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11-12-08, 07:40 PM   #9
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz View Post
It always seemed to me that they have entirely different locations for their forum servers and their Wow servers. I don't remember the forums ever being slammed b/c of network traffic caused by the game.

The forums are on a different IP address than the web site or the servers. When people cannot get on the game, they all flock to the forums to find out what's going on, or to vent their frustrations. With millions of people trying to get onto the forums it causes the site to slow down and eventually not load because of all the traffic. People are angry as hell (and rightfully so), and they were flooding the forums with some seriously nasty posts. Between the nasty posts and the forums being up and down due to the traffic, it makes perfect sense to shut things down or to make them read only. At least until tempers cool off.

Also, yesterday before things got really bad, the forums were experiencing major errors when you tried to post, so they did take them down to fix that. I watched things go from bad to worse yesterday... it wasn't pretty.
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