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Mazzlefizz 02-07-07 09:27 PM

OK, there's a lot of brewhaha in the forums about this and it's starting to detract from the purpose of other threads, so I'm just going to post my views on people's objection to the Mazzlegasm. If you want to discuss it, do it here in this thread rather than the other ones.


Question: Oh my god, my character did something I didn't tell it to do! It's out of my control! That's just not right.


If you don't like an add-on that makes your character say something when you install it, don't use it. It's the same thing as choosing not to use an add-on like Necrosis that mutters something when you summon your pet. No one is forcing you to use this.

To make sure you know about this, I've added a clearly labelled note at the end of the the description of the UI that warns you that your character may yell and emote when installing.


Question: Why do you even do this?


My UI has an in-character theme throughout the whole process about converting your character, mazzification, etc. For better or worse, having your character exclaim and dance is the final part of the installer's presentation.


Question: Well, I don't mind it making me say something, but it used the syllable 'gasm' which, after looking it up, means intense. While intense isn't offensive, it's also in the word 'orgasm' which has to do with sex, which really offends me! I know you don't say the actual word orgasm, but the two sound alike and I'm on the internet, so that's grounds enough to complain!


The game simply isn't Toontown. It's rated T and clearly says "suggestive themes" on the box. That syllable isn't even half as suggestive as the official content of some of the /flirt and /silly emotes that come with the game.

Outside of the obvious fact that this game is basically an sequences of quests to mass murder one group after another (which I do think people should also find offensive), these are value judgments. What is important is this: Objectively speaking, comparing it to the rating in the game and content built in to it, I don't think it's at all inappropriate in the WoW environment.


Question: I'm worried about getting in trouble! What if someone reports me?


If you're really concerned about it, don't use the add-on or mazzify away from other people. I've put a lot of thought into it and decided that I don't think it's inappropriate for the environment.

If it's any comfort, me and probably about a hundred testers have been yelling this term for well over a year. No one has ever had a problem come out of it. Moreover, one of my characters, whom I've had for a year and a half, my priest, is named Mazzlegasm. She used to be my main character. Given the duration that I've had this character and the fact that I'm on a server with actual naming constraints, I would be very surprised if no one has ever reported it. I have never once got any indication that it was inappropriate from a GM.

Sadly, there's nothing people love in MMO's more than complaining, young and old alike. If you don't want to deal with people who object to things that you say, I'd suggest not playing an MMO. And if you don't want to deal with people objecting to this particular thing, either don't use the UI or mazzify somewhere people won't hear it. I think they're making a mountain out of a molehill and that it's well within the bounds of what's appropriately suggestive in this game.


Question: What about the children?!? They are our future! We must teach them well and let them lead the way!


If parents are concerned about inappropriate content and they deem "Mazzlegasm" as inappropate, then they shouldn't be or let their kids be anywhere near WoW. The suggestiveness of the syllable "gasm" is trivial compared to the lewd stuff that her kids are GUARANTEED to run across in general chat and interaction with the crude teens and 20-somethings that make up the majority of the MMO population, profanity filter or not. They simply cannot control that. And, at the risk of repeating myself, it is well within the bounds of the suggestive offical content already in the game. Frankly, I think the term is tame and silly-sounding more than anything.

Should you tell parents that they're being absurd? That's up to you. I probably wouldn't. (Hmm, you could point them to this thread if you wanted to.) Anyway, I'm just telling you that I don't find their argument compelling, and I don't think it's a basis to change anything.


Question: Personally, I love the Mazzlegasm. I just don't like hearing it 20 times in a row as I re-mazzify or mazzify multiple characters. Can you do something about that?


I agree. And to this end, there has been a throttle on Mazzlegasms for quite some time. Unfortunately, it's current disabled. While in beta, some people reported that they were never getting Mazzlegasm. I disabled to see whether it was an issue with the throttle or a more general one. I forgot to re-enable it. It should be back in the next version.

Mazzlefizz 02-07-07 09:50 PM

Actually, it's a throttle to stop it from doing it over and over when you're mazzifying multiple characters and the like. It doesn't actually turn it off. I think it limits it to one every two hours max.

If that one time also really bothers you, jump on the tram or walk away from people when you want to reconfigure.

