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Korvus 01-06-09 02:23 PM

Help in creating an new ui please
Reposted in (hopefully) the right place :o

So as the title suggests, after browsing the forums here for some time, I have decided to try and create my own UI so I know exactly what i have and how to use it The trouble is the only UI "stuff" I have done before is downlaoding mods :P

So, as i mentioned I have browsed the site for a while and decided the initial package will be containing Bartender4, Ag_unitframes ( Iread there a little easier than Pitbull?) omen, recount, Phanxchat,chinchilla, tomtom and ratings buster. Hopefully if these go well I will add more at a later date. One question: Are healbot and AG compatible?

So for my questions, will these addons slow my fps down alot in general? Also is there a mod that groups all my addons in one convenient place? How do i save them all in there relevant positions for my other chars etc? And finally is there an easy way to do this? ie where the hell do i start lol and can you recomend anymore addons to make this whole process a little easier?

edit: just noticed lunar spheres, has anyone considered using this instead of BT4?
Thanks in advance :banana:

Psoewish 01-06-09 02:31 PM

Right now I'm really really tired and I'm heading to bed, so I cba to write up some stuff right now, but if no replies have been made by tomorrow, I'll be sure to make some suggestions :P

Just so you don't feel ignored or something ;)

Korvus 01-06-09 02:47 PM

hehe thanks very much its pretty basic questions i could do with answers to really, like what other mods do you guys recomend? specifically is there a mod that can tell me how much memory or lag each addon is causing? and is there an adoon that groups all mine into a nice easy to use single menu? stuff like that :)

and thanks for the quick response, hope you sleep well lol

Gemini_II 01-06-09 02:54 PM

We can't really say what your UI should look like. What works for me, or Shirik, or Seerah, may not work for you...

Your best bet is to grab a few mods and start playing with them. Fidn out for yourself what you want. I started using addons when I thought "hey, I hate this bar setup, I want it to look like this". Many people are happy with the default options, and if you are very concerned about performance, then you don't want to run many addons.

If you grab FuBar or an LibDataBroker (LDB) display like DockingStation or Fortress, then you can grab PerformanceFu (I think I saw Performance_Broker too) that will help display memory usage.

I always recommend a threat meter (Omen3). My personal favorite unitframes are Xperl (Ag_UF and Pitbull are also great), my fav barmod is Macaroon (BT4 would be another), and I can't live without an all-in-one bag, Combuctor. RatingBuster is an awesome choice too.

Korvus 01-06-09 03:03 PM

yeah I am sort of concerned with my fps really, but like you said I just though " I REALLY hate the look of the standard bars now" and as i had a few other addons i decided to try and make them look nice instead of cluttering up my screen as they do now :) my definates so far are: AG_unitframes (as i read the're quite simple to use) Lunar spheres (or BT4 if LS doesnt look right) Phanxchat, omen,recount, chinchilla and simple buffbars. With the extras as Tomtom, cutup Rating Buster, Clastimer and healbot. my main concerns is having to re-do my UI with each character is there an easy way around this? and also i wanted to somehow monitor the usage so i can see if any of them are particuarily hard on my PC, i might give fortress a try, so thankyou for that :) will any extras be required for fortress at all?

Thanks for the fast response :banana:

Seerah 01-06-09 03:29 PM

The addons you mentioned shouldn't have much of an impact on your performace at all, except Recount can be a hog if you have it set to do a lot of work and store a lot of data.

Saved variables (settings) for your addons are stored in the World of Warcraft\WTF folder. Most addons will have things the same across all characters for you by default. Others will give you profile options to have the option of having settings the same/diff. across characters, and others do best when the settings are only stored per character instead of per account. But it's not really something for you to worry about before you come across troubles. ;)

Healbot will work fine with ag_UF, you'll just have to be careful not to have too much clutter on your screen with ag's raid frames and Healbot's frames, for example.

Only worry about performance from addons if you run the bare minimum computer specs for the game and/or have issues already with game performance.

