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Orb 03-08-09 11:31 PM

Tooltip issues
Have anyone else had issues with tooltips just not appearing when you mouse over certain things? I've noticed this both on my character screen when I mouse over certain pieces of gear, and certain items in my bags (I use vBagnon).

spiel2001 03-09-09 03:52 AM

I am not aware of any issues in that area. There is on minor issue with the "mouse" tooltip mode that's documented in the known issues list, but other than that, I don't know of any problems with tooltips.

ewaybevinn 03-09-09 01:28 PM

This is one of the things that is in my very small list of bugs i was going to try to trouble shoot myself but....

Once in a rare while When I mouse over an Item that is being worn by myself or someone else the tool tip will only say things like "chest" "neck" etc. The problem I have is that It always resets itself after opening and closing the window, and it is extremely random. I do run 28 other addons with nUI so there probably is a non nUI issue there, but since it is not a constant issue it is very hard to track it down.

spiel2001 03-09-09 01:30 PM

My theory on that is that it is Informix... do you have that installed?


Originally Posted by ewaybevinn (Post 119490)
This is one of the things that is in my very small list of bugs i was going to try to trouble shoot myself but....

Once in a rare while When I mouse over an Item that is being worn by myself or someone else the tool tip will only say things like "chest" "neck" etc. The problem I have is that It always resets itself after opening and closing the window, and it is extremely random. I do run 28 other addons with nUI so there probably is a non nUI issue there, but since it is not a constant issue it is very hard to track it down.

ewaybevinn 03-09-09 01:46 PM

hmmmm I do not. I do have an addon (im at work and dont know the name of it) tho that tells you exactly where a piece of gear has come from (info is placed at the bottom of the tooltip). The issue does not bother me enough to turn of that addon tho. It only happens once in a while and all it take is closing the window and opening it again

edit: I do know that the name is not informix

Orb 03-09-09 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 119492)
My theory on that is that it is Informix... do you have that installed?

I do not. I however to use EnhTooltip and RatingBuster. I'll try disabling those and see what happens.

jabathehutt 03-12-09 03:26 AM

I can give some tips on that.
Have tested some of different tooltip providers that are out there and there are some that work and others that dont.

First if you have Auctioneer installed which installs enhanced tooltip that i have had bad luck with. So i removed that one.
Tried another awsome tooltip provider which i had used much before which is called tiptac.
That one i had troubles with like you describe that certain items did not showup.
Ratingbuster works fine with Cowtip.

So i finally decided on Cowtip which works really fine in conjuction with both Auctioneer and if you use some equip compare addon like EQcompare.

So try Cowtip and see how it works for you.


rehashed 03-17-09 11:53 AM

it is in my understanding that anything that looks up say, talents upon mouseover is causing the problem with the inspect bug (items on char sheet being reported as "chest" ) and as nui tells you this (on mouseover) that is the cause of the problem (at least for those that don't have another addon doing so).

i also have the problem, it only ever happens if i mouseover another player as i'm moving the mouse to the inspect window, is there a way to turn this little feature off in nui?

i do have other tooltip addons installed, none of which pull char information, only add information to items, and yes, i've disabled them previously (and removed them from the addon directory) and the bug still happens.

i've read elsewhere that it's a bug on blizz's part (something to do with the inspect coding? like it thinks because you've pulled the talents of another player, you tried to inspect them).

in short, give the option to turn off mouseover talent reporting and problem "should" go away :)

spiel2001 03-17-09 12:26 PM

Okay --

I've modified the talent spec module to ignore requests to get build information on the "mouseover" unit id. That will be in the next maintenance release.

In the meantime, if you want to test to see if the fix resolves your own tooltip issues with gear, then edit the file [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Units > nUI_UnitSpec.lua ] and located the method "GetTalentBuild" -- replace it with the following code block...


local function GetTalentBuild( unit_id, unit_info )
--    nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "GetTalentBuild" );

    -- we don't do talent inspections on mouseover units
    if unit_id ~= "mouseover" then
        updating_queue      = updating_queue+1;
        QueueCount[unit_id] = (QueueCount[unit_id] or 0)+1;
        num_queued          = num_queued+1;

        if first_queue then       
            first_queue = false;
        TalentBuildQueue[num_queued] =
            ready    = false,
            pending  = false,
            unit    = unit_info,
            guid    = unit_info.guid,
            id      = unit_id,
            expires  = 0;
        updating_queue = updating_queue-1;
--    nUI_ProfileStop();


rehashed 03-17-09 01:12 PM

seems to have worked my friend! brilliant and fast response, i'll try it a bit more and report back

edit : running 25 man naxx as i type, still no problems what so ever, so as far as i can see after adding/ replacing that block of code, inspecting someone and mouse over everyone i can see still shows the correct items and talents etc, ty for the fix :)

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