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10-06-08, 06:50 PM   #13
A Cliff Giant
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Posts: 77
Originally Posted by richerich View Post
Well, i do recall that if you find a mod you're searching for, lets say "chat"... it will display every addon that has "chat" in its name... you download the one that suits your needs, you try it out and then you either say its crap or its ****ing unbelievable good.

And then some day, you find a bug. You want it examined and post the error log... what do you do?
You use your friendly site for the mod and find a site where you can post feedbacks and logs.

I know i do it on the mods im using (except for those that hasnt been updated for a while) and in that case, WoWMatrix is a good way to see what kind of addons there are out there, since many ppl dont wanna go on multiple sites, just to find that specific addon to update or find.

So in that mean, i'd say both the authors and those that hosts WoWMatrix is getting benefits from the "deal". Even the users gets benefited, since they get a easy way to find the mod they wanna use.

So who cares if they make a little money of it, no one forces them to host it.
I have to disagree, with the first part. Most users if they don't know where an addon came from are not going to go through the trouble of finding where it is to offer feedback.

Most will delete the addon and download another similar one from WoWMatrix, bypassing any help to the author.

And as others have stated, offering them without permission initially and using the bandwidth from other sites, is wrong.

And for those users that donate to addon authors, the authors are robbed of that by bypassing the addon home (or where it's based), but WoWMatrix not only has ads (which will pay them while not having to pay for bandwidth, hosting, etc.) but they have a donation button on it, which again takes away from the authors, as people would then donate to the program and not the authors.