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Jynyvieve 12-01-14 11:46 AM

Updated version is coming soon, be patient
Hopefully that title speaks for itself, but in case it doesn't here are a couple links you should read before flying off on a rant one way or another.

These are links in which Rythal and those assisting have been posting updates.

This momma has been ready to reach through the screen towards some people.

Meganbtoo 12-01-14 03:27 PM

Not a rant, but we have been told that since the pre-expansion patch arrived. Almost 2 months ago. Being told day after day, week after week 'a few more days' is a tad repetitive.

Jynyvieve 12-01-14 06:57 PM

Where exactly does he say day after day, week after week "a few more days"?


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 297691)
I'm working on it now, but it most likely won't be ready by tomorrow.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 297697)
Yes, one is on the download page for it.

As an update on the addon itself, the one thing I was fearing is of course the one thing that has happened. I'm going to need to tear apart the mapping system because up until now maps all had unique names and it was by names that Carbonite tracked stuff in most cases. The few exceptions before now were instances so they had no impact, now we actually have zones with the same name so everything in the way it worked is no longer viable.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 297724)
I'll stick to this thread instead of making a new one...

A short explanation of what's being worked on currently:

The old Carbonite had 2 Zone tables. One followed blizzards zoneID's (4 = Durotar, 9 = Mulgore etc etc),
and One used it's own numbering system (1000 - 1999 was Eastern Kingdoms, 2000 - 2999 was Kalimdor, 3000-3999 was Outlands etc etc)

The entire mapping system relied on and was using the 1000,2000 system while guides locations quest tracking etc was using the zoneID system. The two were tied together strictly by the zone name. So during the table initialization, it looked at zone 1001 saw Durotar was it's name and created links between 1001 and 4 in various tables.

With the new continent coming, that entire system no longer works, as it can't tell Burning Crusade Shadowmoon Valley from WoD Shadowmoon Valley. So I am working on converting the 1000,2000 system over to zoneID's.

This is also leading to some problems on it's own, as things like Battlegrounds were placed in 9000-9999 and through out the entire mapping system it would check if you were in a battleground by seeing if carbonites internal ID was 9001 etc, so I need to find new ways to check for instances or battlegrounds.

All of this is compounded by the fact work keeps dragging me from home so I don't have access to work on it. (3 weeks in wisconsin, then 2 weeks in ohio, the rest of this week in toronto) So the working version for WoD won't be anytime soon, hopefully i'll have it going before WoD launches but even that remains to be seen.

For those who can't wait until it's done, it was a pleasure. For those who can wait, don't fret, it's not abandoned and will be fixed to work before too long.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298111)
When I first took over the addon I originally did keep it all on a git, but nothing came of it so I just stopped doing it


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298271)
It may be possible to do something like that, but it would just be a bandaid fix / hack to get things working.... and I'm trying to avoid doing bandaid fixes since before I took over that's all carbonite was getting for a couple years.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298272)
Right now there isn't really much work for remapping... that part will be relatively easy, it's just getting new code written to better support the maps.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298327)
Deepphrozen just made the account to troll, and has been doing it since I took over the addon just ignore him. However if anyone does believe what he's saying...

If he can do or make better, go for it. If anyone wants to help with getting it working, i'm more then grateful for it, I am very willing to use git so multiple people can work on it, right now i'm listening to bugstaq say fatality on a constant loop, viewing the errors, seeing that hotspots is also using the 1001, 1002, 1003 system so those zones need changed and the function changed to call the proper zoneID's... wanna do it? be my guest just let me know when it's done.

I am not just sitting back on my ass watching, and everything I have done so far to carbonite was so other's could help if they wanted with keeping the databases / information up to date, and many people have been helping as they can.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298368)
You can't... they have changed the way some of the API calls work so the current code won't work.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298385)
Tonights update before I slink off to bed... Progress! If you can call it that *laughs*

I have no errors popping up any longer, and Carbonite itself fully loads... but the maps and guide location icons are all stacked into one small corner. So It still has a small ways to go.

