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Conspiracy 10-31-10 06:19 AM

Loui - LUI Suite wat be happening.
Ok, anyone been using this and what are your thoughts of the wow interface comments thread closed (due to 'cant answer on two forums at same time issue) and then today the lui main site apparently does not exist anymore.

Has he buggered off due to the constant battering of wanting his new UI and has folded under pressure, or are we going to see the wow interface thread opened again with a post of needing money?

Place your thoughts :D

Haleth 10-31-10 06:54 AM

Well, the author had a habit of promising tons of things without being able to actually do them (a bit like Blizz did with dance studios/aerial combat :p). Not malevolently of course, I can imagine that he wanted to do a load of cool stuff but just never got the time/money for them.

It took him ages to get LUI v2 finished after a couple of months of "it's next week". I bet this put a lot of pressure on him, and it's very possible that he's tired of the constant nagging for patch updates or LUI v3.

Edit: Damn this post is messy. But I'm sure you get the point.

Conspiracy 10-31-10 06:58 AM

im glad hes not dutch, cause LUI means Lazy... ;)

loui is looking going you mofo's!!! heheh its all in good spirit to get him out the hiding and lets us know whats happening, do we move on to a more viable UI or hang in there.. you know?

potis 10-31-10 06:59 AM

Best guess would be..Got some money in paypal....Said a release date for lui 3.3..Added the Ads on his site as everyone saw..After insane refreshing and everything from ~200 people at a time for 48 hours..Site went down..

Not really weird..Got some nice money....Then again he posted that his friend found bugs with holy Power/Eclipse and soul shard system ..maybe he was telling the truth..we will see!

Conspiracy 10-31-10 07:12 AM

well yeah, thing is it looks shady by anybody's standards today on the net, you close a forum where its not costing him, and point everyone back to his main site, put an add up :D..

And might I add I noticed as well as others im sure that this was done not too long after seeing everyone jumping up and down about how they badly need the UI and that they would donate to him etc to speed **** up lol... And people that had done voiced so in thread, so you know is that a "hang on this could be lucritive here" thought on his part or what?

Also I saw he had other thread mod's on the main site, whats wrong with them supporting him in wowinterface threads and replying on his behalf, would mean hes not having to jump between them then "takes too long - he said" if you got board support use it I say..

I understand that with work to do and other life matters breathing down your neck and board monitoring can be a royal pain in the ass :D but at same time its a good choice for people to post where they wish, but being moved onto one site and with the add etc and then its all vanishing seems a bit meh..

just open up the wowinterface thread again and leave it at that, he does not HAVE to reply 'there' at all so whats the hardship..?

irodrigo 10-31-10 07:32 AM

I don't know what to say. I always liked his stuff and so did a bunch of other people. I didn't mind Loui either, I understood that maybe he had more ambition than manpower but I didn't see that as a shady guy...

But just like for the majority of people, the waiting is getting a bit old. I might just work around my UI and if he releases something I'll just backup my stuff and use his... If not, it's not the end of the world.

webwatcher 10-31-10 07:38 AM

The last thing loui wrote on his site is that he would take down the site when LUI 4.0 is about to release.

So IMHO we should wait a 2 or 3 days and see if loui puts his site back online with a big surprise.

Simulo 10-31-10 07:40 AM

sigh, and here I was looking forward to updating the game's interface to reflect The Times

Conspiracy 10-31-10 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by webwatcher (Post 215367)
The last thing loui wrote on his site is that he would take down the site when LUI 4.0 is about to release.

So IMHO we should wait a 2 or 3 days and see if loui puts his site back online with a big surprise.

Didnt see that last post, last one was about add and sorry if it bothers you etc.. good news then if this is whats happening, but taking down the site? all you need to do is change the hit page and put up a message. To me that info ur seeing when going to the site is saying "hey pay up ur subscription"...

lol, anyhow waiting like the rest of you.. Be big shame to see that go..

EDIT: he also said that 4.0 is not anytime soon, and it would be 3.3beta so the info about removing the site due to 4.0 release is pretty much mooot!

elerrina 10-31-10 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by webwatcher (Post 215367)
The last thing loui wrote on his site is that he would take down the site when LUI 4.0 is about to release.

So IMHO we should wait a 2 or 3 days and see if loui puts his site back online with a big surprise.

I think most of us have waited pleanty long enough, its getting tedious being given time to expect a release and then it not being met once again. If you cant keep to it dont say it in the first place.

He said friday or saturday night, here we are sunday afternoon and surprise surprise no addon update and no information about why the sites down and no ability to post on the addon comments now either.

potis 10-31-10 07:45 AM

He wrote on his site..was at 5am "Lui 3.3 will be out in 2 hours"

At 7 he said 60-90 more minutes to finish the changelog..Its 15:44 now and the site went down ~1 hour and something ago...

Wait and see as i said..either he made some nice money because his site went down with the ad or something is really wrong.

irodrigo 10-31-10 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by webwatcher (Post 215367)
The last thing loui wrote on his site is that he would take down the site when LUI 4.0 is about to release.

So IMHO we should wait a 2 or 3 days and see if loui puts his site back online with a big surprise.

The last time I checked his site was around 5AM EST and the support section for LUI V3 was taken down, so I thought that he was working on a changelog, I waited a bit more and nothing... Then the site goes down.

