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EvilMaddness 01-17-16 05:12 AM

Like my custom timer bars I made on weakauras?
8 Attachment(s)
I made these custom timer bars on WeakAuras that shows spell casts and cooldowns for my shadow priest. Then I made a background for them on KG Panels. It's kinda like ButtonTimers but not really. I wanted something to work with Bartenders 4 so I started from scratch and this is what I ended up with. The bars also change color depending on what I set the warning time at. It helps me know I should cast again or when a cooldown is almost finished. I'm not sure what else to add to my custom U.I except if I changed out the default blizzard raid frames for something else. I added spell Icons for the spark Texture after I posted this. So Imagine small spell icons where the spark texture is highlighted on top of the meters.

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