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05-09-09, 05:40 PM   #22
A Cobalt Mageweaver
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 231
Originally Posted by honem View Post
Actaully IMHO this support person is reading from a script. A truly great support person would be like

"Well there is a known problem with people who have ATI Radeon cards. It started occuring in version 3.8 of the drivers and ATI have put out an update to version 4.3 that is meant to fix the problem. Can you try updating to version 4.3 (sends link). If not we can try a roll back to version 3.8"
Never met such a beast

Originally Posted by honem View Post
Thing is you ring support when there is a problem. Something's going wrong you want them to fix it.
Heh, I have learned from years of experience if something wrong, I will have to fix it - or it won't get fixed.

Originally Posted by honem View Post
If your UI isn't broken and isn't causing your any problems then you should be able to afford not to update for a while.

That's what I'm getting at here - the state your UI is in should be the major factor on how often you update.
Yes, that is what I agreed with fataal about. I have addons years old, which seem to do the trick.

Generally when there is a new patch (always a horror when there is a new patch because it might break addons which can't be updated), i test it all out on the ptr, and if something is not working i try and see if i can find a replacement.

But as you say, if its working then its working.

Of course. If one of your addons is causing a problem then you fix it. If your UI is spraying red errors on the screen then seeking updates in usaully a very good step you can take as often bugs are fixed in a later build.

But if you haven't changed anything on your UI and everything's working fine then you should not have to update at all.[/quote]