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Resike 10-22-13 06:22 AM

Model tilting
I managed to tilt ingame models in the x axis like this:

However my code only works with ~45 degree tilt yet.

Lua Code:
  1. local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
  2. frame:SetPoint("Center", 128, 0)
  3. frame:SetWidth(512 / (2 * math.sqrt(2)))
  4. frame:SetHeight(512 / (2 * math.sqrt(2)))
  5. frame:SetAlpha(1)
  7. local model = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", nil, frame)
  8. model:SetAllPoints(frame)
  10. local zz = 2
  12. function ModelBasics_UpdateModel()
  13.     model:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  14.     model:SetRotation(math.rad(0))
  15.     model:SetAlpha(1)
  16.     model:SetCustomCamera(1)
  17.     model:SetCameraDistance(1)
  18.     local x, y, z = model:GetCameraPosition()
  19.     model:SetCameraPosition(x, y, zz)
  20.     model:SetPosition(0, 0, - (zz * zz))
  21. end
  23. ModelBasics_UpdateModel()
  25. local frame2 = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
  26. frame2:SetPoint("Center", - 128, 0)
  27. frame2:SetWidth(512)
  28. frame2:SetHeight(512)
  29. frame2:SetAlpha(1)
  31. local model2 = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", nil, frame)
  32. model2:SetAllPoints(frame2)
  34. function ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()
  35.     model2:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  36.     model2:SetRotation(math.rad(0))
  37.     model2:SetAlpha(1)
  38. end
  40. ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()

Also i'm unable to create a slider for this zz (aka the tilt value) to work properly with every value from 0-90 (0-180 would be the best) degrees. Maybe someone with more experience can help me with this?

I think this would be an awsome feature for addons.

Malsomnus 10-22-13 11:34 AM

If I understand correctly, the problem you're describing is that you cannot actually rotate the model by 90 degrees by only controlling the Z axis, and the solution is to have the slider control the Y axis (or is it X?) as well to make sure that the camera goes in a circle around the model, with sin(Y) = sqrt (1-cos(Z)*cos(Z)) or some such equation.
I hope that that's indeed the problem you meant :p

Resike 10-22-13 12:15 PM

Yeah i got it, i just have no clue how to code that now.

Malsomnus 10-22-13 12:33 PM

Say the slider moves between -180 and 180, and we call its value [i]s/I], and you have some value for camera distance because, you know, different model sizes, then you want something like:

Lua Code:
  1. local deg = s * math.pi / 180
  2. local y = math.pow (math.sin(deg), 2) * camDistance
  3. local z = math.pow (math.cos(deg), 2) * camDistance
(I think. It's been a long day.)

Resike 10-22-13 04:41 PM

Okay, thanks for you help i managed to do it, however the tilting seems kinda weird, also the model sometimes radnomly flips 180 degrees when its tilted 0 or 90 degrees. Not sure whats causing this.

Here is my code:

Lua Code:
  1. local frame2 = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
  2. frame2:SetPoint("Center", - 128, 0)
  3. frame2:SetWidth(512)
  4. frame2:SetHeight(512)
  5. frame2:SetAlpha(1)
  7. local model2 = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", nil, frame)
  8. model2:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  9. model2:SetAlpha(1)
  10. model2:SetAllPoints(frame2)
  11. model2:SetCustomCamera(1)
  12. local x, y, z = model2:GetCameraPosition()
  13. local r = math.sqrt((x * x) + (z * z))
  14. print(x, y, z, r)
  16. local degree = 90
  18. local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, UIParent, "OptionsSliderTemplate")
  19. slider:ClearAllPoints()
  20. slider:SetPoint("Center", UIParent, "Center", 0, 300)
  21. slider:SetMinMaxValues(90, 180)
  22. slider:SetValue(90)
  23. slider:SetValueStep(1)
  24. slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(slider, value)
  25.     degree = value
  26.     ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()
  27. end)
  29. function ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()
  30.     --model2:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  31.     --model2:SetRotation(math.rad(0))
  32.     model2:SetCustomCamera(1)
  33.     local xx = math.pow(math.sin(math.rad(degree)), 2) * r
  34.     local zz = math.pow(math.cos(math.rad(degree)), 2) * r
  35.     model2:SetCameraPosition(xx, y, zz)
  36.     --model2:SetAllPoints(frame2)
  37. end
  39. ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()

Malsomnus 10-22-13 04:49 PM

I'm a bit high on a sleeping pill at the moment, but I promise to give this a look in the morning :)

Resike 10-22-13 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Malsomnus (Post 286108)
I'm a bit high on a sleeping pill at the moment, but I promise to give this a look in the morning :)

It's okay. :) I think this is working nice so i'll definately use it in my addons. I might only let the slider handle 90-170 values only and then the flippings seems to be solved.

