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Kaelten 06-16-05 05:48 PM

KC_EnhancedTrades v0.98 through current
I'm starting a new thread as the old one has gotten rather long.

Please post bugs and feature requests here.

Thanks guys.


Kaelten 06-16-05 08:33 PM

I guess no one has found any bugs so far... only been a few hundred dls. At least I hope thats what the silence means.

Kaelten 06-17-05 10:44 AM

hmm more than 24 hours without a bug report.... Now my fear is turning into being hopeful, lol

cyatis 06-18-05 01:06 AM

Version 98a
Downloaded version 98a.

To keep this post short.
Your mod is excellent, awesome job.
All of the previous bugs seem to be fixed. (Hunter, Item updates etc.)
It runs without noticable lag here.
Thanks for adding feature "not visited bank", I found it useful even in testing your mod this round.
Alt support - It works as designed and intended.

My next post will be about refining some parts of the mod even more.
Thanks for your time and awesome rewrite,

Kaelten 06-18-05 01:16 AM

Hehe, glad to hear it. I was worried that the silence ment the bugs where to insidious to find... which they still might be. lol. Thanks for the feedback and anything you can post in the way of suggestions and the like would be appriciated. Also take a look at the roadmap, might be of interest to you.

leftler 06-18-05 02:15 AM

I sent you a PM on Wolrld of but i dont know if you got it.

two requests, PLESE PLESE PLESE keep a feature like /tsf in, it was so helpfull so many times.

also a request, If we mouseover a reagent like cole or mageweve or even thred, put in the tooltip how many we have alredy on us and in the bank, it makes farming for herbs so much nicer.

Kaelten 06-18-05 02:17 AM

Hehe, ya I got your pm and thought I had replied to it.

If you check out the Roadmap for KCET then you'll see the rundown feature, thats going to be the equivilant there.

I'll have to look into the tooltip thing I'm not sure how to do that so I'll have to do some digging.

leftler 06-18-05 02:17 AM

wow your fast, and actualy i just discovered the roadmap as you where writeing the responce. :)

p.s. quite frankly i dont care where to find it, ill leave gatherer and allakazam to do that, but knowing how many i have would be nice. (dont know if you where reffrenceing me in the roadmap or not)

Kaelten 06-18-05 02:25 AM

hehe not sure. Although I'm not sure about how i'd implement a where to find it thing anyway. However I will be able to put counts there I believe. I'll have to look at it more thourghly tommorow afternoon.

Feel free to comment on the features listed there or post more. I want KCET to be the beat all mod that does what all the rest do plus some.... of course I'll probably go insane and have minimalist barking my heals at the same time... but eh, can't please em all least of all myself.

leftler 06-18-05 02:30 AM

actualy i was trying to play around with it, on and under items it has a XML link, i try to click it and it times out but would it be possable to phrase alla's data useing their item IDs to forward it to wow useing the XML stucture in wow?

maby im just wishing and dreaming but it could be a place to start your search.

cyatis 06-18-05 03:19 AM

All about pipedreams ;)
My benchmark of a good mod is practical use. Here is just an idea for you to think about.

The last line of the mod though useful is limited in scope, yet adding even more information to the tradeskill frames wouldn't be very desirable imho.

Idea: Instead of adding even more to the tradeskill window for alts, maybe an extension that displays a tooltip for your recipes as you mouse over your tradeskill recipes, would do the trick for alts. Then perhaps, only show the extra tooltip if (i+b+v+alts) would exceed (i+b+v), or simply when needed.

Idea: Ability to turn the extra tooltip on and off, obvious enough.

Just an idea, example tooltip format:
Total possible items: (i+v+b+alts) ... might do without if tooltip well placed
Recipe: ( recipe name)
Requires: # (item name), # (next item name), etc... +buyable and dropping zeroes from list
-- might need an extra linefeed here....
(character insert name) has: # (item name), # (next item name) etc... dropping zeroes from list
(if no items for the list then don't display the character)
Next character, repeats loop until done....

