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10-27-08, 09:42 PM   #5
A Cliff Giant
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 78
tbh maybe clone was a bad word to use, it submits that it is an exact copy.

but that aside what the few of us had done was bring a ui to people that have used mazzle for the majority of the time they played wow and didnt/couldnt go back to blizz, this was the story for me anyhow and thats why people , including yourselfs, are prepared to move a few bars or spells around

we never said these were mazzle, just a crude copy of the way it looked and functioned after the mazzifier had done its thing (sorry guys, know crude is a hard word also no disrespect ment by it)

personnaly i think the guys that made a "clone" done an excellent job and provided a means to an end and should be given a pat on the back instead of ripping apart hours/days of hard work to ease your suffering that could have been spent leveling a toon or running raids.

hopefully the dev team is sorting the real deal with the help and approval from the mighty mazz
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