Malsomnus 10-22-13 11:35 PM

Hmmm, it looks fine... I'll have to run it myself and see what's happening, at some point after work. I hate it when real life keeps me away from coding fun stuff :p

zork 10-23-13 06:03 AM

Interesting thread. I have some model functions in my model viewer aswell.

Finding a function that allows tossing around with the cameraposition would be awesome. It would be enough if the cameraposition z-axis has a max of 180° (-90° till 90°). Thus you can look at a model from bottom to top.

model:SetRotation() will do the rest since it allows a 360° rotation of the model around its axis.

Important: Models only work when cached. The only way to display uncached models is by using SetDisplayInfo() on a playermodel type model. That's how NPCSCAN works. It checks for the model cache to determine if a rare mob model is found.

Model methods

Model:ClearModel() - Removes the 3D model currently displayed
Model:HasCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented

Model:GetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
Model:GetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
Model:GetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
Model:GetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
Model:GetFacing() - Returns the model's current rotation setting
Model:GetModel() - Returns the model file currently displayed
Model:GetModelScale() - Returns the scale factor determining the size at which the 3D model appears
Model:GetPosition() - Returns the position of the 3D model within the frame
Model:GetWorldScale() - This function is not yet documented

Model:SetCamera(index) - Sets the view angle on the model to a pre-defined camera location
Model:SetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
Model:SetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
Model:SetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
Model:SetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
Model:SetCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented
Model:SetFacing(facing) - Sets the model's current rotation
Model:SetModel("filename") - Sets the model file to be displayed
Model:SetModelScale(scale) - Sets the scale factor determining the size at which the 3D model appears
Model:SetPosition(x, y, z) - Sets the position of the 3D model within the frame


PlayerModel model sub-methods

PlayerModel:GetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:RefreshCamera() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:RefreshUnit() - Updates the model's appearance to match that of its unit
PlayerModel:SetAnimation() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:SetCamDistanceScale() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:SetCreature(creature) - Sets the model to display the 3D model of a specific creature
PlayerModel:SetCustomRace() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:SetDisplayInfo() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:SetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:SetPortraitZoom() - This function is not yet documented
PlayerModel:SetRotation(facing) - Sets the model's current rotation by animating the model
PlayerModel:SetUnit("unit") - Sets the model to display the 3D model of a specific unit


For my purposes I could work with playermodel type models only since I could not rely on a model being cached. But I could not get a custom camera to work on it. But maybe I was missing sth who knows. Accoring to the docs a playermodel type model is a child of the model object and inherits all model functions, so custom camera should work.

Malsomnus 10-23-13 11:09 AM

Great point about model:SetRotation(), assuming it rotates the model itself, it solves what is normally a pretty significant problem :)

Resike 10-23-13 11:56 AM

Yep i was aware pretty much any api that models have, the bad part most of them is undocumented, i would like to add some descripion for some of the function i recently tried:

Model:ClearModel() -- Works fine unless your model is set by unit ids like: Model:SetModel("player"), you can clear that with Model:SetModel("none").

Model:SetCustomCamera() -- You can enabled this with 1 parameter, not sure how to disable it, my guess would be 0.

Model:GetCameraPosition() -- Gives you the current camera's X, Y, Z axis coordinates based on 0, 0, 0 point in this order: Y, X, Z.

Model:GetCameraDistance() -- Disabled, addons cant call it (Always returns 0.). Workaround to get the same value:

Lua Code:
  1. -- Set the model first.
  2. Model:SetModel(randommodel)
  3. -- Note here x is actually the y coordinate and y is x.
  4. local x, y, z = Model:GetCameraPosition()
  5. local r = math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z))

Model:SetCameraDistance() -- Works fine.

Model:SetCameraPosition(x, y, z) -- Only works with "Model:SetCustomCamera(1)", the order is Y, X, Z.

I'm actually not sure whats the difference between Model and PlayerModel, i was always using PlayerModel.

Also you're right about the "SetRotation will fix it" but when you want to handle the tilting value with an onupdate script which automatically tilts the models in like 3-4 sec in 0-90 degrees then the random flipping could be annoying.

