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jessica 05-15-15 07:25 PM

debuff tooltip all the time?
I know this can be hard to find, but is there any addon out there that shows the tooltip of all debuffs all the time, I dont want to see tooltip of buffs, but i'd like to see the information about debuffs showing all the time without mousehover it.

Tonyleila 05-16-15 08:49 PM

I realy don't know any addon that can do this. Only AddOns that coud show the full name of the debuff e.g. raven.

Just think of it you can have over 15 debuffs at the same time e.g. while in a battelground. Where woud you put all this different sized tooltips? You have to remember the icons anyway e.g. in the mystic modes you don't have the time to read the tooltip infight when you get a debuff.
I bet you don't realy want tooltips for ALL your debuffs you coud use weakauras and filter out some debuffs you want to show and add the tooltips as text.

Talyrius 05-17-15 08:11 AM

I think this is a case of wanting something without first thinking about its disadvantages. Do you really want your screen cluttered with debuff tooltips in the middle of combat? Not only that, you're not going to be able to read them comprehensively while still playing competently, especially in PvP or difficult PvE encounters.

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