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Kreelor 04-19-16 09:59 PM

Attempting to "Route" Mining Nodes freezes game
Alliance, WoD, Pandaria area near Sunsong Rance Marketplace. I'm using latest Carbonite "Master" files, not the DEV files.

I tried several times to use Carbonite's "Find current route" feature but, each time it caused an error with the message at the top of my screen saying: "World of Warcraft has stopped responding...," or, something like that. The screen turned nearly white and froze everything. The only mining nodes I had selected for it to route to were Ghost Iron Ore and the other Ghost Iron one. I had to <Ctrl-Alt-Del> to get to the Windows' Task Manager to "end the process." Rebooting computer and trying again several more times resulted in the same problem.

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