24 AM

I removed the thread last night in the interest of trying to stop the drama. It had already been asked and suggested several times in the thread to let it go and it continued. I could have left the thread locked to stop the conversation in the thread, but I figured emotions were high enough on the subject it would spill into other threads, but deleting it, I hoped that the conversation would move on to other topics and that there would be no new threads on the subject... let it die a quiet death.

Unfortunately, it appears that a new thread started anyway.

Now I will openly ask, again, that everyone please just let it go... both side have their points.

Petrah 11-18-09 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Bluspacecow (Post 166302)
snip snip snip

The only people that this has anything to do with are those who get the nUI Newsletter. It doesn't concern anyone else and this thread should of been kept in the nUI private supporter forums.

spiel2001 11-18-09 10:39 AM

I would ask that everyone please refer to this post:

And with that I'm going to lock this thread as I would sincerely appreciate it if we could just drop the subject and get back to playing WoW and ruining Blizzard's beautiful user interface.

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