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10-21-08, 08:35 AM   #19
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 2

Hello Hadar,
Just a post to thank you : great work as usual ! As I am playing with the french version of the game (yes i'm french and that's why my english is bad), I manage to translate the addon in order to be able to use it.
I have just a problem. Each time I log in, I have to disable again the spec circle (as a retpal, I prefer to use the new DPS circle instead).

Here is the translation if you want to use it for a future release !
-- Hadar's Holy Hope
-- Frensh localization

if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then

HHH_OPTIONS_TITLE = "Hadar's Holy Hope ("..GetAddOnMetadata("Hadar_HolyHope", "Version")..")";
HHH_OPTIONS_SUBTEXT = "Ces options controlent les propri\195\169t\195\169s de l'addon Hadar's Holy Hope.";


might = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de puissance",
wisdom = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de sagesse",
kings = "B\195\169n\195\169diction des rois",
sanctuary = "B\195\169n\195\169diction du sanctuaire",

salvation = "Main de salut",
freedom = "Main de libert\195\169",
sacrifice = "Main de sacrifice",
protection = "Main de protection",

gmight = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de puissance sup\195\169rieure",
gwisdom = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de sagesse sup\195\169rieure",
gkings = "B\195\169n\195\169diction des rois sup\195\169rieure",
gsanctuary = "B\195\169n\195\169diction du sanctuaire sup\195\169rieure",

sojustice = "Sceau de justice",
solight = "Sceau de lumi\195\168re",
sowisdom = "Sceau de sagesse",
sorighteousness = "Sceau de pi\195\169t\195\169",
somartyr = "Sceau du martyr",
soblood = "Sceau de sang",
sovengeance = "Sceau de vengeance",
socorruption = "Sceau de corruption",
socommand = "Sceau d'autorit\195\169",

hammerofjustice = "Marteau de la justice",
avengingwrath = "Courroux vengeur",
divineshield = "Bouclier divin",
righteousdefense = "D\195\169fense vertueuse",
cleanse = "Epuration",
holywrath = "Fureur vertueuse",
exorcism = "Exorcisme",

divinestorm = "Temp\195\170te divine",
crusaderstrike = "Inquisition",
repentance = "Repentir",

holyshock = "Horion sacr\195\169",
divinefavor = "Faveur divine",

holyshield = "Bouclier sacr\195\169",
avengersshield = "Bouclier vengeur",

divineillumination = "Illumination divine",

hammerofwrath = "Marteau de courroux",
redemption = "R\195\169demption",
divineintervention = "Intervention divine",

consecration = "Cons\195\169cration",
divinestorm = "Temp\195\170te divine",

jolight = "Jugement de lumi\195\168re",
jowisdom = "Jugement de sagesse",
jojustice = "Jugement de justice",

sacredshield = "Bouclier sacr\195\169",
divineplea = "Supplique divine",

righteousdefense = "/cast [help] D\195\169fense vertueuse; [target=targettarget, help] D\195\169fense vertueuse; D\195\169fense vertueuse;",

["Kings"] = "Symbole des rois",
["Hearthstone"] = "Pierre de foyer",

["Length"] = "Longueur",
["Active"] = "Actif",
["Lock"] = "Bloquer",
["UnlockText"] = "D\195\169bloqu\195\169s",
["LockText"] = "Bloqu\195\169s",
["Tooltips"] = "Informations",
["Blessing"] = "B\195\169n\195\169dictions",
["Seal"] = "Sceau",
["Mount"] = "Montures",
["Off"] = "D\195\169sactiv\195\169es",
["Partial"] = "Partielles",
["Total"] = "Compl\195\168tes",
["Spec"] = "Sp\195\169",
["Redemption"] = "R\195\169demption",
["Show"] = "Montrer"

Thank you again for the great addon .
Khain, Paladin, Kirin Tor - EU

Last edited by Leandrys : 10-21-08 at 08:47 AM.
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