Resike 10-24-13 05:44 AM

I would like the tilting to be like on WoW Model Viewer or like pretty much any 3D modeller program has:

zork 10-24-13 06:07 AM

Regarding models. You can play different animation types. This is from the petbattle ui.
Lua Code:
  1. --petbattleui.lua
  2.         if ( C_PetBattles.GetHealth(petOwner, petIndex) == 0 ) then
  3.             self.PetModel:SetAnimation(6, 0); --Display the dead animation
  4.             --self.PetModel:SetAnimation(0, 0);
  5.         else
  6.             self.PetModel:SetAnimation(742, 0); -- Display the PetBattleStand animation
  7.             --self.PetModel:SetAnimation(742, 0);
  8.         end

Other functions from the tabardframe.lua
Lua Code:
  1. --tabardframe.lua
  2. function TabardCharacterModelRotateLeftButton_OnClick()
  3.     TabardModel.rotation = TabardModel.rotation - .03;
  4.     TabardModel:SetRotation(TabardModel.rotation);
  5.     PlaySound("igInventoryRotateCharacter");
  6. end
  8. function TabardCharacterModelRotateRightButton_OnClick()
  9.     TabardModel.rotation = TabardModel.rotation + .03;
  10.     TabardModel:SetRotation(TabardModel.rotation);
  11.     PlaySound("igInventoryRotateCharacter");
  12. end
  14. function TabardCharacterModelFrame_OnUpdate(self, elapsedTime)
  15.     if ( TabardCharacterModelRotateRightButton:GetButtonState() == "PUSHED" ) then
  16.         self.rotation = self.rotation + (elapsedTime * 2 * PI * ROTATIONS_PER_SECOND);
  17.         if ( self.rotation < 0 ) then
  18.             self.rotation = self.rotation + (2 * PI);
  19.         end
  20.         self:SetRotation(self.rotation);
  21.     end
  22.     if ( TabardCharacterModelRotateLeftButton:GetButtonState() == "PUSHED" ) then
  23.         self.rotation = self.rotation - (elapsedTime * 2 * PI * ROTATIONS_PER_SECOND);
  24.         if ( self.rotation > (2 * PI) ) then
  25.             self.rotation = self.rotation - (2 * PI);
  26.         end
  27.         self:SetRotation(self.rotation);
  28.     end
  29. end

Resike 10-24-13 06:58 AM

I didn't meant that but if you compare the tilting from WoW model viewer and my my code then you can see my method still have some zooming/scaling issues.

Edit: I fixed that now:

Lua Code:
  1. local frame2 = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
  2. frame2:SetPoint("Center", - 128, 0)
  3. frame2:SetWidth(512)
  4. frame2:SetHeight(512)
  5. frame2:SetAlpha(1)
  7. local model2 = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", nil, frame2)
  8. model2:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  9. model2:SetAlpha(1)
  10. model2:SetAllPoints(frame2)
  11. model2:SetCustomCamera(1)
  12. local x, y, z = model2:GetCameraPosition()
  13. local r = math.sqrt((x * x) + (z * z))
  14. print(x, y, z, r)
  16. local degree = 90
  18. local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, UIParent, "OptionsSliderTemplate")
  19. slider:ClearAllPoints()
  20. slider:SetPoint("Center", UIParent, "Center", 0, 300)
  21. slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 90)
  22. slider:SetValue(0)
  23. slider:SetValueStep(1)
  24. slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(slider, value)
  25.     degree = value
  26.     ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()
  27. end)
  29. function ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()
  30.     --model2:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  31.     model2:SetRotation(math.rad(0))
  32.     model2:SetCustomCamera(1)
  33.     local xx = math.sin(math.rad(degree)) * r
  34.     local zz = math.cos(math.rad(degree)) * r
  35.     model2:SetCameraPosition(xx, y, zz)
  36.     --model2:SetAllPoints(frame2)
  37. end
  39. ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()

This one should be much smoother.

I blame Malsomnus ofc. There is no need for math.pow here: :P

Lua Code:
  1. local y = math.pow(math.sin(deg), 2) * camDistance
  2. local z = math.pow(math.cos(deg), 2) * camDistance

Resike 10-24-13 07:59 AM

Bad news, seems like you can only set custom camera for the model if Model:HasCustomCamera() returns true.

