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Kypalgo 10-28-12 05:14 AM

Hud question
I have a question about the HUD part of nUI. While I do like the current player/target setup, I was hoping for more solid darker colors to make it stand out more. I know icehud has the ability to atler the bar itself to select one of several bar setups Does nUI's HUD have a similar ability? If so how do I do it? Or even making the bars smaller would help.

Also is it possible to remove the target of target bars?

spiel2001 10-28-12 08:40 AM

Yes... it does.

The HUD is a little different from the other bars, since it's curved it has to use custom graphics to represent the bars rather than just using a color like the other bars. So, to change the bar color in the HUD, you need to modify the graphic texture rather than modify the color setting in the Lua files.

Look in [ Interface\AddOns\nUI\Layouts\Default\Art ] at the various nUI_HUD files. Those are the graphics for the HUD bars. You'll need to grab BlpConverter or an app like that to convert those files from BLP to PNG so you can edit them. Open them up in a graphics tool, modify the bar color to be what you would like and save them back out. Then convert them back to BLP and you're all set.

As for disabling the ToT bars. You can do that, as well. Edit [ Interface\AddOns\nUI\Layouts\Default\HUDLayouts\PlayerTarget\nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTarget.lua ] with a plain text editor and look for this section...


                options =
                    skinName  = nUI_HUDSKIN_PLAYERTARGET_TOT,
                    enabled    = true,
                    strata    = nil,
                    level      = nil,
                    unit_id    = "targettarget",
                    party_id  = nil,
                    raid_id      = nil,
                    visibility = "[target=targettarget, exists] show; hide";
                    scale      = 1,
                    clickable  = false,
                    fade      = true,
                options =
                    skinName  = nUI_HUDSKIN_PLAYERTARGET_TOT,
                    enabled    = true,
                    strata    = nil,
                    level      = nil,
                    unit_id    = "focustarget",
                    party_id  = nil,
                    raid_id      = nil,
                    visibility = "hide";
                    scale      = 1,
                    clickable  = false,
                    fade      = true,

You need to change the two lines I highlights to read enabled = false; and then save the file. That should do it.

Kypalgo 10-28-12 09:08 AM

Awesome! Thanks for the reply. The only other issue im having is Skada shows up as 2 small windows. I would love it if i could have it show up as one bigger window. I tried going in and hitting delete window on window 1 and window 2 under interface -> addon -> Skada. but upon doing a /reload both show back up!

Any help with that one would be awesome. Thank you again for the quick reply :)

spiel2001 10-28-12 09:44 AM

Yeah... the Skada issue is a bit more complicated. I'm not sure I would want to bite that off in a forum message. The one thing I know about how I implemented the Skada integration was that if the windows nUI expects don't exist, it will create them. So, if you're deleting the window, nUI will recreate it. If memory serves me correctly, Skada has options to disable a window without deleting it. If you do that, and then resize the other window, it may work.

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