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04-15-09, 10:17 AM   #3
nUI's Author
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Make sure that you have the option to enable out of date addons ticked in your add-on settings.

"All" of the bugs you're reporting are probably just one thing that went wrong during the load... if the load gets broken, then you don't get anything in the interface from that point forward.

I would suggest you use the command "/swatter clear" to empty your Swatter log, then log out to the character selection screen, go to the "AddOns" button and disable all mods except nUI and save, then log back in. Once you're logged back in, post the first error message you get if you get one.

Also... note... if Recount or Omen are broken by the patch, that will break nUI's load, as well. If disabling all other mods makes the problem go away, then start re-enabling them in starts and see which one(s) it is that are breaking the load.

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