Thread: Help please!
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10-24-08, 05:48 AM   #8
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 57
Originally Posted by Raulnor16 View Post
Well, I installed MazzleUI yesterday, and as soon as I had it set up, I went on a raid. Well, the raid fell through, but I couldn't leave the group! Every time I right clicked on my character portrait it automatticaly tried to rez me! I have no drop down menu for me, or anyone else, so I cannot inspect, trade, follow, or anything like that. It took me a while to find those buttons on the selected unit window, but I still cannot leave any groups. Another problem: Every time I press "R" it wants me to res someone, when I am just trying to respond to a whisper. Can someone tell me how to leave a group or raid group, and if there is anyway to get back my normal drop down menus for stuff like that?
One of the three compilations had all keybindings replaced. C did not open Char-Screen but "something", to see Char Screen you had to press STRG + C same for R + Something.

The guy explained this was how he plays and for him it works. So if you don't like that, go to you're old WTF (you DID save it, right?) and move you're keybinding files back and this is solved.
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