VincentSDSH 02-08-07 12:26 PM

Been trying to convince MazzerUI and my working UI to get's an uphill battle (I'm not even getting into the Bongos issue...finally gets written to work well with bar configurations but has the "you will align yourself MY way" built in, grrr -- even though I figured out how to work around it (size all, then move) I eventually gave up and replaced it so I could get a button layout that worked for me without damage to my bloodpressure). I've managed to patch my way around most of the issues and removed/disabled some of the more annoying mods (which aren't available for disablement in the mazzer ui config panels) and replaced some; however, I've run into a few questions...

1) Is there any way to turn off the insipid /yell when you first configure? Nothing so uncool as having your char /yell in the middle of a packed city something as absurd as that and getting 20 tells to STFU or 'welcome to my ignore list @#$@' *sigh* (No I don't intend to have to run it again but just in case I don't want to have to hide myself into an instance to do it)

2) Is there any way (yes, I'll even mod the .lua) to make the 'border turns red during combat" stop? Please??

3) From reading all the FAQs that don't answer this directly: is there actually any way to stop the mobile 3d? I don't care about resources as much as it's just...annoying. Every time I target a moth I want to scream. Just want to shut off the animation itself, a non-moving 3-d model is just peachy if we have to have the 3d :)

4) Hotspots in the UI. Love the concept, it's six kinds of brilliant; however, I don't like the mods that are attached to some of them. I gather there's no way to swap that out how those work w/o resorting to modding the .lua (which is fine, it's the price you pay for being picky about your mods) so...where might I go about doing this? (I'll take the responsibility for making it work, I just want to know where it is or if there's any caveats I should be aware of)

Thanks in advance (and for monitoring this rapidly growing thread)

txdadu 02-08-07 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by VincentSDSH
1) Is there any way to turn off the insipid /yell when you first configure? Nothing so uncool as having your char /yell in the middle of a packed city something as absurd as that and getting 20 tells to STFU or 'welcome to my ignore list @#$@' *sigh* (No I don't intend to have to run it again but just in case I don't want to have to hide myself into an instance to do it)

Seriously, how do we get rid of this? I haven't seen this addressed and well, it's more than a little annoying and if someone took offense to it I could see Blizzard giving a time out for the comments.

Kierrkian 02-08-07 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by txdadu
Seriously, how do we get rid of this? I haven't seen this addressed and well, it's more than a little annoying and if someone took offense to it I could see Blizzard giving a time out for the comments.

There is no way to turn it completely off... and what part of MAZZLEGASM! is offensive? I suppose you can always just close your eyes while you click the Mazzify button?

txdadu 02-08-07 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kierrkian
There is no way to turn it completely off... and what part of MAZZLEGASM! is offensive? I suppose you can always just close your eyes while you click the Mazzify button?

People in this game find all sorts of things offensive, yelling out something that could annoy folks and does annoy folks may get reports issued on a person. A crappy GM may say that it is sexually explicit (sexual references) and give someone a 3-day game vacation.

I don't particularly find it offense. I find it annoying, it was funny the first time, having multiple mazzlegasms aren't my cup of tea though.

VincentSDSH 02-08-07 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Vint
Have you unchecked the options in the MazzleOptions -Mazz3d Characters section, to enable/disable random animations and event based animations? (Assuming thats the animations you're referring to..if you're talking about a mob 'moving' inside the frame, thats whats provided by Blizzard's "camera" when viewing the model..

Yes, that was step 1, step 2 was turning it off in efficiency. It's not the random or event-based that bugs me, it's 6 models squirming on the screen while I'm trying to pay attention to the 50-odd mobs/people on the screen. I expect movement in the information-display interface to be "pay attention to me, critical info here" not "watch me flap my wings, I'm a moth" If I try to ignore it, I wind up missing things happening farther down in the UI that are really movement-to-attract-attention. I mean the 3d is cute and all but...


Originally Posted by Kierrkian
There is no way to turn it completely off... and what part of MAZZLEGASM! is offensive?

Parents of 10yrolds, namely -- not kidding, that was just one of the *****y /tells I got. Another was for me to keep my cybering to myself. Two /tells contained suggestions that are anatomically impossible. One asked me to pass along something very rude to Mazzle as apparently I wasn't the first to be yelling that.

VincentSDSH 02-08-07 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Honestly, I would tell the people that they are being naive. If they are concerned about inappropriate content and they deem "Mazzlegasm" as inappropate, then they shouldn't be or let their kids be anywhere near WoW. The suggestiveness of the syllable "gasm" is trivial compared to the lewd stuff that her kids are GUARANTEED to run across in general chat and interaction with the crude teens and 20-somethings that make up the majority of the MMO population, profanity filter or not. Heck, that syllable isn't even as suggestive as the official content of some of the /flirt and /silly emotes that come with the game.