The plus side is that since there's an entire new continent which I haven't added, it's allowing me to fix the code so it continues to work even after patches with new content instead of people waiting for a release just so it'll load.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298522)
Status Update: (meant to post this last night before bed but internet went out)

The maps are back up and running, and I can see my position in the zone... hovering over other zones shows the information about them.

Still to be fixed before I can release (and this is just base maps, I haven't started looking at any module):
- Overlays are not working yet (as in zone itself is not filled in if i hover over it)
- Zoomed in Detailed Map tiles are not working yet
- Points of interest are not working yet
- Testing battlegrounds and instances to see if they work properly
- Sizing Scale of continent 5 (Maelstrom) is incorrect


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298570)
I've been avoiding the subject on donations and where to make them, both in private messages and in the topics because I didn't want to add fuel to the fire for those who "claim" I keep working on it solo to keep everything to myself.

There is a Donate button on which allows you to do so.

And I just want to say a very heartfelt thank you to those who have already. While I would still be doing this even with no donations at all, each one makes the work done feel worth while to know people are that thankful for it.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298800)
I actually tried that.. I bought the top of the Q instead of the G tho, so it was still an i7-4770, it still had the dual graphics (intel / nvidia 660) and 8GB ram, so I can run WoW fine... it's just not as easy to work with. It's the internet that has been problem since my cell only supports t-mobile, and so far i've found unless i'm in a major city, I'm lucky to get 1 bar of service. I really need to buy a new cell phone that supports verizon :P


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298916)
I'd be happy with a galaxy 5 lol, but the problem I run into is verizon and my home carrier (bell canada) use different spectrum's, so I need to find a phone that will support both... my current phone is the EU version of the galaxy 3 since it was suppose to, but verizon says it won't work when I try to register the IMEI to get a sim card.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 298954)
Good News: Map Overlays are fixed, I can once more see the world
Bad News: BG / Instance maps are definitely not working now that i've tested them

Next up: satellite view fixed


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299254)
Status Update: Instances / Scenarios are detected and working, have not yet tested BG's

Question, I have never in all my WoW career run an Arena match.... what exactly did Carbonite do during arena's? From what I can see they have no maps, and no map ID's...


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299321)
As soon as I get battlegrounds working I planned on doing that :) It'll be the maps system only as I haven't even started looking at making the rest work with the revamped system


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299415)
I don't have any idea, The addon had to be fixed for the new mapping API's to start with, I could of at that time released it and it would of worked with 6.0, instead I started tearing it apart and redoing the back end way it deals and stores tables so that I can properly support WoD. In either case it was either people have it now, and not have it when WoD comes, or they don't have it now and hopefully will have it in time for WoD.

In previous posts within this thread the current progress has been mentioned, and hopefully i'll have a beta version out of the new system so people can test it and find bugs with it.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299425)
I wish I did, right now the only 2 major things to get working are to rework the BG maps / detection and to figure out why guide images are not displaying... guide is working and I can hover over stuff on the map and see the guide info, but no graphics.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299452)
It is actually very modular now, and if I had svn or git setup I'd be more then happy for the help in cutting out the bugs. It's been mostly offers of data entry, or finding numbers, or search and replaces which while yes those things will be needed when it's time to add the WoD continent, right now with the back end work those won't help. I do need to stop being ADHD with the code tho and get the major things working instead of getting side tracked by smaller things like guide icons or instance points... I sit down planning to redo the battlegrounds, take one look at the map and current debug messages I have setup and get yanked into the other parts.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299540)


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299553)
Yes the Locale tidying up and full implementation was what i was working on before the WoD stuff went live, so the main addon is fully done for it, the secondary modules are setup for it but not yet using it or finished.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299605)
Yes as mentioned by evie, while people can download the current work in progress from there and use it, it's definitely not stable nor fully working. It's meant for other's to work on it if they want to. When I actually have it working it'll be here on WoWI and on Curse.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299669)
*shakes fist* I still can't figure out for the life of me why battlegrounds maps are not working, and it didn't help I did a big faux pas by running other addons, so my map was flickering like mad and I spent 2 hours debugging it trying to figure out why.... and in the end it was another addon causing it.