Clean it looks something like this:

Total possible items: 32
Recipe: elixir of wisdom
Requires: 2 mageroyal, 1 briarthorn, 1 empty vial(buyable)

Onetradeskillguy has: 12 mageroyal
Twotradeskillguy has: 52 mageroyal, 10 briarthorn
Fourtradeskillguy has: 22 briarthorn, 8 empty vial(buyable)

Thanks for your time,

Cluey 06-19-05 01:00 AM

hi Kaelten I have been using 0.98a since you uploaded it, I have grabbed 0.98b but I haven't used it yet and the change notes didn't indicate anything to do with a bit of a bug I have been noticing.
I should say that my flat mate is also noticing it.

When we open the blacksmithing, tailoring or enchanting window and then expand one of the trees and click on an item we are getting the wrong reagents in it.
We have to close and reopen the trade skill, sometimes more than once, to get the right ones to show up.
I also get an error from auctioneer if I mouse-over one of the 'wrong' reagents, it basically says "that shouldn't be there". ;)

Overall this is a great mod and I am glad you have taken it up as Pinky had left his for a while and it was generating a lot of errors in the log files.

Kaelten 06-19-05 01:15 AM

hmm, I had this bug... but I thought I had elimintated it during my testing....I'll dig in at it again.

Kaelten 06-19-05 01:22 AM

Aha, thanks cluely, I can always count on you to bust my bubble! hehe.

Found the problem and working on the solution right now.


Fix has been posted. I tested it out pretty well with my blacksmith but please post again if there is still a problem as of 0.98c

Klairen 06-19-05 11:48 AM

Hi Kaelten.

First, thanks so much for taking this mod over. It's a definite must-have! And I love the enhancements you've added.

This morning I updated to .98c (from .98a I believe, might have been b, but I think a). After that, I started getting an error with ReagentInfo, everytime I mouse over any reagent in my bank, inventory, tradeskill menus, everywhere. Another user of regentInfo was having the same problem and it turns out he also uses KC_EnhancedTrades.

The ReagentInfo forum on curse is here:

The error message is this:
"Interface\addons\Reagentinfo\"]782: bad argument#1 to'getn' (table expected,gotnil)

I had both mods (ver 1.4.1 on ReagentInfo and several of yours together with no conflict until today with (c).

Any help would be most appreciated!

Kaelten 06-19-05 12:39 PM

I've looked intot he area where his code is causing the problem and I'm not sure how I could be causing that. If you could please type /kcet disable.

let me know if you still get the error after that. Because when you type that my mod is effectively disabled and lets go of EVERYTHING....

Although there is a possibility its KCI.... I'll look some more.

Kaelten 06-19-05 01:03 PM

well I can see whats causing the error.... it appears to be a pretty simple fix all in all.

But I don't see how my mod could be causing it, especially if it worked fine at .98a and then moving to c it broke.... since the only change that would effect anything in ReagentInfo was that when you click a header it flushes the cache. Everything else is the same as far as the datacaching goes.

Basically whats happening is he's setting his table to be empty and then he's setting it to nil ( or basically nothing ) at some point in the recursion then he triest to see how many are in the nothing and the api goes, huh?

to see if its anything more than this you could go to line 779 and add "or {}" after the ) but before the ;

if suddenly ReagentInfo works like it should. then I know its nothing I've done.


I attempted to loadup ReagentInfo along side KCET and no matter what I disabled or turned on I couldn't even get reagentinfo to do its job so I'm not sure what exactly is happening.

Klairen 06-19-05 06:40 PM

Kaelten, thanks so much for looking into this... and so quickly too!

I modified line 779 as you suggested and now I am not getting the error message anymore. One thing I did notice is that the items it was breaking on are common items that are used in many, many engineering recipes that I know (bronze bar, silk, etc).

So far so good.

By the way, did you do the "/ri enable" command. I know it doesn't work if you don't do that, plus you need to go into each trade window.

I saw you also posted this info on Curse and I interrupted this post to post there.

THank you SOOOOO much for looking into this when it wasn't even your problem. I really appreciate it.

Kaelten 06-19-05 06:53 PM

hehe, glad to hear it.

leftler 06-20-05 04:38 PM

One thing of note, you can not tell what verson, or subverson, you are useing easyly outside of WoW, I recomend puting in a note in the toc or begining of the lua

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