Excuse me, Mazzle? It's your suggestion that I argue with people in /tells b/c a mod does something that's over-the-top? I've never seen a mod automatically yell at people in a way beyond my control -- without my knowledge, in fact -- and you say I now have to debate with these people? The point isn't that they're over-sensitive, the point is I have no warning about it before hand and nor control over it doing it or not.

I'm not offended by it -- I think it's daft but I'm not offended -- but I AM on a role-play server and it's hardly appropriate for any char I have to be yelling that.

If you don't want to take it out, fine, I can mod the localization file in the Mazzifier dir to nix the message. But don't tell me that on top of having my char do something I'm not in control of I then have to argue with people about what is/isn't appropriate because if your sensibilities. And that doesn't address the people who slammed me on /ignore b/c of it.

Ya know, I was pretty sanquine about it till your post there Mazzle.

Mazzlefizz 02-08-07 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by VincentSDSH
Excuse me, Mazzle? It's your suggestion that I argue with people in /tells b/c a mod does something that's over-the-top? I've never seen a mod automatically yell at people in a way beyond my control -- without my knowledge, in fact -- and you say I now have to debate with these people? The point isn't that they're over-sensitive, the point is I have no warning about it before hand and nor control over it doing it or not.

I'm not offended by it -- I think it's daft but I'm not offended -- but I AM on a role-play server and it's hardly appropriate for any char I have to be yelling that.

If you don't want to take it out, fine, I can mod the localization file in the Mazzifier dir to nix the message. But don't tell me that on top of having my char do something I'm not in control of I then have to argue with people about what is/isn't appropriate because if your sensibilities. And that doesn't address the people who slammed me on /ignore b/c of it.

Ya know, I was pretty sanquine about it till your post there Mazzle.

Oh, for crying out loud. That's just ridiculous. I was obviously not literally telling you to argue with all people who message you. You said some people contacted you saying that it was inappropriate for the environment. I think they're wrong, and I was telling you why I think they're wrong. To respond to their argument, I did that in the natural context of responding to what they said.

If you agree and want to tell them that. Go ahead. If you agree and don't want to argue, don't. If you don't agree at all, great. I don't care what you do. I certainly was not giving you a rule of thumb on how I think you should deal with people. I was simply telling you why I don't find their arguments persuasive.

Pockie 02-09-07 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Actually, it's a throttle to stop it from doing it over and over when you're mazzifying multiple characters and the like. It doesn't actually turn it off. I think it limits it to one every two hours max.

If that one time also really bothers you, jump on the tram or walk away from people when you want to reconfigure.

Shouldn't you add a warning that a yelling and emoting, that will make your character look like an idiot, will take place before the mazzifying is carried out? I found it incredibly annoying, and became quite angry when I realised what the UI had done without me knowing/wanting it to happen.

An addon that takes control of my character without my consent is in my book completely unacceptable (throttle or no throttle). And having to hide in an instance in order to reconfigure seems completely pointless. Also, players on RP-servers will automatically be breaking the RP-policies when using MazzleUI.

Unless you have a really good reason for it to be there (except free advertising), I would not recommend anyone to use this UI because of that. So is there anyway you can justify it being there, except for giggles?

TigerHeart 02-09-07 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Pockie
I found it incredibly annoying, and became quite angry when I realised what the UI had done without me knowing/wanting it to happen.

An addon that takes control of my character without my consent is in my book completely unacceptable (throttle or no throttle). And having to hide in an instance in order to reconfigure seems completely pointless.

You did tell the AddOn to mazzify you did you not? :). The emote is simply part of the mazzification process. Did you know that every time you zone into a new zone, a message is sent out to the interface to change your channels and tell you where you are now? Did you request this information? Not everything needs to be exclusively 'I pressed the button and it happened' (thank god). While many people may not like it, there are so many more that actually sit back, remember it is just a game, and get a good chuckle out of it.

The yell on the mazzify, is actually much less 'intrusive' then many other UI compilations have been using for a long time. Take one example: have you ever been in a city, and all of a sudden someone emotes:
/me has entered the game.

This is actually coming from a UI compilation, and is their 'signature' that happens each and every time that person logs into the game.