I may give up on battlegrounds and move on to getting WoD zones working and the rest of the addon going for parts that are not (like Quests) so at least I can get a 90% working version out the door before WoD and worry about fixing BG's after.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299694)
And that's why it's been driving me nuts.. in the testing last night I am not doing any continent detection.. if it realizes it's in a BG, it's forcing it to look up the information from continent 90 (and in MapData continent 9 is moved to 90, just so this doesn't come up again in 2-3 years when we are on expansion 9 lol) but the maps not drawing

So I'm missing something somewhere that it's not grabbing or setting the proper continent.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299744)
All 3 were the same cont value.

I've added 10 tonnes of debugging... in several functions all over the place, and everything looks the way i expected and as it should

MapId: 512 (strand of anchients)
Cont: 90
GetWorldPos: -12500, 200

So i'm confused as <censored>, when I zone into a BG it's changing maps as it should, it shows in the title the right zone name, all the variables are setting the way it should, but the map is blank and if I hover over it, it shows me still in the zone I was beforehand.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299752)
Two Nagrand's aswell... but really this needed to be done a while ago, Instances and Scenario's were using the same name for multiple area's back in pandaria but it wasn't causing a major impact since carbonite didn't load or try to draw them until you zoned in. Unless someone went into black temple, then came out, then went back into black temple warlock scenario.... or managed to run both alliance and horde versions of fall of theramore etc etc it never got noticed or affected things.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299767)
Every mapID should already have it's original Carbonite continent id stored in worldinfo[mapid].Cont

As for the request to update the git... yes I'm bad about that, I don't usually push until I get a bug fixed... i'll try and merge the push's that are there into what I have done so far and update the git to where i'm at now on my lunch break.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299831)
That's ok... I haven't pushed the GIT yet because just for kicks I tried a different BG (kotmagu), and it worked flawlessly >.> so now i'm going to need to test every BG and see which ones work and which don't, and then figure out why Strand isn't working

Damn Desserter buff is making this take longer to test them, so the push might not be until tomorrow.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299833)
Just pushed my latest version that i'm testing with... will update this post with BG's i've tested and seen working / not working

While waiting for debuff to expire and testing I started tackling the close up view maps, and have them 90% working, just need to change a couple numbers for the special map blocks and test I can close up zoom them. This patch should be pushed tomorrow. For now i'm heading to bed...

Warsong Gulch - Working
Arathi Basin - Working
Kotmogu - Working
Eye of Storm - Working
Alterac Valley - Working
Gilneas - Working
Twin Peaks - Working
Deepwind Gorge - Working
Isle of Conq - Working
Silvershard - Working
Strands - Working


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299874)
Quests unfortunately is not working at all yet, and if you are using the git version Carbonite itself won't even load fully with quests enabled which might be why you don't have the arrow


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299890)
So, as I get down to nearing getting things finished (I'm down to only 1 obvious problem which is map icons) I've already decided that when I release it, Cabonite itself will be maps, and only maps, the way people have been asking for ages. Want Warehouse, you can download / install Carbonite warehouse aswell... want quest tracking, download and install carbonite quests

While the addon has been modular for a while now in the alpha releases, this will be the first official release to the open public and I had to decide to package everything still or split it up.

What I am having a hard time deciding on, is ingame messages about updates. Myself personally they annoy me, Curse client lets me know when stuff has an update, and while I haven't used it yet i'm sure minion does too... so i'm considering removing it from Carbonite.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299915)
Maps seem to be fully working

Quests is partially working.... as in the quest watch is back up and running fully, but it's not letting you track any quests on the map regardless if Carbonite knows it or not. So I am getting much much closer to being done (and then I get to start all over again to add WoD zones lol)


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299926)
Wasn't intentional, but yes that is working in my local build that i'm just about to upload...

seems to of started working as I was fixing the quest watch window, which now works for quests Carbonite knows, but not yet for quests it's suppose to be scanning the world for when it doesn't know.

