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Xageroth 01-16-06 03:11 PM

Zuxana's Model Citizen
Zuxana's Model Citizen is a 3D model add-on for replacing the 2D portraits.

This is my first add-on and it was named after Zuxana, my tauren warrior on Bleeding Hollow, because she rarely gets a chance to see your faces since you're always running away in fear! Mwuahaha!

Current Status
Version 0.9.3

I had a bug in my code that prevented anything other than the player model to save camera adjustments. (whoops.) That has been fixed so now all cameras should save adjustments properly. There is still an unresolved issue concerning targeting models of differing sizes. The current WoW API does not, as far as I know, provide me with a way to compensate for different model sizes. I will be thinking creatively to at least alleviate this issue, but be aware that there's not much I can do other than catalogue every single model in the game and offset their size (which I'm not going to do because I'm not insane and you want your computer memory spent elsewhere).

Stuff That Works
If you want a feature added, check the planned features section and if it is not listed there then let me know!
  • 6 preset cameras for Player, Target, and each Party Member.
  • Mouse-adjustable model rotation, placement, and size.
  • Mouse-adjustable bounding box placement and size.
  • Each camera receives and saves adjustments individually.
  • Auto-detects when a model is close enough to render.

Stuff That's Broken
If you know something that is not listed here, let me know!! I'm open to suggestion on how to handle these problems.
  • Unable to compensate for differing model sizes. Adjusting the camera to be shoulders up on a small model will turn into a knee cap cam for a large model.
  • Occaisionally the player model requires changing targets before it will render.
  • [0.9.3 fixed:] Camera settings revert to default, with the exception of rotation (?), when model changes.
  • [0.9.2 fixed:] Shape shifting models, such as druid forms or polymorphed mobs, don't update at all.
  • [0.9.2 fixed:] Changing certain gear, such as taking a guild tabard off, updates the textures but not the model causing some strange effects.
  • [0.9.2 fixed:] Zoning or suddently teleporting a long distance, such as death or mage teleportion, sometimes causes models to appear completely white.
  • [0.9.2 fixed:] The cursor control limitations on model panning need to be decreased to accomodate large models such as dragons.

Stuff That's On The Drawing Board
These are planned features. This is stuff that I will get to when I can although some of the bug fixes take a higher priority.
  • Add/remove cameras as desired (add pets, remove party members, etc)
  • Configuration menu
  • Configurable mouse bindings.
  • Model animation options.
  • Model lighting options.
  • Adjustments via scrollwheel.

    After a lot of feedback and personal review, I've decided to rewrite this mod from the
    ground up with a new approach that will ultimately benefit everyone many times over.
    The next revision will be a much more object-oriented approach, will require Ace, and
    will split this AddOn into two components: a model generating platform and an addon that
    uses the platform to add/remove models for different model types.

    My initial plans for the platform will be to emulate everything currently within Model Citizen. Currently I'm close to completing that portion of it. Since it would be meaningless to release an update with no apparent changes (only backend changes), I won't release the revision until some new features have been added to the other component.

    "ModelCitizen" will be the platform for handling 3d models while "ZuxanaModelCitizen" will be my own implementation based on that platform. This makes it much easier for other addon authors to incorporate 3d models into their mods.

    Also, performance should see a boost. Sorry for the delay from the last update to the forthcoming revision, it's coming as soon as I can get it finished.

Can I get your DUF_Custom?
Of course! You can get it here.

Thanks to WoW Interface for hosting this.

Cairenn 01-16-06 03:45 PM

Xageroth, our pleasure. And may I commend you - it's a nice addon, and this is how a release thread should look. :)

aceracer24 01-17-06 11:44 AM

This is in referance to my post in the other forum , yes disabling your mod makes the problems I was having go away. I am not sure why or how it affects the auto reply or party quest but it does. Of note, I use UUI mod. When I speak of the party quest problem I am refering to the one included with UUI. If I use party quest it's self then I have no problem. Wish I could explain a little bit better then that. All I know is when I disable your mod all the problems go away.

