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Walkerbo 01-22-23 10:56 PM

bizarre SetFontObject() issue
Hi all

This is a bit of a strange one.

I am the author of NewbDevBox and have struck a strange bug.
With the launch of Ulduar in Wrath Classic my addon stopped working yet the same code still works in both Classic and Retail.

The bugsack report is:
Lua Code:
  1. 23x Interface/AddOns/NewbDevBox/NewbDevBox.lua:688: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
  2. [string "@Interface/AddOns/NewbDevBox/NewbDevBox.lua"]:688: in main chunk
  4. Locals:
  5. addonName = "Newb Dev Box 4 Wrath"
  6. versionNumber = "NDB4Wrath"
  7. ListOfDevAddons = <table> {
  8.  1 = "BugSack"
  9.  2 = "REHack"
  10.  3 = "ViragDevTool"
  11.  4 = "WowLua"
  12.  5 = "APIInterface"
  13.  6 = "HandleIt"
  14.  7 = "WhatsOnTheMap"
  15.  8 = "Cube"
  16.  9 = "AddonUsage"
  17. }
  18. bugsackFunctions = <table> {
  19.  FormatError = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/core.lua:218
  20.  UpdateDisplay = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  21.  ColorLocals = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/core.lua:200
  22.  GetErrors = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/core.lua:167
  23.  SendCommMessage = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.lua:87
  24.  OnBugComm = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/core.lua:252
  25.  L = <table> {
  26.  }
  27.  healthCheck = true
  28.  UnregisterAllComm = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174
  29.  Serialize = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua:122
  30.  RegisterComm = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.lua:60
  31.  db = <table> {
  32.  }
  33.  ColorStack = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/core.lua:186
  34.  Deserialize = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua:246
  35.  UnregisterComm = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
  36.  OpenSack = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/sack.lua:458
  37.  SendBugsToUser = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/core.lua:238
  38.  frame = Frame {
  39.  }
  40.  CloseSack = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/sack.lua:454
  41.  Reset = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/BugSack/core.lua:231
  42. }
  43. SortedNewbDevBoxButtonTable = <table> {
  44. }
  45. stringNewbDevBox = "Newb Dev Box"
  46. stringKeyBindings = "Keybindings"
  47. stringToggleFrame = "Toggle Frame"
  48. stringReload = "Reload"
  49. stringLogout = "Logout"
  50. stringFStack = "FStack"
  51. stringETrace = "ETrace"
  52. stringChatLog = "Chat Log"
  53. stringCombatLog = "Combat Log"
  54. stringClearChat = "Clear Chat"
  55. stringChatSpacer = "Chat Spacer"
  56. stringETraceStart = "ETrace Start"
  57. stringETraceStop = "ETrace Stop"
  58. stringExit = "Exit"
  59. stringBugSack = "Bug Sack"
  60. stringBugSackClear = "Clear Bug Sack"
  61. stringWoWLuaButton = "WoW Lua"
  62. stringREHackButton = "REHack"
  63. stringViragDevTool = "Virag Dev Tool"
  64. stringAPIInterface = "API Interface"
  65. stringHandleIt = "Handle It"
  66. stringVersion = "Version"
  67. stringVersionPrint = "Current Version -:"
  68. stringFrameScale = "% Button Box Scale"
  69. stringFrameOpacity = "% Button Box Opacity"
  70. stringWhatsOnTheMapButton = "Whats On The Map"
  71. stringCubeCodeButton = "Cube Code"
  72. stringCubeBrowserButton = "Cube Browser"
  73. stringAddonUsageButton = "Addon Usage"
  74. TextDimensionList = <table> {
  75.  checkBoxFont = FocusFontSmall {
  76.  }
  77.  secureButtonTemplate = "SecureActionButtonTemplate, GameMenuButtonTemplate"
  78.  colourBackdrop = <table> {
  79.  }
  80.  buttonTemplate = "GameMenuButtonTemplate"
  81.  buttonFont = Game13FontShadow {
  82.  }
  83.  checkBoxTextColour = "|cffffd100"
  84.  addonColour = "|cff00ff00"
  85.  disabledTextColour = "|cff918f8e"
  86.  keybindButtonFont = ErrorFont {
  87.  }
  88.  colourBorder = <table> {
  89.  }
  90. }
  91. NewbDevBoxTitle = NewbDevBoxTitle {
  92.  0 = <userdata>
  93. }
  94. NewbDevBoxButton = NewbDevBoxButton {
  95.  0 = <userdata>
  96. }
  97. TextStringList = <table> {
  98.  btnBugSackClearButton = "Clear Bug Sack"
  99.  btnChatSpacer = "Chat Spacer"
  100.  printVersion = "|cff00ff00Current Version -:"
  101.  addonLoaded = "|cff00ff00 *** Newb Dev Box 4 Wrath - NDB4Wrath Loaded ***
  102. "
  103.  btnWhatsOnTheMapButton = "Whats On The Map"
  104.  cbAPIInterfaceButton = " API Interface"
  105.  cbLogout = " Logout"
  106.  btnVersionButton = "Version"
  107.  cbChatLog = " Chat Log"
  108.  btnETrace = "ETrace"
  109.  cbCubeBrowserButton = " Cube Browser"
  110.  cbCombatLog = " Combat Log"
  111.  btnAPIInterfaceButton = "API Interface"
  112.  btnViragDevToolButton = "Virag Dev Tool"
  113.  btnLogout = "Logout"
  114.  cbClearChat = " Clear Chat"
  115.  textBoxScale = "% Button Box Scale"
  116.  cbBugSackClearButton = " Clear Bug Sack"
  117.  printChatSpacer = "|cff00ff00********************************************************"
  118.  btnEtraceStop = "ETrace Stop"
  119.  cbWoWLuaButton = " WoW Lua"
  120.  btnCubeButton = "Cube Code"
The error report points to line 688.

