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Daenu 12-09-09 07:25 PM

game crash
im having an issue with the game closing every 15-20 min like im alt-F4 ing out ive tryed disabling all my addons and the game runs fine but when ever i turn nui on it starts closing the game again.
im useing the nUI+ version nUI_5.06.04_Plus

spiel2001 12-09-09 09:06 PM



Just out of curiousity, what operating system are you using?

Have you tried doing a clean install?

Daenu 12-09-09 09:12 PM

windows 7 is my OS and yea ive done several fresh installs of NUI

spiel2001 12-09-09 09:16 PM

Fresh install of just nUI, or an actual clean install as per the instructions in that FAQ?

Daenu 12-09-09 09:29 PM

i just deleted and redid the wtf and interface folder lets see if that fixes it

Bacardii 12-14-09 11:37 AM

this caught my attention so i thought i would add my 2 copper.

my husband's computer started doing this same thing after he upgraded to AVG 9

Xrystal 12-14-09 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bacardii (Post 169922)
this caught my attention so i thought i would add my 2 copper.

my husband's computer started doing this same thing after he upgraded to AVG 9

What version of AVG 9 ? I am using the Free Version and am at 9.0.716 and data version 270.14.106/2563 as of 13th December. I logged into WoW a few hours ago with no problems.

Xrystal 12-14-09 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Daenu (Post 168946)
i just deleted and redid the wtf and interface folder lets see if that fixes it

Thats pretty much what I did prior to patching to 3.3 since my account was closed 2+ months ago. I deleted WTF, WDB, Cache and Interface folders and started the patch run off. Then downloaded and introduced the initial addons. Once I got rid of the couple of old addons that glitched out I played for an hour or so with no problems.

How long before you crashed out did this happen ?

I am using Windows 7 64 bit with 4gb memory Nvidia 8800 GTX ( just in case its a graphics memory problem ).

lightguidste 12-18-09 03:41 PM

my 2 pounds of powder
have the same bug it seems i get kicked out of wow afther a random time but never longer than 10 - 15 min
only consistency i can find while standing in the clear is that its some how seems to be conected with a mem leak that keeps building up till around 30megs then it refreshes down to about 13megs and if it does not i get kicked.
already tryed the clean wtf and co option but not jet with the cleared mod directory.
any ideas about the cause?
slight adition i have it a bit more stable now afther having kicked several add ons but still nui is the only add on that keeps stacking the mem useage masivly in comperance to my other add ons. when compared to other add ons nui cycles thru the memory in a rotation of about 5 min while others are on a very slow buiold up if u even count it as such when a program uses 20 bites more then at the start of a cycle where nui goes from 14M to 26M

spiel2001 12-18-09 08:20 PM

The mem usage you see in nUI is normal and does not negatively impact play... it's because of how dynamic memory and the garbage collector work.

Gebedje 02-03-10 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Daenu (Post 168911)
im having an issue with the game closing every 15-20 min like im alt-F4 ing out ive tryed disabling all my addons and the game runs fine but when ever i turn nui on it starts closing the game again.
im useing the nUI+ version nUI_5.06.04_Plus

Similar behaviour here ..

I did a clean install (exactly followed the nUI installation instructions - removed WTF, Cache, DB, all addons) and WoW crashes at random moments; sometimes after more than an hour gameplay, sometimes twice in 20 mins..

What I also noticed is that this generally happens when I :

1. Stone back to Dalaran after some questing or
2. Get on a flight from Dalaran to any destination

The behaviour in Dalaran is like staggering movement for a while and then WoW crashes with an error in one of the CPP modules.

I removed nUI and went back to my "old" addons and haven't experienced a crash at all anymore.

To me that means something is happening within nUI that is not entirely compatible with WoW or with the "WoW-interpretation" of the LUA engine.

nUI+ info (toc) :

## Interface: 30300
## Title: nUI
## Title-deDE: nUI
## Title-esES: nUI
## Title-frFR: nUI
## Title-zhCN: nUI
## Author: K. Scott Piel / Nordebugger / Fate of Shadows / Kargath
## Version: 5.06.07 (Plus)
## X-Localizations: enUS, deDE, esES, frFR, zhTW, zhCN
## X-ReleaseDate: $Date: 2008-03-27 01:18:39 -0700 (Thu, 27 Mar 2008) $
## X-RelSite-Curse: 12907
## X-RelSite-WoWI: 9108

My system info :
Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit
Memory : 6144 MBytes / 800 MHz
CPU : Intel Core i7 940 / 3.6 GHz
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 (driver 196.34)
Filesystem : 1x RAID10 (2TB) / 1x RAID0 (2TB)

I do hope that this will be resolved with version 6, because I absolutely love the nUI environment.

spiel2001 02-03-10 06:23 AM

Well.... I'm not sure what the issue may be here. With hundreds of thousands of downloads, I think I can say I have only heard of this once before this particular thread and even then only a few comments on it.

What other addons were you running with nUI?

Gebedje 02-03-10 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 177135)
Well.... I'm not sure what the issue may be here. With hundreds of thousands of downloads, I think I can say I have only heard of this once before this particular thread and even then only a few comments on it.

What other addons were you running with nUI?