Also managed to fix the flipping issue like this:

Lua Code:
  1. local frame2 = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
  2. frame2:SetPoint("Center", - 128, 0)
  3. frame2:SetWidth(512)
  4. frame2:SetHeight(512)
  5. frame2:SetAlpha(1)
  7. local model2 = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", nil, frame2)
  8. model2:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  9. model2:SetAlpha(1)
  10. model2:SetAllPoints(frame2)
  11. model2:SetCustomCamera(1)
  12. local x, y, z = model2:GetCameraPosition()
  13. local r = math.sqrt((x * x) + (z * z))
  14. print(x, y, z, r)
  15. print(model2:HasCustomCamera())
  17. --model2:SetLight(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  19. local degree = 90
  21. local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, UIParent, "OptionsSliderTemplate")
  22. slider:ClearAllPoints()
  23. slider:SetPoint("Center", UIParent, "Center", 0, 300)
  24. slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 90)
  25. slider:SetValue(0)
  26. slider:SetValueStep(1)
  27. slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(slider, value)
  28.     degree = value
  29.     ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()
  30. end)
  32. function ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()
  33.     --model2:SetModel("Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2")
  34.     --model2:SetRotation(math.rad(0))
  35.     model2:SetCustomCamera(1)
  36.     local xx = math.sin(math.rad(degree)) * r
  37.     local zz = math.cos(math.rad(degree)) * r
  38.     if xx > 0.1 then
  39.         model2:SetCameraPosition(xx, y, zz)
  40.     else
  41.         model2:SetCameraPosition(0.1, y, zz)
  42.     end
  43.     --model2:SetCameraTarget(0, y, 0)
  44.     --model2:SetAllPoints(frame2)
  45. end
  47. --model2:SetCamera(2)
  48. ModelBasics_UpdateModel2()

Vrul 10-24-13 03:59 PM

The custom camera seems to be limited to keeping the model upright, that's what's causing the sudden flipping. You may just need to cap the pitch to +/- 90 degrees (+/- pi / 2 radians). Here is what I came up with from playing around with the camera stuff today (along with many client crashes):

local MODEL = "Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2"
local MODEL_SIZE = 256

local atan, cos, sin, sqrt, PI = math.atan, math.cos, math.sin, math.sqrt, math.pi
local INCREMENT_RADIAL, PITCH_LIMIT = PI / 180, PI / 2 - 0.023

local frame = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, UIParent)
frame:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent:GetWidth() / 4, UIParent:GetHeight() / 4)
frame:SetSize(MODEL_SIZE + 8, MODEL_SIZE + 8)
    bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
    edgeFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]], edgeSize = 16,
    tileSize = 16, tile = true,
    insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 }
frame:SetBackdropColor(0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 1)
frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 1, 1)

local model = CreateFrame('PlayerModel', nil, frame)

local function OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
    local distance = self.distance - delta * INCREMENT_ZOOM
    if distance > MAX_ZOOM then
        distance = MAX_ZOOM
    elseif distance < MIN_ZOOM then
        distance = MIN_ZOOM
    self:SetOrientation(distance, self.yaw, self.pitch)

local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
    local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
    local yaw = self.yaw + (x - self.x) * INCREMENT_RADIAL
    local pitch = self.pitch + (y - self.y) * INCREMENT_RADIAL
    if pitch > PITCH_LIMIT then
        pitch = PITCH_LIMIT
    elseif pitch < -PITCH_LIMIT then
        pitch = -PITCH_LIMIT
    self:SetOrientation(self.distance, yaw, pitch)
    self.x, self.y = x, y

local function OnMouseDown(self, button)
    if button ~= 'LeftButton' then return end
    self.x, self.y = GetCursorPosition()
    self:SetScript('OnUpdate', OnUpdate)

local function OnMouseUp(self, button)
    self:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)
    if button == 'MiddleButton' then
        self:SetOrientation(self._distance, self._yaw, self._pitch)

function model:Initialize()
    self:SetScript('OnMouseDown', OnMouseDown)
    self:SetScript('OnMouseUp', OnMouseUp)
    self:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', OnMouseWheel)
    self:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)

function model:LoadModel(file)
    local x, y, z = self:GetCameraPosition()
    self:SetCameraTarget(0, y, z)
    self._distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    self._yaw = -atan(y / x)
    self._pitch = -atan(z / x)
    self:SetOrientation(self._distance, self._yaw, self._pitch)

function model:SetOrientation(distance, yaw, pitch)
    if self:HasCustomCamera() then
        self.distance, self.yaw, self.pitch = distance, yaw, pitch
        self:SetCameraPosition(distance * cos(yaw) * cos(pitch),        -- X
                              distance * sin(-yaw) * cos(pitch),      -- Y
                              distance * sin(-pitch))                  -- Z


Edit: Updated code to reflect some changes in later posts.