The fact you feel you need to hide in an instance every time you configure your interface shows you really aren't into the spirit the UI brings. Try to lighten up a bit, realize it's just a game, and actually try to enjoy yourself a bit. You might find you actually enjoy it too lol.


Also, players on RP-servers will automatically be breaking the RP-policies when using MazzleUI.

This is completely untrue. You must not play on an RP realm as I do (where there are a great many MazzleUI users). The yell is quite RP safe, and in some cases, may even cause people to mistake you for an RP'er if they do not know what MazzleUI is.


Unless you have a really good reason for it to be there (except free advertising), I would not recommend anyone to use this UI because of that. So is there anyway you can justify it being there, except for giggles?

It's not about the advertising. It's for the fun. The UI has a great deal of humor in it, as I'm sure you know from reading all of the FAQ entries? If you find this single event that happens only but once in the rare occasion that you actually must 'mazzify', then perhaps yeah, this UI is not for you. Nobody ever said you *had* to use it. If you don't like it, well, then, don't use it. I believe the ultimate philosophy Mazzle is trying to achieve here, is to make a UI compliation that many people can have fun with. 'Fun' being the operative word.

Let me ask you this, since you asked Mazzle why the yell is there... Why do you not like it? Or better yet, why do you abhor it so deeply you can rate the entire interface upon that single event? That's like saying... there's a smudge on the windshield of my new porche... I don't want it anymore.

This is the same attitude Blizzard sees all the time. People saying "I don't like what you did, so I'm gonna quit", and guess what? You see the same person a week, a month, and even a year later still complaining. You know what? If you don't like it, don't use it. Simple as that. Mazzle isn't making the UI to please any one person, and degrading or threatening him for any reason over it, will not make you heard (not that saying "I won't use it because" is a threat or anything lol). Want to be heard? Give well thought out, concise, and extremely viable reasons why something should be changed, and there's good chance Mazzle will at the very least consider it.


Archos 02-09-07 02:44 AM

Hye Mazzle.

I would like to make a few suggestions. Seeing as how I am running at 1024x768 (1.3 Ratio), it is kinda hard to see my text due to the fact that it is in a little box on the left hand side of the screen.. And, personally, whispers are the most important. So I would like to recommend WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) This addon simply adds a little pop up box, kinda like a regular instant messenger (AIM, MSN, YIM, etc). Also, an all-in-one bag. I personally use ArkInventory, has alot of custom organization features and is very clean and memory efficient.

-Chris Kader
[email protected]

PS: As for Pockie going crazy over a Mazzlegasam: If you dont like it, dont use it. Simple. That is one of main and most popular features of the UI, and I am sure it can be disabled. So, no, this addon does not take control of your character without your consent. If you read all the Documentation before you install, like Mazzlefizz recommends, you will see that it is a feature. When you install the addon, you are basically saying "I read the documentation and understand all of it". If you are on an RP Server and you KNOW that it is against the rules, then dont use it and disable that feature. Simple. As for free advertising? lol Get a life, if is just for kick and giggles. What is wrong with that? WoW is a game. Get over it.

Archos 02-09-07 02:47 AM

lol @ TigerHeart. We both posted the same thing at almost the same time. You must have just started it before me. If I would have known, I would not have posted. Sorry lol

Pockie 02-09-07 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by TigerHeart
You did tell the AddOn to mazzify you did you not? :). The emote is simply part of the mazzification process. Did you know that every time you zone into a new zone, a message is sent out to the interface to change your channels and tell you where you are now? Did you request this information? Not everything needs to be exclusively 'I pressed the button and it happened' (thank god). While many people may not like it, there are so many more that actually sit back, remember it is just a game, and get a good chuckle out of it.

That is probably the worst excuse ever. I told MazzleUI that I wanted it to mazzify, but I had no idea that I would start moaning, dancing and yelling. I am enjoying the game, but I have no wish for an addon to start doing things on my behalf - except making the game easier to play.


Originally Posted by TigerHeart
The yell on the mazzify, is actually much less 'intrusive' then many other UI compilations have been using for a long time. Take one example: have you ever been in a city, and all of a sudden someone emotes:
/me has entered the game.

Only because other UI-compilations do similar things does not excuse MazzleUI's behaviour.


Originally Posted by TigerHeart
The fact you feel you need to hide in an instance every time you configure your interface shows you really aren't into the spirit the UI brings. Try to lighten up a bit, realize it's just a game, and actually try to enjoy yourself a bit. You might find you actually enjoy it too lol.

Now, trying to make fun of me and ridiculing me is not really helping your case.