Xageroth 01-17-06 01:02 PM

I'm not going to be able to fix that because I can't duplicate the bug. My 'R' key still works fine. I have a hunch that the clicking problems may have to do with the placement of your bounding box.

Sorry, I wish I was more help, but unless someone can tell me how to duplicate the bug or explain why my mod would be messing up auto-reply, I wouldn't know where to look in my code to fix it. My mod doesn't do any keybindings. It only looks for CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT when the mouse is being held down on the bounding box.

aceracer24 01-17-06 01:24 PM

ya totally understand what you mean. All i can do maybe is turn off all my other addons and only try yours and see if the problem still exists. Then turn them on one at a time till I find the culprit. I'll keep working on it and see what I come up with. Also, the ghosting...sometimes if a player gets booted or goes out of range thier model turns to all white. SOmetimes just getting near the person again or them logging back on fixes it but not always. Only happens with party model though not target model.

aceracer24 01-17-06 01:37 PM

Found the culprit. Confab. When I disable it I have no problems with autoreply. Umm..not sure why your mod would affect confab. Not even sure it's anything you can fix but anyway thats the problem.

EDIT: one other thing i found and i think you already mentioned it being a problem was that the models once resized or changed will NOT save. Honestly, if changing the size per mob doesn't save and always resets there is little reason to have all your great features if you know what I mean. Oh and this is ONLY for the target model not party or self. Not tried self but little point since that model never seems to change.

Xageroth 01-17-06 01:47 PM

I have updated from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2. The first post in this thread has been updated with information.

I have updated from 0.9.2 to 0.9.2b. Accidentily introduced a bug in 0.9.2 that made camera settings even worse. Fixed it in 0.9.2b, camera issues still the same as they have been now.

aceracer24 01-17-06 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Xageroth
I have updated from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2. The first post in this thread has been updated with information.

getting an "you are not authorized to view this file"


Xageroth 01-17-06 02:16 PM

Give it a minute. That's the way they're queue system works.

aceracer24 01-17-06 02:49 PM

Just thinking out loud but for the:

Camera settings revert to default, with the exception of rotation (?), when model changes. This is the most annoying bug and sadly I'm not sure how to fix it. I'll be tackling some of these other bugs in the meantime. Help/advice is appreciated for this one!

Couldn't you add some sort of a save feature based on character name? And this would save to a file in savedvariables? I know little about mod making so unsure if this can be done or not.

Xageroth 01-18-06 03:15 AM

ok, now that I have had a few hours to test out my changes I see that most of the issues have been fixed which leaves 1 major issue which can actually be seen as 2 separate issues.

The first issue is how a camera is positioned in relation to the model. As far as I know, there is no way to determine a models relative scale to other models with the current interface API. Added to the fact that the camera is positioned the same regardless of the model it is looking at, means that "shoulders up" for one model won't be "shoulders up" for another. If you position the camera to be waist up on a human model, you'd be lucky to see the top of a gnomes head when the models change.

If I were able to get a models scale relative to other models, I would be able to offset the camera positioning and fix this issue. So until I find a creative way to hack a solution for this or Blizzard kindly adds a way to handle this, this particular issue is here to stay.

The second issue is some bizarre quirkiness with how camera settings are applied when models change. I haven't quite figured the cause of this.

When I set a model, adjust the position, then update the model, it will appear as if I have no applied any position changes. This is reasonable at first glance because you assume each model change results in a clean slate as far as camera changes goes. However! If you re-apply the position changes, there still isn't any change!

The code currently available attempts to force a change by following this logic:

Render Tauren Model
Adjust horizontal positon to +5
Clear the Tauren Model
Adjust horizontal position to 0
Render the Orc Model
Adjust horizontal positon to +5

By first setting the position to 0 then back to 5, I try to trick the engine into forcing a position change. This works fine for the player model (as evident when changing forms, or unequiping gear, which runs my model refresh code). Doesn't seem to work for anything else.

