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elegen924 09-26-21 05:19 AM

(tbc) How to hide hp/mana values on some unitframes (not all)

Im looking for a way to hide the hp/mana/energy values of my party and focus unitframes while keeping the player and target ones.

Im using everything default ui, and I use the old partyframes, I know I can hide the values with the cata raid frames but Im not a fan of those.

Could a simple script do it ?


SDPhantom 09-26-21 09:01 AM

This is what I've come up with. It's right up against the length limit for macros.

/run local function d(b) for _,k in ipairs({"TextString","LeftText","RightText"}) do if b[k] then b[k]:Hide();b[k]=nil;end end end for _,b in ipairs({"HealthBar","ManaBar"}) do for i=1,4 do d(_G["PartyMemberFrame"..i..b]);end d(_G["FocusFrame"..b]);end
It could probably be shortened by messing with the flags instead, but I considered this approach more reliable.

elegen924 09-27-21 06:48 AM


Thanks for the reply!

I see you are the same person that made the Modern Target Frame addon (which I use). I spoke to you a couple days ago on curse to ask you how I could display health/mana values simply as numerical instead of numerical/numerical! :banana: Forever in search of the perfect ui...

Anyway, I tried your macro and it works.. kinda because it produces an error with... Modern Target Frame. :o
In any case don't bother checking it more in depth! Because while messing arround with the Framestack macro I found the correct spelling of what I wanted to hide. And I added it to my own addon that is simply a big compilation of :SetAlpha(0) and some Scalling things here and there.

Again, thanks! I really didn't think it could be hidden that simply. Sometimes things are simplier than you think.

Good day to you in planet Azeroth. :cool:

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