I had no idea I was buying into a spirit. I thought I had downloaded a nice UI-mod, not a way of thinking about how the game should be played.


Originally Posted by TigerHeart
This is completely untrue. You must not play on an RP realm as I do (where there are a great many MazzleUI users). The yell is quite RP safe, and in some cases, may even cause people to mistake you for an RP'er if they do not know what MazzleUI is.

Right. I play on a RP-realm, and I have no idea how an "intense mazzlegasm" can be roleplay. But sure, I guess we have differenting views on "roleplay".


Originally Posted by TigerHeart
Nobody ever said you *had* to use it. If you don't like it, well, then, don't use it. I believe the ultimate philosophy Mazzle is trying to achieve here, is to make a UI compliation that many people can have fun with. 'Fun' being the operative word.

Again, I didn't think I was downloading a certain spirit. I know I don't have to use it, I was asking a question based upon my assumption on how an addon should (and should not) work. If we are dealing with an entire philosophy, I am not interested. Also, if you believe that people who do not adhere to this philosophy can't have fun and can't relax, I really don't want a part of it. You are acting incredibly arrogant here.

If the yell is just for fun, in other words "just for giggles", I won't use MazzleUI. Don't worry about it. I just wanted an answer, and I think I got one. It's there because you think it's funny and you don't really care about your end-users.


Originally Posted by TigerHeart
Let me ask you this, since you asked Mazzle why the yell is there... Why do you not like it? Or better yet, why do you abhor it so deeply you can rate the entire interface upon that single event? That's like saying... there's a smudge on the windshield of my new porche... I don't want it anymore.

If the Porche, by default, yelled "I just had an intense porchegazm" every time I changed something in the engine, I have a feeling you would see a lot of similar criticism against it.


Originally Posted by TigerHeart
Want to be heard? Give well thought out, concise, and extremely viable reasons why something should be changed, and there's good chance Mazzle will at the very least consider it.

I thought I was. I found it unacceptable, and wanted to know why it is there. I got it confirmed by you that it's just there for giggles. What I did not ask for was your arrogance and rudeness against me.

And seeing the other reply, that came during me writing this, I can tell that the only thing I will get is a "lol get a life". I hope that perhaps Mazzlefizz himself can answer and be nice at the same time. Even a "it's just for fun, it's there to stay, we like it" would be enough.

Pockie 02-09-07 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Archos
If you read all the Documentation before you install, like Mazzlefizz recommends, you will see that it is a feature.

I do admit to not reading the documentation beforhand. My mistake.

Had I read about it in advance, I would've skipped installing the mod in the first place.

Archos 02-09-07 03:08 AM

See... As some of the employees at my work will say "Deuces!". lol Good luck with another UI, and sorry to hear that you are so into WoW you cannot use a very good, well put together UI. I, myself have played on many RP realms, and to be honest, none of them look, feel, or play different as any other realms. People act the same, Spame Trade, LFG (Before 2.0), and all that other good stuff. And to be honest, I really dont think RP is alive as much as it was when WoW first started (My opinion, dont want to be flamed on this, I know how some of you RP'ers are).

-Chris Kader
[email protected]

Pockie 02-09-07 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by owensd
People have spent so much time complaining about it and for what purpose? You don't like it, fine - CHANGE IT!

You are just assuming everyone understands lua-code here. That might not be the case, no matter how simple it might seem to you.

Pockie 02-09-07 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by owensd
Do you know how to use a text editor? Do you know how to search for text in a file? At the very least, you can change the message that it sends out to something you feel is more "appropriate" (or to nothing at all) without any knowledge of LUA.

LUA/WoW API - pay special attention to the SendChatMessage command that is used to send a message.

I'm not talking about myself here. Not everyone is as computer-adept as you and (to a lesser extent) me. I know a lot of my friends who would just look at his addon-folder, sigh and then uninstall the whole thing.

And why should you have to hack the code in the first place? A lot of the MuzzleUI is user-friendly, with a lot of menues and things to tweak. But for removing an emote that one does not like you have to either turn off the whole UI or hack the code? Sounds weird to me.

I am no longer talking about myself and MazzleUI, I am no longer interested in using it. But I still believe that the criticism is in order. I am still waiting for a proper, non-defensive reply to my original question.

owensd 02-09-07 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pockie
I'm not talking about myself here. Not everyone is as computer-adept as you and (to a lesser extent) me. I know a lot of my friends who would just look at his addon-folder, sigh and then uninstall the whole thing.