Korvus 01-06-09 03:54 PM

it tends to be my fps that suffer alot,although i hear that can be caused by the intenet connacetion? my line is currently a crappy .5mb :(


Recount can be a hog if you have it set to do a lot of work and store a lot of data
I basically just use as it comes, no adjustments and i dont use any of the graphical displays or anything :) so it should be ok


Saved variables (settings) for your addons are stored in the World of Warcraft\WTF folder. Most addons will have things the same across all characters for you by default. Others will give you profile options to have the option of having settings the same/diff. across characters, and others do best when the settings are only stored per character instead of per account. But it's not really something for you to worry about before you come across troubles
this sort of looked a bit like a foreign language to me hehe, are you saying that if its different I should try using the copy profile in the addons options itself? :o

Also can I use ahealbot as my raid frames in that case or is it recomended, I honestly thought you could use other frames eg Ag but still have the clickcast option from healbot. I didnt realise the healbot frames had to be used /blush

Sorry for the wall of text and thanks for the help already you guys and gals are fast responders, makes being at work almost bearable lmao ;) oh yeah i decided to go with titan panel again for my perfomance bars etc

Yhor 01-06-09 04:17 PM


Also can I use ahealbot as my raid frames in that case or is it recomended, I honestly thought you could use other frames eg Ag but still have the clickcast option from healbot. I didnt realise the healbot frames had to be used /blush
Clique does this, I don't know about healbot.

Korvus 01-06-09 04:37 PM

yeah i just read about clique, however healbot is alot more poular :p Do you know of any reason not to use healbot as my raid frames, or indeed can i even do that?

Psoewish 01-07-09 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Korvus (Post 114257)
I basically just use as it comes, no adjustments and i dont use any of the graphical displays or anything :) so it should be ok

In this case, may I suggest Violation instead of recount? It's a hell of a lot lighter than Recount, and will do just what you want. I'm not too concerned about detailed graphics and stuff like that either, just a simple damage and dps tracking thingy will do :)

Also, Healbot is indeed more popular than Clique, and I personally don't have a clue why this is. I personally think the better option is grab any raid frames of your choice, so you can have the exact features you want in a raidframe, and still being able to click-heal without being bound by an addon to display your raid. :)
Not to mention Clique is 3243243232 times easier to set up :P

Ag_Unitframes is nice, and is indeed a lot easier to set up than Pitbull.

About the WTF thingy, don't worry about it for now, just set up your UI and when you encounter problems with settings, just come ask on the forums and people will gladly help you with that. ;)

About LunarSphere, I'm not sure if it can be used as an actionbar replacement, it's more like an addition to your actionbars I think. If you want round actionbars, maybe OPie will be more suited, but it's been ages since I used that so I'm not 100% sure :P

That's all I can think of for now :P

Dyspeptic 01-07-09 04:29 AM

I am currently toying with the idea of using LunarSphere as a bar replacement. It effectivly gives you around 130 buttons (with left, right and middle click options set up). Might be somewhat harder for a beginner to set up than BT4 or similar bar mods though.

On the Clique vs Healbot doubt about it. Healbot you are locked into its raidframes whereas Clique gives you clickcasting for ALL your toons (not just healers) and allows you to use AGuF, PitBull or Xpearl etc (personaly I prefer Grid but I mostly play mage and info about the rest of the raid is rarely important).

Most mods will have profile options. When setting up your UI for your first toon make sure you use a seperate profile from the default so that when you goto set up for an alt you dont inadvertantly alter the default settings for your main. Also you can then use the "copy from profile" option to either recreate the UI exactly for that alt or to give yourself a baseline to work from for minor tweaks.

Korvus 01-07-09 05:37 AM

ok, Thanks for thehelp so far, Im gonna give clique a go instead then, Also im gonna use BT4 until i get a bit more experience, then i may switch to lunar sphere but we'll see lol :) So for my next question i had a play last night and i know that Pitbull has an option to show all you raid/party/player bars at once in the config menu, However i decided to use x-perl I cant find a similar option in this, can someone please confirm whether its possible :)

Also can someone recomend a map mop for me? Just to change the shape and placement nothing fancy, I tried chinchilla and it just kept throwing errors up evrytime i tried to do something, frustratung to say the least :mad:

And again thanks for the fast responses :banana: :banana:

Wimpface 01-07-09 05:46 AM

Well, it depends on what shape you want but if you're going for square i can recommend pMinimap.