So there's my progress in a nutshell. I am actively working for a solution. In the meantime I may divert my attention towards some of the really desirable features like a configuration menu. I'll also likely be busy the rest of this week, so sorry if I am slow to respond.

Grimmor 01-18-06 07:39 AM

Okay question Xageroth, does your mod have an option panel, where you can set all variables... That will make it easier to make all frames the same size and same camera angle and/or distance

Valle 01-18-06 08:50 AM

Looks pretty cool but it's completely worthless without being able to lock the position and click-through.

I see that the saved variables contain some interesting things, do all work so I can just mess around there instead?

aceracer24 01-18-06 09:38 AM

It's not completely worthless, it's the only model mod that I know of that has models for party members. And that part keeps the changes made in size/angle and what not. Of course little reason to change the self model since it rarely needs changed. Only thing not saving is the target and frankly, the other target model mod used in UUI isn't any better in this regard. So while it's not worthless, it doesn't really bring anything new to the table to make it stand out other then the party models.

Anyway, Xageroth said he's trying to work that issue so we'll see if he can fix it.

whyre 01-18-06 01:01 PM

I haven't started poking at the code yet, but I was wondering if there was any way to disable the target camera and/or party cameras? Just for functionality, I've shown it to a few people and some like it save for the "broken" target camera, and a few don't want the party cameras. I'll be taking a look and seeing what can be done, but any insight would be appreciated. ^.~

Xageroth 01-18-06 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by whyre
any way to disable the target camera and/or party cameras?

The code is in place to customize each boundingbox/camera there just isn't a config menu yet through which to do that so I have it settings up a default profile. By messing with your SavedVariables file (specific to your character) you can turn on/off and change up to 15 cameras.

Otherwise, the easiest way would be to override the default profile I hacked together by doing this ...

Look at ProfileManager.lua line 14.
Change from:
if (bBox:GetID() < 6) then
if (bBox:GetID() < 2) then

Then delete any SavedVariables you have.

I was trying to tackle the camera saving issues first.

Xageroth 01-18-06 03:03 PM

I have updated from 0.9.2b to 0.9.3
The first post has been updated with information.

aceracer24 01-18-06 03:29 PM

Can't test right now since I am at work but, I am assuming that this fix makes it so when I change cam/size and what not for a paticular mob that that setting will be save when I click something else and come back to that same mob? If so, doesn't that sort of nul/void the one remaining problem you had yet to solve with default cam?

Xageroth 01-18-06 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by aceracer24
Can't test right now since I am at work but, I am assuming that this fix makes it so when I change cam/size and what not for a paticular mob that that setting will be save when I click something else and come back to that same mob? If so, doesn't that sort of nul/void the one remaining problem you had yet to solve with default cam?

Not really.
The issue that remains is how each model compares to each other.
So if you size it to be full size for an Orc model, then target a dragon, you'll likely only see the dragons neck. If you zoom out to see the full dragon model then target an orc, the orc will be tiny because an orc is tiny in comparison to a dragon.

I may do some very general model comparison code in the future that will help ease the pain of this, but really, there's not much I can do since there's no way with the current API to compare one models size to another.

Then there's weird models like basilisks and imps that have their scale set based on their full range of motion. Since basilisks have a jumping death animation, it sizes it based on that, so they appear somewhat below the bounding box.

It's a tricky problem. :P

There is another option tho and that is fixed cameras. Once I get a configuration menu up, I'll give the option to use a fixed camera instead of the free-movement camera I have now. This is what all the other 3D model mods use. The fixed camera can only be either full model scale or shoulder-up. No adjustments will work after that and once a camera is set to fixed, getting it back to free-movement would require reloading the UI.

Still, for some people that would be a nice option so I'll include it in the future.

aceracer24 01-18-06 09:21 PM

OK when I uploaded the new version the target model is gone. The box is there but I can't find the model. I've tried making the box extra large in case i missed the model but...alas nothing. When I change back to your previous version all is good. I've even deleted my savedvariables but still no good

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