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Terenna 09-25-18 05:04 AM

Optimizing a fade out
Good morning all,

I have written a small snippet of code to show certain aspects of the minimap children, by controlling their alpha, when I mouseover the minimap. Further, when the mouse leaves the minimap, it starts a fadeout process that occurs relatively smoothly, 20 incremental decreases of alpha by 0.05 over 1 second. I couldn't think of a better way to code this, and everything works as intended. I am writing this to determine how to do it better.

Thank you, I'm guessing this is way over engineered and am eager to learn more about how to do this more efficiently.

Lua Code:
  1. local fadeouttimer = 1
  2. local subtractor = fadeouttimer/20
  3. local fader
  4. local function tMinimapFadeOut()
  5.     if Minimap:IsMouseOver() then --mouse reentered during fadeout, cancel the ticker, reset the timer, and set alphas back to 1
  6.         fader:Cancel()
  7.         fadeouttimer = 1
  8.         GameTimeFrame:SetAlpha(1)
  9.         TimeManagerClockButton:SetAlpha(1)
  10.         MiniMapTracking:SetAlpha(1)
  11.         MiniMapChallengeMode:SetAlpha(1)
  12.         MiniMapInstanceDifficulty:SetAlpha(1)
  13.         GuildInstanceDifficulty:SetAlpha(1)
  14.     end
  16.     fadeouttimer = fadeouttimer - subtractor
  17.     GameTimeFrame:SetAlpha(fadeouttimer or 0) -- or 0 for when the game inevitably determines that 0 is actually a tiny negative number
  18.     TimeManagerClockButton:SetAlpha(fadeouttimer or 0)
  19.     MiniMapTracking:SetAlpha(fadeouttimer or 0)
  20.     MiniMapChallengeMode:SetAlpha(fadeouttimer or 0)
  21.     MiniMapInstanceDifficulty:SetAlpha(fadeouttimer or 0)
  22.     GuildInstanceDifficulty:SetAlpha(fadeouttimer or 0)
  24.     if fadeouttimer <= 0 then --reset the fadeouttimer for next time
  25.         fader:Cancel() --failsafe to stop any previous fades that are ongoing when the mouse leaves (in case the mouse enters and then exits and then reenters)
  26.         fadeouttimer = 1
  27.     end
  28. end
  30. local lasttime = 0
  31. Minimap:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
  32.     if Minimap:IsMouseOver() then return end --failsafe to ensure we don't hide with mouse still on minimap
  33.     if time() == lasttime then return end --another failsafe
  34.     lasttime = time()
  35.     fader = C_Timer.NewTicker(0.05, tMinimapFadeOut, 20) --run 20 times over 1 second (20*0.05 = 1)
  36. end)

zork 09-25-18 05:41 AM

Normally I use the animation api for fadein/out animations.

Though for the minimap I do not do that. I just use an onleave delay timer of 1 second to hide all minimap icons.

Terenna 09-25-18 07:34 AM

Hey zork,

Thanks for your reply. I based this on your code; however, I wanted to fade out rather than just immediately set the alpha to 0.

I'll take a look at running animations. Thanks!

Terenna 09-25-18 08:24 AM

I was able to dry code the following:

