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01-10-06, 12:02 PM   #4
A Theradrim Guardian
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 66
I looked at that a while back and had the same questions, Cheshire. I'm reasonably sure it could be done with DAB.

Prior to 3.0, I think it looked like it would require a little bit of scripting (for the button reassignment part). Now you've got me wondering if it could be done with the new fancy conditionals.

Loz could probably answer that for sure, but since I'm thinking about spending some time on my Shaman again, I might just see if I can get something like that to work over the next few nights. If no one else comes up with a definitive answer before that point, I'll let you know what I work out.

Edit: After reviewing FlexTotem again, I'm pretty sure some of that is beyond me. (Beyond my passion for figuring things out if not beyond my abilities.) What I will try to do is some of the lesser pieces, namely replacing the buttons for the individual elements with the last totem cast. That's the part I always wanted myself, but I realize the timers and the stomping may be more important to others.

Last edited by Roane : 01-10-06 at 12:19 PM.
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