And why should you have to hack the code in the first place? A lot of the MuzzleUI is user-friendly, with a lot of menues and things to tweak. But for removing an emote that one does not like you have to either turn off the whole UI or hack the code? Sounds weird to me.

I am no longer talking about myself and MazzleUI, I am no longer interested in using it. But I still believe that the criticism is in order. I am still waiting for a proper, non-defensive reply to my original question.

You've had different responses to your original question; no, there doesn't need to be a disclaimer. You want feature X removed because you don't like it. You don't want to use MazzleUI because of feature X. OK - don't use it. But essentially your claim is that you don't like feature X so Mazzle must provide a way for you to not use feature X (and that way must be acceptable to you) otherwise you won't use his addon. That to me is pretty extreme. There's no way that Mazzle can create all of the options to support this type of argument.

Also, you've taken it an even further extreme in which the only person you'll allow a fix to the problem from is Mazzle. I've told you how you can go about fixing the issue you don't like but that's not an acceptable solution because you "feel" you shouldn't have to mess with those types of things in order to get the behavior that you want. That's unfair and creates expectations from Mazzle that can never be met.

There's obviously a reason why I went looking in the code for where this happens, I didn't like it. However, I think that there is some great value in this addon as a whole and to not use it because of one thing seems a bit silly to me, especially given the amount of work you had to do to even get it installed properly.

Pockie 02-09-07 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by owensd
Also, you've taken it an even further extreme in which the only person you'll allow a fix to the problem from is Mazzle. I've told you how you can go about fixing the issue you don't like but that's not an acceptable solution because you "feel" you shouldn't have to mess with those types of things in order to get the behavior that you want. That's unfair and creates expectations from Mazzle that can never be met.

We're talking about two emotes and a yell here. It's not a huge part of the code - and, as stated before, most of the UI is quite user-friendly. But turning off an intrusive yell? No, that you have to fix yourself.

This is my only complaint with MazzleUI. I have not requested any major coding to be taken out, any addon to be added. I just thought that taking control of the player character, making them yell about "instant mazzlegasm" and moan suggestivly was unacceptable behavior from an addon. I can turn off a lot of the stuff in the UI, why not this?

To me, people who really likes the UI has gone into complete defensive-mode. I am sorry, but I don't like it as much as you guys. I respect Mazzlefizz for what he has done, it is VERY impressive (and I have stated that before). Wonderful work, absolutely extraordinary. Now why is there an intrusive yell and emote every time I mazzify it and why do I have to hack the lua-code to stop doing that?

And me not fixing it? I am still not talking about myself anymore. I am talking about people who are not used to using computers in the same way that you and me are. I am talking about my friends who would install the UI, notice the yelling/emoting, and instantly uninstall the whole thing. I am talking about the people who have no idea that they can even open the lua-files. I am talking about people who don't like addons to take control of their game in ways they don't want.

I download an addon for a certain function. If it does anything besides that function I usually delete it again, unless it is something I realised that I've been missing. Period. Like I would treat any program.

Yelling and moaning suggestivly is not part of that. It's intrusive for a lot of end-users that, like me, don't buy into the spirit of MazzleUI. That was my gripe, that was my criticism, and I wanted a straight answer why it was in there. I didn't want people going on the defensive, I didn't want people to tell me to "relax man, have a chair", I didn't want to be told that I have to hack the lua-files myself to get it out. I want to know why it is in there.

I'll just quote myself, my very first post on this forum:


Originally Posted by Pockie
Shouldn't you add a warning that a yelling and emoting, that will make your character look like an idiot, will take place before the mazzifying is carried out? I found it incredibly annoying, and became quite angry when I realised what the UI had done without me knowing/wanting it to happen.

An addon that takes control of my character without my consent is in my book completely unacceptable (throttle or no throttle). And having to hide in an instance in order to reconfigure seems completely pointless. Also, players on RP-servers will automatically be breaking the RP-policies when using MazzleUI.

Unless you have a really good reason for it to be there (except free advertising), I would not recommend anyone to use this UI because of that. So is there anyway you can justify it being there, except for giggles?

That's all I wanted to know, from the devteam.

I am sorry if I insulted your favorite mod. I am really sorry if you feel like you have to defend it. That was not my intention. I catched onto one small part of the UI that I think is not working, that I believe is unacceptable behavior by a mod. That's it.

This has obviously been blown completely out of proportion.

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