Lua Code:
  1. local fadeouttable = {}
  2. table.insert(fadeouttable, GameTimeFrame)
  3. table.insert(fadeouttable, TimeManagerClockButton)
  4. table.insert(fadeouttable, MiniMapTracking)
  5. table.insert(fadeouttable, MiniMapChallengeMode)
  6. table.insert(fadeouttable, MiniMapInstanceDifficulty)
  7. table.insert(fadeouttable, GuildInstanceDifficulty)
  9. local function CreateFrameFadeAnimation(frame)
  10.     if frame.fader then return end
  11.     local animFrame = CreateFrame('frame', nil, frame)
  12.     animFrame.__owner = frame
  13.     frame.fader = animFrame:CreateAnimationGroup()
  14.     frame.fader.__owner = frame
  15.     frame.fader.__animFrame = animFrame
  16.     frame.fader.direction = nil
  17.     frame.fader.setToFinalAlpha = false
  18.     frame.fader.anim = frame.fader:CreateAnimation('Alpha')
  19.     --frame.fader:HookScript("OnFinished", FaderOnFinished)
  20.     --frame.fader:HookScript("OnUpdate", FaderOnUpdate)
  21.  end
  23. local function tMinimapFadeOut(frame)
  24.     if frame.fader.direction == 'out' then return end
  25.     frame.fader:Pause()
  26.     frame.fader.anim:SetFromAlpha(1)
  27.     frame.fader.anim:SetToAlpha(0)
  28.     frame.fader.anim:SetDuration(1)
  29.     frame.fader.anim:SetSmoothing('OUT')
  30.     frame.fader.anim:SetStartDelay(1)
  31.     frame.fader.finAlpha = 0
  32.     frame.fader.direction = 'out'
  33.     frame.fader:Play()
  34. end
  36. local lasttime
  37. Minimap:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
  38.     if Minimap:IsMouseOver() then return end --failsafe to ensure we don't hide with mouse still on minimap
  39.     if time() == lasttime then return end --another failsafe
  40.     lasttime = time()
  42.     for k, v in pairs(fadeouttable) do
  43.         tMinimapFadeOut(v)
  44.     end
  45. end)
  47. Minimap:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
  48.     for k, v in pairs(fadeouttable) do
  49.         v.fader:Pause()
  50.         v:SetAlpha(1)
  51.     end
  52. end)

Of note, I didn't understand why you need the onupdate and the onfinished functions. Why is that, exactly?

Terenna 09-25-18 02:33 PM

Ended up having some bugs (naturally) and I wet coded it to:
Lua Code:
  1. LoadAddOn("Blizzard_TimeManager")
  2. local fadeouttable = {}
  3. table.insert(fadeouttable, GameTimeFrame)
  4. table.insert(fadeouttable, TimeManagerClockButton)
  5. table.insert(fadeouttable, MiniMapTracking)
  6. table.insert(fadeouttable, MiniMapChallengeMode)
  7. table.insert(fadeouttable, MiniMapInstanceDifficulty)
  8. table.insert(fadeouttable, GuildInstanceDifficulty)
  10. local function FaderOnFinished(self)
  11.     self.__owner:SetAlpha(0)
  12. end
  14. local function FaderOnUpdate(self)
  15.     self.__owner:SetAlpha(self.__animFrame:GetAlpha())
  16. end
  18. local function CreateFrameFadeAnimation(frame)
  19.     if frame.fader then return end
  20.     local animFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, frame)
  21.     animFrame.__owner = frame
  22.     frame.fader = animFrame:CreateAnimationGroup()
  23.     frame.fader.__owner = frame
  24.     frame.fader.__animFrame = animFrame
  25.     frame.fader.direction = nil
  26.     frame.fader.setToFinalAlpha = false
  27.     frame.fader.anim = frame.fader:CreateAnimation('Alpha')
  28.     frame.fader:HookScript("OnFinished", FaderOnFinished)
  29.     frame.fader:HookScript("OnUpdate", FaderOnUpdate)
  30. end
  32. for k, v in pairs(fadeouttable) do
  33.     CreateFrameFadeAnimation(v)
  34. end
  36. local function tMinimapFadeOut(frame)
  37.     if frame.fader.direction == 'out' then return end
  38.     frame.fader:Pause()
  39.     frame.fader.anim:SetFromAlpha(1)
  40.     frame.fader.anim:SetToAlpha(0)
  41.     frame.fader.anim:SetDuration(1)
  42.     frame.fader.anim:SetSmoothing('OUT')
  43.     frame.fader.anim:SetStartDelay(1)
  44.     frame.fader.direction = 'out'
  45.     frame.fader:Play()
  46. end
  48. local lasttime
  49. Minimap:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
  50.     if Minimap:IsMouseOver() then return end --failsafe to ensure we don't hide with mouse still on minimap
  51.     if time() == lasttime then return end --another failsafe
  52.     lasttime = time()
  54.     for k, v in pairs(fadeouttable) do
  55.         tMinimapFadeOut(v)
  56.     end
  57. end)
  59. Minimap:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
  60.     for k, v in pairs(fadeouttable) do
  61.         v.fader:Pause()
  62.         v.fader.direction = nil
  63.         v:SetAlpha(1)
  64.     end
  65. end)

Works like a charm, it's a lot longer than my original code, but probably a tiny bit more efficient than doing a meta table look up 20 times.

zork 09-26-18 03:53 AM

Looks good. :)

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