Here is the checkbox code chunk:
Lua Code:
  1. local NewbDevBoxInterfaceFramecbLogoutButton =
  2.     CreateFrame(
  3.     "CheckButton",
  4.     "NewbDevBoxInterfaceFramecbLogoutButton",
  5.     NewbDevBoxInterfaceFrame,
  6.     "UICheckButtonTemplate"
  7. )
  8. NewbDevBoxInterfaceFramecbLogoutButton:SetSize(NumberList.checkBoxSize, NumberList.checkBoxSize)
  9. NewbDevBoxInterfaceFramecbLogoutButton:SetPoint(
  10.     "TOPLEFT",
  11.     NewbDevBoxInterfaceFrame,
  12.     "TOPLEFT",
  13.     NumberList.checkBoxMainSideGap,
  14.     NumberList.checkBoxMainTopGap
  15. )
  16. NewbDevBoxInterfaceFramecbLogoutButton.text:SetFontObject(TextDimensionList.checkBoxFont)
  17. NewbDevBoxInterfaceFramecbLogoutButton.text:SetText(TextStringList.cbLogout)
  18. NewbDevBoxInterfaceFramecbLogoutButton:SetScript(
  19.     "OnClick",
  20.     function()
  21.         if NewbDevBoxDisplayButtonsList[1].LogoutButton then
  22.             NewbDevBoxDisplayButtonsList[1].LogoutButton = false
  23.         else
  24.             NewbDevBoxDisplayButtonsList[1].LogoutButton = true
  25.         end
  26.         buttonFrameButtonLayout()
  27.     end
  28. )
Line 16 is the line 688 in my full code is posted on my pastebin.

Really shaking my head over this one.

Fizzlemizz 01-22-23 11:46 PM

The .text should have a capital T

Walkerbo 01-23-23 03:17 PM

Hi Fizzlemizz

That was it; in Classic it is .text: and in Wrath Classic it needs .Text:

Thanks so much :)

SDPhantom 01-23-23 07:22 PM

Retail has it as .Text too, but it runs an OnLoad script that copies the pointer to .text for backwards compatibility. Wrath 3.4.1 neglects to do this.

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