This is the dir-list :

19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> !Swatter
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Advanced
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Filter-Basic
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-ScanData
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Stat-Classic
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Stat-Histogram
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Stat-iLevel
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Stat-Purchased
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Stat-Simple
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Stat-StdDev
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Auc-Util-FixAH
18/01/2010 20:16 <DIR> BankItems
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> BeanCounter
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_AchievementUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_ArenaUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_AuctionUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_BarbershopUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_BindingUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_Calendar
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_CombatLog
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_CombatText
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_DebugTools
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_GlyphUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_GMChatUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_GMSurveyUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_GuildBankUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_InspectUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_MacroUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_RaidUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_TalentUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_TimeManager
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_TokenUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_TradeSkillUI
18/01/2010 19:48 <DIR> Blizzard_TrainerUI
19/01/2010 22:59 <DIR> CCBreakWarner
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Enchantrix
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Enchantrix-Barker
18/01/2010 20:17 <DIR> EQCompare
19/01/2010 23:11 <DIR> FB_TrackingFrame
31/01/2010 21:14 <DIR> FishingBuddy
18/01/2010 20:17 <DIR> FlightMap
19/01/2010 23:21 <DIR> FollowMe
18/01/2010 20:17 <DIR> GatherMate
31/01/2010 11:41 <DIR> GatherMate_Data
31/01/2010 11:41 <DIR> HealBot
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Informant
18/01/2010 20:17 <DIR> MovableBags
18/01/2010 19:57 <DIR> nUI
19/01/2010 22:52 <DIR> nUI_InfoPanel_Stats
18/01/2010 20:18 <DIR> Omen
28/01/2010 09:21 <DIR> QuestHelper
23/01/2010 16:41 <DIR> RatingBuster
18/01/2010 20:18 <DIR> Recount
25/01/2010 07:33 <DIR> SilverDragon
25/01/2010 07:33 <DIR> SilverDragon_Data
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> SlideBar
20/01/2010 17:53 <DIR> SmartBuff
18/01/2010 20:18 <DIR> SmartDebuff
19/01/2010 23:08 <DIR> SnoofPigments
19/01/2010 18:08 <DIR> Stubby
18/01/2010 20:19 <DIR> WIM

spiel2001 02-03-10 08:03 AM

I'm curious -- if you ran with only nUI, nUI_InfoPanel_Stats, Recount and Omen for a while (just as a test case) do you still get the game crash?

It's interesting to me that all three cases I know of that this happened on are Windows 7 installations.

Wasgij 02-03-10 10:46 AM

I have found that 96.333333333333% of the time another add'on is the cause of a WoW crash when using Nui. I have been running Nui since day 15 ... ( found it after everyone else...) And sometime's you can go nuts till you find it ... WoW does not like alot of add'ons and they said that from day one. I found sometimes Video settings can cause you system to crash. With one set of add-ons your fine then add just one you wow and vid don't like then bammmm smack in the face and back to desk top.

Xrystal 02-03-10 12:14 PM

Hmm, very curious. I may have to log into one of my dalaran gals when sitting in game for hours testing addon stuff. Not crashed as of yet with my lowbies in starter ville :D And thats with wow not in the official folder and with windows 7 running. The main difference is that I don't have many addons installed.

Gebedje 02-04-10 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 177138)
I'm curious -- if you ran with only nUI, nUI_InfoPanel_Stats, Recount and Omen for a while (just as a test case) do you still get the game crash?

It's interesting to me that all three cases I know of that this happened on are Windows 7 installations.

Running a few tests with several configurations atm ..
Will come back to you on this asap.

Marthisdil 02-05-10 11:10 AM

I use Win 7 (and have since initial beta), WoW not installed in standard area, nUI, Auctioneer, Recout, Omen, etc, etc (I run a decent number of addons), and never had the game crash because of nUI.

I've had a couple of times where WoW has crashed, given me the error bod to send in a report, but that's not attributable to nUI. Whenever that has happened, at least to me, according to the White Error Box, had somehting to do with not being able to load certain textures....usually am able to come right back into game with no problems.

Gebedje 02-14-10 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 177138)
I'm curious -- if you ran with only nUI, nUI_InfoPanel_Stats, Recount and Omen for a while (just as a test case) do you still get the game crash?

It's interesting to me that all three cases I know of that this happened on are Windows 7 installations.


Took me a few days going through most of the permutations I could think of and MY conclusion is, that it has nothing to do with nUI.

With or without nUI, the WoW performance always starts to deteriorate AFTER a long series of dungeons (all performing like a charm) and then stone or fly back to DALARAN. After a few yards running and especially after TURNING my character around, the screen starts to stagger and the UI disappears.

If I ignore this, after 20-30 seconds, WoW will crash with an error in one of the CPP modules (memory allocation error - trying to allocate roughly 4GB of memory).

If I exit the game and restart, everything is fine again.

With or without nUI - this pattern is always the same and reproducible.

I sent this report to Blizzard.

So far ..


spiel2001 02-14-10 04:31 PM

Yeah -- I kinda had a feeling it was a Windows 7 thing... there was a pattern forming. Many thanks for putting the effort in to confirm.

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