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Cairenn 05-14-10 07:15 AM

Cataclysm Beta Opt-In

Get those opt-ins ready for the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm closed beta! The sundering of Azeroth is nigh, and you don’t want to be left out in the cold of Northrend when you could be enjoying the sun-drenched beaches on the goblin isle of Kezan. To ensure you’re opted-in and eligible as a potential candidate, you’ll need a World of Warcraft license attached to your account, have your current system specifications uploaded to the Beta Profile Settings page, and have expressed interest through the franchise-specific check boxes.

So get your opt-ins set up, updated, and ready; we're worgen real hard to get the beta going soon!

Wella 05-14-10 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 187997)
...we're worgen real hard to get the beta going soon!

Wait a minute, I need to stitch my split sides.

Anyway, thanks for the heads-up; I've set myself up, but I highly doubt I'll be chosen for anything - my PC is just horrible.

Ferous 05-14-10 03:29 PM

I didn't get into the WOTLK Beta, but I do hope one of my computers at home gets this one :P If not, well... I will just die inside

Hegarol 05-15-10 12:04 AM

Can't wait to play the Cataclysm beta. Waiting for you author opt-in program ;)

MidgetMage55 05-15-10 12:19 AM

Don't have to wait for that for the blizzard opt-in. Author access is somewhat limited so don't bank on it. :D

Cairenn 05-15-10 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 (Post 188053)
Author access is somewhat limited so don't bank on it.

It is? Since when? You've obviously heard something that I haven't ....

MidgetMage55 05-15-10 12:43 AM

I could have sworn that last time not everyone that was seeking author keys was able to obtain one. Then again i may be getting old and remembering access to a party from 1987 =P

Cairenn 05-15-10 02:31 AM

You are remembering incorrectly.

MidgetMage55 05-15-10 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 188056)
You are remembering incorrectly.

DOH! Sorry for spreading misinformation then. :(

Pay no attention to the midget behind the Grinch! :eek:

Cairenn 05-15-10 11:59 AM

No worries MM, I still <3 you. :)

Dawn 05-15-10 03:14 PM

Which means, there will be beta keys for addon authors, again? :) :banana:

Last time, there was a "wait list". You got a number and a certain number of beta keys where handed out per ... err, week?! ... can't remember the details anymore. :)

MidgetMage55 05-15-10 04:29 PM

Ahh. I knew there was something. Thanks for the clarification. :D

Shadowed 05-15-10 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Dawn (Post 188109)
Which means, there will be beta keys for addon authors, again? :) :banana:

Last time, there was a "wait list". You got a number and a certain number of beta keys where handed out per ... err, week?! ... can't remember the details anymore. :)

You got put onto a list, Cairenn sends the list to somebody at Blizzard once a week or so who I presume puts it into a queue, and then eventually you get a key. If I remember right, Cairenn is reading the thread and will correct me anyway!

Cairenn 05-15-10 11:53 PM

She is indeed and you've pretty much got it right.

Nobgul 05-16-10 12:04 AM

Are all addon author's able to get keys or just certain ones?

Shadowed 05-16-10 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by nobgul (Post 188143)
Are all addon author's able to get keys or just certain ones?

Presuming the rules don't change for Cataclysm:

Tntdruid 05-16-10 04:43 AM

both account's are ready :)

Bluspacecow 05-16-10 11:56 PM

OS X peeps having problems running the system check app enquire here :

IE If you are opening it and it fails to open.

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