So far there are 3 issue's I know of in my current build
1) Can't bring up carbonites quest window (both L and alt-L are bringing up blizzards)
2) The world scan for unknown quest POI's isn't working
3) If a quest has a clicky associated with it, it's not displaying and firing errors like crazy.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299971)
It should already be working... at least it does for me, and if it's not which zone are you trying in so I can test it / see why it's not.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299976)
hrmm.... I'm standing in the exact spot from your screen shots and it's working flawlessly for me... wtf lol

If you right click on the map, and select Scale, what is your "Details at scale" set at?

(and as a side note just for a chuckle... curse you for being in goldshire during this test, I feel like I need a bath now because of the server I play on :P)


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299992)
Well that explains it... you don't have the latest git push, as that error message was removed in the one I pushed early this morning for anything but continent 90 (battlegrounds)


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299999)
About to manually merge the stuff you pushed in, I've been working all morning on the quest and notes... I have it all working except that one issue and not sure what happens if I push my changes then try to merge lol still new to all this git stuff.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300000)
It's not on curse or WoWI yet, I've been utilizing github so people can help out with getting parts changed to the new API and fixing bugs that crop up, so when I say I pushed an update it means I sync'd what is on github with my current version.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300005)
It's not intended and probably need a fix done for it... that's something I hadn't tested yet.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300009)
A push was just done about 5 minutes ago which fixes that thanks to Naharis.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300058)
Is anyone else finding super lag while Questing addon is enabled? I already know what function call is causing it, but I'm surprised it hasn't been commented on so I'm wondering if it's just me.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300092)
Trying to get the Draenor stuff added, but i'll be damned if I can remember the formula to calculate the numbers based on the info inside the dbc file..

I have the map scale, and I have the Y, but I can't remember the X.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300160)
There isn't a bug that gets shown from this, it's from bad programming and a blizzard function that was being used before 6.0 now generates high delays. After any quest objective update (killing a mob, accepting a quest, turning in a quest) it scans every zone in the game for quest POI info, I've eliminated this locally by redoing the function so it only does such a scan when you first login (or /reload) any other time it only scans the zone your standing in.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300212)
Yeah I haven't had a chance to touch Social yet, my main focus is on trying to get Maps working before Thursday


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300216)
Question for you guys who know git... I made a goof and curious how to fix it... was just merging stuff in, then realized I forgot to push my latest version before I merged.

What's the easiest way to get those merges into my current local working version without losing the work I've already done on getting Draenor going.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300228)
I already have my version stored, my concern is that when I do another push the stuff I merged into what's online will be lost.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300241)
that may work, but instead what i'm going to do is before hitting the sync button, i'll go through and review every change it says it's going to do and apply it manually... when I get to that stage.

As i'm working on map calculations based on the dbc file, I'm discovering there was no standard... Continent 1,2 & 3 used one formula, Continent 4 used something else, Continent 5 and 6 used something else from that... Continent 1,2 & 3 got thier information from yet another table, while 456 had it stored in the original world info table....

so I'm working on standardizing it all, making it just 1 table, with actual names like WorldInfo.Scale instead of WorldInfo[1]


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300377)
Another dumb question.... anyone's server not queue'd? laughs... waiting 2 hours to login to test stuff, only to head back to coding forget your logged on and have to do it again.... is kinda really hurting development.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300485)
The problem i'm encountering is right now it's the mini map blocks (close up zoom) that is not lined up properly in Northrend, Pandaria and Draenor.... so to test it properly and make adjustments to line them up I need to be standing in those zones, and playing on other servers doesn't let me do that :(


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300547)
Where it stands:

Thankfully today there wasn't queue's finally so much was done, some new, some rewrites

- Draenor continent added
- Draenor Zones setup with overlays
- Map locations on the carbonite map adjusted a bit to make a little more sense
- Zone data entirely redone so every zone is using the same formula's which means much easier adding new zones in the future
- Minimap blocks redone to be dynamic in nature so if a base map moves, so does the blocks
- Tested every continent to ensure minimap blocks are aligned

Still to be done:
- Dungeons/Instances added (does anyone know a good place to find the x,y coords of dungeon entrences?)
- Minimap blocks for draenor
- When looking in other zones, the flight paths and pet trainer from current zone get displayed.. needs to be hidden
- Actually going into Draenor to make sure it all works >.> With all this work I still haven't even started the quest to go through the portal.