Resike 10-24-13 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Vrul (Post 286172)
The custom camera seems to be limited to keeping the model upright, that's what's causing the sudden flipping. You may just need to cap the pitch to +/- 90 degrees (+/- pi / 2 radians). Here is what I came up with from playing around with the camera stuff today (along with many client crashes):

local MODEL = "Creature/LasherSunflower/lasher_sunflower.m2"
local MODEL_SIZE = 256

local atan, cos, sin, sqrt, PI = math.atan, math.cos, math.sin, math.sqrt, math.pi

local frame = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, UIParent)
frame:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent:GetWidth() / 4, UIParent:GetHeight() / 4)
frame:SetSize(MODEL_SIZE + 8, MODEL_SIZE + 8)
    bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
    edgeFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]], edgeSize = 16,
    tileSize = 16, tile = true,
    insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 }
frame:SetBackdropColor(0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 1)
frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 1, 1)

local model = CreateFrame('PlayerModel', nil, frame)

local function OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
    local distance = self.distance - delta * INCREMENT_ZOOM
    if distance > MAX_ZOOM then
        distance = MAX_ZOOM
    elseif distance < MIN_ZOOM then
        distance = MIN_ZOOM
    self:SetOrientation(distance, self.yaw, self.pitch)

local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
    local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
    local yaw = (x - self.x) * INCREMENT_RATIO
    if yaw > PI then
        yaw = PI
    elseif yaw < -PI then
        yaw = -PI
    local pitch = (y - self.y) * INCREMENT_RATIO
    if pitch > HALF_PI then
        pitch = HALF_PI
    elseif pitch < -HALF_PI then
        pitch = -HALF_PI
    self:SetOrientation(self.distance, yaw, pitch)

local function OnMouseDown(self, button)
    if button ~= 'LeftButton' then return end
    self.x, self.y = GetCursorPosition()
    self:SetScript('OnUpdate', OnUpdate)

local function OnMouseUp(self, button)
    self:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)
    if button == 'MiddleButton' then
        self:SetOrientation(self._distance, self._yaw, self._pitch)

function model:Initialize()
    self:SetScript('OnMouseDown', OnMouseDown)
    self:SetScript('OnMouseUp', OnMouseUp)
    self:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', OnMouseWheel)
    self:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)

function model:LoadModel(file)
    local x, y, z = self:GetCameraPosition()
    self:SetCameraTarget(0, y, z)
    self._distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    self._yaw = -atan(y / x)
    self._pitch = -atan(z / x)
    self:SetOrientation(self._distance, self._yaw, self._pitch)

function model:SetOrientation(distance, yaw, pitch)
    if self:HasCustomCamera() then
        self.distance, self.yaw, self.pitch = distance, yaw, pitch
        local x = distance * cos(yaw) * cos(pitch)
        local y = distance * sin(-yaw) * cos(pitch)
        local z = distance * sin(-pitch)
        self:SetCameraPosition(x, y, z)


Quick question what does the SetOrientation do?

Thats actually really good, any chance to save the positions on mouseup and continue from there in the next click?
Also you could add the model:SetPosition(x, y, z) function to right clicking, then you have pretty much all the model functions in it.

Vrul 10-25-13 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 286179)
Quick question what does the SetOrientation do?

It sets the camera position based on the distance from the model, the yaw (rotation about the z-axis), and pitch (rotation about the y-axis). Since you need to know all 3 of those parameters to properly set the camera I figured one function call is better than three that would end up reproducing most of the work of each other.


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 286179)
any chance to save the positions on mouseup and continue from there in the next click?

Sure, just change the OnUpdate function to this:

local function OnUpdate(self)
    local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
    local yaw = self.yaw + (x - self.x) * INCREMENT_RATIO
    local pitch = self.pitch + (y - self.y) * INCREMENT_RATIO
    if pitch > HALF_PI then
        pitch = HALF_PI
    elseif pitch < -HALF_PI then
        pitch = -HALF_PI
    self:SetOrientation(self.distance, yaw, pitch)
    self.x, self.y = x, y


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 286179)
Also you could add the model:SetPosition(x, y, z) function to right clicking, then you have pretty much all the model functions in it.

Maybe later. I only played around with this to get a break from my current project which I need to get back to.

Resike 10-25-13 11:22 AM

I see, well the main reason i wanted this tilting because i want to use it for the project i just started too.
I was trying to make a workaround for models with model:HasCustomCamera() == false, but i failed.

Resike 10-25-13 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Vrul (Post 286196)
It sets the camera position based on the distance from the model, the yaw (rotation about the z-axis), and pitch (rotation about the y-axis). Since you need to know all 3 of those parameters to properly set the camera I figured one function call is better than three that would end up reproducing most of the work of each other.

Oh my bad, i totally tought it's an API i missed.

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