He also mentioned that his real ETA was this weekend, I think the site going down like that was just an error or some sort and not something he had planned on happening.

I always had huge expectations for Loui and his work but at the moment it's just looking like everything ended in a bitter mood.

tirral24 10-31-10 07:49 AM

lui gone
The last thing i seen was at about 10 my time. In NC and he said the new beta would be uploaded in about 2 hrs. 3hrs later there was nothing. I went to bed got up checked and now the site is not there anymore. My guess is he took the money and ran. One more thing that one site admin he had on would lock any thread that pointed to the fact he might be holding out for more money or that he was just leading us all on.Well imo its time for us to all find a new UI.

Kongle 10-31-10 08:05 AM

You people ......
Lol, calm the **** down guys, I don't think you guys even realize how much work this is.. Re-coding all those lines... Bitching about something he releases for free..

Imho you guys doesn't even deserve this suite when it's released... Jesus... Only thinking about your-goddamn-selves!

So what if he promised it to be out some hours ago? Would you rather want a half product? Or would you want something that really works good?


....and who cares if it isn't out before tomorrow, the day after that or even next week. This suite is the BEST out there by far, it's worth waiting for.


Lemone 10-31-10 08:07 AM

I know he lost one user today, but then again he'll always have enough fools who'll be his fanboys and drool for him and pay him money to wait months whenever a minor update pops out.

Ariele 10-31-10 08:12 AM

Last thing i read on his site was, they will take site down to clean it up from old post since with this new release that would be 4.0.1 compatible those fixes and such arent relevant anymore. Because the old version simply dont work well in this patch. Thats why he closed comment thread too. Give it few hours or a day or two. If you cant wait, simply dont complain and find another UI. There is many of them around.
Its free to download so he dont owe you anything. He can do whatever he wants with it. If it dont come back move on and find another.

irodrigo 10-31-10 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Kongle (Post 215383)
Lol, calm the **** down guys, I don't think you guys even realize how much work this is.. Re-coding all those lines... Bitching about something he releases for free..

Imho you guys doesn't even deserve this suite when it's released... Jesus... Only thinking about your-goddamn-selves!

So what if he promised it to be out some hours ago? Would you rather want a half product? Or would you want something that really works good?


....and who cares if it isn't out before tomorrow, the day after that or even next week. This suite is the BEST out there by far, it's worth waiting for.


Please no preaching here, please please please. I give Louis huge credits for his work, I think he's an amazing designer, but don't come here saying that everyone that questions him is ungrateful.

There's a huge difference in saying "the site is down, we are passed his ETA and we have no news" to saying "wtf is my addon? I want it now". Please tell me you can see the difference here.

At this moment all lines of communication we had are down. We can't post on the addon comment section, we can't post on his site. People are just trying to get some sort of info and not to cry about it.

One of the thing that got extremely upsetting about the comment section on his file was that every single minute someone would:

1. QQ about not being ready.
2. QQ about someone QQing about not being ready.

Loui fans (which I'm one) have become overly defensive and one person asking a normal question is getting bashed by questioning in the first place. Please once again I ask you don't bring that in here.

Conspiracy 10-31-10 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kongle (Post 215383)
Lol, calm the **** down guys, I don't think you guys even realize how much work this is.. Re-coding all those lines... Bitching about something he releases for free..

Imho you guys doesn't even deserve this suite when it's released... Jesus... Only thinking about your-goddamn-selves!

So what if he promised it to be out some hours ago? Would you rather want a half product? Or would you want something that really works good?


....and who cares if it isn't out before tomorrow, the day after that or even next week. This suite is the BEST out there by far, it's worth waiting for.


thats correct its free, its posted on a board designed to let others share what you have done, so one should not say they are releasing anything till its ready, its how the std is with full on devs.. if it was a labor of love for himself then keep it that way for oneself.

You can not expect on the net, and in wow of all games lol ffs, to have such a ****ing huge download rate and not get this when it gets borked. Not saying its the way to behave, but you goto take this as it is cause thats what people us impatient humans are like today :D. If you cant keep up to the mark you must shut down and cease all contact with us animals so you can focus on job entailed and release when done..

You can not post on forums to keep the beasts tame lol, it dont work! Its why the post was made to start with as its the conundrum is has he legged it or is he doing the sensible thing and closing everything till its done.. He has either overlooked the need to leave a msg about the main site, of hes been shut down and needs some spondoolies!!

I dont know what his full time job is or even if hes a working adult but I had the impression the people posting on the wowinterface forums were like his parents telling everyone to bugger off he can only work on it on weekends cause rest of the time hes doing school work :D

Anyhow we all love a good chinwag and argument er discussion so keep at it, it shows we care about lazy er i mean loui and that we really do want this UI as it is smoothest thing since my misses was 18 and had a non pitted backside.

Femika 10-31-10 08:20 AM is back up but very very slow

Kongle 10-31-10 08:21 AM

Preaching? No my good Sir. Was only stating my anger over ppl bitching for something that is free in the first place... And him taking down site when he is maybe hours away from releasing... Well yes.. alot of ppl hammering the site to see if theres any updates... its common sense.

I cant see why u got offended by my comment earlier tho. i wasnt targeting those who asked informal questions...

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