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04-14-09, 02:33 PM   #178
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 277
Look, it's as simple as this...

If you need to leech off larger hosts in order for your application to run, you are nothing more than a parasite, regardless of whether or not your application is a "superior" product. The fact you are positioning yourself as a leech tells people you want to talk the talk without walking the walk. Put your damned money where your mouth is and pay for your own bandwidth. Get author's permission to host their files, abide by their permissions, and serve your own application.

If your product is such a great application, it should be able to stand on its own, without regard for anyone's opinion or policy at WoW Interface, Curse, or some other guy's website. If it's dodgy and you need to rely on technicalities for success, you probably don't deserve that success and you get what you deserve.

There are right ways and wrong ways of doing things. WoW Matrix, in my opinion, seems like it's being run by a bunch of 14 yr olds with good ideas but who haven't a clue how to be professional in their approach to the community.

Bottom line - borrowing someone's bandwidth for your own purposes is highly unprofessional and in some cases, can even be criminal. I couldn't care less to use an application that is nothing more than a parasite, regardless of whether or not it has its own merits. Anyone who has ever hosted or sold bandwidth to website owners hates applications like this. Ask around. Leechers are one of the primary causes of driving up the costs of site hosting, maintenance, etc.

WoW Interface is one of the only websites I know of in all of gaming that makes consistently appropriate choices while implementing consistently proper policies and changes. Curse, and a few others also do a good job, but I don't think any are as professionally maintained as this one.

You can criticize policy all you want. You guys who may (or may not be) associated with WoW Matrix should take away one thing from this (or any other relevant) discussion, and that is - become a stand-alone product. Get with authors, get permission, rent out your own file servers, pump your application from your own bandwidth. If you truly want to be the "superior" product you claim to be, man up and be just that. Don't come around parts like this being a blowhard because people here protect their own. You have no right to do so.

Go leech from yourself. Leave the legitimate community alone. It is my opinion that it's a bit late to garner the support of most authors though. I think this has been approached entirely wrong and very immaturely.

Anyway, food for thought.
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