Dyspeptic 01-07-09 06:58 AM

SimpleMiniMap is my map mod of choice. pMinimap is also good.
And for the world map you cant go wrong with either Cartographer (high memory with all features enabled) or Mapster (basicaly its cartographer without the bells and whistles). Both work well with TomTom, questhelper and other mods that interact with your world/minimap.

Darxon 01-07-09 07:11 AM

A couple of Minimap addons :

I know there are some more, but those are the ones i like the most. Just take you pick :)

Psoewish 01-07-09 07:24 AM

Though I prefer SimpleMinimap (because it's simple :P), last time I tried Chinchilla it was perfectly fine really, and that's about a month ago. Are you sure you were running the latest version?

Also, I'm not sure about X-Perl, because I installed it, my eyes started to bleed from the hideous style of it, and uninstalled it again :]
I do know that Perl Classic (based on X-Perl, but with less features and better looks) has a config mode setting. This one doesn't have raidframes I think though, but I think you're better of having some sort of dedicated raidframes that you can customize really focusing on the raid anyway, like PerfectRaid, Grid, CTRaid, etc.

Dyspeptic 01-07-09 07:43 AM

Gotta say I never liked Squeenix no options to move all the stuff attached to the minimap like the quest tracker, capture bar etc. Dunno if this has been fixed it has been aboout a year since I last tried Sqeenix. Cant really say that i have tried any of the others in your list other than the 2 I originaly suggested though so cant comment on those.

Ultimately creating your own Ui is all about finding, using and customizing mods you like and arranging them in a way that is practical and aestheticaly pleasing to you. We can all reccomend mods to you from now untill the cows come home but how you set them up and use them is your choice.

Start simple. Bar mod, Unit Frames mod, threat meter (and maybe a damage meter if that floats your boat) and possibly a buff/debuff mod. Get those elements set up the way that works best for you then sit back and say "what else do I need?" if your answer is "nothing" then you are done if not then search for the next element you feel you need and tinker with that.
In my experience even after you have all the mods you need/want you are never truely finnished. I am happy with my UI, yet I am constanly tweaking it (small scale change, bars moved a hair to the right etc). It is a growth process the Ui you create will both reflect and affect your playstyle and as it affects the way you play you will want to adapt it. take a look at the AirUI in this thread about how his UI has evolved over time.

Gemini_II 01-07-09 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Korvus (Post 114303)
...Pitbull has an option to show all you raid/party/player bars at once in the config menu, However i decided to use x-perl I cant find a similar option in this...

When you open the config screen for X-Perl, you should see black boxes, for your Party, and for Raid1 through Raid10 frames. Just like Player and Target. Move them as you wish. Only visible while either in a raid or config window open. Don't try to configure anything while in combat :p


Originally Posted by Psoewish (Post 114307)
...Perl Classic (based on X-Perl, but with less features and better looks)...

Perl Classic came first. X-Perl was based off of it and expanded upon. :)

Psoewish 01-07-09 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Gemini_II (Post 114325)
When you open the config screen for X-Perl, you should see black boxes, for your Party, and for Raid1 through Raid10 frames. Just like Player and Target. Move them as you wish. Only visible while either in a raid or config window open. Don't try to configure anything while in combat :p

Perl Classic came first. X-Perl was based off of it and expanded upon. :)

Yeah my bad, Perl Classic is based on Perl, not X-Perl :]

Tyrolit 01-07-09 05:02 PM

ok so ive been using Recount for a while now, till i read this thread today, so ive downloaded and tryed out Violation in a few heroic runs. from what i can see my DPS is perma stuck on 2.2k DPS even when i only melee mobs ( im a mage ) also its not been updated for 3 months now?

just recently ive been getting some bad frame rates, not realy sure what was causing it, so after seeing here about recount being a resourse hog i tryed Violation, so basicaly unless im doing something seriously wrong and there are some hidden secret settings that show my real DPS i personaly think going with Recount well out weighs any performance loss ( That ive not noticed btw )

Also over X- pearl id sugest Pitbull. and Macaroon for action bars, DOTimer, Quartz, for casting bars, buff/ coold down timers, and casting bars.

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