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ievil 08-10-15 05:18 PM

PartyFrame keeps popping back on

On some characters - especially new lowlevel toons - the part frame keeps reoccurring under the minimap. I cant find anywhere to disable it.

The following script works.. but have to be run every time we reload..
/script local n,o="PartyMemberFrame","OnEvent";for i=1,4 do local f=_G[n..i];f:Hide();f:SetScript(o,nil);end

It started on my gf's computer and have now infected my new characters too.

- A -

Gethe 08-10-15 06:15 PM

Do you have a screenshot?

ievil 08-11-15 04:14 PM

Hi Gethe,

Here is a picture from my newly created shaman on doomhammer, while my other characters are on Turalyon:

And here is how it normally looks:

When I diff my my main Turalyon/Hanshi vs Doomhammer/Rukrai - there's really only peanuts in differences


--- Hanshi/SavedVariables/Binder.lua    2015-02-26 02:44:32.344035900 +0100
+++ Rakurai/SavedVariables/Binder.lua  1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-BinderMinimapSettings = {
-      ["ShowMinimapButton"] = true,
-      ["MinimapRadioOption"] = 1,
-      ["xposition"] = 300,
-      ["yposition"] = 0,
-      ["degree"] = -12,


--- Hanshi/SavedVariables/DBM-Core.lua  2015-08-12 00:05:00.444167100 +0200
+++ Rakurai/SavedVariables/DBM-Core.lua 2015-08-12 00:00:48.725177100 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

 DBM_UsedProfile = "Default"
-DBM_UseDualProfile = false
+DBM_UseDualProfile = true
 DBM_CharSavedRevision = 14306

ChaoticSi1ence 08-11-15 04:21 PM

Having the same thing happen as well.

ievil 08-11-15 05:01 PM

They are attached to the minimap.

ChaoticSi1ence 08-14-15 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by ievil (Post 310275)
They are attached to the minimap.

Did you get it fixed?

Gethe 08-14-15 07:00 AM

Hit Esc and go to Interface -> Raid Frames and check "Use Raid style party frames"

ievil 08-16-15 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 310329)
Hit Esc and go to Interface -> Raid Frames and check "Use Raid style party frames"

Found it under Interface -> Raid Profiles -> The box is in the top right corner of the box "Use Raid-Style Party Frames"

This is the same variable as useCompactPartyFrames which is set for all of my Turalyon characters, but non of my Doomhammer ones on the same account.

It's set twice in the nibRealUI files:

nibRealUI/Core/Settings.lua: SetCVar("useCompactPartyFrames", 1) -- Raid-style party frames
nibRealUI/Core/MiniPatches.lua: _G.SetCVar("useCompactPartyFrames", 1) -- Raid-style party frames

Question then; Why does this fail on some characters and not on others? This seems to only happen to me on toons that I create on new servers and after 6.2 (new toons created on Turalyon get the flag). But for my gf there are also some older ones that she had not logged into before 6.2 since she installed RealUI.

I'll create a new one again now to see if there's any errors.

ievil 08-16-15 09:38 AM

There are 4 errors in Bugger:

1x from Weakauras

17x [string "return ..."]:7: Usage: hooksecurefunc([table,] "function", hookfunc)
[C]:: in function 'hooksecurefunc'
[string "return ..."]:7: in function 'trigger'
WeakAuras\WeakAuras- in function 'ScanEvents'
WeakAuras\WeakAuras- in function <WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:1840>

text = nil
time = nil
bar = nil

1x from RC LootCouncil


1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'RCLootCouncil' tried to call the protected function 'CompactRaidFrame8:Show()'.
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:589: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:589>
[C]:: in function 'Show'
FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:290: in function 'CompactUnitFrame_UpdateVisible'
FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:248: in function 'CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAll'
FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:100: in function <FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:47>

2x from ?


29x integer overflow attempting to store 2273744611
[C]:: in function 'format'
FrameXML\RaidFrame.lua:181: in function 'RaidInfoFrame_Update'
FrameXML\RaidFrame.lua:84: in function 'RaidFrame_OnEvent'
Blizzard_RaidUI\Blizzard_RaidUI.lua:167: in function <Blizzard_RaidUI\Blizzard_RaidUI.lua:166>

scrollToSelected = true
scrollFrame = RaidInfoScrollFrame {
 0 = <userdata>
 buttons = <table> {
 scrollChild = RaidInfoScrollFrameScrollChild {
 scrollUp = RaidInfoScrollFrameScrollBarScrollUpButton {
 scrollDown = RaidInfoScrollFrameScrollBarScrollDownButton {
 scrollBar = RaidInfoScrollFrameScrollBar {
 offset = 0
 buttonHeight = 30
 update = <function> defined @FrameXML\RaidFrame.lua:143
savedInstances = 22
savedWorldBosses = 0
instanceName = "Bloodmaul Slag Mines"
instanceID = 2273744611
instanceReset = 0
instanceDifficulty = 2
locked = false
extended = false
instanceIDMostSig = 524550144
isRaid = false
maxPlayers = 5
difficultyName = "Heroic"
frameName = nil
frameNameText = nil
frameID = nil
frameReset = nil
width = nil
offset = 0
buttons = <table> {
 1 = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton1 {
 2 = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton2 {
 3 = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton3 {
 4 = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton4 {
 5 = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton5 {
 6 = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton6 {
 7 = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton7 {
numButtons = 7
buttonHeight = 30
mouseIsOverScrollFrame = false
(for index) = 4
(for limit) = 7
(for step) = 1
i = 4
frame = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton4 {
 difficulty = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton4Difficulty {
 name = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton4Name {
 instanceID = 2273744611
 extended = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton4Extended {
 0 = <userdata>
 reset = RaidInfoScrollFrameButton4Reset {
index = 4



1x [string "GetDisplayedAllyFrames"]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
[C]:: in function 'RunScript'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2091: in function '?'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4442: in function 'ChatEdit_ParseText'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4096: in function 'ChatEdit_SendText'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4135: in function 'ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>

msg = "GetDisplayedAllyFrames"

Gethe 08-16-15 09:18 PM

The first two errors should be sent to their respective addon authors, not here.

The third is a blizzard bug that should be fixed in the next patch.

The last is a result of improper use of the /script command.

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