For those who reported waypoints are not working with zygor, it's zygor who will need to update. I took a look at their waypoint code and they are using the old Carbonite AID system, they need to change it to use just straight MapID's instead.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300663)
6.0 Release Candidate has just been pushed to the github.

I tried to ensure that anything that was pushed against the code base that was on github was also manually applied against this new release, I apologize if I missed one.

Every current push has been closed if it wasn't already so anything further is against this newer code.

I will admit, it is *NOT* live tested by myself in WoD yet, I just finished everything and uploaded it as a release candidate.

For those doing localization, draenor zones are in zones.lua, and draenor herbs are in harvestnodes.lua
I only added them to enUS.

Day 0 Patch also just pushed to remove some left over debugging.

Known issue's:
hotspots are not live in draenor yet, I'm trying to get a hold of warbaby who did the hotspots for pandaria in his netease edition of the addon to find out how he calculated them, or to see if he can do it again for draenor.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300706)
When your encountering errors, please include if your in a Draenor zone or not (and if possible which zone)

It helps me with knowing if it's an error with the general mapping code, or if it's an error because i'm still missing something from adding the Draenor zones.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300710)
Disable Social for now... it's coming from there i'll try and fix it asap.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300932)
Just curious if there is someone who knows git like the back of their hand who if I gave them the rights on github could do dirty merges... unfortunately most of the pushes that are waiting are unable to be merged within github requiring conflict resolution and i'm getting way over my head... I tried following the directions and it's just not working.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 300936)
It's a known bug with it unfortunately.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301004)
Thanks for that suggestion... i've been using kdiff now and it really has made doing the merges so much easier. Hopefully it won't take too long to get the merges up to date then I can get back to trying to fix things... i've been lax on trying to find the bugs not wanting to even further dirty the master compared to the waiting pushes (tho I have been doing some, like the scales going to 7 instead of 6 to try fixing the sz nil problem).


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301116)
should be fixed now, was my mistake in reading :P let this be a warning... don't drink and code.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301123)
Should be fixed now, there was a small change made to allow continents to be localized but the continents were never added to the locale file.

The garrison problem is actually because it's not able to draw the overlay, I need to actually take a character through the portal and get into the garrison so I can see why it's happening (green always means unloadable texture). Hopefully tonight I'll be able to do that.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301157)
Ok that's just bizarre... I thought they were declared already, but someone was reporting they had localization errors on startup that Outlands was not declared.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301212)
pushed the fix for quest log hiding, and for new quests not being tracked properly unless you /reload or relog, and the quest list saying all quests are dailies.

Took me a bit to trace the tracking issue so even thou i'm through the portal now I still haven't gotten to garrison to work on that.

I understand there's an issue with a new quest tracking type, how far into draenor do you need to go before you encounter this new quest type?


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301295)
Garrisons should be fixed now. (really this time lol)

Barring any major issue's discovered before tomorrow night, i'm going to publicly release it.

I know of 2 outstanding issue's:

Warehouse doesn't yet support reagent bank
Quest tracker doesn't yet support tracking the new level 100 dailies.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301316)
>.> which BG are you having problems with, as I went into every BG testing to make sure they worked not to long ago.

I'll try and figure out UBRS problem right now.


Well crap, gotta be level 100 to enter it, so much for that idea.. I'll need bug reports to fix it.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301319)
Found another thing missing while looking into progress bar... bonus objectives in scenario's.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301323)
Ok that's just strange... I did the entire entry to draenor line last night and it was auto tracking every quest I picked up... you have both "Autowatch new" and "Autowatch changed" enabled?


