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Cladhaire 01-01-07 06:16 PM

PerfectRaid 2.0 Discussion/Help
Please use this thread to discuss the PerfectRaid 2.0 beta release.

mar 01-01-07 06:48 PM

Looking good, Clad - the buff/debuff system is awesome.

Can't wait for the custom frame editor.

Delvaz 01-01-07 08:10 PM

Everything looks good. The main thing I am missing at this point is the sorting by groups as opposed to by class but this is a great start. Thanks for you work on this.

Cladhaire 01-01-07 08:22 PM

Again, that's something that really need to wait until Blizzard gives us template support. Thanks.

Muricas 01-01-07 09:12 PM

Ah yes, seeing this update made my day.

My only concern is, and I know this is only a beta, "get your fix for now" update, but there doesn't seem to be any options for the number of columns yet. I miss my single-column setup >.<

Is this something that will require the new templates?

Thanks again, Cladhaire, for this much-needed update. I look forward to future updates :D

Cladhaire 01-01-07 09:16 PM

Yes, that's exactly what needs the new templates.

Infernia 01-01-07 10:47 PM

I suppose the class sorting and stuff like that will come in further versions? And to be able to lock the unitframes as well. Btw. Is it possible also to make the players health/manabar to the same type of frame that everything else is in?

This is looking very good! Wow has'nt been the same without PR. REALLY missed it. REfused to raid because of the new patch :P And for me who is colorblind it's really great! Much more easier to see what classes are who, and so on. not messy like CT mod. Just clean and easy to use. :)

Keep up the good work mate. I would have donated some cash to you if I had a working creditcard. Lost it while i were out on the town a couple of weeks ago. :(

Cladhaire 01-01-07 10:56 PM

As someone who's colorblind, if there's anything more I can do, symbols, anything.. please let me know.. I'm very into making information as accessible as possible.

Infernia 01-01-07 11:05 PM

Im colorblind the way that i can be confused with colors like red and brown besides eachother. If you look at CT there are like 5 colors for each player in total. with the health, mana, background etc etc. What I loved about perfect raid were the option to just remove the manabar, and had the classes sorted. I know you need the templates for that. Hope you get em soon. Great mod! Just love it!

Dont think i can come up with anything else. I'll probably be able to give you some new ideas for it later after i've started using it again. :) Thanks for a great mod Cladhaire!

Itania 01-02-07 04:26 AM


I've see there is no localization at this time, can I help by translating the localization.enUS file ?

Edit : localization needed for the range check and debuff display also.

Isheria 01-02-07 04:49 AM


How do i move the frames? Didn't figure it out yet and some help would be appreciated :)

Ceph 01-02-07 08:26 AM

Yeah, my favourite raid-addon is back! Awesome work, Cladhaire!!!

I've been testing it for several hours now, and I so far found no bugs that were not already mentioned at you google code page. Anaway, I have a few 'optical' suggestions:

What I appreciated highly with in the pre-2.0-version is that the health bars were not that 'bold':

the old layout...

...compared to the new one

I think this made kind of the 'look and feel' of PerfectRaid :-) and saved a great amount of space in the interface.
Furthermore, I think it would be nice to have again some kind of highlight for the player you point at.

By the way: Let me know if u need help with the german translation.

to Isheria:
Frames can be moved by dragging the health bars.

Cladhaire 01-02-07 09:19 AM

Absolutely. You can localise the file, and there are some reason display things which also need to be localized. I'll try to pull those out today. Babelfish.lua is used to generate the Localization.enUS.lua file.

secutanudu 01-02-07 09:48 AM

Is there a quick way to enable/disable the showing of a specific buff other than deleting it or recreating it? Sometimes I'll stick Shadow Prot or something up there temporarily for a specific fight to see who still needs the buff but then remove it afterwards.

Also, i assume the options will exist eventually to hide group numbers and get rid of spacing between groups?

Cladhaire 01-02-07 09:52 AM

I'll add an option for the first one (not sure where i'm gonna put it.. hrm). Yes, the frame display will become much more customizable.

Cladhaire 01-02-07 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Ceph
Yeah, my favourite raid-addon is back! Awesome work, Cladhaire!!!

I've been testing it for several hours now, and I so far found no bugs that were not already mentioned at you google code page. Anaway, I have a few 'optical' suggestions:

What I appreciated highly with in the pre-2.0-version is that the health bars were not that 'bold':

the old layout...

...compared to the new one

I think this made kind of the 'look and feel' of PerfectRaid :-) and saved a great amount of space in the interface.
Furthermore, I think it would be nice to have again some kind of highlight for the player you point at.

By the way: Let me know if u need help with the german translation.

To be honest, what I'd like to have is an in-game visual editor that lets you define the layout of the frame. We'll see where I get with that, but that would allow you to change the height/width or any of the elements with relative ease. I may slim down the bars in a bit, but I'm trying to find the best compromise =)

Aflat 01-02-07 10:32 AM

Is there a way to show the mana bars currently? Being an innervating druid, I like to see mana bars instead of the Low mana warning. If its not there yet I understand, its the only thing holding me back from it right now as I couldn't see how to enable them if they were ready yet.

Yonk 01-02-07 10:34 AM

looks great so far ! and when blizz adds the templatesupport it will be even better

thanks for your hard work and dont listen to all those "when will it be ready"-whiners.
when its ready it will be soon enough =)

Cladhaire 01-02-07 10:34 AM

Look for the following code in PerfectRaid.lua
Uncomment the bar:Hide() line:


        local bar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, button.healthbar)
        bar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
        bar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
        button.manabar = bar

Gungolf 01-02-07 11:07 AM

When in /praid in section Buffs/Debuffs:

1. select the first or second buff/debuff
2. scroll down to the bottom so the selected buff/debuff has scrolled out of the window
3. klick another buff/debuff
4. klick OK to get rid of the error-frame

This works vice versa to, i.e. first a buff from the bottom then scroll up... The selected buff needs to be out of view.

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