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01-06-09, 03:03 PM   #5
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 12
yeah I am sort of concerned with my fps really, but like you said I just though " I REALLY hate the look of the standard bars now" and as i had a few other addons i decided to try and make them look nice instead of cluttering up my screen as they do now my definates so far are: AG_unitframes (as i read the're quite simple to use) Lunar spheres (or BT4 if LS doesnt look right) Phanxchat, omen,recount, chinchilla and simple buffbars. With the extras as Tomtom, cutup Rating Buster, Clastimer and healbot. my main concerns is having to re-do my UI with each character is there an easy way around this? and also i wanted to somehow monitor the usage so i can see if any of them are particuarily hard on my PC, i might give fortress a try, so thankyou for that will any extras be required for fortress at all?

Thanks for the fast response
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