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Iminents 02-09-15 07:37 PM

118gb log file... lol
So I was running Ridnac on my C drive this afternoon and looking at the top files on it by size... and there it is a 118gb txt file called minion0.log.

118gb lol

Tonyleila 02-09-15 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Iminents (Post 306321)
So I was running Ridnac on my C drive this afternoon and looking at the top files on it by size... and there it is a 118gb txt file called minion0.log.

118gb lol

Please upload it! We need to see or we can't help :p

Dolby 02-10-15 09:32 AM

OMG! Sorry about that.

How long did you have Minion open? What else were you doing? Were you logged into Minion? Windows or OSX?

If it compresses well with zip, rar or z7 (it should) please let me know and if you can get it to me that would be great. If its still too big thats fine. Maybe if you could run Minion the same way you did before and catch the file before it gets too big, maybe once its in the 1 - 2mb range and send it to us? I'd love to see what caused the log to be that large. During beta we have the logs a little more verbose but 118gb log file is a little crazy.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll certainly look into this. We may need to put a limit on the log file size (largest log file I've seen was about 5mb after 6 months of minion running non stop).

Edit: Just added a story to our backlog for limiting the size of the log file. Still curious what caused it to get so big though.

Iminents 02-11-15 10:48 PM

So looked at it again today. it is still 118 gbs ( far to large to open in notepad ). I will put up some screens of it for proof. I haven't used minion in a few months is the strange thing. since i last played eso around 4 months ago. so as far as i knew.. it was not running. but its doin something.

The interesting thing to me is that it shows as created 5/5/2014 and last accessed or modified 9/25 that's still only just the 4 months of use. Albeit nearly every day during that time. but nothing excessive i wouldn't say

Its not a big deal as i have a ridiculous amount of storage. so if you like... i can let it go for some time to see if it tops out.

trying to zip it up now. but says another 2 hours to go.

I tried to open it in notepad, notepad++ and word 2010 and no dice. sorry.

Here are a few screens you might want to see regarding it.

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