Thread: Low fps still
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05-21-09, 04:12 AM   #14
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Do you understand how dynamic memory and garbage collection work? There is no limit to how high memory can get in an application if it is using dynamic memory and the garbage collector is not running.

As for what "features" could cause that much memory usage... all of them... nUI is replacing every element of the user interface and tracking almost every action that occurs in the game for you and all of your party and raid members. Until I rewrote the event engine last week, it was using about 200k of dynamic memory a second to do that. That is now down to well under 1k per second, but it's still there. You can get to 30 meg in a big hurry if the garbage collector stops running.

Have you done the clean install yet?

EDIT: I should add, too, that how much memory a mod is using is irrelevant to performance except with regard to garbage collection. It's how the memory is used that counts. I'm not sure what you base your "I personally don't think it should be that high" statement on, but if you look at the features nUI provides and you build a collection of other mods that do that same thing, I'll guarantee you nUI uses less. But that doesn't matter. What matters is CPU load and code efficiency. You're hung up on a mostly meaningless number.

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Last edited by spiel2001 : 05-21-09 at 04:17 AM.