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301328)
I had set the garrison to think it's an outdoors map (MMOutdoors) that could be causing it... I'll do some testing


Are you in a horde or alliance garrison, and what are your current options for the minimap set in regards to docking? I haven't been able to reproduce this :(


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301331)
I see the problem now, it was Outlands there, when it should of been Outland. I removed those translations from Guide however as they really do belong under Zones.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301333)
What I really need right now is someone who is level 100, to enter UBRS and post the errors... that'll help with that problem while I try to figure out this new task system and how exactly it all works


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301341)
Are you possibly in combat or thought to be in combat? it doesn't update the tracker so long as it thinks your currently fighting.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301351)
Sadly I have no hordes :P

I just uploaded a new version to git that should hopefully fix the problem, it was caused by the fix to have quest data available right away for new quests... when quest data is availble, it wasn't considered a "new" quest anymore, so now I have it doing update log (catch new quests).... build quest data.... update log a second time, means there's a small second between when new quests are showing on the watch list, and when it gets populated and allows tracking, but it's better then not working at all :P

it's just really strange that it never affected me at all until just now, I found tradeskill books for the garrison, and those quests caused it to happen so I was able to fix it using something I could reproduce over and over (read book, test, abandon quest, read book)


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301352)
Found the problem (hopefully) with UBRS, it was missing a | in the zone info so stuff wasn't parsed properly for it. Just updated git, give it a try.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301367)
Error should be fixed now, experimental fix for allowing quest updates in combat again also put in place.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301371)
fog of war effect should be fixed.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301402)
I don't like workarounds, but I suppose in this case it's safe to default to level 1 for the map as it appears the map was loading and drawing before any information was being returned by the garrison function. My guess is you got that error, but then the map still showed right so a temporary level = 1 should be fine.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301403)
They are not implemented at all yet, and with 99% of how blizzard is doing them still undocumented until I get to level 100 and can test things while in world to see results / function returns I can't implement them.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301404)
Carb has never brought minimap nodes across onto the normal map (blizzard provides no API to access that info)


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301421)
For some reason it's accessing old node types... I might need to force a wipe of Social saved settings :(


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301433)
First error wasn't Carbonite, second error is from NPCScan Overlay.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301466)
If you visit the punks tab of the social window (o key) and right click, there is an option clear actives which should reset your punks. If you can't get to that screen let me know and i'll try to code some versioning for punks data which resets it without resetting social data.


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 301476)
Stayed up a little too late for a work night, but Reagent bank is now supported by warehouse. It differentiates itself from regular bank by display RBank in places.

Most bugs i knew about for warehouse are fixed, I know some things need to come out like valor but that can be addressed later.

Jynyvieve 12-01-14 07:03 PM

If you (or anyone reading this, for that matter) are wanting carbonite regardless of whether or not it is ready for public use you are welcome to download the git file. Personally I prefer to wait for the kinks to be worked out and have a useful addon that won't be spitting lua errors at me while I play.

CactusBadger 12-01-14 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jynyvieve (Post 301550)
If you (or anyone reading this, for that matter) are wanting carbonite regardless of whether or not it is ready for public use you are welcome to download the git file. Personally I prefer to wait for the kinks to be worked out and have a useful addon that won't be spitting lua errors at me while I play.

I agree with Jynyvieve - I'll wait for the finished product, I know it will work flawlessly when it is finally released. Until then, I'll just use what Blizzard gives me - which makes me appreciate Carbonite that much more every day!

ircdirk 12-02-14 04:18 AM

For those that rush or just cant wait:

Rathal does not have to release Carb... if he want he can just leave this project... U HAVE NO RIGHTS to say that he MUST do something...

matt_b19 12-02-14 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 301573)
For those that rush or just cant wait:

Rathal does not have to release Carb... if he want he can just leave this project... U HAVE NO RIGHTS to say that he MUST do something...

