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Huriisutairu 06-28-10 04:33 AM

nUI+ memory leak?
Okay, so maybe it's working as intended, maybe it's just the quantity of mods. Auction and nUI use the most memory so far. However, nUI varies anywhere between 12mb and 40mb whenever I'm playing. In total, I can go from 50mbs used all the way to 111.

Then I get an out of memory error and my game crashes. I even added 1 SD card and a flash drive and dedicated both to readyboost to see if it fixes my problem. 8gb and 4gb respectively btw.

I disabled nUI and left everything else on, and I don't get the same results. Any ideas? I'll provide a list of my running mods.

1. Advanced Trade Skill
2. Atlas [all]
3. Auctioneer [all]
4. Autobar
5. Baggins
6. Baggins Scrap
7. Beancounter
8. Bonus Scanner
9. Carbonite [all]
10. Decursive
11. Enchantrix [all]
12. Endeavours Notepad
13. Gearscore [recently added, after already had issues]
14. GupPet & [collect me]
15. Informant
16. Jebus Mail
17. nUI - [config/ - infopanel: decursive/pallypower/profesions/carbonite - art: dragon]
18. Outfitter
19. Pally Power
20. Rating Buster
21. Reagent Restocker
22. Scrap [all]
23. Skada [all]
24. Stubby
25. Swatter
26. Talented [all]
27. XLoot
28. DBM [all]

And yes, I know...that's a lot of mods...

Oh yes, 1 more thing. From time to time, while playing my UI disappears and I can see only my character. Then sometimes my entire screen goes blank and only my mouse remains. However the game is still running. I have to exit game sometimes or change camera angles to get back proper visual.

spiel2001 06-28-10 04:58 AM

nUI does not have a memory leak... it uses dynamic memory on the fly which is released to the garbage collector when no longer needed. However, the garbage collector does not immediately free the memory when it's released... so you see the memory usage tick up until the garbage collector runs and frees it up, then you'll see nUI's memory usage drop back down.

Nor should a mod's memory usage ever cause WoW to crash like that. It sounds to me like you have a deeper problem of some kind going on. I'll add, too, that to the best of my knowledge, WoW will not use more than 2gig regardless of what you have in your system. While not directly related to your use of ReadyBoost, understand that ReadyBoost may improve hard disk performance for you, but it has no bearing on available memory.

I would suggest running the WoW repair utility. You might also consider following the steps outlined in this post:

schizophrena 06-28-10 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Huriisutairu (Post 194824)

Oh yes, 1 more thing. From time to time, while playing my UI disappears and I can see only my character. Then sometimes my entire screen goes blank and only my mouse remains. However the game is still running. I have to exit game sometimes or change camera angles to get back proper visual.

I've actually experienced the same thing... usually when flying over certain lands (Like above the OK instance area) the whole nUI will go black, the cutouts where the button bars are disappear and I just see WoW as if I'm flying in movie aspect. (It is like it goes into Alt-Z mode) however I have to change the camera to get it back to the normal mode. Very strange - still haven't figured out what is causing it though I assume video card issues that are still unresolved. As for the game going completely black, I don't have that issue.

And how I fix that issue - is usually close out of WoW entirely and relog back in. I don't normally have the problem in the same exact location at that time.

Huriisutairu 06-28-10 02:22 PM

Thanks for quick response, I'll try the repair util first. and Schizo, I experience exact issue as u, with same response. Exit and relog.

Dramber 06-28-10 06:38 PM

Read this on the other day about out of storage errors in the new patch.

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