Noone is disagreeing with fact that could be a good suggestion so that someone with more time on their hands can take it over and perhaps keep up changes in line with game changes.

We all know that Rythal has done a good job in the past, but the demand is there for for someone to take it over to avoid this shambles in the future.

ircdirk 12-02-14 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by matt_b19 (Post 301606)
Noone is disagreeing with fact that could be a good suggestion so that someone with more time on their hands can take it over and perhaps keep up changes in line with game changes.

We all know that Rythal has done a good job in the past, but the demand is there for for someone to take it over to avoid this shambles in the future.

This is open source, github source available... EVERY ONE CAN DO THEIR VERSION!!! SO DO IT FIX IT!! If u can...

matt_b19 12-02-14 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 301608)
This is open source, github source available... EVERY ONE CAN DO THEIR VERSION!!! SO DO IT FIX IT!! If u can...

A lot of folk are helping fix it now.

ircdirk 12-02-14 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by matt_b19 (Post 301614)
A lot of folk are helping fix it now.

O'rly... u say?

Chevonne 12-02-14 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by matt_b19 (Post 301606)
Noone is disagreeing with fact that could be a good suggestion so that someone with more time on their hands can take it over and perhaps keep up changes in line with game changes.

We all know that Rythal has done a good job in the past, but the demand is there for for someone to take it over to avoid this shambles in the future.

In case you've forgotten or are new to this addon, Rythal had to practically beg to get this program from the original peeps. He has improved it so much its not even the same thing he took over. And he can't exactly feed the cats and kids on the "donations" received here. Be a little patient, and a little humble, with a man who is working almost for free to improve your game.

Mama Bear goes ggggrrrrrrr.

Eternal_Lynx 12-03-14 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by matt_b19 (Post 301614)
A lot of folk are helping fix it now.

Ten or eleven I suppose?
Not that "a lot" but still, "a lot"...

Jynyvieve 12-03-14 08:40 AM

Ripping the guts out of an addon and rebuilding it - especially when said addon is as old as Carbonite, is no easy feat. I have been using it since December 08/January 09 and have been through the bandaid fixes. Those suck. Going modular as was last planned (and afaik currently happening) will make updates more streamlined with less time offline. Carbonite has been in desperate need of an overhaul and thankfully it is happening. Also- super helpful that now you don't have to pay to post as you did in the old days on the old site. So, with all of what I just said, if you take away anything at all let it be this: Carbonite was like a dusty book on a shelf rotting away with pages ripped and torn. It's getting a much needed revamp like a new edition. These take time, nowhere has Rythal said day after day, week after week, it'll be a few more days. He's always been truthful with the complexity and what aspect he is working on day to day. Be patient.

If you can't be patient, go troll somewhere else- find a new addon or set of addons- complain about something that matters, not about a FREE addon that is being redone and maintained for FREE in spare time away from a PAYING job.


Instead of copy/pasting others' responses, this is just a blanket statement for the naysayers.

Everfroszt 12-11-14 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 301573)
For those that rush or just cant wait:

Rathal does not have to release Carb... if he want he can just leave this project... U HAVE NO RIGHTS to say that he MUST do something...

Amen ircdirk! My sentiments exactly. Thanks for saying that! =)

fctech 12-11-14 09:58 AM

I'll admit I would have liked Carbonite to be ready a while ago. Its not. I can bitch like some fool who feels they are ENTITLED to 'their' Carbonite now etc etc.

Or I can wait, donate and wait again until its done.

"Rythal should give it up to someone who has more time."

Well in two months there has been no one who has stepped up to the plate that has more time; that is more capable, that wants to take precious time for precious little monetary reward to work on the one addon that makes the biggest impact on WOW play.

I have both used the later git, the band-aid 'fix' that was done by another player a few weeks ago, but here I am back at the same spot waiting for the official rebuild of you might as well say the New Carbonite.

Gandalf said “A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.”

Similarity “Carbonite is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when its ready to be released.”

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